Search for a CP-odd Higgs boson decaying to Zh in pp collisions at s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector

A search for a heavy, CP-odd Higgs boson, A, decaying into a Z boson and a 125 GeV Higgs boson, h, with the ATLAS detector at the LHC is presented. The search uses proton–proton collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb−1. Decays of CP-ev...

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Main Authors: G. Aad, B. Abbott, J. Abdallah, S. Abdel Khalek, O. Abdinov, R. Aben, B. Abi, M. Abolins, O.S. AbouZeid, H. Abramowicz, H. Abreu, R. Abreu, Y. Abulaiti, B.S. Acharya, L. Adamczyk, D.L. Adams, J. Adelman, S. Adomeit, T. Adye, T. Agatonovic-Jovin, J.A. Aguilar-Saavedra, M. Agustoni, S.P. Ahlen, F. Ahmadov, G. Aielli, H. Akerstedt, T.P.A. Åkesson, G. Akimoto, A.V. Akimov, G.L. Alberghi, J. Albert, S. Albrand, M.J. Alconada Verzini, M. Aleksa, I.N. Aleksandrov, C. Alexa, G. Alexander, G. Alexandre, T. Alexopoulos, M. Alhroob, G. Alimonti, L. Alio, J. Alison, B.M.M. Allbrooke, L.J. Allison, P.P. Allport, A. Aloisio, A. Alonso, F. Alonso, C. Alpigiani, A. Altheimer, B. Alvarez Gonzalez, M.G. Alviggi, K. Amako, Y. Amaral Coutinho, C. Amelung, D. Amidei, S.P. Amor Dos Santos, A. Amorim, S. Amoroso, N. Amram, G. Amundsen, C. Anastopoulos, L.S. Ancu, N. Andari, T. Andeen, C.F. Anders, G. Anders, K.J. Anderson, A. Andreazza, V. Andrei, X.S. Anduaga, S. Angelidakis, I. Angelozzi, P. Anger, A. Angerami, F. Anghinolfi, A.V. Anisenkov, N. Anjos, A. Annovi, M. Antonelli, A. Antonov, J. Antos, F. Anulli, M. Aoki, L. Aperio Bella, G. Arabidze, Y. Arai, J.P. Araque, A.T.H. Arce, F.A. Arduh, J-F. Arguin, S. Argyropoulos, M. Arik, A.J. Armbruster, O. Arnaez, V. Arnal, H. Arnold, M. Arratia, O. Arslan, A. Artamonov, G. Artoni, S. Asai, N. Asbah, A. Ashkenazi, B. Åsman, L. Asquith, K. Assamagan, R. Astalos, M. Atkinson, N.B. Atlay, B. Auerbach, K. Augsten, M. Aurousseau, G. Avolio, B. Axen, M.K. Ayoub, G. Azuelos, M.A. Baak, A.E. Baas, C. Bacci, H. Bachacou, K. Bachas, M. Backes, M. Backhaus, P. Bagiacchi, P. Bagnaia, Y. Bai, T. Bain, J.T. Baines, O.K. Baker, P. Balek, T. Balestri, F. Balli, E. Banas, Sw. Banerjee, A.A.E. Bannoura, H.S. Bansil, L. Barak, S.P. Baranov, E.L. Barberio, D. Barberis, M. Barbero, T. Barillari, M. Barisonzi, T. Barklow, N. Barlow, S.L. Barnes, B.M. Barnett, R.M. Barnett, Z. Barnovska, A. Baroncelli, G. Barone, A.J. Barr, F. Barreiro, J. 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Huegging, T.B. Huffman, E.W. Hughes, G. Hughes, M. Huhtinen, T.A. Hülsing, N. Huseynov, J. Huston, J. Huth, G. Iacobucci, G. Iakovidis, I. Ibragimov, L. Iconomidou-Fayard, E. Ideal, Z. Idrissi, P. Iengo, O. Igonkina, T. Iizawa, Y. Ikegami, K. Ikematsu, M. Ikeno, Y. Ilchenko, D. Iliadis, N. Ilic, Y. Inamaru, T. Ince, P. Ioannou, M. Iodice, K. Iordanidou, V. Ippolito, A. Irles Quiles, C. Isaksson, M. Ishino, M. Ishitsuka, R. Ishmukhametov, C. Issever, S. Istin, J.M. Iturbe Ponce, R. Iuppa, J. Ivarsson, W. Iwanski, H. Iwasaki, J.M. Izen, V. Izzo, S. Jabbar, B. Jackson, M. Jackson, P. Jackson, M.R. Jaekel, V. Jain, K. Jakobs, S. Jakobsen, T. Jakoubek, J. Jakubek, D.O. Jamin, D.K. Jana, E. Jansen, R.W. Jansky, J. Janssen, M. Janus, G. Jarlskog, N. Javadov, T. Javůrek, L. Jeanty, J. Jejelava, G.-Y. Jeng, D. Jennens, P. Jenni, J. Jentzsch, C. Jeske, S. Jézéquel, H. Ji, J. Jia, Y. Jiang, J. Jimenez Pena, S. Jin, A. Jinaru, O. Jinnouchi, M.D. Joergensen, P. Johansson, K.A. Johns, K. 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King, S.B. King, J. Kirk, A.E. Kiryunin, T. Kishimoto, D. Kisielewska, F. Kiss, K. Kiuchi, E. Kladiva, M.H. Klein, M. Klein, U. Klein, K. Kleinknecht, P. Klimek, A. Klimentov, R. Klingenberg, J.A. Klinger, T. Klioutchnikova, P.F. Klok, E.-E. Kluge, P. Kluit, S. Kluth, E. Kneringer, E.B.F.G. Knoops, A. Knue, D. Kobayashi, T. Kobayashi, M. Kobel, M. Kocian, P. Kodys, T. Koffas, E. Koffeman, L.A. Kogan, S. Kohlmann, Z. Kohout, T. Kohriki, T. Koi, H. Kolanoski, I. Koletsou, A.A. Komar, Y. Komori, T. Kondo, N. Kondrashova, K. Köneke, A.C. König, S. König, T. Kono, R. Konoplich, N. Konstantinidis, R. Kopeliansky, S. Koperny, L. Köpke, A.K. Kopp, K. Korcyl, K. Kordas, A. Korn, A.A. Korol, I. Korolkov, E.V. Korolkova, O. Kortner, S. Kortner, T. Kosek, V.V. Kostyukhin, V.M. Kotov, A. Kotwal, A. Kourkoumeli-Charalampidi, C. Kourkoumelis, V. Kouskoura, A. Koutsman, R. Kowalewski, T.Z. Kowalski, W. Kozanecki, A.S. Kozhin, V.A. Kramarenko, G. Kramberger, D. Krasnopevtsev, M.W. Krasny, A. Krasznahorkay, J.K. Kraus, A. Kravchenko, S. Kreiss, M. Kretz, J. Kretzschmar, K. Kreutzfeldt, P. Krieger, K. Krizka, K. Kroeninger, H. Kroha, J. Kroll, J. Kroseberg, J. Krstic, U. Kruchonak, H. Krüger, N. Krumnack, Z.V. Krumshteyn, A. Kruse, M.C. Kruse, M. Kruskal, T. Kubota, H. Kucuk, S. Kuday, S. Kuehn, A. Kugel, F. Kuger, A. Kuhl, T. Kuhl, V. Kukhtin, Y. Kulchitsky, S. Kuleshov, M. Kuna, T. Kunigo, A. Kupco, H. Kurashige, Y.A. Kurochkin, R. Kurumida, V. Kus, E.S. Kuwertz, M. Kuze, J. Kvita, T. Kwan, D. Kyriazopoulos, A. La Rosa, J.L. La Rosa Navarro, L. La Rotonda, C. Lacasta, F. Lacava, J. Lacey, H. Lacker, D. Lacour, V.R. Lacuesta, E. Ladygin, R. Lafaye, B. Laforge, T. Lagouri, S. Lai, L. Lambourne, S. Lammers, C.L. Lampen, W. Lampl, E. Lançon, U. Landgraf, M.P.J. Landon, V.S. Lang, A.J. Lankford, F. Lanni, K. Lantzsch, S. Laplace, C. Lapoire, J.F. Laporte, T. Lari, F. Lasagni Manghi, M. Lassnig, P. Laurelli, W. Lavrijsen, A.T. Law, P. Laycock, O. Le Dortz, E. Le Guirriec, E. Le Menedeu, T. LeCompte, F. Ledroit-Guillon, C.A. Lee, S.C. Lee, L. Lee, G. Lefebvre, M. Lefebvre, F. Legger, C. Leggett, A. Lehan, G. Lehmann Miotto, X. Lei, W.A. Leight, A. Leisos, A.G. Leister, M.A.L. Leite, R. Leitner, D. Lellouch, B. Lemmer, K.J.C. Leney, T. Lenz, G. Lenzen, B. Lenzi, R. Leone, S. Leone, C. Leonidopoulos, S. Leontsinis, C. Leroy, C.G. Lester, M. Levchenko, J. Levêque, D. Levin, L.J. Levinson, M. Levy, A. Lewis, A.M. Leyko, M. Leyton, B. Li, H. Li, H.L. Li, L. Li, S. Li, Y. Li, Z. Liang, H. Liao, B. Liberti, P. Lichard, K. Lie, J. Liebal, W. Liebig, C. Limbach, A. Limosani, S.C. Lin, T.H. Lin, F. Linde, B.E. Lindquist, J.T. Linnemann, E. Lipeles, A. Lipniacka, M. Lisovyi, T.M. Liss, D. Lissauer, A. Lister, A.M. Litke, B. Liu, D. Liu, J. Liu, J.B. Liu, K. Liu, L. Liu, M. Liu, Y. Liu, M. Livan, A. Lleres, J. Llorente Merino, S.L. Lloyd, F. Lo Sterzo, E. Lobodzinska, P. Loch, W.S. Lockman, F.K. Loebinger, A.E. Loevschall-Jensen, A. Loginov, T. Lohse, K. Lohwasser, M. Lokajicek, B.A. Long, J.D. Long, R.E. Long, K.A. Looper, L. Lopes, D. Lopez Mateos, B. Lopez Paredes, I. Lopez Paz, J. Lorenz, N. Lorenzo Martinez, M. Losada, P. Loscutoff, P.J. Lösel, X. Lou, A. Lounis, J. Love, P.A. Love, N. Lu, H.J. Lubatti, C. Luci, A. Lucotte, F. Luehring, W. Lukas, L. Luminari, O. Lundberg, B. Lund-Jensen, M. Lungwitz, D. Lynn, R. Lysak, E. Lytken, H. Ma, L.L. Ma, G. Maccarrone, A. Macchiolo, C.M. Macdonald, J. Machado Miguens, D. Macina, D. Madaffari, R. Madar, H.J. Maddocks, W.F. Mader, A. Madsen, T. Maeno, A. Maevskiy, E. Magradze, K. Mahboubi, J. Mahlstedt, S. Mahmoud, C. Maiani, C. Maidantchik, A.A. Maier, T. Maier, A. Maio, S. Majewski, Y. Makida, N. Makovec, B. Malaescu, Pa. Malecki, V.P. Maleev, F. Malek, U. Mallik, D. Malon, C. Malone, S. Maltezos, V.M. Malyshev, S. Malyukov, J. Mamuzic, B. Mandelli, L. Mandelli, I. Mandić, R. Mandrysch, J. Maneira, A. Manfredini, L. Manhaes de Andrade Filho, J. Manjarres Ramos, A. Mann, P.M. Manning, A. Manousakis-Katsikakis, B. Mansoulie, R. Mantifel, M. Mantoani, L. Mapelli, L. March, G. Marchiori, M. Marcisovsky, C.P. Marino, M. Marjanovic, F. Marroquim, S.P. Marsden, Z. Marshall, L.F. Marti, S. Marti-Garcia, B. Martin, T.A. Martin, V.J. Martin, B. Martin dit Latour, H. Martinez, M. Martinez, S. Martin-Haugh, V.S. Martoiu, A.C. Martyniuk, M. Marx, F. Marzano, A. Marzin, L. Masetti, T. Mashimo, R. Mashinistov, J. Masik, A.L. Maslennikov, I. Massa, L. Massa, N. Massol, P. Mastrandrea, A. Mastroberardino, T. Masubuchi, P. Mättig, J. Mattmann, J. Maurer, S.J. Maxfield, D.A. Maximov, R. Mazini, S.M. Mazza, L. Mazzaferro, G. Mc Goldrick, S.P. Mc Kee, A. McCarn, R.L. McCarthy, T.G. McCarthy, N.A. McCubbin, K.W. McFarlane, J.A. Mcfayden, G. Mchedlidze, S.J. McMahon, R.A. McPherson, J. Mechnich, M. Medinnis, S. Meehan, S. Mehlhase, A. Mehta, K. Meier, C. Meineck, B. Meirose, C. Melachrinos, B.R. Mellado Garcia, F. Meloni, A. Mengarelli, S. Menke, E. Meoni, K.M. Mercurio, S. Mergelmeyer, N. Meric, P. Mermod, L. Merola, C. Meroni, F.S. Merritt, H. Merritt, A. Messina, J. Metcalfe, A.S. Mete, C. Meyer, J-P. Meyer, J. Meyer, R.P. Middleton, S. Migas, S. Miglioranzi, L. Mijović, G. Mikenberg, M. Mikestikova, M. Mikuž, A. Milic, D.W. Miller, C. Mills, A. Milov, D.A. Milstead, A.A. Minaenko, Y. Minami, I.A. Minashvili, A.I. Mincer, B. Mindur, M. Mineev, Y. Ming, L.M. Mir, G. Mirabelli, T. Mitani, J. Mitrevski, V.A. Mitsou, A. Miucci, P.S. Miyagawa, J.U. Mjörnmark, T. Moa, K. Mochizuki, S. Mohapatra, W. Mohr, S. Molander, R. Moles-Valls, K. Mönig, C. Monini, J. Monk, E. Monnier, J. Montejo Berlingen, F. Monticelli, S. Monzani, R.W. Moore, N. Morange, D. Moreno, M. Moreno Llácer, P. Morettini, M. Morgenstern, M. Morii, V. Morisbak, S. Moritz, A.K. Morley, G. Mornacchi, J.D. Morris, A. Morton, L. Morvaj, H.G. Moser, M. Mosidze, J. Moss, K. Motohashi, R. Mount, E. Mountricha, S.V. Mouraviev, E.J.W. Moyse, S. Muanza, R.D. Mudd, F. Mueller, J. Mueller, K. Mueller, R.S.P. Mueller, T. Mueller, D. Muenstermann, P. Mullen, Y. Munwes, J.A. Murillo Quijada, W.J. Murray, H. Musheghyan, E. Musto, A.G. Myagkov, M. Myska, O. Nackenhorst, J. Nadal, K. Nagai, R. Nagai, Y. Nagai, K. Nagano, A. Nagarkar, Y. Nagasaka, K. Nagata, M. Nagel, E. Nagy, A.M. Nairz, Y. Nakahama, K. Nakamura, T. Nakamura, I. Nakano, H. Namasivayam, G. Nanava, R.F. Naranjo Garcia, R. Narayan, T. Nattermann, T. Naumann, G. Navarro, R. Nayyar, H.A. Neal, P.Yu. Nechaeva, T.J. Neep, P.D. Nef, A. Negri, M. Negrini, S. Nektarijevic, C. Nellist, A. Nelson, S. Nemecek, P. Nemethy, A.A. Nepomuceno, M. Nessi, M.S. Neubauer, M. Neumann, R.M. Neves, P. Nevski, P.R. Newman, D.H. Nguyen, R.B. Nickerson, R. Nicolaidou, B. Nicquevert, J. Nielsen, N. Nikiforou, A. Nikiforov, V. Nikolaenko, I. Nikolic-Audit, K. Nikolopoulos, P. Nilsson, Y. Ninomiya, A. Nisati, R. Nisius, T. Nobe, M. Nomachi, I. Nomidis, T. Nooney, S. Norberg, M. Nordberg, O. Novgorodova, S. Nowak, M. Nozaki, L. Nozka, K. Ntekas, G. Nunes Hanninger, T. Nunnemann, E. Nurse, F. Nuti, B.J. O'Brien, F. O'grady, D.C. O'Neil, V. O'Shea, F.G. Oakham, H. Oberlack, T. Obermann, J. Ocariz, A. Ochi, I. Ochoa, S. Oda, S. Odaka, H. Ogren, A. Oh, S.H. Oh, C.C. Ohm, H. Ohman, H. Oide, W. Okamura, H. Okawa, Y. Okumura, T. Okuyama, A. Olariu, A.G. Olchevski, S.A. Olivares Pino, D. Oliveira Damazio, E. Oliver Garcia, A. Olszewski, J. Olszowska, A. Onofre, P.U.E. Onyisi, C.J. Oram, M.J. Oreglia, Y. Oren, D. Orestano, N. Orlando, C. Oropeza Barrera, R.S. Orr, B. Osculati, R. Ospanov, G. Otero y Garzon, H. Otono, M. Ouchrif, E.A. Ouellette, F. Ould-Saada, A. Ouraou, K.P. Oussoren, Q. Ouyang, A. Ovcharova, M. Owen, R.E. Owen, V.E. Ozcan, N. Ozturk, K. Pachal, A. Pacheco Pages, C. Padilla Aranda, M. Pagáčová, S. Pagan Griso, E. Paganis, C. Pahl, F. Paige, P. Pais, K. Pajchel, G. Palacino, S. Palestini, M. Palka, D. Pallin, A. Palma, Y.B. Pan, E. Panagiotopoulou, C.E. Pandini, J.G. Panduro Vazquez, P. Pani, N. Panikashvili, S. Panitkin, L. Paolozzi, Th.D. Papadopoulou, K. Papageorgiou, A. Paramonov, D. Paredes Hernandez, M.A. Parker, K.A. Parker, F. Parodi, J.A. Parsons, U. Parzefall, E. Pasqualucci, S. Passaggio, F. Pastore, Fr. Pastore, G. Pásztor, S. Pataraia, N.D. Patel, J.R. Pater, T. Pauly, J. Pearce, L.E. Pedersen, M. Pedersen, S. Pedraza Lopez, R. Pedro, S.V. Peleganchuk, D. Pelikan, H. Peng, B. Penning, J. Penwell, D.V. Perepelitsa, E. Perez Codina, M.T. Pérez García-Estañ, L. Perini, H. Pernegger, S. Perrella, R. Peschke, V.D. Peshekhonov, K. Peters, R.F.Y. Peters, B.A. Petersen, T.C. Petersen, E. Petit, A. Petridis, C. Petridou, E. Petrolo, F. Petrucci, N.E. Pettersson, R. Pezoa, P.W. Phillips, G. Piacquadio, E. Pianori, A. Picazio, E. Piccaro, M. Piccinini, M.A. Pickering, R. Piegaia, D.T. Pignotti, J.E. Pilcher, A.D. Pilkington, J. Pina, M. Pinamonti, J.L. Pinfold, A. Pingel, B. Pinto, S. Pires, M. Pitt, C. Pizio, L. Plazak, M.-A. Pleier, V. Pleskot, E. Plotnikova, P. Plucinski, D. Pluth, R. Poettgen, L. Poggioli, D. Pohl, G. Polesello, A. Policicchio, R. Polifka, A. Polini, C.S. Pollard, V. Polychronakos, K. Pommès, L. Pontecorvo, B.G. Pope, G.A. Popeneciu, D.S. Popovic, A. Poppleton, S. Pospisil, K. Potamianos, I.N. Potrap, C.J. Potter, C.T. Potter, G. Poulard, J. Poveda, V. Pozdnyakov, P. Pralavorio, A. Pranko, S. Prasad, S. Prell, D. Price, J. Price, L.E. Price, M. Primavera, S. Prince, M. Proissl, K. Prokofiev, F. Prokoshin, E. Protopapadaki, S. Protopopescu, J. Proudfoot, M. Przybycien, E. Ptacek, D. Puddu, E. Pueschel, D. Puldon, M. Purohit, P. Puzo, J. Qian, G. Qin, Y. Qin, A. Quadt, D.R. Quarrie, W.B. Quayle, M. Queitsch-Maitland, D. Quilty, A. Qureshi, V. Radeka, V. Radescu, S.K. Radhakrishnan, P. Radloff, P. Rados, F. Ragusa, G. Rahal, S. Rajagopalan, M. Rammensee, C. Rangel-Smith, F. Rauscher, S. Rave, T.C. Rave, T. Ravenscroft, M. Raymond, A.L. Read, N.P. Readioff, D.M. Rebuzzi, A. Redelbach, G. Redlinger, R. Reece, K. Reeves, L. Rehnisch, H. Reisin, M. Relich, C. Rembser, H. Ren, A. Renaud, M. Rescigno, S. Resconi, O.L. Rezanova, P. Reznicek, R. Rezvani, R. Richter, E. Richter-Was, M. Ridel, P. Rieck, C.J. Riegel, J. Rieger, M. Rijssenbeek, A. Rimoldi, L. Rinaldi, E. Ritsch, I. Riu, F. Rizatdinova, E. Rizvi, S.H. Robertson, A. Robichaud-Veronneau, D. Robinson, J.E.M. Robinson, A. Robson, C. Roda, L. Rodrigues, S. Roe, O. Røhne, S. Rolli, A. Romaniouk, M. Romano, S.M. Romano Saez, E. Romero Adam, N. Rompotis, M. Ronzani, L. Roos, E. Ros, S. Rosati, K. Rosbach, P. Rose, P.L. Rosendahl, O. Rosenthal, V. Rossetti, E. Rossi, L.P. Rossi, R. Rosten, M. Rotaru, I. Roth, J. Rothberg, D. Rousseau, C.R. Royon, A. Rozanov, Y. Rozen, X. Ruan, F. Rubbo, I. Rubinskiy, V.I. Rud, C. Rudolph, M.S. Rudolph, F. Rühr, A. Ruiz-Martinez, Z. Rurikova, N.A. Rusakovich, A. Ruschke, H.L. Russell, J.P. Rutherfoord, N. Ruthmann, Y.F. Ryabov, M. Rybar, G. Rybkin, N.C. Ryder, A.F. Saavedra, G. Sabato, S. Sacerdoti, A. Saddique, H.F-W. Sadrozinski, R. Sadykov, F. Safai Tehrani, M. Saimpert, H. Sakamoto, Y. Sakurai, G. Salamanna, A. Salamon, M. Saleem, D. Salek, P.H. Sales De Bruin, D. Salihagic, A. Salnikov, J. Salt, D. Salvatore, F. Salvatore, A. Salvucci, A. Salzburger, D. Sampsonidis, A. Sanchez, J. Sánchez, V. Sanchez Martinez, H. Sandaker, R.L. Sandbach, H.G. Sander, M.P. Sanders, M. Sandhoff, C. Sandoval, R. Sandstroem, D.P.C. Sankey, A. Sansoni, C. Santoni, R. Santonico, H. Santos, I. Santoyo Castillo, K. Sapp, A. Sapronov, J.G. Saraiva, B. Sarrazin, O. Sasaki, Y. Sasaki, K. Sato, G. Sauvage, E. Sauvan, G. Savage, P. Savard, C. Sawyer, L. Sawyer, D.H. Saxon, J. Saxon, C. Sbarra, A. Sbrizzi, T. Scanlon, D.A. Scannicchio, M. Scarcella, V. Scarfone, J. Schaarschmidt, P. Schacht, D. Schaefer, R. Schaefer, J. Schaeffer, S. Schaepe, S. Schaetzel, U. Schäfer, A.C. Schaffer, D. Schaile, R.D. Schamberger, V. Scharf, V.A. Schegelsky, D. Scheirich, M. Schernau, C. Schiavi, C. Schillo, M. Schioppa, S. Schlenker, E. Schmidt, K. Schmieden, C. Schmitt, S. Schmitt, B. Schneider, Y.J. Schnellbach, U. Schnoor, L. Schoeffel, A. Schoening, B.D. Schoenrock, A.L.S. Schorlemmer, M. Schott, D. Schouten, J. Schovancova, S. Schramm, M. Schreyer, C. Schroeder, N. Schuh, M.J. Schultens, H.-C. Schultz-Coulon, H. Schulz, M. Schumacher, B.A. Schumm, Ph. Schune, C. Schwanenberger, A. Schwartzman, T.A. Schwarz, Ph. Schwegler, Ph. Schwemling, R. Schwienhorst, J. Schwindling, T. Schwindt, M. Schwoerer, F.G. Sciacca, E. Scifo, G. Sciolla, F. Scuri, F. Scutti, J. Searcy, G. Sedov, E. Sedykh, P. Seema, S.C. Seidel, A. Seiden, F. Seifert, J.M. Seixas, G. Sekhniaidze, S.J. Sekula, K.E. Selbach, D.M. Seliverstov, N. Semprini-Cesari, C. Serfon, L. Serin, L. Serkin, T. Serre, R. Seuster, H. Severini, T. Sfiligoj, F. Sforza, A. Sfyrla, E. Shabalina, M. Shamim, L.Y. Shan, R. Shang, J.T. Shank, M. Shapiro, P.B. Shatalov, K. Shaw, A. Shcherbakova, C.Y. Shehu, P. Sherwood, L. Shi, S. Shimizu, C.O. Shimmin, M. Shimojima, M. Shiyakova, A. Shmeleva, D. Shoaleh Saadi, M.J. Shochet, S. Shojaii, S. Shrestha, E. Shulga, M.A. Shupe, S. Shushkevich, P. Sicho, O. Sidiropoulou, D. Sidorov, A. Sidoti, F. Siegert, Dj. Sijacki, J. Silva, Y. Silver, D. Silverstein, S.B. Silverstein, V. Simak, O. Simard, Lj. Simic, S. Simion, E. Simioni, B. Simmons, D. Simon, R. Simoniello, P. Sinervo, N.B. Sinev, G. Siragusa, A. Sircar, A.N. Sisakyan, S.Yu. Sivoklokov, J. Sjölin, T.B. Sjursen, M.B. Skinner, H.P. Skottowe, P. Skubic, M. Slater, T. Slavicek, M. Slawinska, K. Sliwa, V. Smakhtin, B.H. Smart, L. Smestad, S.Yu. Smirnov, Y. Smirnov, L.N. Smirnova, O. Smirnova, K.M. Smith, M.N.K. Smith, M. Smizanska, K. Smolek, A.A. Snesarev, G. Snidero, S. Snyder, R. Sobie, F. Socher, A. Soffer, D.A. Soh, C.A. Solans, M. Solar, J. Solc, E.Yu. Soldatov, U. Soldevila, A.A. Solodkov, A. Soloshenko, O.V. Solovyanov, V. Solovyev, P. Sommer, H.Y. Song, N. Soni, A. Sood, A. Sopczak, B. Sopko, V. Sopko, V. Sorin, D. Sosa, M. Sosebee, C.L. Sotiropoulou, R. Soualah, P. Soueid, A.M. Soukharev, D. South, S. Spagnolo, F. Spanò, W.R. Spearman, F. Spettel, R. Spighi, G. Spigo, L.A. Spiller, M. Spousta, T. Spreitzer, R.D. St. Denis, S. Staerz, J. Stahlman, R. Stamen, S. Stamm, E. Stanecka, C. Stanescu, M. Stanescu-Bellu, M.M. Stanitzki, S. Stapnes, E.A. Starchenko, J. Stark, P. Staroba, P. Starovoitov, R. Staszewski, P. Stavina, P. Steinberg, B. Stelzer, H.J. Stelzer, O. Stelzer-Chilton, H. Stenzel, S. Stern, G.A. Stewart, J.A. Stillings, M.C. Stockton, M. Stoebe, G. Stoicea, P. Stolte, S. Stonjek, A.R. Stradling, A. Straessner, M.E. Stramaglia, J. Strandberg, S. Strandberg, A. Strandlie, E. Strauss, M. Strauss, P. Strizenec, R. Ströhmer, D.M. Strom, R. Stroynowski, A. Strubig, S.A. Stucci, B. Stugu, N.A. Styles, D. Su, J. Su, R. Subramaniam, A. Succurro, Y. Sugaya, C. Suhr, M. Suk, V.V. Sulin, S. Sultansoy, T. Sumida, S. Sun, X. Sun, J.E. Sundermann, K. Suruliz, G. Susinno, M.R. Sutton, Y. Suzuki, M. Svatos, S. Swedish, M. Swiatlowski, I. Sykora, T. Sykora, D. Ta, C. Taccini, K. Tackmann, J. Taenzer, A. Taffard, R. Tafirout, N. Taiblum, H. Takai, R. Takashima, H. Takeda, T. Takeshita, Y. Takubo, M. Talby, A.A. Talyshev, J.Y.C. Tam, K.G. Tan, J. Tanaka, R. Tanaka, S. Tanaka, A.J. Tanasijczuk, B.B. Tannenwald, N. Tannoury, S. Tapprogge, S. Tarem, F. Tarrade, G.F. Tartarelli, P. Tas, M. Tasevsky, T. Tashiro, E. Tassi, A. Tavares Delgado, Y. Tayalati, F.E. Taylor, G.N. Taylor, W. Taylor, F.A. Teischinger, M. Teixeira Dias Castanheira, P. Teixeira-Dias, K.K. Temming, H. Ten