Summary: | Introduction Patients with trisomy 13 have multiple malformations, including urological anomalies, and severe cognitive and psychomotor disabilities. We conducted a ureteroureterostomy for a mid‐ureteral stricture due to a retroiliac ureter in a patient with trisomy 13. Case presentation A 6‐month‐old girl with trisomy 13 developed a urinary tract infection. Computed tomography for assessing recurrent urinary tract infection revealed a left mid‐ureteral stricture due to the retroiliac ureter. At the age of 2, a ureteroureterostomy was performed. Two years after surgery, the urinary tract infection did not recur. Conclusion Ureteroureterostomy is a safe procedure for children with trisomy 13 and multiple comorbidities. Surgical treatment should be considered for patients with trisomy 13 when agreed upon by the family and comorbidities are well‐controlled.