Summary: | In the present article the term “Jews” is shown as the interpretative key for the better understanding of history and theology of the Gospel of John. First the author makes analysis of the term “Jews” in the wider context of Jewish sources (Old Testament, Qumran texts, rabbinic literature, Josephus Flavius and Philon of Alexandria) and Christian sources (New Testament, patristic literature). Then the author describes the specific meaning of the term “Jews” which occurs 72 times in the Fourth Gospel. He distinguishes various meanings if this term (regional, general, ethnic and religious). He is especially interested in the negative use of this term in 37 texts of the Gospel of John. Connecting diachronical and synchronical methods in the interpretation of the term “Jews” he tries to answer on the questions: who are the Johannine “Jews”? and how is the function of the term “Jews” in the narrative of John? He makes analysis in historical, sociological, symbolical, narrative and psychological interpretation. On the basis of wide analysis of the Johannine “Jews” the author shows its important meaning for better understanding of historical and theological context of the Fourth Gospel.