Summary: | In the wake of the 1994 Northridge and 1995 Kobe earthquakes, structural designers adopted performance-based engineering concepts instead of traditional deterministic design approaches. The primary change was to evaluate the design according to stakeholders’ interests instead of the engineering parameters. This evaluation process required a probabilistic estimation for the included variables at all design stages. The NHERI-SimCenter application framework provides generic solutions implemented in different hazard simulation problems. Seismic isolation is an efficient, proven technique for improving seismic performance by limiting drift ratios and reducing damage. During the design stage, seismic isolation-system parameters must be carefully calibrated to control different aspects of the response, and it is necessary to run multiple simulations and count for parameter uncertainties. This research introduced components for seismic isolation and incremental dynamic analysis procedures integrated with framework modules, such as uncertainty quantifications and damage and loss estimation. Furthermore, an illustrative case study was included to reflect the impacts of this development.