Summary: | Magnetic induction tomography (MIT) is a contactless, low-energy method used to visualize the conductivity distribution inside a body under examination. A particularly demanding task is the three-dimensional (3D) imaging of voluminous bodies in the biomedical impedance regime. While successful MIT simulations have been reported for this regime, practical demonstration over the entire depth of weakly conductive bodies is technically difficult and has not yet been reported, particularly in terms of more realistic requirements. Poor sensitivity in the central regions critically affects the measurements. However, a recently simulated MIT scanner with a sinusoidal excitation field topology promises improved sensitivity (>20 dB) from the interior. On this basis, a large and fast 3D MIT scanner was practically realized in this study. Close agreement between theoretical forward calculations and experimental measurements underline the technical performance of the sensor system, and the previously only simulated progress is hereby confirmed. This allows 3D reconstructions from practical measurements to be presented over the entire depth of a voluminous body phantom with tissue-like conductivity and dimensions similar to a human torso. This feasibility demonstration takes MIT a step further toward the quick 3D mapping of a low conductive and voluminous object, for example, for rapid, harmless and contactless thorax or lung diagnostics.