Summary: | Introduction. The objective of this study is to examine the impact of the impregnation (with the aliphatic polyurethane water dispersion) degree on the deformation properties of the polyacetal, polyethylene terephthalate and polypropylene fibers based nonwoven needle-punched composite fabrics. Materials and methods. We investigated the deformation properties of the nonwoven fabrics manufactured from the 0.33 tex linear density fibers of: polyethyleneterephthalate (diameter 20–25 microns, according to TU 6-13-
0204077-95-91), polypropylene (diameter 27–30 microns, according to TU 2272-007-5766624-93) and the original polyacetal ones (diameter 18–22 microns). The nonwoven fabrics were obtained by the mechanical formation technique. The needlepunching surface density was 180 cm–2. The water dispersion of anionic stabilized aliphatic polyethyruretane (IMPRANIL DL 1380 (China)) with a dry
residue of 40% was used for the impregnation. The experimental samples’ linear dimensions were determined in accordance with the requirements of GOST 15902.2-2003. The sample’s thickness was determined by a thickness gauge with a pressure of 10 kPa and an instrumental error ~ 0.01 mm according to GOST 11358-70. The samples’ mechanical properties were determined in accordance
with the requirements of GOST 15902.3-79. Results and discussion. The fiber filler composition influence on the ob-tained (by the impregnation of polyethyleneterephthalate, polypropylene and polyacetal fibers based non-woven needle-punched fabrics with polyurethane aqueous dispersion) composite materials tensile resistance has been established. We found the impregnation degree (depending on the chemical nature of the fibers and on the direction of nonwoven fabrics formation) at which the tensile resistance
of the composite materials reaches the maximum value. It is demonstrated that, in the construction of buildings and structures, it is advisable to utilize materials based on composite polyacetal fibers. These materials exhibit higher tensile resistance compared to those based on polypropylene and polyethylene terephthalate at equivalent impregnation levels. Conclusion. The obtained optimal impregnation degree (at which the maximum tensile resistance of polyacetal fiber based composite materials was achieved) depends
on the direction of the non-woven fabric formation. The maximum tensile resistance was observed: in the transverse direction – at 0.44 and in the longitudinal direction – at 0.35 impregnation degree values