Summary: | Discrete-valued time series modeling has witnessed numerous bivariate first-order integer-valued autoregressive process or BINAR(1) processes based on binomial thinning and different innovation distributions. These BINAR(1) processes are mainly focused on over-dispersion. This paper aims to propose new bivariate distributions and processes based on a recently proposed over-dispersed distribution: the Poisson 2S-Lindley distribution. The new bivariate distributions, denoted by the abbreviations BP2S-L(I) and BP2S-L(II), are then used as innovation distributions for the BINAR(1) process. Properties are investigated for both distributions as well as for the BINAR(1) processes. The distribution parameters are estimated using the maximum likelihood method, and the BINAR(1)BP2S-L(I) and BINAR(1)BP2S-L(II) process parameters are estimated using the conditional least squares and conditional maximum likelihood methods. Monte Carlo simulation experiments are conducted to study large and small sample performances and for the comparison of the estimation methods. The Pittsburgh crime series and candy sales datasets are then used to compare the new BINAR(1) processes to some other existing BINAR(1) processes in the literature.