Kate, P.K. Teng, J.J. Teoh, F. Tepel, S. Terada, K. Terashi, J. Terron, S. Terzo, M. Testa, R.J. Teuscher, J. Therhaag, T. Theveneaux-Pelzer, J.P. Thomas, J. Thomas-Wilsker, E.N. Thompson, P.D. Thompson, R.J. Thompson, A.S. Thompson, L.A. Thomsen, E. Thomson, M. Thomson, W.M. Thong, R.P. Thun, F. Tian, M.J. Tibbetts, R.E. Ticse Torres, V.O. Tikhomirov, Yu.A. Tikhonov, S. Timoshenko, E. Tiouchichine, P. Tipton, S. Tisserant, T. Todorov, S. Todorova-Nova, J. Tojo, S. Tokár, K. Tokushuku, K. Tollefson, E. Tolley, L. Tomlinson, M. Tomoto, L. Tompkins, K. Toms, N.D. Topilin, E. Torrence, H. Torres, E. Torró Pastor, J. Toth, F. Touchard, D.R. Tovey, H.L. Tran, T. Trefzger, L. Tremblet, A. Tricoli, I.M. Trigger, S. Trincaz-Duvoid, M.F. Tripiana, W. Trischuk, B. Trocmé, C. Troncon, M. Trottier-McDonald, M. Trovatelli, P. True, M. Trzebinski, A. Trzupek, C. Tsarouchas, J.C-L. Tseng, P.V. Tsiareshka, D. Tsionou, G. Tsipolitis, N. Tsirintanis, S. Tsiskaridze, V. Tsiskaridze, E.G. Tskhadadze, I.I. Tsukerman, V. Tsulaia, S. Tsuno, D. Tsybychev, A. Tudorache, V. Tudorache, A.N. Tuna, S.A. Tupputi, S. Turchikhin, D. Turecek, R. Turra, A.J. Turvey, P.M. Tuts, A. Tykhonov, M. Tylmad, M. Tyndel, I. Ueda, R. Ueno, M. Ughetto, M. Ugland, M. Uhlenbrock, F. Ukegawa, G. Unal, A. Undrus, G. Unel, F.C. Ungaro, Y. Unno, C. Unverdorben, J. Urban, P. Urquijo, P. Urrejola, G. Usai, A. Usanova, L. Vacavant, V. Vacek, B. Vachon, N. Valencic, S. Valentinetti, A. Valero, L. Valery, S. Valkar, E. Valladolid Gallego, S. Vallecorsa, J.A. Valls Ferrer, W. Van Den Wollenberg, P.C. Van Der Deijl, R. van der Geer, H. van der Graaf, R. Van Der Leeuw, N. van Eldik, P. van Gemmeren, J. Van Nieuwkoop, I. van Vulpen, M.C. van Woerden, M. Vanadia, W. Vandelli, R. Vanguri, A. Vaniachine, F. Vannucci, G. Vardanyan, R. Vari, E.W. Varnes, T. Varol, D. Varouchas, A. Vartapetian, K.E. Varvell, F. Vazeille, T. Vazquez Schroeder, J. Veatch, F. Veloso, T. Velz, S. Veneziano, A. Ventura, D. Ventura, M. Venturi, N. Venturi, A. Venturini, V. Vercesi, M. Verducci, W. Verkerke, J.C. Vermeulen, A. Vest, M.C. Vetterli, O. Viazlo, I. Vichou, T. Vickey, O.E. Vickey Boeriu, G.H.A. Viehhauser, S. Viel, R. Vigne, M. Villa, M. Villaplana Perez, E. Vilucchi, M.G. Vincter, V.B. Vinogradov, J. Virzi, I. Vivarelli, F. Vives Vaque, S. Vlachos, D. Vladoiu, M. Vlasak, M. Vogel, P. Vokac, G. Volpi, M. Volpi, H. von der Schmitt, H. von Radziewski, E. von Toerne, V. Vorobel, K. Vorobev, M. Vos, R. Voss, J.H. Vossebeld, N. Vranjes, M. Vranjes Milosavljevic, V. Vrba, M. Vreeswijk, R. Vuillermet, I. Vukotic, Z. Vykydal, P. Wagner, W. Wagner, H. Wahlberg, S. Wahrmund, J. Wakabayashi, J. Walder, R. Walker, W. Walkowiak, C. Wang, F. Wang, H. Wang, J. Wang, K. Wang, R. Wang, S.M. Wang, T. Wang, X. Wang, C. Wanotayaroj, A. Warburton, C.P. Ward, D.R. Wardrope, M. Warsinsky, A. Washbrook, C. Wasicki, P.M. Watkins, A.T. Watson, I.J. Watson, M.F. Watson, G. Watts, S. Watts, B.M. Waugh, S. Webb, M.S. Weber, S.W. Weber, J.S. Webster, A.R. Weidberg, B. Weinert, J. Weingarten, C. Weiser, H. Weits, P.S. Wells, T. Wenaus, D. Wendland, T. Wengler, S. Wenig, N. Wermes, M. Werner, P. Werner, M. Wessels, J. Wetter, K. Whalen, A.M. Wharton, A. White, M.J. White, R. White, S. White, D. Whiteson, D. Wicke, F.J. Wickens, W. Wiedenmann, M. Wielers, P. Wienemann, C. Wiglesworth, L.A.M. Wiik-Fuchs, A. Wildauer, H.G. Wilkens, H.H. Williams, S. Williams, C. Willis, S. Willocq, A. Wilson, J.A. Wilson, I. Wingerter-Seez, F. Winklmeier, B.T. Winter, M. Wittgen, J. Wittkowski, S.J. Wollstadt, M.W. Wolter, H. Wolters, B.K. Wosiek, J. Wotschack, M.J. Woudstra, K.W. Wozniak, M. Wu, S.L. Wu, X. Wu, Y. Wu, T.R. Wyatt, B.M. Wynne, S. Xella, D. Xu, L. Xu, B. Yabsley, S. Yacoob, R. Yakabe, M. Yamada, Y. Yamaguchi, A. Yamamoto, S. Yamamoto, T. Yamanaka, K. Yamauchi, Y. Yamazaki, Z. Yan, H. Yang, Y. Yang, S. Yanush, L. Yao, W-M. Yao, Y. Yasu, E. Yatsenko, K.H. Yau Wong, J. Ye, S. Ye, I. Yeletskikh, A.L. Yen, E. Yildirim, K. Yorita, R. Yoshida, K. Yoshihara, C. Young, C.J.S. Young, S. Youssef, D.R. Yu, J. Yu, J.M. Yu, L. Yuan, A. Yurkewicz, I. Yusuff, B. Zabinski, R. Zaidan, A.M. Zaitsev, A. Zaman, S. Zambito, L. Zanello, D. Zanzi, C. Zeitnitz, M. Zeman, A. Zemla, K. Zengel, O. Zenin, T. Ženiš, D. Zerwas, D. Zhang, F. Zhang, J. Zhang, L. Zhang, R. Zhang, X. Zhang, Z. Zhang, X. Zhao, Y. Zhao, Z. Zhao, A. Zhemchugov, J. Zhong, B. Zhou, C. Zhou, L. Zhou, N. Zhou, C.G. Zhu, H. Zhu, J. Zhu, Y. Zhu, X. Zhuang, K. Zhukov, A. Zibell, D. Zieminska, N.I. Zimine, C. Zimmermann, R. Zimmermann, S. Zimmermann, Z. Zinonos, M. Zinser, M. Ziolkowski, L. Živković, G. Zobernig, A. Zoccoli, M. zur Nedden, G. Zurzolo, L. Zwalinski
Format: Article
Published: Elsevier 2015-05-01
Series:Physics Letters B
Online Access:
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author G. Aad
B. Abbott
J. Abdallah
S. Abdel Khalek
O. Abdinov
R. Aben
B. Abi
M. Abolins
O.S. AbouZeid
H. Abramowicz
H. Abreu
R. Abreu
Y. Abulaiti
B.S. Acharya
L. Adamczyk
D.L. Adams
J. Adelman
S. Adomeit
T. Adye
T. Agatonovic-Jovin
J.A. Aguilar-Saavedra
M. Agustoni
S.P. Ahlen
F. Ahmadov
G. Aielli
H. Akerstedt
T.P.A. Åkesson
G. Akimoto
A.V. Akimov
G.L. Alberghi
J. Albert
S. Albrand
M.J. Alconada Verzini
M. Aleksa
I.N. Aleksandrov
C. Alexa
G. Alexander
G. Alexandre
T. Alexopoulos
M. Alhroob
G. Alimonti
L. Alio
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L.J. Allison
P.P. Allport
A. Aloisio
A. Alonso
F. Alonso
C. Alpigiani
A. Altheimer
B. Alvarez Gonzalez
M.G. Alviggi
K. Amako
Y. Amaral Coutinho
C. Amelung
D. Amidei
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G. Azuelos
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K. Bachas
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M. Backhaus
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Sw. Banerjee
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J. Barreiro Guimarães da Costa
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D. Bertsche
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N. Besson
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S. Bethke
A.J. Bevan
W. Bhimji
R.M. Bianchi
L. Bianchini
M. Bianco
O. Biebel
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M. Biglietti
J. Bilbao De Mendizabal
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U. Blumenschein
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A. Bocci
C. Bock
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V. Boldea
A.S. Boldyrev
M. Bomben
M. Bona
M. Boonekamp
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G. Borissov
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J. Bortfeldt
V. Bortolotto
K. Bos
D. Boscherini
M. Bosman
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D. Boumediene
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I. Bozic
J. Bracinik
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G. Brandt
O. Brandt
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R. Brenner
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D. Bruncko
R. Bruneliere
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G. Bruni
M. Bruschi
L. Bryngemark
T. Buanes
Q. Buat
F. Bucci
P. Buchholz
A.G. Buckley
S.I. Buda
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M.K. Bugge
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P. Butti
W. Buttinger
A. Buzatu
S. Cabrera Urbán
D. Caforio
O. Cakir
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G. Calderini
P. Calfayan
L.P. Caloba
D. Calvet
S. Calvet
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S. Camarda
D. Cameron
L.M. Caminada
R. Caminal Armadans
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M. Campanelli
A. Campoverde
V. Canale
A. Canepa
M. Cano Bret
J. Cantero
R. Cantrill
T. Cao
M.D.M. Capeans Garrido
I. Caprini
M. Caprini
M. Capua
R. Caputo
R. Cardarelli
T. Carli
G. Carlino
L. Carminati
S. Caron
E. Carquin
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J. Carvalho
D. Casadei
M.P. Casado
M. Casolino
E. Castaneda-Miranda
A. Castelli
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P. Catastini
A. Catinaccio
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G. Cattani
J. Caudron
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M. Cavalli-Sforza
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B.C. Cerio
K. Cerny
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L. Cerrito
F. Cerutti
M. Cerv
A. Cervelli
S.A. Cetin
A. Chafaq
D. Chakraborty
I. Chalupkova
P. Chang
B. Chapleau
J.D. Chapman
D. Charfeddine
D.G. Charlton
C.C. Chau
C.A. Chavez Barajas
S. Cheatham
A. Chegwidden
S. Chekanov
S.V. Chekulaev
G.A. Chelkov
M.A. Chelstowska
C. Chen
H. Chen
K. Chen
L. Chen
S. Chen
X. Chen
Y. Chen
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Y. Cheng
A. Cheplakov
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R. Cherkaoui El Moursli
V. Chernyatin
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V. Chiarella
J.T. Childers
A. Chilingarov
G. Chiodini
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R.T. Chislett
A. Chitan
M.V. Chizhov
S. Chouridou
B.K.B. Chow
D. Chromek-Burckhart
M.L. Chu
J. Chudoba
J.J. Chwastowski
L. Chytka
G. Ciapetti
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D. Cinca
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Z.H. Citron
M. Ciubancan
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P.J. Clark
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Y. Coadou
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S. Cole
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G. Compostella
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A.M. Cooper-Sarkar
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G. Crosetti
T. Cuhadar Donszelmann
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C. Cuthbert
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P. Czodrowski
S. D'Auria
M. D'Onofrio
M.J. Da Cunha Sargedas De Sousa
C. Da Via
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T. Dai
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F. Dallaire
C. Dallapiccola
M. Dam
J.R. Dandoy
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M. Danninger
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A. Dattagupta
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I. Dawson
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R. de Asmundis
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F. De Lorenzi
L. De Nooij
D. De Pedis
A. De Salvo
U. De Sanctis
A. De Santo
J.B. De Vivie De Regie
W.J. Dearnaley
R. Debbe
C. Debenedetti
D.V. Dedovich
I. Deigaard
J. Del Peso
T. Del Prete
D. Delgove
F. Deliot
C.M. Delitzsch
M. Deliyergiyev
A. Dell'Acqua
L. Dell'Asta
M. Dell'Orso
M. Della Pietra
D. della Volpe
M. Delmastro
P.A. Delsart
C. Deluca
D.A. DeMarco
S. Demers
M. Demichev
A. Demilly
S.P. Denisov
D. Derendarz
J.E. Derkaoui
F. Derue
P. Dervan
K. Desch
C. Deterre
P.O. Deviveiros
A. Dewhurst
S. Dhaliwal
A. Di Ciaccio
L. Di Ciaccio
A. Di Domenico
C. Di Donato
A. Di Girolamo
B. Di Girolamo
A. Di Mattia
B. Di Micco
R. Di Nardo
A. Di Simone
R. Di Sipio
D. Di Valentino
C. Diaconu
M. Diamond
F.A. Dias
M.A. Diaz
E.B. Diehl
J. Dietrich
T.A. Dietzsch
S. Diglio
A. Dimitrievska
J. Dingfelder
F. Dittus
F. Djama
T. Djobava
J.I. Djuvsland
M.A.B. do Vale
D. Dobos
M. Dobre
C. Doglioni
T. Doherty
T. Dohmae
J. Dolejsi
Z. Dolezal
B.A. Dolgoshein
M. Donadelli
S. Donati
P. Dondero
J. Donini
J. Dopke
A. Doria
M.T. Dova
A.T. Doyle
M. Dris
E. Dubreuil
E. Duchovni
G. Duckeck
O.A. Ducu
D. Duda
A. Dudarev
L. Duflot
L. Duguid
M. Dührssen
M. Dunford
H. Duran Yildiz
M. Düren
A. Durglishvili
D. Duschinger
M. Dwuznik
M. Dyndal
K.M. Ecker
W. Edson
N.C. Edwards
W. Ehrenfeld
T. Eifert
G. Eigen
K. Einsweiler
T. Ekelof
M. El Kacimi
M. Ellert
S. Elles
F. Ellinghaus
A.A. Elliot
N. Ellis
J. Elmsheuser
M. Elsing
D. Emeliyanov
Y. Enari
O.C. Endner
M. Endo
R. Engelmann
J. Erdmann
A. Ereditato
D. Eriksson
G. Ernis
J. Ernst
M. Ernst
S. Errede
E. Ertel
M. Escalier
H. Esch
C. Escobar
B. Esposito
A.I. Etienvre
E. Etzion
H. Evans
A. Ezhilov
L. Fabbri
G. Facini
R.M. Fakhrutdinov
S. Falciano
R.J. Falla
J. Faltova
Y. Fang
M. Fanti
A. Farbin
A. Farilla
T. Farooque
S. Farrell
S.M. Farrington
P. Farthouat
F. Fassi
P. Fassnacht
D. Fassouliotis
A. Favareto
L. Fayard
P. Federic
O.L. Fedin
W. Fedorko
S. Feigl
L. Feligioni
C. Feng
E.J. Feng
H. Feng
A.B. Fenyuk
P. Fernandez Martinez
S. Fernandez Perez
S. Ferrag
J. Ferrando
A. Ferrari
P. Ferrari
R. Ferrari
D.E. Ferreira de Lima
A. Ferrer
D. Ferrere
C. Ferretti
A. Ferretto Parodi
M. Fiascaris
F. Fiedler
A. Filipčič
M. Filipuzzi
F. Filthaut
M. Fincke-Keeler
K.D. Finelli
M.C.N. Fiolhais
L. Fiorini
A. Firan
A. Fischer
C. Fischer
J. Fischer
W.C. Fisher
E.A. Fitzgerald
M. Flechl
I. Fleck
P. Fleischmann
S. Fleischmann
G.T. Fletcher
G. Fletcher
T. Flick
A. Floderus
L.R. Flores Castillo
M.J. Flowerdew
A. Formica
A. Forti
D. Fournier
H. Fox
S. Fracchia
P. Francavilla
M. Franchini
D. Francis
L. Franconi
M. Franklin
M. Fraternali
D. Freeborn
S.T. French
F. Friedrich
D. Froidevaux
J.A. Frost
C. Fukunaga
E. Fullana Torregrosa
B.G. Fulsom
J. Fuster
C. Gabaldon
O. Gabizon
A. Gabrielli
A. Gabrielli
S. Gadatsch
S. Gadomski
G. Gagliardi
P. Gagnon
C. Galea
B. Galhardo
E.J. Gallas
B.J. Gallop
P. Gallus
G. Galster
K.K. Gan
J. Gao
Y.S. Gao
F.M. Garay Walls
F. Garberson
C. García
J.E. García Navarro
M. Garcia-Sciveres
R.W. Gardner
N. Garelli
V. Garonne
C. Gatti
G. Gaudio
B. Gaur
L. Gauthier
P. Gauzzi
I.L. Gavrilenko
C. Gay
G. Gaycken
E.N. Gazis
P. Ge
Z. Gecse
C.N.P. Gee
D.A.A. Geerts
Ch. Geich-Gimbel
C. Gemme
M.H. Genest
S. Gentile
M. George
S. George
D. Gerbaudo
A. Gershon
H. Ghazlane
N. Ghodbane
B. Giacobbe
S. Giagu
V. Giangiobbe
P. Giannetti
F. Gianotti
B. Gibbard
S.M. Gibson
M. Gilchriese
T.P.S. Gillam
D. Gillberg
G. Gilles
D.M. Gingrich
N. Giokaris
M.P. Giordani
F.M. Giorgi
F.M. Giorgi
P.F. Giraud
D. Giugni
C. Giuliani
M. Giulini
B.K. Gjelsten
S. Gkaitatzis
I. Gkialas
E.L. Gkougkousis
L.K. Gladilin
C. Glasman
J. Glatzer
P.C.F. Glaysher
A. Glazov
M. Goblirsch-Kolb
J.R. Goddard
J. Godlewski
S. Goldfarb
T. Golling
D. Golubkov
A. Gomes
R. Gonçalo
J. Goncalves Pinto Firmino Da Costa
L. Gonella
S. González de la Hoz
G. Gonzalez Parra
S. Gonzalez-Sevilla
L. Goossens
P.A. Gorbounov
H.A. Gordon
I. Gorelov
B. Gorini
E. Gorini
A. Gorišek
E. Gornicki
A.T. Goshaw
C. Gössling
M.I. Gostkin
M. Gouighri
D. Goujdami
A.G. Goussiou
H.M.X. Grabas
L. Graber
I. Grabowska-Bold
P. Grafström
K-J. Grahn
J. Gramling
E. Gramstad
S. Grancagnolo
V. Grassi
V. Gratchev
H.M. Gray
E. Graziani
Z.D. Greenwood
K. Gregersen
I.M. Gregor
P. Grenier
J. Griffiths
A.A. Grillo
K. Grimm
S. Grinstein
Ph. Gris
Y.V. Grishkevich
J.-F. Grivaz
J.P. Grohs
A. Grohsjean
E. Gross
J. Grosse-Knetter
G.C. Grossi
Z.J. Grout
L. Guan
J. Guenther
F. Guescini
D. Guest
O. Gueta
E. Guido
T. Guillemin
S. Guindon
U. Gul
C. Gumpert
J. Guo
S. Gupta
P. Gutierrez
N.G. Gutierrez Ortiz
C. Gutschow
N. Guttman
C. Guyot
C. Gwenlan
C.B. Gwilliam
A. Haas
C. Haber
H.K. Hadavand
N. Haddad
P. Haefner
S. Hageböck
Z. Hajduk
H. Hakobyan
M. Haleem
J. Haley
D. Hall
G. Halladjian
G.D. Hallewell
K. Hamacher
P. Hamal
K. Hamano
M. Hamer
A. Hamilton
S. Hamilton
G.N. Hamity
P.G. Hamnett
L. Han
K. Hanagaki
K. Hanawa
M. Hance
P. Hanke
R. Hanna
J.B. Hansen
J.D. Hansen
P.H. Hansen
K. Hara
A.S. Hard
T. Harenberg
F. Hariri
S. Harkusha
R.D. Harrington
P.F. Harrison
F. Hartjes
M. Hasegawa
S. Hasegawa
Y. Hasegawa
A. Hasib
S. Hassani
S. Haug
R. Hauser
L. Hauswald
M. Havranek
C.M. Hawkes
R.J. Hawkings
A.D. Hawkins
T. Hayashi
D. Hayden
C.P. Hays
J.M. Hays
H.S. Hayward
S.J. Haywood
S.J. Head
T. Heck
V. Hedberg
L. Heelan
S. Heim
T. Heim
B. Heinemann
L. Heinrich
J. Hejbal
L. Helary
M. Heller
S. Hellman
D. Hellmich
C. Helsens
J. Henderson
R.C.W. Henderson
Y. Heng
C. Hengler
A. Henrichs
A.M. Henriques Correia
S. Henrot-Versille
G.H. Herbert
Y. Hernández Jiménez
R. Herrberg-Schubert
G. Herten
R. Hertenberger
L. Hervas
G.G. Hesketh
N.P. Hessey
R. Hickling
E. Higón-Rodriguez
E. Hill
J.C. Hill
K.H. Hiller
S.J. Hillier
I. Hinchliffe
E. Hines
R.R. Hinman
M. Hirose
D. Hirschbuehl
J. Hobbs
N. Hod
M.C. Hodgkinson
P. Hodgson
A. Hoecker
M.R. Hoeferkamp
F. Hoenig
M. Hohlfeld
T.R. Holmes
T.M. Hong
L. Hooft van Huysduynen
W.H. Hopkins
Y. Horii
A.J. Horton
J-Y. Hostachy
S. Hou
A. Hoummada
J. Howard
J. Howarth
M. Hrabovsky
I. Hristova
J. Hrivnac
T. Hryn'ova
A. Hrynevich
C. Hsu
P.J. Hsu
S.-C. Hsu
D. Hu
Q. Hu
X. Hu
Y. Huang
Z. Hubacek
F. Hubaut
F. Huegging
T.B. Huffman
E.W. Hughes
G. Hughes
M. Huhtinen
T.A. Hülsing
N. Huseynov
J. Huston
J. Huth
G. Iacobucci
G. Iakovidis
I. Ibragimov
L. Iconomidou-Fayard
E. Ideal
Z. Idrissi
P. Iengo
O. Igonkina
T. Iizawa
Y. Ikegami
K. Ikematsu
M. Ikeno
Y. Ilchenko
D. Iliadis
N. Ilic
Y. Inamaru
T. Ince
P. Ioannou
M. Iodice
K. Iordanidou
V. Ippolito
A. Irles Quiles
C. Isaksson
M. Ishino
M. Ishitsuka
R. Ishmukhametov
C. Issever
S. Istin
J.M. Iturbe Ponce
R. Iuppa
J. Ivarsson
W. Iwanski
H. Iwasaki
J.M. Izen
V. Izzo
S. Jabbar
B. Jackson
M. Jackson
P. Jackson
M.R. Jaekel
V. Jain
K. Jakobs
S. Jakobsen
T. Jakoubek
J. Jakubek
D.O. Jamin
D.K. Jana
E. Jansen
R.W. Jansky
J. Janssen
M. Janus
G. Jarlskog
N. Javadov
T. Javůrek
L. Jeanty
J. Jejelava
G.-Y. Jeng
D. Jennens
P. Jenni
J. Jentzsch
C. Jeske
S. Jézéquel
H. Ji
J. Jia
Y. Jiang
J. Jimenez Pena
S. Jin
A. Jinaru
O. Jinnouchi
M.D. Joergensen
P. Johansson
K.A. Johns
K. Jon-And
G. Jones
R.W.L. Jones
T.J. Jones
J. Jongmanns
P.M. Jorge
K.D. Joshi
J. Jovicevic
X. Ju
C.A. Jung
P. Jussel
A. Juste Rozas
M. Kaci
A. Kaczmarska
M. Kado
H. Kagan
M. Kagan
S.J. Kahn
E. Kajomovitz
C.W. Kalderon
S. Kama
A. Kamenshchikov
N. Kanaya
M. Kaneda
S. Kaneti
V.A. Kantserov
J. Kanzaki
B. Kaplan
A. Kapliy
D. Kar
K. Karakostas
A. Karamaoun
N. Karastathis
M.J. Kareem
M. Karnevskiy
S.N. Karpov
Z.M. Karpova
K. Karthik
V. Kartvelishvili
A.N. Karyukhin
L. Kashif
R.D. Kass
A. Kastanas
Y. Kataoka
A. Katre
J. Katzy
K. Kawagoe
T. Kawamoto
G. Kawamura
S. Kazama
V.F. Kazanin
M.Y. Kazarinov
R. Keeler
R. Kehoe
M. Keil
J.S. Keller
J.J. Kempster
H. Keoshkerian
O. Kepka
B.P. Kerševan
S. Kersten
R.A. Keyes
F. Khalil-zada
H. Khandanyan
A. Khanov
A. Kharlamov
A. Khodinov
A. Khomich
T.J. Khoo
G. Khoriauli
V. Khovanskiy
E. Khramov
J. Khubua
H.Y. Kim
H. Kim
S.H. Kim
N. Kimura
O.M. Kind
B.T. King
M. King
R.S.B. King
S.B. King
J. Kirk
A.E. Kiryunin
T. Kishimoto
D. Kisielewska
F. Kiss
K. Kiuchi
E. Kladiva
M.H. Klein
M. Klein
U. Klein
K. Kleinknecht
P. Klimek
A. Klimentov
R. Klingenberg
J.A. Klinger
T. Klioutchnikova
P.F. Klok
E.-E. Kluge
P. Kluit
S. Kluth
E. Kneringer
E.B.F.G. Knoops
A. Knue
D. Kobayashi
T. Kobayashi
M. Kobel
M. Kocian
P. Kodys
T. Koffas
E. Koffeman
L.A. Kogan
S. Kohlmann
Z. Kohout
T. Kohriki
T. Koi
H. Kolanoski
I. Koletsou
A.A. Komar
Y. Komori
T. Kondo
N. Kondrashova
K. Köneke
A.C. König
S. König
T. Kono
R. Konoplich
N. Konstantinidis
R. Kopeliansky
S. Koperny
L. Köpke
A.K. Kopp
K. Korcyl
K. Kordas
A. Korn
A.A. Korol
I. Korolkov
E.V. Korolkova
O. Kortner
S. Kortner
T. Kosek
V.V. Kostyukhin
V.M. Kotov
A. Kotwal
A. Kourkoumeli-Charalampidi
C. Kourkoumelis
V. Kouskoura
A. Koutsman
R. Kowalewski
T.Z. Kowalski
W. Kozanecki
A.S. Kozhin
V.A. Kramarenko
G. Kramberger
D. Krasnopevtsev
M.W. Krasny
A. Krasznahorkay
J.K. Kraus
A. Kravchenko
S. Kreiss
