Summary: | The soil is a vital and valuable public resource that forms the foundation of a country's prosperity and supports its productivity. Its importance primarily derives from its essential role in agriculture, which is a key factor in a nation's economic growth and stability. In order to assess the effectiveness of corn as a protective crop in increasing resistance to soil erosion, a field experiment was conducted involving four treatment options for cotton crops. The first option served as a control, using the typical fertilizer rates found in local farming practices (N250 P150 K80), and growing cotton without any additional measures. The results depicted that Corn strips that were 20-25 meters wide were effective in shielding cotton crops from wind. The width of the cotton crop, however, varied from 130-135 meters, contingent upon the mechanical composition of the soil. Our observations suggested that the bulk of wind-borne dust (also known as “dust”) traveled at a height of 0-50 cm, which could enter the cotton plants and harm them.