Summary: | In this analysis mahua oil biodiesel isselected as one of the best alternative fuel to diesel.Transesterficiation processisusedforbiodieselproduction.Serious concern on the emissions, in particularthe nitrogen oxides (NOx), PM (particulate matters) and carbondioxide (CO2)led to think about additives to improve the overall performance. In this investigation additives are used to improve the performance, combustion and emission characteristics of Mahua biodiesel (B) and Diesel (D) blends. B20 blend is used as basic blend to compare the performance.Ethanol (E) and Propanol (P) used as additives indiesel-biodiesel blend with 5%,10% and 15%and tested in VCR diesel engine. Ethanol shown better performance in particular as compare to Propanol. The reduction of NOx, CO, CO2, HC emission in diesel engine and also increase performance in addition of 10% ethanol. From this conclude the result ethanol is alternative to improve efficiency of diesel engine by using the blended biodiesel.