Summary: | The existence of the cometary meteoroid streams containing m-sized, high-strength meteoriteproducing meteoroids that open a pathway to deliver primitive materials to the Earth are considered. The light curve, mechanism of ablation and physical properties (mass, bulk densities, structural strength and terminal height) of meteoroid are very important information specifying under what circumstances it is possible to expect a meteorite landing. The multi-instrumental aspect of the collected observed data of an extremely bright slow-moving fireball of July 23, 2008 (Tajikistan) that has enabled us to study in detail the passage of this a m-sized cometary meteoroid through the Earth's atmosphere are used. The heliocentric orbit of the meteoroid was found to be similar to the mean orbit of the June Bootid meteor shower, whose parental comet is 7P/Pons-Winnecke. The conclusion that the July 23, 2008 event occurred over Tajikistan is a good candidate to recover of cometary meteorites are made.