Summary: | In recent years, cryptocurrency has increased in popularity in Indonesia. In Indonesia, based on data from the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag), until the end of May 2021, the number of investors in cryptocurrency assets or crypto money was 6.5 million people. This number has increased by more than 50 percent when compared to 2020 when there were 4 million people. The Pintu application is the first crypto mobile application in Indonesia that is committed to solving crypto investment problems, especially for beginners and ordinary people. Even though it provides benefits, investing in cryptocurrency can provide high profits. In an instant, it can also make a profit. The motion, which is like a roller coaster, requires strong mental readiness to invest in cryptocurrencies. This should also be a critical consideration for investors, especially young investors. Therefore, it is necessary to understand what factors contribute to building stronger attitudes and behavioral intentions toward the PINTU application. This research analyzes the data using the use of technology 2 method with the partial least square (PLS) analysis technique method, which will later be processed in the form of data results in the form of responses of the user when using the application. Facilitating conditions and social influence are the most influential indicators. The results of the study show that behavioral intention to adopt has a relationship with behavioral intention to recommend, and behavioral intention to adopt positively and significantly influences the intention to recommend.