M. Kretz
J. Kretzschmar
K. Kreutzfeldt
P. Krieger
K. Krizka
K. Kroeninger
H. Kroha
J. Kroll
J. Kroseberg
J. Krstic
U. Kruchonak
H. Krüger
N. Krumnack
Z.V. Krumshteyn
A. Kruse
M.C. Kruse
M. Kruskal
T. Kubota
H. Kucuk
S. Kuday
S. Kuehn
A. Kugel
F. Kuger
A. Kuhl
T. Kuhl
V. Kukhtin
Y. Kulchitsky
S. Kuleshov
M. Kuna
T. Kunigo
A. Kupco
H. Kurashige
Y.A. Kurochkin
R. Kurumida
V. Kus
E.S. Kuwertz
M. Kuze
J. Kvita
T. Kwan
D. Kyriazopoulos
A. La Rosa
J.L. La Rosa Navarro
L. La Rotonda
C. Lacasta
F. Lacava
J. Lacey
H. Lacker
D. Lacour
V.R. Lacuesta
E. Ladygin
R. Lafaye
B. Laforge
T. Lagouri
S. Lai
L. Lambourne
S. Lammers
C.L. Lampen
W. Lampl
E. Lançon
U. Landgraf
M.P.J. Landon
V.S. Lang
A.J. Lankford
F. Lanni
K. Lantzsch
S. Laplace
C. Lapoire
J.F. Laporte
T. Lari
F. Lasagni Manghi
M. Lassnig
P. Laurelli
W. Lavrijsen
A.T. Law
P. Laycock
O. Le Dortz
E. Le Guirriec
E. Le Menedeu
T. LeCompte
F. Ledroit-Guillon
C.A. Lee
S.C. Lee
L. Lee
G. Lefebvre
M. Lefebvre
F. Legger
C. Leggett
A. Lehan
G. Lehmann Miotto
X. Lei
W.A. Leight
A. Leisos
A.G. Leister
M.A.L. Leite
R. Leitner
D. Lellouch
B. Lemmer
K.J.C. Leney
T. Lenz
G. Lenzen
B. Lenzi
R. Leone
S. Leone
C. Leonidopoulos
S. Leontsinis
C. Leroy
C.G. Lester
M. Levchenko
J. Levêque
D. Levin
L.J. Levinson
M. Levy
A. Lewis
A.M. Leyko
M. Leyton
B. Li
B. Li
H. Li
H.L. Li
L. Li
L. Li
S. Li
Y. Li
Z. Liang
H. Liao
B. Liberti
P. Lichard
K. Lie
J. Liebal
W. Liebig
C. Limbach
A. Limosani
S.C. Lin
T.H. Lin
F. Linde
B.E. Lindquist
J.T. Linnemann
E. Lipeles
A. Lipniacka
M. Lisovyi
T.M. Liss
D. Lissauer
A. Lister
A.M. Litke
B. Liu
D. Liu
J. Liu
J.B. Liu
K. Liu
L. Liu
M. Liu
M. Liu
Y. Liu
M. Livan
A. Lleres
J. Llorente Merino
S.L. Lloyd
F. Lo Sterzo
E. Lobodzinska
P. Loch
W.S. Lockman
F.K. Loebinger
A.E. Loevschall-Jensen
A. Loginov
T. Lohse
K. Lohwasser
M. Lokajicek
B.A. Long
J.D. Long
R.E. Long
K.A. Looper
L. Lopes
D. Lopez Mateos
B. Lopez Paredes
I. Lopez Paz
J. Lorenz
N. Lorenzo Martinez
M. Losada
P. Loscutoff
P.J. Lösel
X. Lou
A. Lounis
J. Love
P.A. Love
N. Lu
H.J. Lubatti
C. Luci
A. Lucotte
F. Luehring
W. Lukas
L. Luminari
O. Lundberg
B. Lund-Jensen
M. Lungwitz
D. Lynn
R. Lysak
E. Lytken
H. Ma
L.L. Ma
G. Maccarrone
A. Macchiolo
C.M. Macdonald
J. Machado Miguens
D. Macina
D. Madaffari
R. Madar
H.J. Maddocks
W.F. Mader
A. Madsen
T. Maeno
A. Maevskiy
E. Magradze
K. Mahboubi
J. Mahlstedt
S. Mahmoud
C. Maiani
C. Maidantchik
A.A. Maier
T. Maier
A. Maio
S. Majewski
Y. Makida
N. Makovec
B. Malaescu
Pa. Malecki
V.P. Maleev
F. Malek
U. Mallik
D. Malon
C. Malone
S. Maltezos
V.M. Malyshev
S. Malyukov
J. Mamuzic
B. Mandelli
L. Mandelli
I. Mandić
R. Mandrysch
J. Maneira
A. Manfredini
L. Manhaes de Andrade Filho
J. Manjarres Ramos
A. Mann
P.M. Manning
A. Manousakis-Katsikakis
B. Mansoulie
R. Mantifel
M. Mantoani
L. Mapelli
L. March
G. Marchiori
M. Marcisovsky
C.P. Marino
M. Marjanovic
F. Marroquim
S.P. Marsden
Z. Marshall
L.F. Marti
S. Marti-Garcia
B. Martin
T.A. Martin
V.J. Martin
B. Martin dit Latour
H. Martinez
M. Martinez
S. Martin-Haugh
V.S. Martoiu
A.C. Martyniuk
M. Marx
F. Marzano
A. Marzin
L. Masetti
T. Mashimo
R. Mashinistov
J. Masik
A.L. Maslennikov
I. Massa
L. Massa
N. Massol
P. Mastrandrea
A. Mastroberardino
T. Masubuchi
P. Mättig
J. Mattmann
J. Maurer
S.J. Maxfield
D.A. Maximov
R. Mazini
S.M. Mazza
L. Mazzaferro
G. Mc Goldrick
S.P. Mc Kee
A. McCarn
R.L. McCarthy
T.G. McCarthy
N.A. McCubbin
K.W. McFarlane
J.A. Mcfayden
G. Mchedlidze
S.J. McMahon
R.A. McPherson
J. Mechnich
M. Medinnis
S. Meehan
S. Mehlhase
A. Mehta
K. Meier
C. Meineck
B. Meirose
C. Melachrinos
B.R. Mellado Garcia
F. Meloni
A. Mengarelli
S. Menke
E. Meoni
K.M. Mercurio
S. Mergelmeyer
N. Meric
P. Mermod
L. Merola
C. Meroni
F.S. Merritt
H. Merritt
A. Messina
J. Metcalfe
A.S. Mete
C. Meyer
C. Meyer
J-P. Meyer
J. Meyer
R.P. Middleton
S. Migas
S. Miglioranzi
L. Mijović
G. Mikenberg
M. Mikestikova
M. Mikuž
A. Milic
D.W. Miller
C. Mills
A. Milov
D.A. Milstead
A.A. Minaenko
Y. Minami
I.A. Minashvili
A.I. Mincer
B. Mindur
M. Mineev
Y. Ming
L.M. Mir
G. Mirabelli
T. Mitani
J. Mitrevski
V.A. Mitsou
A. Miucci
P.S. Miyagawa
J.U. Mjörnmark
T. Moa
K. Mochizuki
S. Mohapatra
W. Mohr
S. Molander
R. Moles-Valls
K. Mönig
C. Monini
J. Monk
E. Monnier
J. Montejo Berlingen
F. Monticelli
S. Monzani
R.W. Moore
N. Morange
D. Moreno
M. Moreno Llácer
P. Morettini
M. Morgenstern
M. Morii
V. Morisbak
S. Moritz
A.K. Morley
G. Mornacchi
J.D. Morris
A. Morton
L. Morvaj
H.G. Moser
M. Mosidze
J. Moss
K. Motohashi
R. Mount
E. Mountricha
S.V. Mouraviev
E.J.W. Moyse
S. Muanza
R.D. Mudd
F. Mueller
J. Mueller
K. Mueller
R.S.P. Mueller
T. Mueller
D. Muenstermann
P. Mullen
Y. Munwes
J.A. Murillo Quijada
W.J. Murray
H. Musheghyan
E. Musto
A.G. Myagkov
M. Myska
O. Nackenhorst
J. Nadal
K. Nagai
R. Nagai
Y. Nagai
K. Nagano
A. Nagarkar
Y. Nagasaka
K. Nagata
M. Nagel
E. Nagy
A.M. Nairz
Y. Nakahama
K. Nakamura
T. Nakamura
I. Nakano
H. Namasivayam
G. Nanava
R.F. Naranjo Garcia
R. Narayan
T. Nattermann
T. Naumann
G. Navarro
R. Nayyar
H.A. Neal
P.Yu. Nechaeva
T.J. Neep
P.D. Nef
A. Negri
M. Negrini
S. Nektarijevic
C. Nellist
A. Nelson
S. Nemecek
P. Nemethy
A.A. Nepomuceno
M. Nessi
M.S. Neubauer
M. Neumann
R.M. Neves
P. Nevski
P.R. Newman
D.H. Nguyen
R.B. Nickerson
R. Nicolaidou
B. Nicquevert
J. Nielsen
N. Nikiforou
A. Nikiforov
V. Nikolaenko
I. Nikolic-Audit
K. Nikolopoulos
P. Nilsson
Y. Ninomiya
A. Nisati
R. Nisius
T. Nobe
M. Nomachi
I. Nomidis
T. Nooney
S. Norberg
M. Nordberg
O. Novgorodova
S. Nowak
M. Nozaki
L. Nozka
K. Ntekas
G. Nunes Hanninger
T. Nunnemann
E. Nurse
F. Nuti
B.J. O'Brien
F. O'grady
D.C. O'Neil
V. O'Shea
F.G. Oakham
H. Oberlack
T. Obermann
J. Ocariz
A. Ochi
I. Ochoa
S. Oda
S. Odaka
H. Ogren
A. Oh
S.H. Oh
C.C. Ohm
H. Ohman
H. Oide
W. Okamura
H. Okawa
Y. Okumura
T. Okuyama
A. Olariu
A.G. Olchevski
S.A. Olivares Pino
D. Oliveira Damazio
E. Oliver Garcia
A. Olszewski
J. Olszowska
A. Onofre
P.U.E. Onyisi
C.J. Oram
M.J. Oreglia
Y. Oren
D. Orestano
N. Orlando
C. Oropeza Barrera
R.S. Orr
B. Osculati
R. Ospanov
G. Otero y Garzon
H. Otono
M. Ouchrif
E.A. Ouellette
F. Ould-Saada
A. Ouraou
K.P. Oussoren
Q. Ouyang
A. Ovcharova
M. Owen
R.E. Owen
V.E. Ozcan
N. Ozturk
K. Pachal
A. Pacheco Pages
C. Padilla Aranda
M. Pagáčová
S. Pagan Griso
E. Paganis
C. Pahl
F. Paige
P. Pais
K. Pajchel
G. Palacino
S. Palestini
M. Palka
D. Pallin
A. Palma
Y.B. Pan
E. Panagiotopoulou
C.E. Pandini
J.G. Panduro Vazquez
P. Pani
N. Panikashvili
S. Panitkin
L. Paolozzi
Th.D. Papadopoulou
K. Papageorgiou
A. Paramonov
D. Paredes Hernandez
M.A. Parker
K.A. Parker
F. Parodi
J.A. Parsons
U. Parzefall
E. Pasqualucci
S. Passaggio
F. Pastore
Fr. Pastore
G. Pásztor
S. Pataraia
N.D. Patel
J.R. Pater
T. Pauly
J. Pearce
L.E. Pedersen
M. Pedersen
S. Pedraza Lopez
R. Pedro
S.V. Peleganchuk
D. Pelikan
H. Peng
B. Penning
J. Penwell
D.V. Perepelitsa
E. Perez Codina
M.T. Pérez García-Estañ
L. Perini
H. Pernegger
S. Perrella
R. Peschke
V.D. Peshekhonov
K. Peters
R.F.Y. Peters
B.A. Petersen
T.C. Petersen
E. Petit
A. Petridis
C. Petridou
E. Petrolo
F. Petrucci
N.E. Pettersson
R. Pezoa
P.W. Phillips
G. Piacquadio
E. Pianori
A. Picazio
E. Piccaro
M. Piccinini
M.A. Pickering
R. Piegaia
D.T. Pignotti
J.E. Pilcher
A.D. Pilkington
J. Pina
M. Pinamonti
J.L. Pinfold
A. Pingel
B. Pinto
S. Pires
M. Pitt
C. Pizio
L. Plazak
M.-A. Pleier
V. Pleskot
E. Plotnikova
P. Plucinski
D. Pluth
R. Poettgen
L. Poggioli
D. Pohl
G. Polesello
A. Policicchio
R. Polifka
A. Polini
C.S. Pollard
V. Polychronakos
K. Pommès
L. Pontecorvo
B.G. Pope
G.A. Popeneciu
D.S. Popovic
A. Poppleton
S. Pospisil
K. Potamianos
I.N. Potrap
C.J. Potter
C.T. Potter
G. Poulard
J. Poveda
V. Pozdnyakov
P. Pralavorio
A. Pranko
S. Prasad
S. Prell
D. Price
J. Price
L.E. Price
M. Primavera
S. Prince
M. Proissl
K. Prokofiev
F. Prokoshin
E. Protopapadaki
S. Protopopescu
J. Proudfoot
M. Przybycien
E. Ptacek
D. Puddu
E. Pueschel
D. Puldon
M. Purohit
P. Puzo
J. Qian
G. Qin
Y. Qin
A. Quadt
D.R. Quarrie
W.B. Quayle
M. Queitsch-Maitland
D. Quilty
A. Qureshi
V. Radeka
V. Radescu
S.K. Radhakrishnan
P. Radloff
P. Rados
F. Ragusa
G. Rahal
S. Rajagopalan
M. Rammensee
C. Rangel-Smith
F. Rauscher
S. Rave
T.C. Rave
T. Ravenscroft
M. Raymond
A.L. Read
N.P. Readioff
D.M. Rebuzzi
A. Redelbach
G. Redlinger
R. Reece
K. Reeves
L. Rehnisch
H. Reisin
M. Relich
C. Rembser
H. Ren
A. Renaud
M. Rescigno
S. Resconi
O.L. Rezanova
P. Reznicek
R. Rezvani
R. Richter
E. Richter-Was
M. Ridel
P. Rieck
C.J. Riegel
J. Rieger
M. Rijssenbeek
A. Rimoldi
L. Rinaldi
E. Ritsch
I. Riu
F. Rizatdinova
E. Rizvi
S.H. Robertson
A. Robichaud-Veronneau
D. Robinson
J.E.M. Robinson
A. Robson
C. Roda
L. Rodrigues
S. Roe
O. Røhne
S. Rolli
A. Romaniouk
M. Romano
S.M. Romano Saez
E. Romero Adam
N. Rompotis
M. Ronzani
L. Roos
E. Ros
S. Rosati
K. Rosbach
P. Rose
P.L. Rosendahl
O. Rosenthal
V. Rossetti
E. Rossi
L.P. Rossi
R. Rosten
M. Rotaru
I. Roth
J. Rothberg
D. Rousseau
C.R. Royon
A. Rozanov
Y. Rozen
X. Ruan
F. Rubbo
I. Rubinskiy
V.I. Rud
C. Rudolph
M.S. Rudolph
F. Rühr
A. Ruiz-Martinez
Z. Rurikova
N.A. Rusakovich
A. Ruschke
H.L. Russell
J.P. Rutherfoord
N. Ruthmann
Y.F. Ryabov
M. Rybar
G. Rybkin
N.C. Ryder
A.F. Saavedra
G. Sabato
S. Sacerdoti
A. Saddique
H.F-W. Sadrozinski
R. Sadykov
F. Safai Tehrani
M. Saimpert
H. Sakamoto
Y. Sakurai
G. Salamanna
A. Salamon
M. Saleem
D. Salek
P.H. Sales De Bruin
D. Salihagic
A. Salnikov
J. Salt
D. Salvatore
F. Salvatore
A. Salvucci
A. Salzburger
D. Sampsonidis
A. Sanchez
J. Sánchez
V. Sanchez Martinez
H. Sandaker
R.L. Sandbach
H.G. Sander
M.P. Sanders
M. Sandhoff
C. Sandoval
R. Sandstroem
D.P.C. Sankey
A. Sansoni
C. Santoni
R. Santonico
H. Santos
I. Santoyo Castillo
K. Sapp
A. Sapronov
J.G. Saraiva
B. Sarrazin
O. Sasaki
Y. Sasaki
K. Sato
G. Sauvage
E. Sauvan
G. Savage
P. Savard
C. Sawyer
L. Sawyer
D.H. Saxon
J. Saxon
C. Sbarra
A. Sbrizzi
T. Scanlon
D.A. Scannicchio
M. Scarcella
V. Scarfone
J. Schaarschmidt
P. Schacht
D. Schaefer
R. Schaefer
J. Schaeffer
S. Schaepe
S. Schaetzel
U. Schäfer
A.C. Schaffer
D. Schaile
R.D. Schamberger
V. Scharf
V.A. Schegelsky
D. Scheirich
M. Schernau
C. Schiavi
C. Schillo
M. Schioppa
S. Schlenker
E. Schmidt
K. Schmieden
C. Schmitt
S. Schmitt
B. Schneider
Y.J. Schnellbach
U. Schnoor
L. Schoeffel
A. Schoening
B.D. Schoenrock
A.L.S. Schorlemmer
M. Schott
D. Schouten
J. Schovancova
S. Schramm
M. Schreyer
C. Schroeder
N. Schuh
M.J. Schultens
H.-C. Schultz-Coulon
H. Schulz
M. Schumacher
B.A. Schumm
Ph. Schune
C. Schwanenberger
A. Schwartzman
T.A. Schwarz
Ph. Schwegler
Ph. Schwemling
R. Schwienhorst
J. Schwindling
T. Schwindt
M. Schwoerer
F.G. Sciacca
E. Scifo
G. Sciolla
F. Scuri
F. Scutti
J. Searcy
G. Sedov
E. Sedykh
P. Seema
S.C. Seidel
A. Seiden
F. Seifert
J.M. Seixas
G. Sekhniaidze
S.J. Sekula
K.E. Selbach
D.M. Seliverstov
N. Semprini-Cesari
C. Serfon
L. Serin
L. Serkin
T. Serre
R. Seuster
H. Severini
T. Sfiligoj
F. Sforza
A. Sfyrla
E. Shabalina
M. Shamim
L.Y. Shan
R. Shang
J.T. Shank
M. Shapiro
P.B. Shatalov
K. Shaw
A. Shcherbakova
C.Y. Shehu
P. Sherwood
L. Shi
S. Shimizu
C.O. Shimmin
M. Shimojima
M. Shiyakova
A. Shmeleva
D. Shoaleh Saadi
M.J. Shochet
S. Shojaii
S. Shrestha
E. Shulga
M.A. Shupe
S. Shushkevich
P. Sicho
O. Sidiropoulou
D. Sidorov
A. Sidoti
F. Siegert
Dj. Sijacki
J. Silva
Y. Silver
D. Silverstein
S.B. Silverstein
V. Simak
O. Simard
Lj. Simic
S. Simion
E. Simioni
B. Simmons
D. Simon
R. Simoniello
P. Sinervo
N.B. Sinev
G. Siragusa
A. Sircar
A.N. Sisakyan
S.Yu. Sivoklokov
J. Sjölin
T.B. Sjursen
M.B. Skinner
H.P. Skottowe
P. Skubic
M. Slater
T. Slavicek
M. Slawinska
K. Sliwa
V. Smakhtin
B.H. Smart
L. Smestad
S.Yu. Smirnov
Y. Smirnov
L.N. Smirnova
O. Smirnova
K.M. Smith
M.N.K. Smith
M. Smizanska
K. Smolek
A.A. Snesarev
G. Snidero
S. Snyder
R. Sobie
F. Socher
A. Soffer
D.A. Soh
C.A. Solans
M. Solar
J. Solc
E.Yu. Soldatov
U. Soldevila
A.A. Solodkov
A. Soloshenko
O.V. Solovyanov
V. Solovyev
P. Sommer
H.Y. Song
N. Soni
A. Sood
A. Sopczak
B. Sopko
V. Sopko
V. Sorin
D. Sosa
M. Sosebee
C.L. Sotiropoulou
R. Soualah
P. Soueid
A.M. Soukharev
D. South
S. Spagnolo
F. Spanò
W.R. Spearman
F. Spettel
R. Spighi
G. Spigo
L.A. Spiller
M. Spousta
T. Spreitzer
R.D. St. Denis
S. Staerz
J. Stahlman
R. Stamen
S. Stamm
E. Stanecka
C. Stanescu
M. Stanescu-Bellu
M.M. Stanitzki
S. Stapnes
E.A. Starchenko
J. Stark
P. Staroba
P. Starovoitov
R. Staszewski
P. Stavina
P. Steinberg
B. Stelzer
H.J. Stelzer
O. Stelzer-Chilton
H. Stenzel
S. Stern
G.A. Stewart
J.A. Stillings
M.C. Stockton
M. Stoebe
G. Stoicea
P. Stolte
S. Stonjek
A.R. Stradling
A. Straessner
M.E. Stramaglia
J. Strandberg
S. Strandberg
A. Strandlie
E. Strauss
M. Strauss
P. Strizenec
R. Ströhmer
D.M. Strom
R. Stroynowski
A. Strubig
S.A. Stucci
B. Stugu
N.A. Styles
D. Su
J. Su
R. Subramaniam
A. Succurro
Y. Sugaya
C. Suhr
M. Suk
V.V. Sulin
S. Sultansoy
T. Sumida
S. Sun
X. Sun
J.E. Sundermann
K. Suruliz
G. Susinno
M.R. Sutton
Y. Suzuki
M. Svatos
S. Swedish
M. Swiatlowski
I. Sykora
T. Sykora
D. Ta
C. Taccini
K. Tackmann
J. Taenzer
A. Taffard
R. Tafirout
N. Taiblum
H. Takai
R. Takashima
H. Takeda
T. Takeshita
Y. Takubo
M. Talby
A.A. Talyshev
J.Y.C. Tam
K.G. Tan
J. Tanaka
R. Tanaka
S. Tanaka
S. Tanaka
A.J. Tanasijczuk
B.B. Tannenwald
N. Tannoury
S. Tapprogge
S. Tarem
F. Tarrade
G.F. Tartarelli
P. Tas
M. Tasevsky
T. Tashiro
E. Tassi
A. Tavares Delgado
Y. Tayalati
F.E. Taylor
G.N. Taylor
W. Taylor
F.A. Teischinger
M. Teixeira Dias Castanheira
P. Teixeira-Dias
K.K. Temming
H. Ten Kate
P.K. Teng
J.J. Teoh
F. Tepel
S. Terada
K. Terashi
J. Terron
S. Terzo
M. Testa
R.J. Teuscher
J. Therhaag
T. Theveneaux-Pelzer
J.P. Thomas
J. Thomas-Wilsker
E.N. Thompson
P.D. Thompson
R.J. Thompson
A.S. Thompson
L.A. Thomsen
E. Thomson
M. Thomson
W.M. Thong
R.P. Thun
F. Tian
M.J. Tibbetts
R.E. Ticse Torres
V.O. Tikhomirov
Yu.A. Tikhonov
S. Timoshenko
E. Tiouchichine
P. Tipton
S. Tisserant
T. Todorov
S. Todorova-Nova
J. Tojo
S. Tokár
K. Tokushuku
K. Tollefson
E. Tolley
L. Tomlinson
M. Tomoto
L. Tompkins
K. Toms
N.D. Topilin
E. Torrence
H. Torres
E. Torró Pastor
J. Toth
F. Touchard
D.R. Tovey
H.L. Tran
T. Trefzger
L. Tremblet
A. Tricoli
I.M. Trigger
S. Trincaz-Duvoid
M.F. Tripiana
W. Trischuk
B. Trocmé
C. Troncon
M. Trottier-McDonald
M. Trovatelli
P. True
M. Trzebinski
A. Trzupek
C. Tsarouchas
J.C-L. Tseng
P.V. Tsiareshka
D. Tsionou
G. Tsipolitis
N. Tsirintanis
S. Tsiskaridze
V. Tsiskaridze
E.G. Tskhadadze
I.I. Tsukerman
V. Tsulaia
S. Tsuno
D. Tsybychev
A. Tudorache
V. Tudorache
A.N. Tuna
S.A. Tupputi
S. Turchikhin
D. Turecek
R. Turra
A.J. Turvey
P.M. Tuts
A. Tykhonov
M. Tylmad
M. Tyndel
I. Ueda
R. Ueno
M. Ughetto
M. Ugland
M. Uhlenbrock
F. Ukegawa
G. Unal
A. Undrus
G. Unel
F.C. Ungaro
Y. Unno
C. Unverdorben
J. Urban
P. Urquijo
P. Urrejola
G. Usai
A. Usanova
L. Vacavant
V. Vacek
B. Vachon
N. Valencic
S. Valentinetti
A. Valero
L. Valery
S. Valkar
E. Valladolid Gallego
S. Vallecorsa
J.A. Valls Ferrer
W. Van Den Wollenberg
P.C. Van Der Deijl
R. van der Geer
H. van der Graaf
R. Van Der Leeuw
N. van Eldik
P. van Gemmeren
J. Van Nieuwkoop
I. van Vulpen
M.C. van Woerden
M. Vanadia
W. Vandelli
R. Vanguri
A. Vaniachine
F. Vannucci
G. Vardanyan
R. Vari
E.W. Varnes
T. Varol
D. Varouchas
A. Vartapetian
K.E. Varvell
F. Vazeille
T. Vazquez Schroeder
J. Veatch
F. Veloso
T. Velz
S. Veneziano
A. Ventura
D. Ventura
M. Venturi
N. Venturi
A. Venturini
V. Vercesi
M. Verducci
W. Verkerke
J.C. Vermeulen
A. Vest
M.C. Vetterli
O. Viazlo
I. Vichou
T. Vickey
O.E. Vickey Boeriu
G.H.A. Viehhauser
S. Viel
R. Vigne
M. Villa
M. Villaplana Perez
E. Vilucchi
M.G. Vincter
V.B. Vinogradov
J. Virzi
I. Vivarelli
F. Vives Vaque
S. Vlachos
D. Vladoiu
M. Vlasak
M. Vogel
P. Vokac
G. Volpi
M. Volpi
H. von der Schmitt
H. von Radziewski
E. von Toerne
V. Vorobel
K. Vorobev
M. Vos
R. Voss
J.H. Vossebeld
N. Vranjes
M. Vranjes Milosavljevic
V. Vrba
M. Vreeswijk
R. Vuillermet
I. Vukotic
Z. Vykydal
P. Wagner
W. Wagner
H. Wahlberg
S. Wahrmund
J. Wakabayashi
J. Walder
R. Walker
W. Walkowiak
C. Wang
F. Wang
H. Wang
H. Wang
J. Wang
J. Wang
K. Wang
R. Wang
S.M. Wang
T. Wang
X. Wang
C. Wanotayaroj
A. Warburton
C.P. Ward
D.R. Wardrope
M. Warsinsky
A. Washbrook
C. Wasicki
P.M. Watkins
A.T. Watson
I.J. Watson
M.F. Watson
G. Watts
S. Watts
B.M. Waugh
S. Webb
M.S. Weber
S.W. Weber
J.S. Webster
A.R. Weidberg
B. Weinert
J. Weingarten
C. Weiser
H. Weits
P.S. Wells
T. Wenaus
D. Wendland
T. Wengler
S. Wenig
N. Wermes
M. Werner
P. Werner
M. Wessels
J. Wetter
K. Whalen
A.M. Wharton
A. White
M.J. White
R. White
S. White
D. Whiteson
D. Wicke
F.J. Wickens
W. Wiedenmann
M. Wielers
P. Wienemann
C. Wiglesworth
L.A.M. Wiik-Fuchs
A. Wildauer
H.G. Wilkens
H.H. Williams
S. Williams
C. Willis
S. Willocq
A. Wilson
J.A. Wilson
I. Wingerter-Seez
F. Winklmeier
B.T. Winter
M. Wittgen
J. Wittkowski
S.J. Wollstadt
M.W. Wolter
H. Wolters
B.K. Wosiek
J. Wotschack
M.J. Woudstra
K.W. Wozniak
M. Wu
S.L. Wu
X. Wu
Y. Wu
T.R. Wyatt
B.M. Wynne
S. Xella
D. Xu
L. Xu
B. Yabsley
S. Yacoob
R. Yakabe
M. Yamada
Y. Yamaguchi
A. Yamamoto
S. Yamamoto
T. Yamanaka
K. Yamauchi
Y. Yamazaki
Z. Yan
H. Yang
H. Yang
Y. Yang
S. Yanush
L. Yao
W-M. Yao
Y. Yasu
E. Yatsenko
K.H. Yau Wong
J. Ye
S. Ye
I. Yeletskikh
A.L. Yen
E. Yildirim
K. Yorita
R. Yoshida
K. Yoshihara
C. Young
C.J.S. Young
S. Youssef
D.R. Yu
J. Yu
J.M. Yu
J. Yu
L. Yuan
A. Yurkewicz
I. Yusuff
B. Zabinski
R. Zaidan
A.M. Zaitsev
A. Zaman
S. Zambito
L. Zanello
D. Zanzi
C. Zeitnitz
M. Zeman
A. Zemla
K. Zengel
O. Zenin
T. Ženiš
D. Zerwas
D. Zhang
F. Zhang
J. Zhang
L. Zhang
R. Zhang
X. Zhang
Z. Zhang
X. Zhao
Y. Zhao
Z. Zhao
A. Zhemchugov
J. Zhong
B. Zhou
C. Zhou
L. Zhou
L. Zhou
N. Zhou
C.G. Zhu
H. Zhu
J. Zhu
Y. Zhu
X. Zhuang
K. Zhukov
A. Zibell
D. Zieminska
N.I. Zimine
C. Zimmermann
R. Zimmermann
S. Zimmermann
Z. Zinonos
M. Zinser
M. Ziolkowski
L. Živković
G. Zobernig
A. Zoccoli
M. zur Nedden
G. Zurzolo
L. Zwalinski
author_facet G. Aad
B. Abbott
J. Abdallah
S. Abdel Khalek
O. Abdinov
R. Aben
B. Abi
M. Abolins
O.S. AbouZeid
H. Abramowicz
H. Abreu
R. Abreu
Y. Abulaiti
B.S. Acharya
L. Adamczyk
D.L. Adams
J. Adelman
S. Adomeit
T. Adye
T. Agatonovic-Jovin
J.A. Aguilar-Saavedra
M. Agustoni
S.P. Ahlen
F. Ahmadov
G. Aielli
H. Akerstedt
T.P.A. Åkesson
G. Akimoto
A.V. Akimov
G.L. Alberghi
J. Albert
S. Albrand
M.J. Alconada Verzini
M. Aleksa
I.N. Aleksandrov
C. Alexa
G. Alexander
G. Alexandre
T. Alexopoulos
M. Alhroob
G. Alimonti
L. Alio
J. Alison
B.M.M. Allbrooke
L.J. Allison
P.P. Allport
A. Aloisio
A. Alonso
F. Alonso
C. Alpigiani
A. Altheimer
B. Alvarez Gonzalez
M.G. Alviggi
K. Amako
Y. Amaral Coutinho
C. Amelung
D. Amidei
S.P. Amor Dos Santos
A. Amorim
S. Amoroso
N. Amram
G. Amundsen
C. Anastopoulos
L.S. Ancu
N. Andari
T. Andeen
C.F. Anders
G. Anders
K.J. Anderson
A. Andreazza
V. Andrei
X.S. Anduaga
S. Angelidakis
I. Angelozzi
P. Anger
A. Angerami
F. Anghinolfi
A.V. Anisenkov
N. Anjos
A. Annovi
M. Antonelli
A. Antonov
J. Antos
F. Anulli
M. Aoki
L. Aperio Bella
G. Arabidze
Y. Arai
J.P. Araque
A.T.H. Arce
F.A. Arduh
J-F. Arguin
S. Argyropoulos
M. Arik
A.J. Armbruster
O. Arnaez
V. Arnal
H. Arnold
M. Arratia
O. Arslan
A. Artamonov
G. Artoni
S. Asai
N. Asbah
A. Ashkenazi
B. Åsman
L. Asquith
K. Assamagan
R. Astalos
M. Atkinson
N.B. Atlay
B. Auerbach
K. Augsten
M. Aurousseau
G. Avolio
B. Axen
M.K. Ayoub
G. Azuelos
