Summary: | The effects of earthquakes on groundwater and aquifer properties can be quantified and monitored using water-level changes produced by tides and barometric pressure. Tidal and barometric responses are particularly useful in evaluating the impacts of unexpected events, such as earthquakes, because the signals are continuously generated and recorded over large areas of the Earth’s surface. The techniques for the extraction of tidal and barometric signals from the water-level time series are described in many excellent papers, here, we focus on reviewing the hydrogeologic interpretations of, and earthquake impacts on, these responses. We review how hydrogeology and earthquakes impact the groundwater response to Earth tides, and changes in barometric pressure and barometric tides. Next, we review the current understanding of the mechanisms responsible for earthquake-induced changes in aquifer confinement and permeability. We conclude with a summary of open questions and topics for future research, notably the value in long-term monitoring and analysis of the earthquake response at multiple tidal and barometric frequencies.