Summary: | Wet Paddy (KDML 105 variety) was dried under different process conditions applying a pilot scale experimental gas-fired infrared dryer. The infrared radiation is expressed in terms of peak wavelength of infrared emitter, and the initialmoisture content of paddy were varied to study the drying behavior. Five existing mathematical models describing thin layer drying have been investigated. The experimental results were compared considering their goodness of fit in terms of coefficientof determination, R2, root mean square deviation, RMSD, and Chi-square, c2. The available thin layer drying models were fitted to the drying data resulting in the Modified Page Model being chosen, with a high average value of R2 =0.9952.This model was considered to be best fitted over other models, because it gave the lowest RMSD and c2 values, which were compared between the observed and predicted moisture ratios. A combined regression equation was developed to predictthe drying parameters k and n, which gave a good fit, with R2=0.9635 (k) and R2=0.9328 (n).