Summary: | The application of knowledge graphs has been restricted in some domains, especially the industrial and academic domains. One of the reasons is that they require a high reliability of knowledge, which cannot be satisfied by the existing knowledge graph research. By comparison, traditional knowledge engineering has a high correctness, but low efficiency is an inevitable drawback. Therefore, it is meaningful to organically connect traditional knowledge engineering and knowledge graphs. Therefore, we propose a theory from <b>A</b>ttribute <b>I</b>mplications to <b>K</b>nowledge <b>G</b>raphs, named <b>AIs-KG</b>, which can construct knowledge graphs based on implications. The theory connects formal concept analysis and knowledge graphs. We firstly analyze the mutual transformation based on the ideas of symmetry with a strict proof among the attribute implication, the formal context and the concept lattice, which forms the closed cycle between the three. Particularly, we propose an <b>A</b>ugment algorithm (<b>IFC-A</b>) to generate the <b>I</b>mplication <b>F</b>ormal <b>C</b>ontext through the attribute implication, which can make knowledge more complete. Furthermore, we regard ontology as a bridge to realize the transformation from the concept lattice to the knowledge graph through some mapping methods. We conduct our experiments on the attribute implication from the rule base of an animal recognition expert system to prove the feasibility of our algorithms.