Summary: | The paper presents the preliminary results of investigations on the process of degeneration of some field phytocoenoses of winter cereals and flax in central Poland, occurring under the mechanical, chemical and biotic influence of anthropopression (Tables 1-6). It is endeavoured to present, on the basis of analysis of the relations between degeneration symptoms in phytocoenoses of some associations characteristic for this part of Poland and the effect of human activity on the agroecosystem, the mechanism and consequences of this degeneration and to establish the trends and extent of this process (Table 6). This might be useful in: - appropriate management and protection of the field environment, - rational organisation of agricultural production. At the same time it was undertaken to distinguish, define and separate the forms of degeneration within the phytosociologicol units analysed. This may be of importance for: – a correct evaluation of the interrelations between the field phytocoenosis and the habitat, – evaluation and cartographic presentation of the productive values of field habitats.