Summary: | This article is written on the basis of dissertation material for the scientific degree of candidate of psychological sciences (PhD), on the basis of handwritten material. The topic of the dissertation is “Social and psychological correction of suicidal conditions in persons of mature age”. Theoretical-methodological analysis of approaches to the problem of the suicidal condition in adults, was carried out in a modern, scientific environment. It is substantiated that the suicidal condition means temporary, situational or internally-conditioned disintegration of a personality which arises when one sees it as impossible to overcome obstacles in achievement of vital goals by using methods formed on the basis of previous life experience. It is indicative that the suicidal condition can be manifested by signs of decrease and inflexibility of social integration that leads to violations in interpersonal, social and professional spheres of the personality. The analysis as conducted allowed identifying characteristic features of suicidal conditions at the current stage of development of social and economic relations and identifying characteristic features of such conditions that indicate suicidal intentions. An important point is that in order to determine the real suicide risk in adults, it is necessary to take into account not only factors that contribute to suicide, but also predictors that deter suicidal states and act as protective factors against suicide.
On the basis of the research carried out in the dissertation material marks the connection of actual abilities of the person and ways of processing the conflict, which can lead to the formation and manifestation of behavioral reactions, in consequence of which there can be irreversible consequences in the form of suicide. As a result, the article analyzes the topic of the actual abilities of the person, which help cope with the oppressive situation, seemingly unsolvable. Special attention in the article is paid to the fact that due to actual abilities it is possible to form new views on the conflict leading to suicidal thoughts and to form a new vision of an “intolerable” conflict situation. The characteristic features of the PPT method being conflict-centered are highlighted and described; by applying a positive interpretation of the symptom arising from a highly stressful situation, it becomes possible to change the human condition from “intractable” to “solvable” and deactivate the intensity of suicidal thoughts, consequently lowering the risks and probability of suicidal thoughts to be carried out. Despair and the desire to end one’s life recede, which gives hope for a change in the life situation, through newly developed skills.
The principle of hope, is extremely important and is one of the fundamental concepts of PPT. In the article it is traced that through the use of situational encouragement and goal enlargement it becomes possible to identify the individuality and uniqueness of a given person, to clarify the life prospects of the future that will inevitably lead to the discovery of creative potentials inherent in this person, which were displaced or suppressed by situations of acute (macro) or chronic (micro) stress and trauma, resulting in “tunnel thinking”, which created a sense of “hopelessness” and no way out of the current situation
On the basis of the study, it was found that the use of the PPT method in work with suicidal people, gives great prospects for changes in the cognitive abilities of the personality, its perception and reaction to stressful situations, as well as the acquisition of new meanings of life and other ideas about its quality