Summary: | Millimeter wave (mmWave) communication is a key technology for fifth generation (5G) and beyond communication networks. However, the communication quality of the radio link can be largely affected by rain attenuation, which should be carefully taken into consideration when calculating the link budget. In this paper, we present results of weather data collected with a PWS100 disdrometer and mmWave channel measurements at 25.84 GHz (K band) and 77.52 GHz (E band) using a custom-designed channel sounder. The rain statistics, including rain intensity, rain events, and rain drop size distribution (DSD) are investigated for one year. The rain attenuation is predicted using the DSD model with Mie scattering and from the model in ITU-R P.838-3. The distance factor in ITU-R P.530-17 is found to be inappropriate for a short-range link. The wet antenna effect is investigated and additional protection of the antenna radomes is demonstrated to reduce the wet antenna effect on the measured attenuation.