Summary: | An optimization strategy for cached data offloading plays a crucial role in the edge network environment. This strategy can improve the performance of edge nodes with limited cache memory to serve data service requests from user terminals. The main challenge that must be solved in optimizing cached data offloading is assessing and selecting the cached data with the highest profit to be stored in the cache memory. Selecting the appropriate cached data can improve the utility of memory space to increase HR and reduce LSR. In this paper, we model the cached data offloading optimization strategy as the classic optimization KP01. The cached data offloading optimization strategy is then improved using a hybrid approach of three algorithms: LRU, ACO, and GA, called LRU-GENACO. The proposed LRU-GENACO was tested using four real proxy log datasets from IRCache. The simulation results show that the proposed LRU-GENACO hit ratio is superior to the LRU GDS SIZE algorithms by 13.1%, 26.96%, 53.78%, and 81.69%, respectively. The proposed LRU-GENACO method also reduces the average latency by 25.27%.