Summary: | In a groundwater regime, the unsaturated zone acts as a complex system, for the simulation of subsurface water movement. Numerous attempts have been made in the field of hydrology, during the recent past in modeling the subsurface flow dynamics. Recharge through vadose zone takes place through three distinct parts viz. upper (recharge area), middle and lower (discharge parts). In order to understand the characteristic behavior of vadose zone over the infiltrating water front, an integrated approach of infiltration test and resistivity survey was attempted at 6 different sites with distinct geomorphology, in a semi-arid granite terrain. In this paper the authors have documented the compilation of double ring infiltration test results and its impact on shallow subsurface transient resistivity signature. Similar attempt can be extended in different geological terrain, wherein it would be helpful to ascertain the spatial distribution of recharge with limited spot recharge measurements. Keywords: Infiltration test, Resistivity survey, Vadose zone, Natural recharge