Summary: | The study evaluated Isatis tinctoria, I. constricta, I. glauca, I. cochlearis, I. aucheri and I. demiriziana during 2002-03 and 2003-04 growing seasons for different agronomic characteristics affecting the percentage of dye in them. The results showed wide variations in the agronomic characteristics of Isatis constricta, Isatis cochlearis, Isatis aucheri, Isatis demiriziana collected from wild; compared to culture Isatis tinctoria and Isatis glauca. I. tinctoria showed early emergence (36 day) compared to other species, and I. glauca was determined as late fl owering (512 day) species. Among Isatis species, I. glauca showed the maximum plant height (113.4 cm), stem diameter (10.84 mm) seed yield per plant (103.0 g ). Whereas, I. tinctoria produced the largest number of branches per plant (16.8 plant-1) and the maximum number of seeds (17918) per plant.