Summary: | he study is a part of a collective project focused on interpretation of the key Slovak literary works of the 20th c. The aim of it is to read known and in the case of a novel of František Hečko Červené víno (The Red Wine) also classicised works in confrontation with the previously made interpretations. The starting point for the interpretation is textological, a comparison of several editions of Červené víno (The red Wine), while the decisive conceptive differences are mostly between the first and all other following editions. The next step of our work was a typological identification of the work. We used a typology coming from M. M. Bachtin. The significant changes of the text of the first edition made by the author himself (1948), which are followed in the all the editions up to now, can be explained predominantly by outside circumstances, that means establishment of the Communist regime in 1948 and a radically new cultural politics, which negated hard plural model of literature having been respected until that time. Hečko adapted to this situation. He responded as an embattled socialistic writer and that was why he reduced in the novel much of what belongs to main natural resources of Červené víno (The Red Wine): motives, in which folk Catholicism had appeared, biblical lexical layer, as well as oral and ethic bases characteristic for the Christian cultural model. He changed markedly the end of the novel and he put into a class aspect –required by the period and regime. His changes were in contradiction of the former structure of the novel, which was based on the principles of how Bachtin identifies idyllic chronotop. The interpretation is an attempt to reveal of former conceptual bases of Hečko´s writing and to point out the non – organic changes in his novel which were required by the historical situation.