Summary:The article explains the necessity to transform monetary and credit policy as a result of creative, expedient, professionally orientated work of individual, professional community and national elite. Real economy and finance economy differ, they are dialectically interconnected and form respective basic systems. Sustainable functioning of economic and finance systems provides the foundation of social and cultural development and rise in nation welfare. The top management of the Bank of Russia, as a monetary authority, demonstrates its misunderstanding of the fact that it accepts initially conflicting postulates and later transforms them in concrete tools of pursuing monetary and credit policy. In the chain of historical events we can observe a line of causeandeffect relations, which predetermine historical process inevitability. What happened belongs to the past. However, it is necessary to draw conclusions by analyzing the historical experience, first of all it is essential for monetary authority, managerial, political, academic elite in order to understand the necessity of a new paradigm and to develop the concept of monetary and credit policy of Russia, which would comply with today’s realities, with complicated geo-political and geo-economic processes and would target at protection and guarantee of stability of the ruble, national finance system and national security.