M.A. Baak
A.E. Baas
C. Bacci
H. Bachacou
K. Bachas
M. Backes
M. Backhaus
P. Bagiacchi
P. Bagnaia
Y. Bai
T. Bain
J.T. Baines
O.K. Baker
P. Balek
T. Balestri
F. Balli
E. Banas
Sw. Banerjee
A.A.E. Bannoura
H.S. Bansil
L. Barak
S.P. Baranov
E.L. Barberio
D. Barberis
M. Barbero
T. Barillari
M. Barisonzi
T. Barklow
N. Barlow
S.L. Barnes
B.M. Barnett
R.M. Barnett
Z. Barnovska
A. Baroncelli
G. Barone
A.J. Barr
F. Barreiro
J. Barreiro Guimarães da Costa
R. Bartoldus
A.E. Barton
P. Bartos
A. Bassalat
A. Basye
R.L. Bates
S.J. Batista
J.R. Batley
M. Battaglia
M. Bauce
F. Bauer
H.S. Bawa
J.B. Beacham
M.D. Beattie
T. Beau
P.H. Beauchemin
R. Beccherle
P. Bechtle
H.P. Beck
K. Becker
S. Becker
M. Beckingham
C. Becot
A.J. Beddall
A. Beddall
V.A. Bednyakov
C.P. Bee
L.J. Beemster
T.A. Beermann
M. Begel
K. Behr
C. Belanger-Champagne
P.J. Bell
W.H. Bell
G. Bella
L. Bellagamba
A. Bellerive
M. Bellomo
K. Belotskiy
O. Beltramello
O. Benary
D. Benchekroun
M. Bender
K. Bendtz
N. Benekos
Y. Benhammou
E. Benhar Noccioli
J.A. Benitez Garcia
D.P. Benjamin
J.R. Bensinger
S. Bentvelsen
L. Beresford
M. Beretta
D. Berge
E. Bergeaas Kuutmann
N. Berger
F. Berghaus
J. Beringer
C. Bernard
N.R. Bernard
C. Bernius
F.U. Bernlochner
T. Berry
P. Berta
C. Bertella
G. Bertoli
F. Bertolucci
C. Bertsche
D. Bertsche
M.I. Besana
G.J. Besjes
O. Bessidskaia Bylund
M. Bessner
N. Besson
C. Betancourt
S. Bethke
A.J. Bevan
W. Bhimji
R.M. Bianchi
L. Bianchini
M. Bianco
O. Biebel
S.P. Bieniek
M. Biglietti
J. Bilbao De Mendizabal
H. Bilokon
M. Bindi
S. Binet
A. Bingul
C. Bini
C.W. Black
J.E. Black
K.M. Black
D. Blackburn
R.E. Blair
J.-B. Blanchard
J.E. Blanco
T. Blazek
I. Bloch
C. Blocker
W. Blum
U. Blumenschein
G.J. Bobbink
V.S. Bobrovnikov
S.S. Bocchetta
A. Bocci
C. Bock
C.R. Boddy
M. Boehler
J.A. Bogaerts
A.G. Bogdanchikov
C. Bohm
V. Boisvert
T. Bold
V. Boldea
A.S. Boldyrev
M. Bomben
M. Bona
M. Boonekamp
A. Borisov
G. Borissov
S. Borroni
J. Bortfeldt
V. Bortolotto
K. Bos
D. Boscherini
M. Bosman
J. Boudreau
J. Bouffard
E.V. Bouhova-Thacker
D. Boumediene
C. Bourdarios
N. Bousson
S. Boutouil
A. Boveia
J. Boyd
I.R. Boyko
I. Bozic
J. Bracinik
A. Brandt
G. Brandt
O. Brandt
U. Bratzler
B. Brau
J.E. Brau
H.M. Braun
S.F. Brazzale
K. Brendlinger
A.J. Brennan
L. Brenner
R. Brenner
S. Bressler
K. Bristow
T.M. Bristow
D. Britton
F.M. Brochu
I. Brock
R. Brock
J. Bronner
G. Brooijmans
T. Brooks
W.K. Brooks
J. Brosamer
E. Brost
J. Brown
P.A. Bruckman de Renstrom
D. Bruncko
R. Bruneliere
A. Bruni
G. Bruni
M. Bruschi
L. Bryngemark
T. Buanes
Q. Buat
F. Bucci
P. Buchholz
A.G. Buckley
S.I. Buda
I.A. Budagov
F. Buehrer
L. Bugge
M.K. Bugge
O. Bulekov
H. Burckhart
S. Burdin
B. Burghgrave
S. Burke
I. Burmeister
E. Busato
D. Büscher
V. Büscher
P. Bussey
C.P. Buszello
J.M. Butler
A.I. Butt
C.M. Buttar
J.M. Butterworth
P. Butti
W. Buttinger
A. Buzatu
S. Cabrera Urbán
D. Caforio
O. Cakir
P. Calafiura
A. Calandri
G. Calderini
P. Calfayan
L.P. Caloba
D. Calvet
S. Calvet
R. Camacho Toro
S. Camarda
D. Cameron
L.M. Caminada
R. Caminal Armadans
S. Campana
M. Campanelli
A. Campoverde
V. Canale
A. Canepa
M. Cano Bret
J. Cantero
R. Cantrill
T. Cao
M.D.M. Capeans Garrido
I. Caprini
M. Caprini
M. Capua
R. Caputo
R. Cardarelli
T. Carli
G. Carlino
L. Carminati
S. Caron
E. Carquin
G.D. Carrillo-Montoya
J.R. Carter
J. Carvalho
D. Casadei
M.P. Casado
M. Casolino
E. Castaneda-Miranda
A. Castelli
V. Castillo Gimenez
N.F. Castro
P. Catastini
A. Catinaccio
J.R. Catmore
A. Cattai
G. Cattani
J. Caudron
V. Cavaliere
D. Cavalli
M. Cavalli-Sforza
V. Cavasinni
F. Ceradini
B.C. Cerio
K. Cerny
A.S. Cerqueira
A. Cerri
L. Cerrito
F. Cerutti
M. Cerv
A. Cervelli
S.A. Cetin
A. Chafaq
D. Chakraborty
I. Chalupkova
P. Chang
B. Chapleau
J.D. Chapman
D. Charfeddine
D.G. Charlton
C.C. Chau
C.A. Chavez Barajas
S. Cheatham
A. Chegwidden
S. Chekanov
S.V. Chekulaev
G.A. Chelkov
M.A. Chelstowska
C. Chen
H. Chen
K. Chen
L. Chen
S. Chen
X. Chen
Y. Chen
H.C. Cheng
Y. Cheng
A. Cheplakov
E. Cheremushkina
R. Cherkaoui El Moursli
V. Chernyatin
E. Cheu
L. Chevalier
V. Chiarella
J.T. Childers
A. Chilingarov
G. Chiodini
A.S. Chisholm
R.T. Chislett
A. Chitan
M.V. Chizhov
S. Chouridou
B.K.B. Chow
D. Chromek-Burckhart
M.L. Chu
J. Chudoba
J.J. Chwastowski
L. Chytka
G. Ciapetti
A.K. Ciftci
D. Cinca
V. Cindro
A. Ciocio
Z.H. Citron
M. Ciubancan
A. Clark
P.J. Clark
R.N. Clarke
W. Cleland
C. Clement
Y. Coadou
M. Cobal
A. Coccaro
J. Cochran
L. Coffey
J.G. Cogan
B. Cole
S. Cole
A.P. Colijn
J. Collot
T. Colombo
G. Compostella
P. Conde Muiño
E. Coniavitis
S.H. Connell
I.A. Connelly
S.M. Consonni
V. Consorti
S. Constantinescu
C. Conta
G. Conti
F. Conventi
M. Cooke
B.D. Cooper
A.M. Cooper-Sarkar
K. Copic
T. Cornelissen
M. Corradi
F. Corriveau
A. Corso-Radu
A. Cortes-Gonzalez
G. Cortiana
M.J. Costa
D. Costanzo
D. Côté
G. Cottin
G. Cowan
B.E. Cox
K. Cranmer
G. Cree
S. Crépé-Renaudin
F. Crescioli
W.A. Cribbs
M. Crispin Ortuzar
M. Cristinziani
V. Croft
G. Crosetti
T. Cuhadar Donszelmann
J. Cummings
M. Curatolo
C. Cuthbert
H. Czirr
P. Czodrowski
S. D'Auria
M. D'Onofrio
M.J. Da Cunha Sargedas De Sousa
C. Da Via
W. Dabrowski
A. Dafinca
T. Dai
O. Dale
F. Dallaire
C. Dallapiccola
M. Dam
J.R. Dandoy
A.C. Daniells
M. Danninger
M. Dano Hoffmann
V. Dao
G. Darbo
S. Darmora
J. Dassoulas
A. Dattagupta
W. Davey
C. David
T. Davidek
E. Davies
M. Davies
O. Davignon
P. Davison
Y. Davygora
E. Dawe
I. Dawson
R.K. Daya-Ishmukhametova
K. De
R. de Asmundis
S. De Castro
S. De Cecco
N. De Groot
P. de Jong
H. De la Torre
F. De Lorenzi
L. De Nooij
D. De Pedis
A. De Salvo
U. De Sanctis
A. De Santo
J.B. De Vivie De Regie
W.J. Dearnaley
R. Debbe
C. Debenedetti
D.V. Dedovich
I. Deigaard
J. Del Peso
T. Del Prete
D. Delgove
F. Deliot
C.M. Delitzsch
M. Deliyergiyev
A. Dell'Acqua
L. Dell'Asta
M. Dell'Orso
M. Della Pietra
D. della Volpe
M. Delmastro
P.A. Delsart
C. Deluca
D.A. DeMarco
S. Demers
M. Demichev
A. Demilly
S.P. Denisov
D. Derendarz
J.E. Derkaoui
F. Derue
P. Dervan
K. Desch
C. Deterre
P.O. Deviveiros
A. Dewhurst
S. Dhaliwal
A. Di Ciaccio
L. Di Ciaccio
A. Di Domenico
C. Di Donato
A. Di Girolamo
B. Di Girolamo
A. Di Mattia
B. Di Micco
R. Di Nardo
A. Di Simone
R. Di Sipio
D. Di Valentino
C. Diaconu
M. Diamond
F.A. Dias
M.A. Diaz
E.B. Diehl
J. Dietrich
T.A. Dietzsch
S. Diglio
A. Dimitrievska
J. Dingfelder
F. Dittus
F. Djama
T. Djobava
J.I. Djuvsland
M.A.B. do Vale
D. Dobos
M. Dobre
C. Doglioni
T. Doherty
T. Dohmae
J. Dolejsi
Z. Dolezal
B.A. Dolgoshein
M. Donadelli
S. Donati
P. Dondero
J. Donini
J. Dopke
A. Doria
M.T. Dova
A.T. Doyle
M. Dris
E. Dubreuil
E. Duchovni
G. Duckeck
O.A. Ducu
D. Duda
A. Dudarev
L. Duflot
L. Duguid
M. Dührssen
M. Dunford
H. Duran Yildiz
M. Düren
A. Durglishvili
D. Duschinger
M. Dwuznik
M. Dyndal
K.M. Ecker
W. Edson
N.C. Edwards
W. Ehrenfeld
T. Eifert
G. Eigen
K. Einsweiler
T. Ekelof
M. El Kacimi
M. Ellert
S. Elles
F. Ellinghaus
A.A. Elliot
N. Ellis
J. Elmsheuser
M. Elsing
D. Emeliyanov
Y. Enari
O.C. Endner
M. Endo
R. Engelmann
J. Erdmann
A. Ereditato
D. Eriksson
G. Ernis
J. Ernst
M. Ernst
S. Errede
E. Ertel
M. Escalier
H. Esch
C. Escobar
B. Esposito
A.I. Etienvre
E. Etzion
H. Evans
A. Ezhilov
L. Fabbri
G. Facini
R.M. Fakhrutdinov
S. Falciano
R.J. Falla
J. Faltova
Y. Fang
M. Fanti
A. Farbin
A. Farilla
T. Farooque
S. Farrell
S.M. Farrington
P. Farthouat
F. Fassi
P. Fassnacht
D. Fassouliotis
A. Favareto
L. Fayard
P. Federic
O.L. Fedin
W. Fedorko
S. Feigl
L. Feligioni
C. Feng
E.J. Feng
H. Feng
A.B. Fenyuk
P. Fernandez Martinez
S. Fernandez Perez
S. Ferrag
J. Ferrando
A. Ferrari
P. Ferrari
R. Ferrari
D.E. Ferreira de Lima
A. Ferrer
D. Ferrere
C. Ferretti
A. Ferretto Parodi
M. Fiascaris
F. Fiedler
A. Filipčič
M. Filipuzzi
F. Filthaut
M. Fincke-Keeler
K.D. Finelli
M.C.N. Fiolhais
L. Fiorini
A. Firan
A. Fischer
C. Fischer
J. Fischer
W.C. Fisher
E.A. Fitzgerald
M. Flechl
I. Fleck
P. Fleischmann
S. Fleischmann
G.T. Fletcher
G. Fletcher
T. Flick
A. Floderus
L.R. Flores Castillo
M.J. Flowerdew
A. Formica
A. Forti
D. Fournier
H. Fox
S. Fracchia
P. Francavilla
M. Franchini
D. Francis
L. Franconi
M. Franklin
M. Fraternali
D. Freeborn
S.T. French
F. Friedrich
D. Froidevaux
J.A. Frost
C. Fukunaga
E. Fullana Torregrosa
B.G. Fulsom
J. Fuster
C. Gabaldon
O. Gabizon
A. Gabrielli
A. Gabrielli
S. Gadatsch
S. Gadomski
G. Gagliardi
P. Gagnon
C. Galea
B. Galhardo
E.J. Gallas
B.J. Gallop
P. Gallus
G. Galster
K.K. Gan
J. Gao
Y.S. Gao
F.M. Garay Walls
F. Garberson
C. García
J.E. García Navarro
M. Garcia-Sciveres
R.W. Gardner
N. Garelli
V. Garonne
C. Gatti
G. Gaudio
B. Gaur
L. Gauthier
P. Gauzzi
I.L. Gavrilenko
C. Gay
G. Gaycken
E.N. Gazis
P. Ge
Z. Gecse
C.N.P. Gee
D.A.A. Geerts
Ch. Geich-Gimbel
C. Gemme
M.H. Genest
S. Gentile
M. George
S. George
D. Gerbaudo
A. Gershon
H. Ghazlane
N. Ghodbane
B. Giacobbe
S. Giagu
V. Giangiobbe
P. Giannetti
F. Gianotti
B. Gibbard
S.M. Gibson
M. Gilchriese
T.P.S. Gillam
D. Gillberg
G. Gilles
D.M. Gingrich
N. Giokaris
M.P. Giordani
F.M. Giorgi
F.M. Giorgi
P.F. Giraud
D. Giugni
C. Giuliani
M. Giulini
B.K. Gjelsten
S. Gkaitatzis
I. Gkialas
E.L. Gkougkousis
L.K. Gladilin
C. Glasman
J. Glatzer
P.C.F. Glaysher
A. Glazov
M. Goblirsch-Kolb
J.R. Goddard
J. Godlewski
S. Goldfarb
T. Golling
D. Golubkov
A. Gomes
R. Gonçalo
J. Goncalves Pinto Firmino Da Costa
L. Gonella
S. González de la Hoz
G. Gonzalez Parra
S. Gonzalez-Sevilla
L. Goossens
P.A. Gorbounov
H.A. Gordon
I. Gorelov
B. Gorini
E. Gorini
A. Gorišek
E. Gornicki
A.T. Goshaw
C. Gössling
M.I. Gostkin
M. Gouighri
D. Goujdami
A.G. Goussiou
H.M.X. Grabas
L. Graber
I. Grabowska-Bold
P. Grafström
K-J. Grahn
J. Gramling
E. Gramstad
S. Grancagnolo
V. Grassi
V. Gratchev
H.M. Gray
E. Graziani
Z.D. Greenwood
K. Gregersen
I.M. Gregor
P. Grenier
J. Griffiths
A.A. Grillo
K. Grimm
S. Grinstein
Ph. Gris
Y.V. Grishkevich
J.-F. Grivaz
J.P. Grohs
A. Grohsjean
E. Gross
J. Grosse-Knetter
G.C. Grossi
Z.J. Grout
L. Guan
J. Guenther
F. Guescini
D. Guest
O. Gueta
E. Guido
T. Guillemin
S. Guindon
U. Gul
C. Gumpert
J. Guo
S. Gupta
P. Gutierrez
N.G. Gutierrez Ortiz
C. Gutschow
N. Guttman
C. Guyot
C. Gwenlan
C.B. Gwilliam
A. Haas
C. Haber
H.K. Hadavand
N. Haddad
P. Haefner
S. Hageböck
Z. Hajduk
H. Hakobyan
M. Haleem
J. Haley
D. Hall
G. Halladjian
G.D. Hallewell
K. Hamacher
P. Hamal
K. Hamano
M. Hamer
A. Hamilton
S. Hamilton
G.N. Hamity
P.G. Hamnett
L. Han
K. Hanagaki
K. Hanawa
M. Hance
P. Hanke
R. Hanna
J.B. Hansen
J.D. Hansen
P.H. Hansen
K. Hara
A.S. Hard
T. Harenberg
F. Hariri
S. Harkusha
R.D. Harrington
P.F. Harrison
F. Hartjes
M. Hasegawa
S. Hasegawa
Y. Hasegawa
A. Hasib
S. Hassani
S. Haug
R. Hauser
L. Hauswald
M. Havranek
C.M. Hawkes
R.J. Hawkings
A.D. Hawkins
T. Hayashi
D. Hayden
C.P. Hays
J.M. Hays
H.S. Hayward
S.J. Haywood
S.J. Head
T. Heck
V. Hedberg
L. Heelan
S. Heim
T. Heim
B. Heinemann
L. Heinrich
J. Hejbal
L. Helary
M. Heller
S. Hellman
D. Hellmich
C. Helsens
J. Henderson
R.C.W. Henderson
Y. Heng
C. Hengler
A. Henrichs
A.M. Henriques Correia
S. Henrot-Versille
G.H. Herbert
Y. Hernández Jiménez
R. Herrberg-Schubert
G. Herten
R. Hertenberger
L. Hervas
G.G. Hesketh
N.P. Hessey
R. Hickling
E. Higón-Rodriguez
E. Hill
J.C. Hill
K.H. Hiller
S.J. Hillier
I. Hinchliffe
E. Hines
R.R. Hinman
M. Hirose
D. Hirschbuehl
J. Hobbs
N. Hod
M.C. Hodgkinson
P. Hodgson
A. Hoecker
M.R. Hoeferkamp
F. Hoenig
M. Hohlfeld
T.R. Holmes
T.M. Hong
L. Hooft van Huysduynen
W.H. Hopkins
Y. Horii
A.J. Horton
J-Y. Hostachy
S. Hou
A. Hoummada
J. Howard
J. Howarth
M. Hrabovsky
I. Hristova
J. Hrivnac
T. Hryn'ova
A. Hrynevich
C. Hsu
P.J. Hsu
S.-C. Hsu
D. Hu
Q. Hu
X. Hu
Y. Huang
Z. Hubacek
F. Hubaut
F. Huegging
T.B. Huffman
E.W. Hughes
G. Hughes
M. Huhtinen
T.A. Hülsing
N. Huseynov
J. Huston
J. Huth
G. Iacobucci
G. Iakovidis
I. Ibragimov
L. Iconomidou-Fayard
E. Ideal
Z. Idrissi
P. Iengo
O. Igonkina
T. Iizawa
Y. Ikegami
K. Ikematsu
M. Ikeno
Y. Ilchenko
D. Iliadis
N. Ilic
Y. Inamaru
T. Ince
P. Ioannou
M. Iodice
K. Iordanidou
V. Ippolito
A. Irles Quiles
C. Isaksson
M. Ishino
M. Ishitsuka
R. Ishmukhametov
C. Issever
S. Istin
J.M. Iturbe Ponce
R. Iuppa
J. Ivarsson
W. Iwanski
H. Iwasaki
J.M. Izen
V. Izzo
S. Jabbar
B. Jackson
M. Jackson
P. Jackson
M.R. Jaekel
V. Jain
K. Jakobs
S. Jakobsen
T. Jakoubek
J. Jakubek
D.O. Jamin
D.K. Jana
E. Jansen
R.W. Jansky
J. Janssen
M. Janus
G. Jarlskog
N. Javadov
T. Javůrek
L. Jeanty
J. Jejelava
G.-Y. Jeng
D. Jennens
P. Jenni
J. Jentzsch
C. Jeske
S. Jézéquel
H. Ji
J. Jia
Y. Jiang
J. Jimenez Pena
S. Jin
A. Jinaru
O. Jinnouchi
M.D. Joergensen
P. Johansson
K.A. Johns
K. Jon-And
G. Jones
R.W.L. Jones
T.J. Jones
J. Jongmanns
P.M. Jorge
K.D. Joshi
J. Jovicevic
X. Ju
C.A. Jung
P. Jussel
A. Juste Rozas
M. Kaci
A. Kaczmarska
M. Kado
H. Kagan
M. Kagan
S.J. Kahn
E. Kajomovitz
C.W. Kalderon
S. Kama
A. Kamenshchikov
N. Kanaya
M. Kaneda
S. Kaneti
V.A. Kantserov
J. Kanzaki
B. Kaplan
A. Kapliy
D. Kar
K. Karakostas
A. Karamaoun
N. Karastathis
M.J. Kareem
M. Karnevskiy
S.N. Karpov
Z.M. Karpova
K. Karthik
V. Kartvelishvili
A.N. Karyukhin
L. Kashif
R.D. Kass
A. Kastanas
Y. Kataoka
A. Katre
J. Katzy
K. Kawagoe
T. Kawamoto
G. Kawamura
S. Kazama
V.F. Kazanin
M.Y. Kazarinov
R. Keeler
R. Kehoe
M. Keil
J.S. Keller
J.J. Kempster
H. Keoshkerian
O. Kepka
B.P. Kerševan
S. Kersten
R.A. Keyes
F. Khalil-zada
H. Khandanyan
A. Khanov
A. Kharlamov
A. Khodinov
A. Khomich
T.J. Khoo
G. Khoriauli
V. Khovanskiy
E. Khramov
J. Khubua
H.Y. Kim
H. Kim
S.H. Kim
N. Kimura
O.M. Kind
B.T. King
M. King
R.S.B. King
S.B. King
J. Kirk
A.E. Kiryunin
T. Kishimoto
D. Kisielewska
F. Kiss
K. Kiuchi
E. Kladiva
M.H. Klein
M. Klein
U. Klein
K. Kleinknecht
P. Klimek
A. Klimentov
R. Klingenberg
J.A. Klinger
T. Klioutchnikova
P.F. Klok
E.-E. Kluge
P. Kluit
S. Kluth
E. Kneringer
E.B.F.G. Knoops
A. Knue
D. Kobayashi
T. Kobayashi
M. Kobel
M. Kocian
P. Kodys
T. Koffas
E. Koffeman
L.A. Kogan
S. Kohlmann
Z. Kohout
T. Kohriki
T. Koi
H. Kolanoski
I. Koletsou
A.A. Komar
Y. Komori
T. Kondo
N. Kondrashova
K. Köneke
A.C. König
S. König
T. Kono
R. Konoplich
N. Konstantinidis
R. Kopeliansky
S. Koperny
L. Köpke
A.K. Kopp
K. Korcyl
K. Kordas
A. Korn
A.A. Korol
I. Korolkov
E.V. Korolkova
O. Kortner
S. Kortner
T. Kosek
V.V. Kostyukhin
V.M. Kotov
A. Kotwal
A. Kourkoumeli-Charalampidi
C. Kourkoumelis
V. Kouskoura
A. Koutsman
R. Kowalewski
T.Z. Kowalski
W. Kozanecki
A.S. Kozhin
V.A. Kramarenko
G. Kramberger
D. Krasnopevtsev
M.W. Krasny
A. Krasznahorkay
J.K. Kraus
A. Kravchenko
S. Kreiss
M. Kretz
J. Kretzschmar
K. Kreutzfeldt
P. Krieger
K. Krizka
K. Kroeninger
H. Kroha
J. Kroll
J. Kroseberg
J. Krstic
U. Kruchonak
H. Krüger
N. Krumnack
Z.V. Krumshteyn
A. Kruse
M.C. Kruse
M. Kruskal
T. Kubota
H. Kucuk
S. Kuday
S. Kuehn
A. Kugel
F. Kuger
A. Kuhl
T. Kuhl
V. Kukhtin
Y. Kulchitsky
S. Kuleshov
M. Kuna
T. Kunigo
A. Kupco
H. Kurashige
Y.A. Kurochkin
R. Kurumida
V. Kus
E.S. Kuwertz
M. Kuze
J. Kvita
T. Kwan
D. Kyriazopoulos
A. La Rosa
J.L. La Rosa Navarro
L. La Rotonda
C. Lacasta
F. Lacava
J. Lacey
H. Lacker
D. Lacour
V.R. Lacuesta
E. Ladygin
R. Lafaye
B. Laforge
T. Lagouri
S. Lai
L. Lambourne
S. Lammers
C.L. Lampen
W. Lampl
E. Lançon
U. Landgraf
M.P.J. Landon
V.S. Lang
A.J. Lankford
F. Lanni
K. Lantzsch
S. Laplace
C. Lapoire
J.F. Laporte
T. Lari
F. Lasagni Manghi
M. Lassnig
P. Laurelli
W. Lavrijsen
A.T. Law
P. Laycock
O. Le Dortz
E. Le Guirriec
E. Le Menedeu
T. LeCompte
F. Ledroit-Guillon
C.A. Lee
S.C. Lee
L. Lee
G. Lefebvre
M. Lefebvre
F. Legger
C. Leggett
A. Lehan
G. Lehmann Miotto
X. Lei
W.A. Leight
A. Leisos
A.G. Leister
M.A.L. Leite
R. Leitner
D. Lellouch
B. Lemmer
K.J.C. Leney
T. Lenz
G. Lenzen
B. Lenzi
R. Leone
S. Leone
C. Leonidopoulos
S. Leontsinis
C. Leroy
C.G. Lester
M. Levchenko
J. Levêque
D. Levin
L.J. Levinson
M. Levy
A. Lewis
A.M. Leyko
M. Leyton
B. Li
B. Li
H. Li
H.L. Li
L. Li
L. Li
S. Li
Y. Li
Z. Liang
H. Liao
B. Liberti
P. Lichard
K. Lie
J. Liebal
W. Liebig
C. Limbach
A. Limosani
S.C. Lin
T.H. Lin
F. Linde
B.E. Lindquist
J.T. Linnemann
E. Lipeles
A. Lipniacka
M. Lisovyi
T.M. Liss
D. Lissauer
A. Lister
A.M. Litke
B. Liu
D. Liu
J. Liu
J.B. Liu
K. Liu
L. Liu
M. Liu
M. Liu
Y. Liu
M. Livan
A. Lleres
J. Llorente Merino
S.L. Lloyd
F. Lo Sterzo
E. Lobodzinska
P. Loch
W.S. Lockman
F.K. Loebinger
A.E. Loevschall-Jensen
A. Loginov
T. Lohse
K. Lohwasser
M. Lokajicek
B.A. Long
J.D. Long
R.E. Long
K.A. Looper
L. Lopes
D. Lopez Mateos
B. Lopez Paredes
I. Lopez Paz
J. Lorenz
N. Lorenzo Martinez
M. Losada
P. Loscutoff
P.J. Lösel
X. Lou
A. Lounis
J. Love
P.A. Love
N. Lu
H.J. Lubatti
C. Luci
A. Lucotte
F. Luehring
W. Lukas
L. Luminari
O. Lundberg
B. Lund-Jensen
M. Lungwitz
D. Lynn
R. Lysak
E. Lytken
H. Ma
L.L. Ma
G. Maccarrone
A. Macchiolo
C.M. Macdonald
J. Machado Miguens
D. Macina
D. Madaffari
R. Madar
H.J. Maddocks
W.F. Mader
A. Madsen
T. Maeno
A. Maevskiy
E. Magradze
K. Mahboubi
J. Mahlstedt
S. Mahmoud
C. Maiani
C. Maidantchik
A.A. Maier
T. Maier
A. Maio
S. Majewski
Y. Makida
N. Makovec
B. Malaescu
Pa. Malecki
V.P. Maleev
F. Malek
U. Mallik
D. Malon
C. Malone
S. Maltezos
V.M. Malyshev
S. Malyukov
J. Mamuzic
B. Mandelli
L. Mandelli
I. Mandić
R. Mandrysch
J. Maneira
A. Manfredini
L. Manhaes de Andrade Filho
J. Manjarres Ramos
A. Mann
P.M. Manning
A. Manousakis-Katsikakis
B. Mansoulie
R. Mantifel
M. Mantoani
L. Mapelli
L. March
G. Marchiori
M. Marcisovsky
C.P. Marino
M. Marjanovic
F. Marroquim
S.P. Marsden
Z. Marshall
L.F. Marti
S. Marti-Garcia
B. Martin
T.A. Martin
V.J. Martin
B. Martin dit Latour
H. Martinez
M. Martinez
S. Martin-Haugh
V.S. Martoiu
A.C. Martyniuk
M. Marx
F. Marzano
A. Marzin
L. Masetti
T. Mashimo
R. Mashinistov
J. Masik
A.L. Maslennikov
I. Massa
L. Massa
N. Massol
P. Mastrandrea
A. Mastroberardino
T. Masubuchi
P. Mättig
J. Mattmann
J. Maurer
S.J. Maxfield
D.A. Maximov
R. Mazini
S.M. Mazza
L. Mazzaferro
G. Mc Goldrick
S.P. Mc Kee
A. McCarn
R.L. McCarthy
T.G. McCarthy
N.A. McCubbin
K.W. McFarlane
J.A. Mcfayden
G. Mchedlidze
S.J. McMahon
R.A. McPherson
J. Mechnich
M. Medinnis
S. Meehan
S. Mehlhase
A. Mehta
K. Meier
C. Meineck
B. Meirose
C. Melachrinos
B.R. Mellado Garcia
F. Meloni
A. Mengarelli
S. Menke
E. Meoni
K.M. Mercurio
S. Mergelmeyer
N. Meric
P. Mermod
L. Merola
C. Meroni
F.S. Merritt
H. Merritt
A. Messina
J. Metcalfe
A.S. Mete
C. Meyer
C. Meyer
J-P. Meyer
J. Meyer
R.P. Middleton
S. Migas
S. Miglioranzi
L. Mijović
G. Mikenberg
M. Mikestikova
M. Mikuž
A. Milic
D.W. Miller
C. Mills
A. Milov
D.A. Milstead
A.A. Minaenko
Y. Minami
I.A. Minashvili
A.I. Mincer
B. Mindur
M. Mineev
Y. Ming
L.M. Mir
G. Mirabelli
T. Mitani
J. Mitrevski
V.A. Mitsou
A. Miucci
P.S. Miyagawa
J.U. Mjörnmark
T. Moa
K. Mochizuki
S. Mohapatra
W. Mohr
S. Molander
R. Moles-Valls
K. Mönig
C. Monini
J. Monk
E. Monnier
J. Montejo Berlingen
F. Monticelli
S. Monzani
R.W. Moore
N. Morange
D. Moreno
M. Moreno Llácer
P. Morettini
M. Morgenstern
M. Morii
V. Morisbak
S. Moritz
A.K. Morley
G. Mornacchi
J.D. Morris
A. Morton
L. Morvaj
H.G. Moser
M. Mosidze
J. Moss
K. Motohashi
R. Mount
E. Mountricha
S.V. Mouraviev
E.J.W. Moyse
S. Muanza
R.D. Mudd
F. Mueller
J. Mueller
K. Mueller
R.S.P. Mueller
T. Mueller
D. Muenstermann
P. Mullen
Y. Munwes
J.A. Murillo Quijada
W.J. Murray
H. Musheghyan
E. Musto
A.G. Myagkov
M. Myska
O. Nackenhorst
J. Nadal
K. Nagai
R. Nagai
Y. Nagai
K. Nagano
A. Nagarkar
Y. Nagasaka
K. Nagata
M. Nagel
E. Nagy
A.M. Nairz
