Summary: | As impervious cover increases with urban development, stream channels are degraded by increased stormwater runoff, which negatively impacts stream habitat quality and benthic macroinvertebrate diversity. We examined the relationship between stream habitat diversity and aquatic insect taxa and trait richness and diversity at the watershed scale in 30 streams, covering a gradient of stream habitat quality. We then quantified the relationship between taxa and trait richness and diversity and seven microhabitats at the reach scale in ten streams with high habitat quality. We found that both taxa richness and diversity declined at a greater rate than trait richness and diversity along an in-stream habitat diversity gradient. Taxa richness was positively correlated with pools, runs, backwater, leaf packs, and riffles, while trait richness was positively correlated with runs, small wood, and riffles. Taxa diversity was positively correlated with pools and leaf packs while trait diversity was positively correlated with runs, leaf packs, small wood, and riffles. An indicator species analysis revealed that specific taxa and traits were associated with specific microhabitats or combinations of microhabitats. By correlating the taxa in urban streams with specific microhabitats, we can better evaluate the success of stream restoration in restoring stream function and in stimulating benthic macroinvertebrate recovery.