Summary: | This paper aims at exploring the process of semantic shift in Compositional Cospecification with regards to the prototype effects found in the middle construction, understood as a prototype category which allows the subsumption of both central and peripheral members within the middle spectrum. The range covers structures from action- oriented to ergative-like ones, including their metonymic extensions. This paper is conducted through a corpus of contextualised examples (4500+) compiled with the Sketch Engine tool. By examining the lexical-semantic, discourse- pragmatic, and situational features that influence the process of constructional coercion, the family- resemblance analysis provided here reveals that different patterns in Compositional Cospecification can be found within the middle spectrum. The parameters examined are: (i) the qualia structure of the nominal; (ii) the semantics of the predicate in combination with the nature of the nominal; (iii) the semantic charge of the adjunct; and (iii) other external and contextual factors surrounding the construction.