Summary: | Summary:. Morel-Lavallée lesions and traumatic abdominal wall hernias seldom present together and have no standardized guidelines for treatment. We present a unique case of a traumatic abdominal wall hernia present within a patient’s abdominal Morel-Lavallée lesion, which was reduced and repaired with a dermal autograft. This is a novel approach to repairing a rare and unusual injury. The literature suggests that tension-free repairs with mesh should be used on delayed repairs of traumatic abdominal wall hernias. However, some advocate for primary repairs due to an up to 50% increased risk of wound infection in these injuries, even without the use of mesh. Although infection rates with the use of biologic mesh (acellular dermal matrices) in a contaminated field are lower than that of synthetic mesh, infections still occur and tend to be higher in repairs without mesh. The lack of foreign material and innate immunogenicity of the patient’s own dermis may theoretically decrease the risk of infection compared with other commercially-available and biologically-derived products. The patient is a 47-year-old woman who was in a motor vehicle accident with prolonged extrication time. She was hospitalized for approximately 6 months due to extensive injuries, but had no further complications from her Morel-Lavallée lesion or repair of her traumatic abdominal wall hernia with her own dermis.