Summary: | The Georgia 4-H program is the largest youth organization in the state andempowers youth participants to become autonomous and productive members ofsociety. 4-H involvement has been linked to positive youth development outcomes, including leadership and vocational skills, increased self-confidence, and meaningful relationships. The focus of this study was to identify key strengths ofthe 4-H program, as indicated by Foundation Advisory Board members (some ofwhom were 4-H alumni), to guide future programming and curriculum efforts.Strengths were examined through an appreciative inquiry using organizationalmeasures, including positive youth development as conceptualized by T he Five C’s Model (Lerner et al., 2000) and positive organizational behavior as conceptualized by the C . H.O .S.E. characteristics (Luthans, 2002). Through a modified Delphi approach, an expert panel (n =31) identified and reached consensus regarding perceived strengths of the Georgia 4-H program. Eighty-seven items were retained after the Delphi process and were analyzed using the constant comparative method (CCM). Of these 87 items, 41 received a unanimous individual consensus rating. Seven themes emerged following the CCM analysis, including 4-H Organization – General; 4-H Organization – Leadership andSupport; Leadership and Professional Development; Character and Life SkillsDevelopment; Youth Development; Diversity, Accessibility, and Inclusion; and Programming and Opportunities.