Summary: | It is essential to assess the performance of a community under probable hazard scenarios and to provide possible performance enhancements. This requires establishing performance indicators, an assessment method, and an optimization technique to provide mitigation alternatives. In this paper, multiple performance indicators are utilized to assess the performance of a community building portfolio including loss, downtime, and environmental impact (e.g., CO<sub>2</sub> emissions). The performance of a community is assessed by utilizing a performance-based assessment methodology. Then, the performance indicators are utilized as performance objectives to be optimized considering non-dominated sorting and crowding distance evolutionary optimization techniques. The framework utilizes retrofit alternatives for each building in a community and provides Pareto-optimal solutions for considered performance objectives given retrofit cost. This process of performance assessment and optimization is repeated by utilizing the Monte Carlo approach to consider uncertainties. Finally, the Pareto-optimal solutions are utilized to evaluate the retrofit programs for community building portfolios in terms of considered performance indicators.