Y. Nakahama
K. Nakamura
T. Nakamura
I. Nakano
H. Namasivayam
G. Nanava
R.F. Naranjo Garcia
R. Narayan
T. Nattermann
T. Naumann
G. Navarro
R. Nayyar
H.A. Neal
P.Yu. Nechaeva
T.J. Neep
P.D. Nef
A. Negri
M. Negrini
S. Nektarijevic
C. Nellist
A. Nelson
S. Nemecek
P. Nemethy
A.A. Nepomuceno
M. Nessi
M.S. Neubauer
M. Neumann
R.M. Neves
P. Nevski
P.R. Newman
D.H. Nguyen
R.B. Nickerson
R. Nicolaidou
B. Nicquevert
J. Nielsen
N. Nikiforou
A. Nikiforov
V. Nikolaenko
I. Nikolic-Audit
K. Nikolopoulos
P. Nilsson
Y. Ninomiya
A. Nisati
R. Nisius
T. Nobe
M. Nomachi
I. Nomidis
T. Nooney
S. Norberg
M. Nordberg
O. Novgorodova
S. Nowak
M. Nozaki
L. Nozka
K. Ntekas
G. Nunes Hanninger
T. Nunnemann
E. Nurse
F. Nuti
B.J. O'Brien
F. O'grady
D.C. O'Neil
V. O'Shea
F.G. Oakham
H. Oberlack
T. Obermann
J. Ocariz
A. Ochi
I. Ochoa
S. Oda
S. Odaka
H. Ogren
A. Oh
S.H. Oh
C.C. Ohm
H. Ohman
H. Oide
W. Okamura
H. Okawa
Y. Okumura
T. Okuyama
A. Olariu
A.G. Olchevski
S.A. Olivares Pino
D. Oliveira Damazio
E. Oliver Garcia
A. Olszewski
J. Olszowska
A. Onofre
P.U.E. Onyisi
C.J. Oram
M.J. Oreglia
Y. Oren
D. Orestano
N. Orlando
C. Oropeza Barrera
R.S. Orr
B. Osculati
R. Ospanov
G. Otero y Garzon
H. Otono
M. Ouchrif
E.A. Ouellette
F. Ould-Saada
A. Ouraou
K.P. Oussoren
Q. Ouyang
A. Ovcharova
M. Owen
R.E. Owen
V.E. Ozcan
N. Ozturk
K. Pachal
A. Pacheco Pages
C. Padilla Aranda
M. Pagáčová
S. Pagan Griso
E. Paganis
C. Pahl
F. Paige
P. Pais
K. Pajchel
G. Palacino
S. Palestini
M. Palka
D. Pallin
A. Palma
Y.B. Pan
E. Panagiotopoulou
C.E. Pandini
J.G. Panduro Vazquez
P. Pani
N. Panikashvili
S. Panitkin
L. Paolozzi
Th.D. Papadopoulou
K. Papageorgiou
A. Paramonov
D. Paredes Hernandez
M.A. Parker
K.A. Parker
F. Parodi
J.A. Parsons
U. Parzefall
E. Pasqualucci
S. Passaggio
F. Pastore
Fr. Pastore
G. Pásztor
S. Pataraia
N.D. Patel
J.R. Pater
T. Pauly
J. Pearce
L.E. Pedersen
M. Pedersen
S. Pedraza Lopez
R. Pedro
S.V. Peleganchuk
D. Pelikan
H. Peng
B. Penning
J. Penwell
D.V. Perepelitsa
E. Perez Codina
M.T. Pérez García-Estañ
L. Perini
H. Pernegger
S. Perrella
R. Peschke
V.D. Peshekhonov
K. Peters
R.F.Y. Peters
B.A. Petersen
T.C. Petersen
E. Petit
A. Petridis
C. Petridou
E. Petrolo
F. Petrucci
N.E. Pettersson
R. Pezoa
P.W. Phillips
G. Piacquadio
E. Pianori
A. Picazio
E. Piccaro
M. Piccinini
M.A. Pickering
R. Piegaia
D.T. Pignotti
J.E. Pilcher
A.D. Pilkington
J. Pina
M. Pinamonti
J.L. Pinfold
A. Pingel
B. Pinto
S. Pires
M. Pitt
C. Pizio
L. Plazak
M.-A. Pleier
V. Pleskot
E. Plotnikova
P. Plucinski
D. Pluth
R. Poettgen
L. Poggioli
D. Pohl
G. Polesello
A. Policicchio
R. Polifka
A. Polini
C.S. Pollard
V. Polychronakos
K. Pommès
L. Pontecorvo
B.G. Pope
G.A. Popeneciu
D.S. Popovic
A. Poppleton
S. Pospisil
K. Potamianos
I.N. Potrap
C.J. Potter
C.T. Potter
G. Poulard
J. Poveda
V. Pozdnyakov
P. Pralavorio
A. Pranko
S. Prasad
S. Prell
D. Price
J. Price
L.E. Price
M. Primavera
S. Prince
M. Proissl
K. Prokofiev
F. Prokoshin
E. Protopapadaki
S. Protopopescu
J. Proudfoot
M. Przybycien
E. Ptacek
D. Puddu
E. Pueschel
D. Puldon
M. Purohit
P. Puzo
J. Qian
G. Qin
Y. Qin
A. Quadt
D.R. Quarrie
W.B. Quayle
M. Queitsch-Maitland
D. Quilty
A. Qureshi
V. Radeka
V. Radescu
S.K. Radhakrishnan
P. Radloff
P. Rados
F. Ragusa
G. Rahal
S. Rajagopalan
M. Rammensee
C. Rangel-Smith
F. Rauscher
S. Rave
T.C. Rave
T. Ravenscroft
M. Raymond
A.L. Read
N.P. Readioff
D.M. Rebuzzi
A. Redelbach
G. Redlinger
R. Reece
K. Reeves
L. Rehnisch
H. Reisin
M. Relich
C. Rembser
H. Ren
A. Renaud
M. Rescigno
S. Resconi
O.L. Rezanova
P. Reznicek
R. Rezvani
R. Richter
E. Richter-Was
M. Ridel
P. Rieck
C.J. Riegel
J. Rieger
M. Rijssenbeek
A. Rimoldi
L. Rinaldi
E. Ritsch
I. Riu
F. Rizatdinova
E. Rizvi
S.H. Robertson
A. Robichaud-Veronneau
D. Robinson
J.E.M. Robinson
A. Robson
C. Roda
L. Rodrigues
S. Roe
O. Røhne
S. Rolli
A. Romaniouk
M. Romano
S.M. Romano Saez
E. Romero Adam
N. Rompotis
M. Ronzani
L. Roos
E. Ros
S. Rosati
K. Rosbach
P. Rose
P.L. Rosendahl
O. Rosenthal
V. Rossetti
E. Rossi
L.P. Rossi
R. Rosten
M. Rotaru
I. Roth
J. Rothberg
D. Rousseau
C.R. Royon
A. Rozanov
Y. Rozen
X. Ruan
F. Rubbo
I. Rubinskiy
V.I. Rud
C. Rudolph
M.S. Rudolph
F. Rühr
A. Ruiz-Martinez
Z. Rurikova
N.A. Rusakovich
A. Ruschke
H.L. Russell
J.P. Rutherfoord
N. Ruthmann
Y.F. Ryabov
M. Rybar
G. Rybkin
N.C. Ryder
A.F. Saavedra
G. Sabato
S. Sacerdoti
A. Saddique
H.F-W. Sadrozinski
R. Sadykov
F. Safai Tehrani
M. Saimpert
H. Sakamoto
Y. Sakurai
G. Salamanna
A. Salamon
M. Saleem
D. Salek
P.H. Sales De Bruin
D. Salihagic
A. Salnikov
J. Salt
D. Salvatore
F. Salvatore
A. Salvucci
A. Salzburger
D. Sampsonidis
A. Sanchez
J. Sánchez
V. Sanchez Martinez
H. Sandaker
R.L. Sandbach
H.G. Sander
M.P. Sanders
M. Sandhoff
C. Sandoval
R. Sandstroem
D.P.C. Sankey
A. Sansoni
C. Santoni
R. Santonico
H. Santos
I. Santoyo Castillo
K. Sapp
A. Sapronov
J.G. Saraiva
B. Sarrazin
O. Sasaki
Y. Sasaki
K. Sato
G. Sauvage
E. Sauvan
G. Savage
P. Savard
C. Sawyer
L. Sawyer
D.H. Saxon
J. Saxon
C. Sbarra
A. Sbrizzi
T. Scanlon
D.A. Scannicchio
M. Scarcella
V. Scarfone
J. Schaarschmidt
P. Schacht
D. Schaefer
R. Schaefer
J. Schaeffer
S. Schaepe
S. Schaetzel
U. Schäfer
A.C. Schaffer
D. Schaile
R.D. Schamberger
V. Scharf
V.A. Schegelsky
D. Scheirich
M. Schernau
C. Schiavi
C. Schillo
M. Schioppa
S. Schlenker
E. Schmidt
K. Schmieden
C. Schmitt
S. Schmitt
B. Schneider
Y.J. Schnellbach
U. Schnoor
L. Schoeffel
A. Schoening
B.D. Schoenrock
A.L.S. Schorlemmer
M. Schott
D. Schouten
J. Schovancova
S. Schramm
M. Schreyer
C. Schroeder
N. Schuh
M.J. Schultens
H.-C. Schultz-Coulon
H. Schulz
M. Schumacher
B.A. Schumm
Ph. Schune
C. Schwanenberger
A. Schwartzman
T.A. Schwarz
Ph. Schwegler
Ph. Schwemling
R. Schwienhorst
J. Schwindling
T. Schwindt
M. Schwoerer
F.G. Sciacca
E. Scifo
G. Sciolla
F. Scuri
F. Scutti
J. Searcy
G. Sedov
E. Sedykh
P. Seema
S.C. Seidel
A. Seiden
F. Seifert
J.M. Seixas
G. Sekhniaidze
S.J. Sekula
K.E. Selbach
D.M. Seliverstov
N. Semprini-Cesari
C. Serfon
L. Serin
L. Serkin
T. Serre
R. Seuster
H. Severini
T. Sfiligoj
F. Sforza
A. Sfyrla
E. Shabalina
M. Shamim
L.Y. Shan
R. Shang
J.T. Shank
M. Shapiro
P.B. Shatalov
K. Shaw
A. Shcherbakova
C.Y. Shehu
P. Sherwood
L. Shi
S. Shimizu
C.O. Shimmin
M. Shimojima
M. Shiyakova
A. Shmeleva
D. Shoaleh Saadi
M.J. Shochet
S. Shojaii
S. Shrestha
E. Shulga
M.A. Shupe
S. Shushkevich
P. Sicho
O. Sidiropoulou
D. Sidorov
A. Sidoti
F. Siegert
Dj. Sijacki
J. Silva
Y. Silver
D. Silverstein
S.B. Silverstein
V. Simak
O. Simard
Lj. Simic
S. Simion
E. Simioni
B. Simmons
D. Simon
R. Simoniello
P. Sinervo
N.B. Sinev
G. Siragusa
A. Sircar
A.N. Sisakyan
S.Yu. Sivoklokov
J. Sjölin
T.B. Sjursen
M.B. Skinner
H.P. Skottowe
P. Skubic
M. Slater
T. Slavicek
M. Slawinska
K. Sliwa
V. Smakhtin
B.H. Smart
L. Smestad
S.Yu. Smirnov
Y. Smirnov
L.N. Smirnova
O. Smirnova
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C. Zimmermann
R. Zimmermann
S. Zimmermann
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M. zur Nedden
G. Zurzolo
L. Zwalinski
author_sort G. Aad
collection DOAJ
description A search for a heavy, CP-odd Higgs boson, A, decaying into a Z boson and a 125 GeV Higgs boson, h, with the ATLAS detector at the LHC is presented. The search uses proton–proton collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb−1. Decays of CP-even h bosons to ττ or bb pairs with the Z boson decaying to electron or muon pairs are considered, as well as h→bb decays with the Z boson decaying to neutrinos. No evidence for the production of an A boson in these channels is found and the 95% confidence level upper limits derived for σ(gg→A)×BR(A→Zh)×BR(h→ff¯) are 0.098–0.013 pb for f=τ and 0.57–0.014 pb for f=b in a range of mA=220–1000 GeV. The results are combined and interpreted in the context of two-Higgs-doublet models. Keywords: BSM Higgs boson, ATLAS
first_indexed 2024-12-13T20:45:37Z
format Article
institution Directory Open Access Journal
issn 0370-2693
language English
last_indexed 2024-12-13T20:45:37Z
publishDate 2015-05-01
publisher Elsevier
record_format Article
series Physics Letters B
spelling Letters B0370-26932015-05-01744163183Search for a CP-odd Higgs boson decaying to Zh in pp collisions at s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detectorG. Aad0B. Abbott1J. Abdallah2S. Abdel Khalek3O. Abdinov4R. Aben5B. Abi6M. Abolins7O.S. AbouZeid8H. Abramowicz9H. Abreu10R. Abreu11Y. Abulaiti12B.S. Acharya13L. Adamczyk14D.L. Adams15J. Adelman16S. Adomeit17T. Adye18T. Agatonovic-Jovin19J.A. Aguilar-Saavedra20M. Agustoni21S.P. Ahlen22F. Ahmadov23G. Aielli24H. Akerstedt25T.P.A. Åkesson26G. Akimoto27A.V. Akimov28G.L. Alberghi29J. Albert30S. Albrand31M.J. Alconada Verzini32M. Aleksa33I.N. Aleksandrov34C. Alexa35G. Alexander36G. Alexandre37T. Alexopoulos38M. Alhroob39G. Alimonti40L. Alio41J. Alison42B.M.M. Allbrooke43L.J. Allison44P.P. Allport45A. Aloisio46A. Alonso47F. Alonso48C. Alpigiani49A. Altheimer50B. Alvarez Gonzalez51M.G. Alviggi52K. Amako53Y. Amaral Coutinho54C. Amelung55D. Amidei56S.P. Amor Dos Santos57A. Amorim58S. Amoroso59N. Amram60G. Amundsen61C. Anastopoulos62L.S. Ancu63N. Andari64T. Andeen65C.F. Anders66G. Anders67K.J. Anderson68A. Andreazza69V. Andrei70X.S. Anduaga71S. Angelidakis72I. Angelozzi73P. Anger74A. Angerami75F. Anghinolfi76A.V. Anisenkov77N. Anjos78A. Annovi79M. Antonelli80A. Antonov81J. Antos82F. Anulli83M. Aoki84L. Aperio Bella85G. Arabidze86Y. Arai87J.P. Araque88A.T.H. Arce89F.A. Arduh90J-F. Arguin91S. Argyropoulos92M. Arik93A.J. Armbruster94O. Arnaez95V. Arnal96H. Arnold97M. Arratia98O. Arslan99A. Artamonov100G. Artoni101S. Asai102N. Asbah103A. Ashkenazi104B. Åsman105L. Asquith106K. Assamagan107R. Astalos108M. Atkinson109N.B. Atlay110B. Auerbach111K. Augsten112M. Aurousseau113G. Avolio114B. Axen115M.K. Ayoub116G. Azuelos117M.A. Baak118A.E. Baas119C. Bacci120H. Bachacou121K. Bachas122M. Backes123M. Backhaus124P. Bagiacchi125P. Bagnaia126Y. Bai127T. Bain128J.T. Baines129O.K. Baker130P. Balek131T. Balestri132F. Balli133E. Banas134Sw. Banerjee135A.A.E. Bannoura136H.S. Bansil137L. Barak138S.P. Baranov139E.L. Barberio140D. Barberis141M. Barbero142T. Barillari143M. Barisonzi144T. Barklow145N. Barlow146S.L. Barnes147B.M. Barnett148R.M. Barnett149Z. Barnovska150A. Baroncelli151G. Barone152A.J. Barr153F. Barreiro154J. Barreiro Guimarães da Costa155R. Bartoldus156A.E. Barton157P. Bartos158A. Bassalat159A. Basye160R.L. Bates161S.J. Batista162J.R. Batley163M. Battaglia164M. Bauce165F. Bauer166H.S. Bawa167J.B. Beacham168M.D. Beattie169T. Beau170P.H. Beauchemin171R. Beccherle172P. Bechtle173H.P. Beck174K. Becker175S. Becker176M. Beckingham177C. Becot178A.J. Beddall179A. Beddall180V.A. Bednyakov181C.P. Bee182L.J. Beemster183T.A. Beermann184M. Begel185K. Behr186C. Belanger-Champagne187P.J. Bell188W.H. Bell189G. Bella190L. Bellagamba191A. Bellerive192M. Bellomo193K. Belotskiy194O. Beltramello195O. Benary196D. Benchekroun197M. Bender198K. Bendtz199N. Benekos200Y. Benhammou201E. Benhar Noccioli202J.A. Benitez Garcia203D.P. Benjamin204J.R. Bensinger205S. Bentvelsen206L. Beresford207M. Beretta208D. Berge209E. Bergeaas Kuutmann210N. Berger211F. Berghaus212J. Beringer213C. Bernard214N.R. Bernard215C. Bernius216F.U. Bernlochner217T. Berry218P. Berta219C. Bertella220G. Bertoli221F. Bertolucci222C. Bertsche223D. Bertsche224M.I. Besana225G.J. Besjes226O. Bessidskaia Bylund227M. Bessner228N. Besson229C. Betancourt230S. Bethke231A.J. Bevan232W. Bhimji233R.M. Bianchi234L. Bianchini235M. Bianco236O. Biebel237S.P. Bieniek238M. Biglietti239J. Bilbao De Mendizabal240H. Bilokon241M. Bindi242S. Binet243A. Bingul244C. Bini245C.W. Black246J.E. Black247K.M. Black248D. Blackburn249R.E. Blair250J.-B. Blanchard251J.E. Blanco252T. Blazek253I. Bloch254C. Blocker255W. Blum256U. Blumenschein257G.J. Bobbink258V.S. Bobrovnikov259S.S. Bocchetta260A. Bocci261C. Bock262C.R. Boddy263M. Boehler264J.A. Bogaerts265A.G. Bogdanchikov266C. Bohm267V. Boisvert268T. Bold269V. Boldea270A.S. Boldyrev271M. Bomben272M. Bona273M. Boonekamp274A. Borisov275G. Borissov276S. Borroni277J. Bortfeldt278V. Bortolotto279K. Bos280D. Boscherini281M. Bosman282J. Boudreau283J. Bouffard284E.V. Bouhova-Thacker285D. Boumediene286C. Bourdarios287N. Bousson288S. Boutouil289A. Boveia290J. Boyd291I.R. Boyko292I. Bozic293J. Bracinik294A. Brandt295G. Brandt296O. Brandt297U. Bratzler298B. Brau299J.E. Brau300H.M. Braun301S.F. Brazzale302K. Brendlinger303A.J. Brennan304L. Brenner305R. Brenner306S. Bressler307K. Bristow308T.M. Bristow309D. Britton310F.M. Brochu311I. Brock312R. Brock313J. Bronner314G. Brooijmans315T. Brooks316W.K. Brooks317J. Brosamer318E. Brost319J. Brown320P.A. Bruckman de Renstrom321D. Bruncko322R. Bruneliere323A. Bruni324G. Bruni325M. Bruschi326L. Bryngemark327T. Buanes328Q. Buat329F. Bucci330P. Buchholz331A.G. Buckley332S.I. Buda333I.A. Budagov334F. Buehrer335L. Bugge336M.K. Bugge337O. Bulekov338H. Burckhart339S. Burdin340B. Burghgrave341S. Burke342I. Burmeister343E. Busato344D. Büscher345V. Büscher346P. Bussey347C.P. Buszello348J.M. Butler349A.I. Butt350C.M. Buttar351J.M. Butterworth352P. Butti353W. Buttinger354A. Buzatu355S. Cabrera Urbán356D. Caforio357O. Cakir358P. Calafiura359A. Calandri360G. Calderini361P. Calfayan362L.P. Caloba363D. Calvet364S. Calvet365R. Camacho Toro366S. Camarda367D. Cameron368L.M. Caminada369R. Caminal Armadans370S. Campana371M. Campanelli372A. Campoverde373V. Canale374A. Canepa375M. Cano Bret376J. Cantero377R. Cantrill378T. Cao379M.D.M. Capeans Garrido380I. Caprini381M. Caprini382M. Capua383R. Caputo384R. Cardarelli385T. Carli386G. Carlino387L. Carminati388S. Caron389E. Carquin390G.D. Carrillo-Montoya391J.R. Carter392J. Carvalho393D. Casadei394M.P. Casado395M. Casolino396E. Castaneda-Miranda397A. Castelli398V. Castillo Gimenez399N.F. Castro400P. Catastini401A. Catinaccio402J.R. Catmore403A. Cattai404G. Cattani405J. Caudron406V. Cavaliere407D. Cavalli408M. Cavalli-Sforza409V. Cavasinni410F. Ceradini411B.C. Cerio412K. Cerny413A.S. Cerqueira414A. Cerri415L. Cerrito416F. Cerutti417M. Cerv418A. Cervelli419S.A. Cetin420A. Chafaq421D. Chakraborty422I. Chalupkova423P. Chang424B. Chapleau425J.D. Chapman426D. Charfeddine427D.G. Charlton428C.C. Chau429C.A. Chavez Barajas430S. Cheatham431A. Chegwidden432S. Chekanov433S.V. Chekulaev434G.A. Chelkov435M.A. Chelstowska436C. Chen437H. Chen438K. Chen439L. Chen440S. Chen441X. Chen442Y. Chen443H.C. Cheng444Y. Cheng445A. Cheplakov446E. Cheremushkina447R. Cherkaoui El Moursli448V. Chernyatin449E. Cheu450L. Chevalier451V. Chiarella452J.T. Childers453A. Chilingarov454G. Chiodini455A.S. Chisholm456R.T. Chislett457A. Chitan458M.V. Chizhov459S. Chouridou460B.K.B. Chow461D. Chromek-Burckhart462M.L. Chu463J. Chudoba464J.J. Chwastowski465L. Chytka466G. Ciapetti467A.K. Ciftci468D. Cinca469V. Cindro470A. Ciocio471Z.H. Citron472M. Ciubancan473A. Clark474P.J. Clark475R.N. Clarke476W. Cleland477C. Clement478Y. Coadou479M. Cobal480A. Coccaro481J. Cochran482L. Coffey483J.G. Cogan484B. Cole485S. Cole486A.P. Colijn487J. Collot488T. Colombo489G. Compostella490P. Conde Muiño491E. Coniavitis492S.H. Connell493I.A. Connelly494S.M. Consonni495V. Consorti496S. Constantinescu497C. Conta498G. Conti499F. Conventi500M. Cooke501B.D. Cooper502A.M. Cooper-Sarkar503K. Copic504T. Cornelissen505M. Corradi506F. Corriveau507A. Corso-Radu508A. Cortes-Gonzalez509G. Cortiana510M.J. Costa511D. Costanzo512D. Côté513G. Cottin514G. Cowan515B.E. Cox516K. Cranmer517G. Cree518S. Crépé-Renaudin519F. Crescioli520W.A. Cribbs521M. Crispin Ortuzar522M. Cristinziani523V. Croft524G. Crosetti525T. Cuhadar Donszelmann526J. Cummings527M. Curatolo528C. Cuthbert529H. Czirr530P. Czodrowski531S. D'Auria532M. D'Onofrio533M.J. Da Cunha Sargedas De Sousa534C. Da Via535W. Dabrowski536A. Dafinca537T. Dai538O. Dale539F. Dallaire540C. Dallapiccola541M. Dam542J.R. Dandoy543A.C. Daniells544M. Danninger545M. Dano Hoffmann546V. Dao547G. Darbo548S. Darmora549J. Dassoulas550A. Dattagupta551W. Davey552C. David553T. Davidek554E. Davies555M. Davies556O. Davignon557P. Davison558Y. Davygora559E. Dawe560I. Dawson561R.K. Daya-Ishmukhametova562K. De563R. de Asmundis564S. De Castro565S. De Cecco566N. De Groot567P. de Jong568H. De la Torre569F. De Lorenzi570L. De Nooij571D. De Pedis572A. De Salvo573U. De Sanctis574A. De Santo575J.B. De Vivie De Regie576W.J. Dearnaley577R. Debbe578C. Debenedetti579D.V. Dedovich580I. Deigaard581J. Del Peso582T. Del Prete583D. Delgove584F. Deliot585C.M. Delitzsch586M. Deliyergiyev587A. Dell'Acqua588L. Dell'Asta589M. Dell'Orso590M. Della Pietra591D. della Volpe592M. Delmastro593P.A. Delsart594C. Deluca595D.A. DeMarco596S. Demers597M. Demichev598A. Demilly599S.P. Denisov600D. Derendarz601J.E. Derkaoui602F. Derue603P. Dervan604K. Desch605C. Deterre606P.O. Deviveiros607A. Dewhurst608S. Dhaliwal609A. Di Ciaccio610L. Di Ciaccio611A. Di Domenico612C. Di Donato613A. Di Girolamo614B. Di Girolamo615A. Di Mattia616B. Di Micco617R. Di Nardo618A. Di Simone619R. Di Sipio620D. Di Valentino621C. Diaconu622M. Diamond623F.A. Dias624M.A. Diaz625E.B. Diehl626J. Dietrich627T.A. Dietzsch628S. Diglio629A. Dimitrievska630J. Dingfelder631F. Dittus632F. Djama633T. Djobava634J.I. Djuvsland635M.A.B. do Vale636D. Dobos637M. Dobre638C. Doglioni639T. Doherty640T. Dohmae641J. Dolejsi642Z. Dolezal643B.A. Dolgoshein644M. Donadelli645S. Donati646P. Dondero647J. Donini648J. Dopke649A. Doria650M.T. Dova651A.T. Doyle652M. Dris653E. Dubreuil654E. Duchovni655G. Duckeck656O.A. Ducu657D. Duda658A. Dudarev659L. Duflot660L. Duguid661M. Dührssen662M. Dunford663H. Duran Yildiz664M. Düren665A. Durglishvili666D. Duschinger667M. Dwuznik668M. Dyndal669K.M. Ecker670W. Edson671N.C. Edwards672W. Ehrenfeld673T. Eifert674G. Eigen675K. Einsweiler676T. Ekelof677M. El Kacimi678M. Ellert679S. Elles680F. Ellinghaus681A.A. Elliot682N. Ellis683J. Elmsheuser684M. Elsing685D. Emeliyanov686Y. Enari687O.C. Endner688M. Endo689R. Engelmann690J. Erdmann691A. Ereditato692D. Eriksson693G. Ernis694J. Ernst695M. Ernst696S. Errede697E. Ertel698M. Escalier699H. Esch700C. Escobar701B. Esposito702A.I. Etienvre703E. Etzion704H. Evans705A. Ezhilov706L. Fabbri707G. Facini708R.M. Fakhrutdinov709S. Falciano710R.J. Falla711J. Faltova712Y. Fang713M. Fanti714A. Farbin715A. Farilla716T. Farooque717S. Farrell718S.M. Farrington719P. Farthouat720F. Fassi721P. Fassnacht722D. Fassouliotis723A. Favareto724L. Fayard725P. Federic726O.L. Fedin727W. Fedorko728S. Feigl729L. Feligioni730C. Feng731E.J. Feng732H. Feng733A.B. Fenyuk734P. Fernandez Martinez735S. Fernandez Perez736S. Ferrag737J. Ferrando738A. Ferrari739P. Ferrari740R. Ferrari741D.E. Ferreira de Lima742A. Ferrer743D. Ferrere744C. Ferretti745A. Ferretto Parodi746M. Fiascaris747F. Fiedler748A. Filipčič749M. Filipuzzi750F. Filthaut751M. Fincke-Keeler752K.D. Finelli753M.C.N. Fiolhais754L. Fiorini755A. Firan756A. Fischer757C. Fischer758J. Fischer759W.C. Fisher760E.A. Fitzgerald761M. Flechl762I. Fleck763P. Fleischmann764S. Fleischmann765G.T. Fletcher766G. Fletcher767T. Flick768A. Floderus769L.R. Flores Castillo770M.J. Flowerdew771A. Formica772A. Forti773D. Fournier774H. Fox775S. Fracchia776P. Francavilla777M. Franchini778D. Francis779L. Franconi780M. Franklin781M. Fraternali782D. Freeborn783S.T. French784F. Friedrich785D. Froidevaux786J.A. Frost787C. Fukunaga788E. Fullana Torregrosa789B.G. Fulsom790J. Fuster791C. Gabaldon792O. Gabizon793A. Gabrielli794A. Gabrielli795S. Gadatsch796S. Gadomski797G. Gagliardi798P. Gagnon799C. Galea800B. Galhardo801E.J. Gallas802B.J. Gallop803P. Gallus804G. Galster805K.K. Gan806J. Gao807Y.S. Gao808F.M. Garay Walls809F. Garberson810C. García811J.E. García Navarro812M. Garcia-Sciveres813R.W. Gardner814N. Garelli815V. Garonne816C. Gatti817G. Gaudio818B. Gaur819L. Gauthier820P. Gauzzi821I.L. Gavrilenko822C. Gay823G. Gaycken824E.N. Gazis825P. Ge826Z. Gecse827C.N.P. Gee828D.A.A. Geerts829Ch. Geich-Gimbel830C. Gemme831M.H. Genest832S. Gentile833M. George834S. George835D. Gerbaudo836A. Gershon837H. Ghazlane838N. Ghodbane839B. Giacobbe840S. Giagu841V. Giangiobbe842P. Giannetti843F. Gianotti844B. Gibbard845S.M. Gibson846M. Gilchriese847T.P.S. Gillam848D. Gillberg849G. Gilles850D.M. Gingrich851N. Giokaris852M.P. Giordani853F.M. Giorgi854F.M. Giorgi855P.F. Giraud856D. Giugni857C. Giuliani858M. Giulini859B.K. Gjelsten860S. Gkaitatzis861I. Gkialas862E.L. Gkougkousis863L.K. Gladilin864C. Glasman865J. Glatzer866P.C.F. Glaysher867A. Glazov868M. Goblirsch-Kolb869J.R. Goddard870J. Godlewski871S. Goldfarb872T. Golling873D. Golubkov874A. Gomes875R. Gonçalo876J. Goncalves Pinto Firmino Da Costa877L. Gonella878S. González de la Hoz879G. Gonzalez Parra880S. Gonzalez-Sevilla881L. Goossens882P.A. Gorbounov883H.A. Gordon884I. Gorelov885B. Gorini886E. Gorini887A. Gorišek888E. Gornicki889A.T. Goshaw890C. Gössling891M.I. Gostkin892M. Gouighri893D. Goujdami894A.G. Goussiou895H.M.X. Grabas896L. Graber897I. Grabowska-Bold898P. Grafström899K-J. Grahn900J. Gramling901E. Gramstad902S. Grancagnolo903V. Grassi904V. Gratchev905H.M. Gray906E. Graziani907Z.D. Greenwood908K. Gregersen909I.M. Gregor910P. Grenier911J. Griffiths912A.A. Grillo913K. Grimm914S. Grinstein915Ph. Gris916Y.V. Grishkevich917J.