Summary: | Intracellular forms of chylomicrons, very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) and high density lipoprotein (HDL) have previously been isolated from the rat intestine. These intracellular particles are likely to be nascent precursors of secreted lipoproteins. To study the distribution of intracellular apolipoprotein among nascent lipoproteins, a method to isolate intracellular lipoproteins was developed and validated. The method consists of suspending isolated enterocytes in hypotonic buffer containing a lipase inhibitor, rupturing cell membranes by nitrogen cavitation, and isolating lipoproteins by sequential ultracentrifugation. ApoB and apoA-I mass are determined by radioimmunoassay and newly synthesized apolipoprotein characterized following [3H]leucine intraduodenal infusion. Intracellular chylomicron, VLDL, low density lipoprotein (LDL), and HDL fractions were isolated and found to contain apoB, and apoA-IV, and apoA-I. In the fasted animal, less than 10% of total intracellular apoB and apoA-I was bound to lipoproteins and 7% of apoB and 35% of apoA-I was contained in the d 1.21 g/ml infranatant. The remainder of intracellular apolipoprotein was in the pellets of centrifugation. Lipid feeding doubled the percentage of intracellular apoA-I bound to lipoproteins and increased the percentage of intracellular apoB bound to lipoproteins by 65%. Following lipid feeding, the most significant increase was in the chylomicron apoB and HDL apoA-I fractions. These data suggest that in the fasting state, 90% of intracellular apoB and apoA-I is not bound to lipoproteins. Lipid feeding shifts intracellular apolipoprotein onto lipoproteins, but most intracellular apolipoprotein remains non-lipoprotein bound. The constant presence of a large non-lipoprotein-bound pool suggests that apolipoprotein synthesis is not the rate limiting step in lipoprotein assembly or secretion.