Summary: | Remote sensing is a non-contact, long-distance detection technology. The reflection characteristics of a seismic wave can be used to detect remote and non-contact targets. Based on the reflection characteristics of a seismic wave, the underground structure in Tengchong Volcanic Area is explored. In order to further study the deep structure and magmatic activity of the crust in the volcanic area, we carried out a one-year mobile seismic observation. In this paper, nine broadband seismic stations were set up in the Tengchong Volcanic Area, and 3350 receiver function waveforms were collected. The crustal thickness, average wave velocity ratio, and Poisson’s ratio below these stations were calculated by the receiver function method, and the velocity structure near the Moho below these stations was evaluated. Combined with topographic data from SRTM3 (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission 3), this study reveals the dynamic relationship among crustal structure, crustal magmatism, and regional tectonic movement. Mantle upwelling plays an important role on the Moho uplift in the northern Tengchong Volcanic Area, and there are interconnected intracrustal magma chambers in the upper platform. The evaluation results of the Moho transition zone also indicate that the Dayingjiang fault is closely related to the tectonic activity of the Tengchong Volcanic fault.