Summary: | In fusion reactor design, neutron leaks intensively from blanket material through a gap. In this streaming phenomenon, backscattering cross section is known to be very crucial. In the present study, the author's team carried out a new experiment for benchmarking the large angle scattering cross section of tungsten using a DT neutron source of OKTAVIAN facility, Osaka University, Japan. Tungsten-containing material is under consideration as the radiation shield in a fusion reactor. The experimental geometry consists of a DT neutron source, two shadow bars, niobium foil, and a tungsten target. Four irradiations were performed at a neutron energy of 14 MeV using DT neutrons to extract only the contribution of large angle scattering cross section. By using two shadow bars, room return contribution was effectively suppressed. Consequently, only backscattering neutrons were measured by using a niobium foil. In the present benchmark study, obtained experimental data were compared with numerical calculations by MCNP6 using various nuclear data libraries, including JENDL-4.0, JENDL-5, JEFF-3.3, and ENDF/B-VIII.