-F. Grivaz918J.P. Grohs919A. Grohsjean920E. Gross921J. Grosse-Knetter922G.C. Grossi923Z.J. Grout924L. Guan925J. Guenther926F. Guescini927D. Guest928O. Gueta929E. Guido930T. Guillemin931S. Guindon932U. Gul933C. Gumpert934J. Guo935S. Gupta936P. Gutierrez937N.G. Gutierrez Ortiz938C. Gutschow939N. Guttman940C. Guyot941C. Gwenlan942C.B. Gwilliam943A. Haas944C. Haber945H.K. Hadavand946N. Haddad947P. Haefner948S. Hageböck949Z. Hajduk950H. Hakobyan951M. Haleem952J. Haley953D. Hall954G. Halladjian955G.D. Hallewell956K. Hamacher957P. Hamal958K. Hamano959M. Hamer960A. Hamilton961S. Hamilton962G.N. Hamity963P.G. Hamnett964L. Han965K. Hanagaki966K. Hanawa967M. Hance968P. Hanke969R. Hanna970J.B. Hansen971J.D. Hansen972P.H. Hansen973K. Hara974A.S. Hard975T. Harenberg976F. Hariri977S. Harkusha978R.D. Harrington979P.F. Harrison980F. Hartjes981M. Hasegawa982S. Hasegawa983Y. Hasegawa984A. Hasib985S. Hassani986S. Haug987R. Hauser988L. Hauswald989M. Havranek990C.M. Hawkes991R.J. Hawkings992A.D. Hawkins993T. Hayashi994D. Hayden995C.P. Hays996J.M. Hays997H.S. Hayward998S.J. Haywood999S.J. Head1000T. Heck1001V. Hedberg1002L. Heelan1003S. Heim1004T. Heim1005B. Heinemann1006L. Heinrich1007J. Hejbal1008L. Helary1009M. Heller1010S. Hellman1011D. Hellmich1012C. Helsens1013J. Henderson1014R.C.W. Henderson1015Y. Heng1016C. Hengler1017A. Henrichs1018A.M. Henriques Correia1019S. Henrot-Versille1020G.H. Herbert1021Y. Hernández Jiménez1022R. Herrberg-Schubert1023G. Herten1024R. Hertenberger1025L. Hervas1026G.G. Hesketh1027N.P. Hessey1028R. Hickling1029E. Higón-Rodriguez1030E. Hill1031J.C. Hill1032K.H. Hiller1033S.J. Hillier1034I. Hinchliffe1035E. Hines1036R.R. Hinman1037M. Hirose1038D. Hirschbuehl1039J. Hobbs1040N. Hod1041M.C. Hodgkinson1042P. Hodgson1043A. Hoecker1044M.R. Hoeferkamp1045F. Hoenig1046M. Hohlfeld1047T.R. Holmes1048T.M. Hong1049L. Hooft van Huysduynen1050W.H. Hopkins1051Y. Horii1052A.J. Horton1053J-Y. Hostachy1054S. Hou1055A. Hoummada1056J. Howard1057J. Howarth1058M. Hrabovsky1059I. Hristova1060J. Hrivnac1061T. Hryn'ova1062A. Hrynevich1063C. Hsu1064P.J. Hsu1065S.-C. Hsu1066D. Hu1067Q. Hu1068X. Hu1069Y. Huang1070Z. Hubacek1071F. Hubaut1072F. Huegging1073T.B. Huffman1074E.W. Hughes1075G. Hughes1076M. Huhtinen1077T.A. Hülsing1078N. Huseynov1079J. Huston1080J. Huth1081G. Iacobucci1082G. Iakovidis1083I. Ibragimov1084L. Iconomidou-Fayard1085E. Ideal1086Z. Idrissi1087P. Iengo1088O. Igonkina1089T. Iizawa1090Y. Ikegami1091K. Ikematsu1092M. Ikeno1093Y. Ilchenko1094D. Iliadis1095N. Ilic1096Y. Inamaru1097T. Ince1098P. Ioannou1099M. Iodice1100K. Iordanidou1101V. Ippolito1102A. Irles Quiles1103C. Isaksson1104M. Ishino1105M. Ishitsuka1106R. Ishmukhametov1107C. Issever1108S. Istin1109J.M. Iturbe Ponce1110R. Iuppa1111J. Ivarsson1112W. Iwanski1113H. Iwasaki1114J.M. Izen1115V. Izzo1116S. Jabbar1117B. Jackson1118M. Jackson1119P. Jackson1120M.R. Jaekel1121V. Jain1122K. Jakobs1123S. Jakobsen1124T. Jakoubek1125J. Jakubek1126D.O. Jamin1127D.K. Jana1128E. Jansen1129R.W. Jansky1130J. Janssen1131M. Janus1132G. Jarlskog1133N. Javadov1134T. Javůrek1135L. Jeanty1136J. Jejelava1137G.-Y. Jeng1138D. Jennens1139P. Jenni1140J. Jentzsch1141C. Jeske1142S. Jézéquel1143H. Ji1144J. Jia1145Y. Jiang1146J. Jimenez Pena1147S. Jin1148A. Jinaru1149O. Jinnouchi1150M.D. Joergensen1151P. Johansson1152K.A. Johns1153K. Jon-And1154G. Jones1155R.W.L. Jones1156T.J. Jones1157J. Jongmanns1158P.M. Jorge1159K.D. Joshi1160J. Jovicevic1161X. Ju1162C.A. Jung1163P. Jussel1164A. Juste Rozas1165M. Kaci1166A. Kaczmarska1167M. Kado1168H. Kagan1169M. Kagan1170S.J. Kahn1171E. Kajomovitz1172C.W. Kalderon1173S. Kama1174A. Kamenshchikov1175N. Kanaya1176M. Kaneda1177S. Kaneti1178V.A. Kantserov1179J. Kanzaki1180B. Kaplan1181A. Kapliy1182D. Kar1183K. Karakostas1184A. Karamaoun1185N. Karastathis1186M.J. Kareem1187M. Karnevskiy1188S.N. Karpov1189Z.M. Karpova1190K. Karthik1191V. Kartvelishvili1192A.N. Karyukhin1193L. Kashif1194R.D. Kass1195A. Kastanas1196Y. Kataoka1197A. Katre1198J. Katzy1199K. Kawagoe1200T. Kawamoto1201G. Kawamura1202S. Kazama1203V.F. Kazanin1204M.Y. Kazarinov1205R. Keeler1206R. Kehoe1207M. Keil1208J.S. Keller1209J.J. Kempster1210H. Keoshkerian1211O. Kepka1212B.P. Kerševan1213S. Kersten1214R.A. Keyes1215F. Khalil-zada1216H. Khandanyan1217A. Khanov1218A. Kharlamov1219A. Khodinov1220A. Khomich1221T.J. Khoo1222G. Khoriauli1223V. Khovanskiy1224E. Khramov1225J. Khubua1226H.Y. Kim1227H. Kim1228S.H. Kim1229N. Kimura1230O.M. Kind1231B.T. King1232M. King1233R.S.B. King1234S.B. King1235J. Kirk1236A.E. Kiryunin1237T. Kishimoto1238D. Kisielewska1239F. Kiss1240K. Kiuchi1241E. Kladiva1242M.H. Klein1243M. Klein1244U. Klein1245K. Kleinknecht1246P. Klimek1247A. Klimentov1248R. Klingenberg1249J.A. Klinger1250T. Klioutchnikova1251P.F. Klok1252E.-E. Kluge1253P. Kluit1254S. Kluth1255E. Kneringer1256E.B.F.G. Knoops1257A. Knue1258D. Kobayashi1259T. Kobayashi1260M. Kobel1261M. Kocian1262P. Kodys1263T. Koffas1264E. Koffeman1265L.A. Kogan1266S. Kohlmann1267Z. Kohout1268T. Kohriki1269T. Koi1270H. Kolanoski1271I. Koletsou1272A.A. Komar1273Y. Komori1274T. Kondo1275N. Kondrashova1276K. Köneke1277A.C. König1278S. König1279T. Kono1280R. Konoplich1281N. Konstantinidis1282R. Kopeliansky1283S. Koperny1284L. Köpke1285A.K. Kopp1286K. Korcyl1287K. Kordas1288A. Korn1289A.A. Korol1290I. Korolkov1291E.V. Korolkova1292O. Kortner1293S. Kortner1294T. Kosek1295V.V. Kostyukhin1296V.M. Kotov1297A. Kotwal1298A. Kourkoumeli-Charalampidi1299C. Kourkoumelis1300V. Kouskoura1301A. Koutsman1302R. Kowalewski1303T.Z. Kowalski1304W. Kozanecki1305A.S. Kozhin1306V.A. Kramarenko1307G. Kramberger1308D. Krasnopevtsev1309M.W. Krasny1310A. Krasznahorkay1311J.K. Kraus1312A. Kravchenko1313S. Kreiss1314M. Kretz1315J. Kretzschmar1316K. Kreutzfeldt1317P. Krieger1318K. Krizka1319K. Kroeninger1320H. Kroha1321J. Kroll1322J. Kroseberg1323J. Krstic1324U. Kruchonak1325H. Krüger1326N. Krumnack1327Z.V. Krumshteyn1328A. Kruse1329M.C. Kruse1330M. Kruskal1331T. Kubota1332H. Kucuk1333S. Kuday1334S. Kuehn1335A. Kugel1336F. Kuger1337A. Kuhl1338T. Kuhl1339V. Kukhtin1340Y. Kulchitsky1341S. Kuleshov1342M. Kuna1343T. Kunigo1344A. Kupco1345H. Kurashige1346Y.A. Kurochkin1347R. Kurumida1348V. Kus1349E.S. Kuwertz1350M. Kuze1351J. Kvita1352T. Kwan1353D. Kyriazopoulos1354A. La Rosa1355J.L. La Rosa Navarro1356L. La Rotonda1357C. Lacasta1358F. Lacava1359J. Lacey1360H. Lacker1361D. Lacour1362V.R. Lacuesta1363E. Ladygin1364R. Lafaye1365B. Laforge1366T. Lagouri1367S. Lai1368L. Lambourne1369S. Lammers1370C.L. Lampen1371W. Lampl1372E. Lançon1373U. Landgraf1374M.P.J. Landon1375V.S. Lang1376A.J. Lankford1377F. Lanni1378K. Lantzsch1379S. Laplace1380C. Lapoire1381J.F. Laporte1382T. Lari1383F. Lasagni Manghi1384M. Lassnig1385P. Laurelli1386W. Lavrijsen1387A.T. Law1388P. Laycock1389O. Le Dortz1390E. Le Guirriec1391E. Le Menedeu1392T. LeCompte1393F. Ledroit-Guillon1394C.A. Lee1395S.C. Lee1396L. Lee1397G. Lefebvre1398M. Lefebvre1399F. Legger1400C. Leggett1401A. Lehan1402G. Lehmann Miotto1403X. Lei1404W.A. Leight1405A. Leisos1406A.G. Leister1407M.A.L. Leite1408R. Leitner1409D. Lellouch1410B. Lemmer1411K.J.C. Leney1412T. Lenz1413G. Lenzen1414B. Lenzi1415R. Leone1416S. Leone1417C. Leonidopoulos1418S. Leontsinis1419C. Leroy1420C.G. Lester1421M. Levchenko1422J. Levêque1423D. Levin1424L.J. Levinson1425M. Levy1426A. Lewis1427A.M. Leyko1428M. Leyton1429B. Li1430B. Li1431H. Li1432H.L. Li1433L. Li1434L. Li1435S. Li1436Y. Li1437Z. Liang1438H. Liao1439B. Liberti1440P. Lichard1441K. Lie1442J. Liebal1443W. Liebig1444C. Limbach1445A. Limosani1446S.C. Lin1447T.H. Lin1448F. Linde1449B.E. Lindquist1450J.T. Linnemann1451E. Lipeles1452A. Lipniacka1453M. Lisovyi1454T.M. Liss1455D. Lissauer1456A. Lister1457A.M. Litke1458B. Liu1459D. Liu1460J. Liu1461J.B. Liu1462K. Liu1463L. Liu1464M. Liu1465M. Liu1466Y. Liu1467M. Livan1468A. Lleres1469J. Llorente Merino1470S.L. Lloyd1471F. Lo Sterzo1472E. Lobodzinska1473P. Loch1474W.S. Lockman1475F.K. Loebinger1476A.E. Loevschall-Jensen1477A. Loginov1478T. Lohse1479K. Lohwasser1480M. Lokajicek1481B.A. Long1482J.D. Long1483R.E. Long1484K.A. Looper1485L. Lopes1486D. Lopez Mateos1487B. Lopez Paredes1488I. Lopez Paz1489J. Lorenz1490N. Lorenzo Martinez1491M. Losada1492P. Loscutoff1493P.J. Lösel1494X. Lou1495A. Lounis1496J. Love1497P.A. Love1498N. Lu1499H.J. Lubatti1500C. Luci1501A. Lucotte1502F. Luehring1503W. Lukas1504L. Luminari1505O. Lundberg1506B. Lund-Jensen1507M. Lungwitz1508D. Lynn1509R. Lysak1510E. Lytken1511H. Ma1512L.L. Ma1513G. Maccarrone1514A. Macchiolo1515C.M. Macdonald1516J. Machado Miguens1517D. Macina1518D. Madaffari1519R. Madar1520H.J. Maddocks1521W.F. Mader1522A. Madsen1523T. Maeno1524A. Maevskiy1525E. Magradze1526K. Mahboubi1527J. Mahlstedt1528S. Mahmoud1529C. Maiani1530C. Maidantchik1531A.A. Maier1532T. Maier1533A. Maio1534S. Majewski1535Y. Makida1536N. Makovec1537B. Malaescu1538Pa. Malecki1539V.P. Maleev1540F. Malek1541U. Mallik1542D. Malon1543C. Malone1544S. Maltezos1545V.M. Malyshev1546S. Malyukov1547J. Mamuzic1548B. Mandelli1549L. Mandelli1550I. Mandić1551R. Mandrysch1552J. Maneira1553A. Manfredini1554L. Manhaes de Andrade Filho1555J. Manjarres Ramos1556A. Mann1557P.M. Manning1558A. Manousakis-Katsikakis1559B. Mansoulie1560R. Mantifel1561M. Mantoani1562L. Mapelli1563L. March1564G. Marchiori1565M. Marcisovsky1566C.P. Marino1567M. Marjanovic1568F. Marroquim1569S.P. Marsden1570Z. Marshall1571L.F. Marti1572S. Marti-Garcia1573B. Martin1574T.A. Martin1575V.J. Martin1576B. Martin dit Latour1577H. Martinez1578M. Martinez1579S. Martin-Haugh1580V.S. Martoiu1581A.C. Martyniuk1582M. Marx1583F. Marzano1584A. Marzin1585L. Masetti1586T. Mashimo1587R. Mashinistov1588J. Masik1589A.L. Maslennikov1590I. Massa1591L. Massa1592N. Massol1593P. Mastrandrea1594A. Mastroberardino1595T. Masubuchi1596P. Mättig1597J. Mattmann1598J. Maurer1599S.J. Maxfield1600D.A. Maximov1601R. Mazini1602S.M. Mazza1603L. Mazzaferro1604G. Mc Goldrick1605S.P. Mc Kee1606A. McCarn1607R.L. McCarthy1608T.G. McCarthy1609N.A. McCubbin1610K.W. McFarlane1611J.A. Mcfayden1612G. Mchedlidze1613S.J. McMahon1614R.A. McPherson1615J. Mechnich1616M. Medinnis1617S. Meehan1618S. Mehlhase1619A. Mehta1620K. Meier1621C. Meineck1622B. Meirose1623C. Melachrinos1624B.R. Mellado Garcia1625F. Meloni1626A. Mengarelli1627S. Menke1628E. Meoni1629K.M. Mercurio1630S. Mergelmeyer1631N. Meric1632P. Mermod1633L. Merola1634C. Meroni1635F.S. Merritt1636H. Merritt1637A. Messina1638J. Metcalfe1639A.S. Mete1640C. Meyer1641C. Meyer1642J-P. Meyer1643J. Meyer1644R.P. Middleton1645S. Migas1646S. Miglioranzi1647L. Mijović1648G. Mikenberg1649M. Mikestikova1650M. Mikuž1651A. Milic1652D.W. Miller1653C. Mills1654A. Milov1655D.A. Milstead1656A.A. Minaenko1657Y. Minami1658I.A. Minashvili1659A.I. Mincer1660B. Mindur1661M. Mineev1662Y. Ming1663L.M. Mir1664G. Mirabelli1665T. Mitani1666J. Mitrevski1667V.A. Mitsou1668A. Miucci1669P.S. Miyagawa1670J.U. Mjörnmark1671T. Moa1672K. Mochizuki1673S. Mohapatra1674W. Mohr1675S. Molander1676R. Moles-Valls1677K. Mönig1678C. Monini1679J. Monk1680E. Monnier1681J. Montejo Berlingen1682F. Monticelli1683S. Monzani1684R.W. Moore1685N. Morange1686D. Moreno1687M. Moreno Llácer1688P. Morettini1689M. Morgenstern1690M. Morii1691V. Morisbak1692S. Moritz1693A.K. Morley1694G. Mornacchi1695J.D. Morris1696A. Morton1697L. Morvaj1698H.G. Moser1699M. Mosidze1700J. Moss1701K. Motohashi1702R. Mount1703E. Mountricha1704S.V. Mouraviev1705E.J.W. Moyse1706S. Muanza1707R.D. Mudd1708F. Mueller1709J. Mueller1710K. Mueller1711R.S.P. Mueller1712T. Mueller1713D. Muenstermann1714P. Mullen1715Y. Munwes1716J.A. Murillo Quijada1717W.J. Murray1718H. Musheghyan1719E. Musto1720A.G. Myagkov1721M. Myska1722O. Nackenhorst1723J. Nadal1724K. Nagai1725R. Nagai1726Y. Nagai1727K. Nagano1728A. Nagarkar1729Y. Nagasaka1730K. Nagata1731M. Nagel1732E. Nagy1733A.M. Nairz1734Y. Nakahama1735K. Nakamura1736T. Nakamura1737I. Nakano1738H. Namasivayam1739G. Nanava1740R.F. Naranjo Garcia1741R. Narayan1742T. Nattermann1743T. Naumann1744G. Navarro1745R. Nayyar1746H.A. Neal1747P.Yu. Nechaeva1748T.J. Neep1749P.D. Nef1750A. Negri1751M. Negrini1752S. Nektarijevic1753C. Nellist1754A. Nelson1755S. Nemecek1756P. Nemethy1757A.A. Nepomuceno1758M. Nessi1759M.S. Neubauer1760M. Neumann1761R.M. Neves1762P. Nevski1763P.R. Newman1764D.H. Nguyen1765R.B. Nickerson1766R. Nicolaidou1767B. Nicquevert1768J. Nielsen1769N. Nikiforou1770A. Nikiforov1771V. Nikolaenko1772I. Nikolic-Audit1773K. Nikolopoulos1774P. Nilsson1775Y. Ninomiya1776A. Nisati1777R. Nisius1778T. Nobe1779M. Nomachi1780I. Nomidis1781T. Nooney1782S. Norberg1783M. Nordberg1784O. Novgorodova1785S. Nowak1786M. Nozaki1787L. Nozka1788K. Ntekas1789G. Nunes Hanninger1790T. Nunnemann1791E. Nurse1792F. Nuti1793B.J. O'Brien1794F. O'grady1795D.C. O'Neil1796V. O'Shea1797F.G. Oakham1798H. Oberlack1799T. Obermann1800J. Ocariz1801A. Ochi1802I. Ochoa1803S. Oda1804S. Odaka1805H. Ogren1806A. Oh1807S.H. Oh1808C.C. Ohm1809H. Ohman1810H. Oide1811W. Okamura1812H. Okawa1813Y. Okumura1814T. Okuyama1815A. Olariu1816A.G. Olchevski1817S.A. Olivares Pino1818D. Oliveira Damazio1819E. Oliver Garcia1820A. Olszewski1821J. Olszowska1822A. Onofre1823P.U.E. Onyisi1824C.J. Oram1825M.J. Oreglia1826Y. Oren1827D. Orestano1828N. Orlando1829C. Oropeza Barrera1830R.S. Orr1831B. Osculati1832R. Ospanov1833G. Otero y Garzon1834H. Otono1835M. Ouchrif1836E.A. Ouellette1837F. Ould-Saada1838A. Ouraou1839K.P. Oussoren1840Q. Ouyang1841A. Ovcharova1842M. Owen1843R.E. Owen1844V.E. Ozcan1845N. Ozturk1846K. Pachal1847A. Pacheco Pages1848C. Padilla Aranda1849M. Pagáčová1850S. Pagan Griso1851E. Paganis1852C. Pahl1853F. Paige1854P. Pais1855K. Pajchel1856G. Palacino1857S. Palestini1858M. Palka1859D. Pallin1860A. Palma1861Y.B. Pan1862E. Panagiotopoulou1863C.E. Pandini1864J.G. Panduro Vazquez1865P. Pani1866N. Panikashvili1867S. Panitkin1868L. Paolozzi1869Th.D. Papadopoulou1870K. Papageorgiou1871A. Paramonov1872D. Paredes Hernandez1873M.A. Parker1874K.A. Parker1875F. Parodi1876J.A. Parsons1877U. Parzefall1878E. Pasqualucci1879S. Passaggio1880F. Pastore1881Fr. Pastore1882G. Pásztor1883S. Pataraia1884N.D. Patel1885J.R. Pater1886T. Pauly1887J. Pearce1888L.E. Pedersen1889M. Pedersen1890S. Pedraza Lopez1891R. Pedro1892S.V. Peleganchuk1893D. Pelikan1894H. Peng1895B. Penning1896J. Penwell1897D.V. Perepelitsa1898E. Perez Codina1899M.T. Pérez García-Estañ1900L. Perini1901H. Pernegger1902S. Perrella1903R. Peschke1904V.D. Peshekhonov1905K. Peters1906R.F.Y. Peters1907B.A. Petersen1908T.C. Petersen1909E. Petit1910A. Petridis1911C. Petridou1912E. Petrolo1913F. Petrucci1914N.E. Pettersson1915R. Pezoa1916P.W. Phillips1917G. Piacquadio1918E. Pianori1919A. Picazio1920E. Piccaro1921M. Piccinini1922M.A. Pickering1923R. Piegaia1924D.T. Pignotti1925J.E. Pilcher1926A.D. Pilkington1927J. Pina1928M. Pinamonti1929J.L. Pinfold1930A. Pingel1931B. Pinto1932S. Pires1933M. Pitt1934C. Pizio1935L. Plazak1936M.-A. Pleier1937V. Pleskot1938E. Plotnikova1939P. Plucinski1940D. Pluth1941R. Poettgen1942L. Poggioli1943D. Pohl1944G. Polesello1945A. Policicchio1946R. Polifka1947A. Polini1948C.S. Pollard1949V. Polychronakos1950K. Pommès1951L. Pontecorvo1952B.G. Pope1953G.A. Popeneciu1954D.S. Popovic1955A. Poppleton1956S. Pospisil1957K. Potamianos1958I.N. Potrap1959C.J. Potter1960C.T. Potter1961G. Poulard1962J. Poveda1963V. Pozdnyakov1964P. Pralavorio1965A. Pranko1966S. Prasad1967S. Prell1968D. Price1969J. Price1970L.E. Price1971M. Primavera1972S. Prince1973M. Proissl1974K. Prokofiev1975F. Prokoshin1976E. Protopapadaki1977S. Protopopescu1978J. Proudfoot1979M. Przybycien1980E. Ptacek1981D. Puddu1982E. Pueschel1983D. Puldon1984M. Purohit1985P. Puzo1986J. Qian1987G. Qin1988Y. Qin1989A. Quadt1990D.R. Quarrie1991W.B. Quayle1992M. Queitsch-Maitland1993D. Quilty1994A. Qureshi1995V. Radeka1996V. Radescu1997S.K. Radhakrishnan1998P. Radloff1999P. Rados2000F. Ragusa2001G. Rahal2002S. Rajagopalan2003M. Rammensee2004C. Rangel-Smith2005F. Rauscher2006S. Rave2007T.C. Rave2008T. Ravenscroft2009M. Raymond2010A.L. Read2011N.P. Readioff2012D.M. Rebuzzi2013A. Redelbach2014G. Redlinger2015R. Reece2016K. Reeves2017L. Rehnisch2018H. Reisin2019M. Relich2020C. Rembser2021H. Ren2022A. Renaud2023M. Rescigno2024S. Resconi2025O.L. Rezanova2026P. Reznicek2027R. Rezvani2028R. Richter2029E. Richter-Was2030M. Ridel2031P. Rieck2032C.J. Riegel2033J. Rieger2034M. Rijssenbeek2035A. Rimoldi2036L. Rinaldi2037E. Ritsch2038I. Riu2039F. Rizatdinova2040E. Rizvi2041S.H. Robertson2042A. Robichaud-Veronneau2043D. Robinson2044J.E.M. Robinson2045A. Robson2046C. Roda2047L. Rodrigues2048S. Roe2049O. Røhne2050S. Rolli2051A. Romaniouk2052M. Romano2053S.M. Romano Saez2054E. Romero Adam2055N. Rompotis2056M. Ronzani2057L. Roos2058E. Ros2059S. Rosati2060K. Rosbach2061P. Rose2062P.L. Rosendahl2063O. Rosenthal2064V. Rossetti2065E. Rossi2066L.P. Rossi2067R. Rosten2068M. Rotaru2069I. Roth2070J. Rothberg2071D. Rousseau2072C.R. Royon2073A. Rozanov2074Y. Rozen2075X. Ruan2076F. Rubbo2077I. Rubinskiy2078V.I. Rud2079C. Rudolph2080M.S. Rudolph2081F. Rühr2082A. Ruiz-Martinez2083Z. Rurikova2084N.A. Rusakovich2085A. Ruschke2086H.L. Russell2087J.P. Rutherfoord2088N. Ruthmann2089Y.F. Ryabov2090M. Rybar2091G. Rybkin2092N.C. Ryder2093A.F. Saavedra2094G. Sabato2095S. Sacerdoti2096A. Saddique2097H.F-W. Sadrozinski2098R. Sadykov2099F. Safai Tehrani2100M. Saimpert2101H. Sakamoto2102Y. Sakurai2103G. Salamanna2104A. Salamon2105M. Saleem2106D. Salek2107P.H. Sales De Bruin2108D. Salihagic2109A. Salnikov2110J. Salt2111D. Salvatore2112F. Salvatore2113A. Salvucci2114A. Salzburger2115D. Sampsonidis2116A. Sanchez2117J. Sánchez2118V. Sanchez Martinez2119H. Sandaker2120R.L. Sandbach2121H.G. Sander2122M.P. Sanders2123M. Sandhoff2124C. Sandoval2125R. Sandstroem2126D.P.C. Sankey2127A. Sansoni2128C. Santoni2129R. Santonico2130H. Santos2131I. Santoyo Castillo2132K. Sapp2133A. Sapronov2134J.G. Saraiva2135B. Sarrazin2136O. Sasaki2137Y. Sasaki2138K. Sato2139G. Sauvage2140E. Sauvan2141G. Savage2142P. Savard2143C. Sawyer2144L. Sawyer2145D.H. Saxon2146J. Saxon2147C. Sbarra2148A. Sbrizzi2149T. Scanlon2150D.A. Scannicchio2151M. Scarcella2152V. Scarfone2153J. Schaarschmidt2154P. Schacht2155D. Schaefer2156R. Schaefer2157J. Schaeffer2158S. Schaepe2159S. Schaetzel2160U. Schäfer2161A.C. Schaffer2162D. Schaile2163R.D. Schamberger2164V. Scharf2165V.A. Schegelsky2166D. Scheirich2167M. Schernau2168C. Schiavi2169C. Schillo2170M. Schioppa2171S. Schlenker2172E. Schmidt2173K. Schmieden2174C. Schmitt2175S. Schmitt2176B. Schneider2177Y.J. Schnellbach2178U. Schnoor2179L. Schoeffel2180A. Schoening2181B.D. Schoenrock2182A.L.S. Schorlemmer2183M. Schott2184D. Schouten2185J. Schovancova2186S. Schramm2187M. Schreyer2188C. Schroeder2189N. Schuh2190M.J. Schultens2191H.