Summary: | ABSTRAK
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan percepatan gravitasi bumi lokal berbasis video tracking pada ayunan bandul sederhana. Penelitian ini menggunakan video pada eksperimen ayunan bandul sederhana. Video rekaman diimpor ke aplikasi Tracker untuk mendapatkan periode setiap percobaan dengan panjang tali berbeda. Data panjang tali (l) diukur secara manual dan periode (T) diperoleh melalui analisis video tracking. Data penelitian ditampilkan dalam tabel dan grafik. Analisis data menggunakan persamaan regresi linear antara kuadrat periode dan panjang tali. Besar percepatan gravitasi diperoleh melalui gradient dari persamaan linear kuadrat periode dan panjang tali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa besar percepatan gravitasi bumi lokal melalui analisis video tracking sebesar 9,735 ms-2.
Kata kunci: Ayunan Bandul, Video Tracking, Percepatan Gravitasi.
This study aims to determine the local earth's gravitational acceleration based on video tracking on a simple pendulum swing. This study uses a video on a simple pendulum swing experiment. The recorded videos are imported into the Tracker app to get the period of each trial with a different rope length. Data on rope length (L) was measured manually and period (T) was obtained through video tracking analysis. Research data is displayed in tables and graphs. Data analysis used linear regression equation between the square of the period and the length of the rope. The magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity is obtained through the gradient of the linear equation of the period and the length of the string. The results showed that the magnitude of the local earth's gravitational acceleration through video tracking analysis was 9.735 ms-2.
Keywords: pendulum swing, video tracking, acceletiation of gravitation