Summary: | The article combines theoretical analysis with the empirical research and discusses the role of academic book in the process of academic socialization. The interpretation of the role of academic book depends on the conceptualization of the process of socialization. Therefore opposite approaches of academic socialization are discussed. If functionalism treats socialization as an adoptionto the fixed societal roles, constructivism treats socialization as the development of distinct identity. The development of identity is not successive but includes different stages that do not consequentlyfollow one from another. The tropic nature of the discontinuous process of socialization is discussed. The interpretation of academic books by different according the level of academic socialization groups reveals different tropes that shape the different discourses and treatments of academic books. For Bachelor students the acquaintance with academic books is closely related with the building of professional self-identity. Critical and constructive evaluation of the Publishing Programme Books for an Open Society by Master degree and especially by Doctoral degree students, prove the Programme’s books to be an important factor of education of critical thinking, academic and professional socialization. Number of books of one academic discipline supported by the Programme could be considered as an indicator of the academic power of the discipline. The focus group discussions support the hypothesis that studies in the disciplines that have more academic power causes better academic socialization and quicker development of the professional self-identity.