Summary: | In the Medium-Earth-Orbit Synthetic Aperture Radar (MEO SAR), the curved trajectory and long synthetic aperture time lead to a two-dimensional spatial variation in the signals. Traditional methods usually process the range and azimuth variations separately, and the computational complexities are high. Herein, we study the Doppler rate distribution across a large scene and propose a non-orthogonal and nonlinear coordinate system wherein the MEO SAR signals satisfy the azimuth-shift–invariant property. Thus, the efficiency of the image formation processor can be significantly improved. The higher-order Doppler parameters are addressed by the Doppler linearization. Then, more precise focusing can be achieved, and the azimuth time-shift caused by the changes in signal distribution is addressed. Finally, the processing results of simulated stripmap-mode data with a 2-m resolution are presented to validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.