Summary: | 伴隨著資訊通訊科技的急速進展與網路社群的快速演化,網際網路法(Cyberlaw)也在短短十來年內歷經不少變化,致學者們常有跟不上腳步之嘆。本特別報導的目的,尌是要對本領域的重大發展做一概括性的介紹。從網際網路的管制結構,到智慧財產權、言論與內容管制、隱私權及網路犯罪及社會衝擊等主題,我們都嘗詴從最新的案例發展、立法動態及學說與理論的演變等層面加以報導,並提供初步的分析,冀望能給有心瞭解網路法最新動態的各界先進一個實用的鳥瞰圖。
Cyberlaw has made tremendous progress in recent years, following the footsteps of the technology and community that define its mission. Legal scholars in the field often lament that what you teach today will be outdated tomorrow, with only slight exaggeration. This special report aims to introduce the latest development in the field through the discussion of recent cases, legislative activities, and theoretical progresses covering topics of infrastructure, intellectual properties, speech and content regulation, privacy, cybercrime and social impact.