-C. Schultz-Coulon2192H. Schulz2193M. Schumacher2194B.A. Schumm2195Ph. Schune2196C. Schwanenberger2197A. Schwartzman2198T.A. Schwarz2199Ph. Schwegler2200Ph. Schwemling2201R. Schwienhorst2202J. Schwindling2203T. Schwindt2204M. Schwoerer2205F.G. Sciacca2206E. Scifo2207G. Sciolla2208F. Scuri2209F. Scutti2210J. Searcy2211G. Sedov2212E. Sedykh2213P. Seema2214S.C. Seidel2215A. Seiden2216F. Seifert2217J.M. Seixas2218G. Sekhniaidze2219S.J. Sekula2220K.E. Selbach2221D.M. Seliverstov2222N. Semprini-Cesari2223C. Serfon2224L. Serin2225L. Serkin2226T. Serre2227R. Seuster2228H. Severini2229T. Sfiligoj2230F. Sforza2231A. Sfyrla2232E. Shabalina2233M. Shamim2234L.Y. Shan2235R. Shang2236J.T. Shank2237M. Shapiro2238P.B. Shatalov2239K. Shaw2240A. Shcherbakova2241C.Y. Shehu2242P. Sherwood2243L. Shi2244S. Shimizu2245C.O. Shimmin2246M. Shimojima2247M. Shiyakova2248A. Shmeleva2249D. Shoaleh Saadi2250M.J. Shochet2251S. Shojaii2252S. Shrestha2253E. Shulga2254M.A. Shupe2255S. Shushkevich2256P. Sicho2257O. Sidiropoulou2258D. Sidorov2259A. Sidoti2260F. Siegert2261Dj. Sijacki2262J. Silva2263Y. Silver2264D. Silverstein2265S.B. Silverstein2266V. Simak2267O. Simard2268Lj. Simic2269S. Simion2270E. Simioni2271B. Simmons2272D. Simon2273R. Simoniello2274P. Sinervo2275N.B. Sinev2276G. Siragusa2277A. Sircar2278A.N. Sisakyan2279S.Yu. Sivoklokov2280J. Sjölin2281T.B. Sjursen2282M.B. Skinner2283H.P. Skottowe2284P. Skubic2285M. Slater2286T. Slavicek2287M. Slawinska2288K. Sliwa2289V. Smakhtin2290B.H. Smart2291L. Smestad2292S.Yu. Smirnov2293Y. Smirnov2294L.N. Smirnova2295O. Smirnova2296K.M. Smith2297M.N.K. Smith2298M. Smizanska2299K. Smolek2300A.A. Snesarev2301G. Snidero2302S. Snyder2303R. Sobie2304F. Socher2305A. Soffer2306D.A. Soh2307C.A. Solans2308M. Solar2309J. Solc2310E.Yu. Soldatov2311U. Soldevila2312A.A. Solodkov2313A. Soloshenko2314O.V. Solovyanov2315V. Solovyev2316P. Sommer2317H.Y. Song2318N. Soni2319A. Sood2320A. Sopczak2321B. Sopko2322V. Sopko2323V. Sorin2324D. Sosa2325M. Sosebee2326C.L. Sotiropoulou2327R. Soualah2328P. Soueid2329A.M. Soukharev2330D. South2331S. Spagnolo2332F. Spanò2333W.R. Spearman2334F. Spettel2335R. Spighi2336G. Spigo2337L.A. Spiller2338M. Spousta2339T. Spreitzer2340R.D. St. Denis2341S. Staerz2342J. Stahlman2343R. Stamen2344S. Stamm2345E. Stanecka2346C. Stanescu2347M. Stanescu-Bellu2348M.M. Stanitzki2349S. Stapnes2350E.A. Starchenko2351J. Stark2352P. Staroba2353P. Starovoitov2354R. Staszewski2355P. Stavina2356P. Steinberg2357B. Stelzer2358H.J. Stelzer2359O. Stelzer-Chilton2360H. Stenzel2361S. Stern2362G.A. Stewart2363J.A. Stillings2364M.C. Stockton2365M. Stoebe2366G. Stoicea2367P. Stolte2368S. Stonjek2369A.R. Stradling2370A. Straessner2371M.E. Stramaglia2372J. Strandberg2373S. Strandberg2374A. Strandlie2375E. Strauss2376M. Strauss2377P. Strizenec2378R. Ströhmer2379D.M. Strom2380R. Stroynowski2381A. Strubig2382S.A. Stucci2383B. Stugu2384N.A. Styles2385D. Su2386J. Su2387R. Subramaniam2388A. Succurro2389Y. Sugaya2390C. Suhr2391M. Suk2392V.V. Sulin2393S. Sultansoy2394T. Sumida2395S. Sun2396X. Sun2397J.E. Sundermann2398K. Suruliz2399G. Susinno2400M.R. Sutton2401Y. Suzuki2402M. Svatos2403S. Swedish2404M. Swiatlowski2405I. Sykora2406T. Sykora2407D. Ta2408C. Taccini2409K. Tackmann2410J. Taenzer2411A. Taffard2412R. Tafirout2413N. Taiblum2414H. Takai2415R. Takashima2416H. Takeda2417T. Takeshita2418Y. Takubo2419M. Talby2420A.A. Talyshev2421J.Y.C. Tam2422K.G. Tan2423J. Tanaka2424R. Tanaka2425S. Tanaka2426S. Tanaka2427A.J. Tanasijczuk2428B.B. Tannenwald2429N. Tannoury2430S. Tapprogge2431S. Tarem2432F. Tarrade2433G.F. Tartarelli2434P. Tas2435M. Tasevsky2436T. Tashiro2437E. Tassi2438A. Tavares Delgado2439Y. Tayalati2440F.E. Taylor2441G.N. Taylor2442W. Taylor2443F.A. Teischinger2444M. Teixeira Dias Castanheira2445P. Teixeira-Dias2446K.K. Temming2447H. Ten Kate2448P.K. Teng2449J.J. Teoh2450F. Tepel2451S. Terada2452K. Terashi2453J. Terron2454S. Terzo2455M. Testa2456R.J. Teuscher2457J. Therhaag2458T. Theveneaux-Pelzer2459J.P. Thomas2460J. Thomas-Wilsker2461E.N. Thompson2462P.D. Thompson2463R.J. Thompson2464A.S. Thompson2465L.A. Thomsen2466E. Thomson2467M. Thomson2468W.M. Thong2469R.P. Thun2470F. Tian2471M.J. Tibbetts2472R.E. Ticse Torres2473V.O. Tikhomirov2474Yu.A. Tikhonov2475S. Timoshenko2476E. Tiouchichine2477P. Tipton2478S. Tisserant2479T. Todorov2480S. Todorova-Nova2481J. Tojo2482S. Tokár2483K. Tokushuku2484K. Tollefson2485E. Tolley2486L. Tomlinson2487M. Tomoto2488L. Tompkins2489K. Toms2490N.D. Topilin2491E. Torrence2492H. Torres2493E. Torró Pastor2494J. Toth2495F. Touchard2496D.R. Tovey2497H.L. Tran2498T. Trefzger2499L. Tremblet2500A. Tricoli2501I.M. Trigger2502S. Trincaz-Duvoid2503M.F. Tripiana2504W. Trischuk2505B. Trocmé2506C. Troncon2507M. Trottier-McDonald2508M. Trovatelli2509P. True2510M. Trzebinski2511A. Trzupek2512C. Tsarouchas2513J.C-L. Tseng2514P.V. Tsiareshka2515D. Tsionou2516G. Tsipolitis2517N. Tsirintanis2518S. Tsiskaridze2519V. Tsiskaridze2520E.G. Tskhadadze2521I.I. Tsukerman2522V. Tsulaia2523S. Tsuno2524D. Tsybychev2525A. Tudorache2526V. Tudorache2527A.N. Tuna2528S.A. Tupputi2529S. Turchikhin2530D. Turecek2531R. Turra2532A.J. Turvey2533P.M. Tuts2534A. Tykhonov2535M. Tylmad2536M. Tyndel2537I. Ueda2538R. Ueno2539M. Ughetto2540M. Ugland2541M. Uhlenbrock2542F. Ukegawa2543G. Unal2544A. Undrus2545G. Unel2546F.C. Ungaro2547Y. Unno2548C. Unverdorben2549J. Urban2550P. Urquijo2551P. Urrejola2552G. Usai2553A. Usanova2554L. Vacavant2555V. Vacek2556B. Vachon2557N. Valencic2558S. Valentinetti2559A. Valero2560L. Valery2561S. Valkar2562E. Valladolid Gallego2563S. Vallecorsa2564J.A. Valls Ferrer2565W. Van Den Wollenberg2566P.C. Van Der Deijl2567R. van der Geer2568H. van der Graaf2569R. Van Der Leeuw2570N. van Eldik2571P. van Gemmeren2572J. Van Nieuwkoop2573I. van Vulpen2574M.C. van Woerden2575M. Vanadia2576W. Vandelli2577R. Vanguri2578A. Vaniachine2579F. Vannucci2580G. Vardanyan2581R. Vari2582E.W. Varnes2583T. Varol2584D. Varouchas2585A. Vartapetian2586K.E. Varvell2587F. Vazeille2588T. Vazquez Schroeder2589J. Veatch2590F. Veloso2591T. Velz2592S. Veneziano2593A. Ventura2594D. Ventura2595M. Venturi2596N. Venturi2597A. Venturini2598V. Vercesi2599M. Verducci2600W. Verkerke2601J.C. Vermeulen2602A. Vest2603M.C. Vetterli2604O. Viazlo2605I. Vichou2606T. Vickey2607O.E. Vickey Boeriu2608G.H.A. Viehhauser2609S. Viel2610R. Vigne2611M. Villa2612M. Villaplana Perez2613E. Vilucchi2614M.G. Vincter2615V.B. Vinogradov2616J. Virzi2617I. Vivarelli2618F. Vives Vaque2619S. Vlachos2620D. Vladoiu2621M. Vlasak2622M. Vogel2623P. Vokac2624G. Volpi2625M. Volpi2626H. von der Schmitt2627H. von Radziewski2628E. von Toerne2629V. Vorobel2630K. Vorobev2631M. Vos2632R. Voss2633J.H. Vossebeld2634N. Vranjes2635M. Vranjes Milosavljevic2636V. Vrba2637M. Vreeswijk2638R. Vuillermet2639I. Vukotic2640Z. Vykydal2641P. Wagner2642W. Wagner2643H. Wahlberg2644S. Wahrmund2645J. Wakabayashi2646J. Walder2647R. Walker2648W. Walkowiak2649C. Wang2650F. Wang2651H. Wang2652H. Wang2653J. Wang2654J. Wang2655K. Wang2656R. Wang2657S.M. Wang2658T. Wang2659X. Wang2660C. Wanotayaroj2661A. Warburton2662C.P. Ward2663D.R. Wardrope2664M. Warsinsky2665A. Washbrook2666C. Wasicki2667P.M. Watkins2668A.T. Watson2669I.J. Watson2670M.F. Watson2671G. Watts2672S. Watts2673B.M. Waugh2674S. Webb2675M.S. Weber2676S.W. Weber2677J.S. Webster2678A.R. Weidberg2679B. Weinert2680J. Weingarten2681C. Weiser2682H. Weits2683P.S. Wells2684T. Wenaus2685D. Wendland2686T. Wengler2687S. Wenig2688N. Wermes2689M. Werner2690P. Werner2691M. Wessels2692J. Wetter2693K. Whalen2694A.M. Wharton2695A. White2696M.J. White2697R. White2698S. White2699D. Whiteson2700D. Wicke2701F.J. Wickens2702W. Wiedenmann2703M. Wielers2704P. Wienemann2705C. Wiglesworth2706L.A.M. Wiik-Fuchs2707A. Wildauer2708H.G. Wilkens2709H.H. Williams2710S. Williams2711C. Willis2712S. Willocq2713A. Wilson2714J.A. Wilson2715I. Wingerter-Seez2716F. Winklmeier2717B.T. Winter2718M. Wittgen2719J. Wittkowski2720S.J. Wollstadt2721M.W. Wolter2722H. Wolters2723B.K. Wosiek2724J. Wotschack2725M.J. Woudstra2726K.W. Wozniak2727M. Wu2728S.L. Wu2729X. Wu2730Y. Wu2731T.R. Wyatt2732B.M. Wynne2733S. Xella2734D. Xu2735L. Xu2736B. Yabsley2737S. Yacoob2738R. Yakabe2739M. Yamada2740Y. Yamaguchi2741A. Yamamoto2742S. Yamamoto2743T. Yamanaka2744K. Yamauchi2745Y. Yamazaki2746Z. Yan2747H. Yang2748H. Yang2749Y. Yang2750S. Yanush2751L. Yao2752W-M. Yao2753Y. Yasu2754E. Yatsenko2755K.H. Yau Wong2756J. Ye2757S. Ye2758I. Yeletskikh2759A.L. Yen2760E. Yildirim2761K. Yorita2762R. Yoshida2763K. Yoshihara2764C. Young2765C.J.S. Young2766S. Youssef2767D.R. Yu2768J. Yu2769J.M. Yu2770J. Yu2771L. Yuan2772A. Yurkewicz2773I. Yusuff2774B. Zabinski2775R. Zaidan2776A.M. Zaitsev2777A. Zaman2778S. Zambito2779L. Zanello2780D. Zanzi2781C. Zeitnitz2782M. Zeman2783A. Zemla2784K. Zengel2785O. Zenin2786T. Ženiš2787D. Zerwas2788D. Zhang2789F. Zhang2790J. Zhang2791L. Zhang2792R. Zhang2793X. Zhang2794Z. Zhang2795X. Zhao2796Y. Zhao2797Z. Zhao2798A. Zhemchugov2799J. Zhong2800B. Zhou2801C. Zhou2802L. Zhou2803L. Zhou2804N. Zhou2805C.G. Zhu2806H. Zhu2807J. Zhu2808Y. Zhu2809X. Zhuang2810K. Zhukov2811A. Zibell2812D. Zieminska2813N.I. Zimine2814C. Zimmermann2815R. Zimmermann2816S. Zimmermann2817Z. Zinonos2818M. Zinser2819M. Ziolkowski2820L. Živković2821G. Zobernig2822A. Zoccoli2823M. zur Nedden2824G. Zurzolo2825L. Zwalinski2826CPPM, Aix-Marseille Université and CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, FranceHomer L. Dodge Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, United StatesInstitute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, TaiwanLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FranceInstitute of Physics, Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, Baku, AzerbaijanNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsDepartment of Physics, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, United StatesDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, United StatesDepartment of Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, CanadaRaymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, IsraelDepartment of Physics, Technion: Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, IsraelCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics, Stockholm University, Sweden; The Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm, SwedenINFN Gruppo Collegato di Udine, Sezione di Trieste, Udine, Italy; ICTP, Trieste, ItalyAGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, Krakow, PolandPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, United StatesFakultät für Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, GermanyParticle Physics Department, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, United KingdomInstitute of Physics, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, SerbiaLaboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas – LIP, Lisboa, Portugal; Departamento de Fisica Teorica y del Cosmos and CAFPE, Universidad de Granada, Granada (Spain), PortugalAlbert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics and Laboratory for High Energy Physics, University of Bern, Bern, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics, Boston University, Boston, MA, United StatesJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaINFN Sezione di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Roma, ItalyDepartment of Physics, Stockholm University, Sweden; The Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm, SwedenFysiska institutionen, Lunds universitet, Lund, SwedenInternational Center for Elementary Particle Physics and Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JapanP.N. Lebedev Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences, Moscow, RussiaINFN Sezione di Bologna, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Bologna, Bologna, ItalyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, CanadaLaboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie, Université Grenoble-Alpes, CNRS/IN2P3, Grenoble, FranceInstituto de Física La Plata, Universidad Nacional de La Plata and CONICET, La Plata, ArgentinaCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaNational Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, RomaniaRaymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, IsraelSection de Physique, Université de Genève, Geneva, SwitzerlandPhysics Department, National Technical University of Athens, Zografou, GreeceHomer L. Dodge Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, United StatesINFN Sezione di Milano, ItalyCPPM, Aix-Marseille Université and CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, FranceEnrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United StatesSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United KingdomPhysics Department, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United KingdomOliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United KingdomINFN Sezione di Napoli, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Napoli, Napoli, ItalyNiels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Kobenhavn, DenmarkInstituto de Física La Plata, Universidad Nacional de La Plata and CONICET, La Plata, ArgentinaSchool of Physics and Astronomy, Queen Mary University of London, London, United KingdomNevis Laboratory, Columbia University, Irvington, NY, United StatesDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, United StatesINFN Sezione di Napoli, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Napoli, Napoli, ItalyKEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, JapanUniversidade Federal do Rio De Janeiro COPPE/EE/IF, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilDepartment of Physics, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, United StatesDepartment of Physics, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United StatesLaboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas – LIP, Lisboa, Portugal; Department of Physics, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, PortugalLaboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas – LIP, Lisboa, Portugal; Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, PortugalFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyRaymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, IsraelDepartment of Physics, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, United StatesDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United KingdomSection de Physique, Université de Genève, Geneva, SwitzerlandCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandNevis Laboratory, Columbia University, Irvington, NY, United StatesPhysikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, GermanyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandEnrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United StatesINFN Sezione di Milano, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Milano, Milano, ItalyKirchhoff-Institut für Physik, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, GermanyInstituto de Física La Plata, Universidad Nacional de La Plata and CONICET, La Plata, ArgentinaPhysics Department, University of Athens, Athens, GreeceNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsInstitut für Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, GermanyNevis Laboratory, Columbia University, Irvington, NY, United StatesCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandBudker Institute of Nuclear Physics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RussiaInstitut de Física d'Altes Energies and Departament de Física de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, SpainINFN Sezione di Pisa, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica E. Fermi, Università di Pisa, Pisa, ItalyINFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Frascati, ItalyNational Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, RussiaDepartment of Subnuclear Physics, Institute of Experimental Physics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Kosice, Slovak RepublicINFN Sezione di Roma, ItalyKEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, JapanSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United KingdomDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, United StatesKEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, JapanLaboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas – LIP, Lisboa, PortugalDepartment of Physics, Duke University, Durham, NC, United StatesInstituto de Física La Plata, Universidad Nacional de La Plata and CONICET, La Plata, ArgentinaGroup of Particle Physics, University of Montreal, Montreal, QC, CanadaDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyDepartment of Physics, Bogazici University, Istanbul, TurkeyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandDepartamento de Fisica Teorica C-15, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid, SpainFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyCavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United KingdomPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyInstitute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP), Moscow, RussiaDepartment of Physics, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, United StatesInternational Center for Elementary Particle Physics and Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JapanDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyRaymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, IsraelDepartment of Physics, Stockholm University, Sweden; The Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm, SwedenDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sussex, Brighton, United KingdomPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesFaculty of Mathematics, Physics & Informatics, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovak RepublicDepartment of Physics, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, United StatesFachbereich Physik, Universität Siegen, Siegen, GermanyHigh Energy Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, United StatesCzech Technical University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicDepartment of Physics, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South AfricaCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FranceGroup of Particle Physics, University of Montreal, Montreal, QC, CanadaCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandKirchhoff-Institut für Physik, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, GermanyINFN Sezione di Roma Tre, Italy; Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Università Roma Tre, Roma, ItalyDSM/IRFU (Institut de Recherches sur les Lois Fondamentales de l'Univers), CEA Saclay (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives), Gif-sur-Yvette, FranceDepartment of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, GreeceCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandINFN Sezione di Roma, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Università di Roma, Roma, ItalyINFN Sezione di Roma, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Università di Roma, Roma, ItalyInstitute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, ChinaNevis Laboratory, Columbia University, Irvington, NY, United StatesParticle Physics Department, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, Yale University, New Haven, CT, United StatesFaculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicDepartments of Physics & Astronomy and Chemistry, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, United StatesSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester, United KingdomInstitute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, PolandDepartment of Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United StatesFachbereich C Physik, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, GermanySchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United KingdomDepartment of Particle Physics, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, IsraelP.N. Lebedev Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences, Moscow, RussiaSchool of Physics, University of Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaINFN Sezione di Genova, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Genova, Genova, ItalyCPPM, Aix-Marseille Université and CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, FranceMax-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, GermanyINFN Gruppo Collegato di Udine, Sezione di Trieste, Udine, Italy; ICTP, Trieste, ItalySLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford, CA, United StatesCavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United KingdomSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester, United KingdomParticle Physics Department, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, United KingdomPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesLAPP, CNRS/IN2P3 and Université de Savoie, Annecy-le-Vieux, FranceINFN Sezione di Roma Tre, ItalySection de Physique, Université de Genève, Geneva, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, United KingdomDepartamento de Fisica Teorica C-15, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid, SpainLaboratory for Particle Physics and Cosmology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United StatesSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford, CA, United StatesPhysics Department, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United KingdomFaculty of Mathematics, Physics & Informatics, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovak RepublicLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FranceDepartment of Physics, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, United StatesSUPA - School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, CanadaCavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United KingdomSanta Cruz Institute for Particle Physics, University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, United StatesINFN Sezione di Roma, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Università di Roma, Roma, ItalyDSM/IRFU (Institut de Recherches sur les Lois Fondamentales de l'Univers), CEA Saclay (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives), Gif-sur-Yvette, FranceSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford, CA, United StatesOhio State University, Columbus, OH, United StatesPhysics Department, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United KingdomLaboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Energies, UPMC and Université Paris-Diderot and CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, FranceDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Tufts University, Medford, MA, United StatesINFN Sezione di Pisa, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica E. Fermi, Università di Pisa, Pisa, ItalyPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyAlbert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics and Laboratory for High Energy Physics, University of Bern, Bern, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, United KingdomFakultät für Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, GermanyDepartment of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, United KingdomLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FranceDepartment of Physics Engineering, Gaziantep University, Gaziantep, TurkeyDepartment of Physics Engineering, Gaziantep University, Gaziantep, TurkeyJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaDepartments of Physics & Astronomy and Chemistry, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, United StatesNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsFachbereich C Physik, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, GermanyPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, McGill University, Montreal, QC, CanadaSection de Physique, Université de Genève, Geneva, SwitzerlandSection de Physique, Université de Genève, Geneva, SwitzerlandRaymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, IsraelINFN Sezione di Bologna, ItalyDepartment of Physics, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, CanadaDepartment of Physics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, United StatesNational Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, RussiaCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandRaymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, IsraelFaculté des Sciences Ain Chock, Réseau Universitaire de Physique des Hautes Energies – Université Hassan II, Casablanca, MoroccoFakultät für Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, GermanyDepartment of Physics, Stockholm University, Sweden; The Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm, SwedenPhysics Department, National Technical University of Athens, Zografou, GreeceRaymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, IsraelSection de Physique, Université de Genève, Geneva, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, York University, Toronto, ON, CanadaDepartment of Physics, Duke University, Durham, NC, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, United StatesNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsDepartment of Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, United KingdomINFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Frascati, ItalyNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Uppsala, Uppsala, SwedenLAPP, CNRS/IN2P3 and Université de Savoie, Annecy-le-Vieux, FranceDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, CanadaPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Boston University, Boston, MA, United StatesDepartment of Physics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, United StatesDepartment of Physics, New York University, New York, NY, United StatesPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyDepartment of Physics, Royal Holloway University of London, Surrey, United KingdomFaculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanyDepartment of Physics, Stockholm University, Sweden; The Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm, SwedenINFN Sezione di Pisa, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica E. Fermi, Università di Pisa, Pisa, ItalyHomer L. Dodge Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, United StatesHomer L. Dodge Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, United StatesINFN Sezione di Milano, ItalyInstitute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics, Radboud University Nijmegen/Nikhef, Nijmegen, NetherlandsDepartment of Physics, Stockholm University, Sweden; The Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm, SwedenDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyDSM/IRFU (Institut de Recherches sur les Lois Fondamentales de l'Univers), CEA Saclay (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives), Gif-sur-Yvette, FranceFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyMax-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, GermanySchool of Physics and Astronomy, Queen Mary University of London, London, United KingdomSUPA – School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United KingdomDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, United StatesCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandFakultät für Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, GermanyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, London, United KingdomINFN Sezione di Roma Tre, ItalySection de Physique, Université de Genève, Geneva, SwitzerlandINFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Frascati, ItalyII Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, GermanyLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FranceDepartment of Physics Engineering, Gaziantep University, Gaziantep, TurkeyINFN Sezione di Roma, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Università di Roma, Roma, ItalySchool of Physics, University of Sydney, Sydney, AustraliaSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford, CA, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Boston University, Boston, MA, United StatesDepartment of Physics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United StatesHigh Energy Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, United StatesDSM/IRFU (Institut de Recherches sur les Lois Fondamentales de l'Univers), CEA Saclay (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives), Gif-sur-Yvette, FranceDepartment of Physics, Royal Holloway University of London, Surrey, United KingdomFaculty of Mathematics, Physics & Informatics, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovak RepublicDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyDepartment of Physics, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, United StatesInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanyII Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, GermanyNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsBudker Institute of Nuclear Physics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RussiaFysiska institutionen, Lunds universitet, Lund, SwedenDepartment of Physics, Duke University, Durham, NC, United StatesFakultät für Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, GermanyDepartment of Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, United KingdomFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandBudker Institute of Nuclear Physics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RussiaDepartment of Physics, Stockholm University, SwedenDepartment of Physics, Royal Holloway University of London, Surrey, United KingdomAGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, Krakow, PolandNational Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, RomaniaD.V. Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, RussiaLaboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Energies, UPMC and Université Paris-Diderot and CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, FranceSchool of Physics and Astronomy, Queen Mary University of London, London, United KingdomDSM/IRFU (Institut de Recherches sur les Lois Fondamentales de l'Univers), CEA Saclay (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives), Gif-sur-Yvette, FranceState Research Center Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, RussiaPhysics Department, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United KingdomDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyFakultät für Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, GermanyDepartment of Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong KongNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsINFN Sezione di Bologna, ItalyInstitut de Física d'Altes Energies and Departament de Física de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, SpainDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesPhysics Department, SUNY Albany, Albany, NY, United StatesPhysics Department, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United KingdomLaboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire, Clermont Université and Université Blaise Pascal and CNRS/IN2P3, Clermont-Ferrand, FranceLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FranceDepartment of Physics, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, United StatesFaculté des Sciences, Université Mohamed Premier and LPTPM, Oujda, MoroccoCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaInstitute of Physics, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, SerbiaSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, United StatesPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesKirchhoff-Institut für Physik, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, GermanyGraduate School of Science and Technology, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, JapanDepartment of Physics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, United StatesCenter for High Energy Physics, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, United StatesFachbereich C Physik, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, GermanyINFN Gruppo Collegato di Udine, Sezione di Trieste, Udine, Italy; Dipartimento di Chimica, Fisica e Ambiente, Università di Udine, Udine, ItalyDepartment of Physics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United StatesSchool of Physics, University of Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Uppsala, Uppsala, SwedenDepartment of Particle Physics, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, IsraelSchool of Physics, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South AfricaSUPA – School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United KingdomSUPA - School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United KingdomCavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United KingdomPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, United StatesMax-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, GermanyNevis Laboratory, Columbia University, Irvington, NY, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Royal Holloway University of London, Surrey, United KingdomDepartamento de Física, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, ChilePhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesCenter for High Energy Physics, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, United StatesLaboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie, Université Grenoble-Alpes, CNRS/IN2P3, Grenoble, FranceInstitute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, PolandDepartment of Subnuclear Physics, Institute of Experimental Physics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Kosice, Slovak RepublicFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyINFN Sezione di Bologna, ItalyINFN Sezione di Bologna, ItalyINFN Sezione di Bologna, ItalyFysiska institutionen, Lunds universitet, Lund, SwedenDepartment for Physics and Technology, University of Bergen, Bergen, NorwayDepartment of Physics, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, CanadaSection de Physique, Université de Genève, Geneva, SwitzerlandFachbereich Physik, Universität Siegen, Siegen, GermanySUPA - School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United KingdomNational Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, RomaniaJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyDepartment of Physics, University of Oslo, Oslo, NorwayDepartment of Physics, University of Oslo, Oslo, NorwayNational Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, RussiaCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandOliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, United StatesParticle Physics Department, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, United KingdomInstitut für Experimentelle Physik IV, Technische Universität Dortmund, Dortmund, GermanyLaboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire, Clermont Université and Université Blaise Pascal and CNRS/IN2P3, Clermont-Ferrand, FranceFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanySUPA - School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United KingdomDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Uppsala, Uppsala, SwedenDepartment of Physics, Boston University, Boston, MA, United StatesDepartment of Physics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, CanadaSUPA - School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United KingdomDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, London, United KingdomNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesSUPA - School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United KingdomInstituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) and Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear and Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica and Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), University of Valencia and CSIC, Valencia, SpainCzech Technical University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicDepartment of Physics, Ankara University, Ankara, TurkeyPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesDSM/IRFU (Institut de Recherches sur les Lois Fondamentales de l'Univers), CEA Saclay (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives), Gif-sur-Yvette, FranceLaboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Energies, UPMC and Université Paris-Diderot and CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, FranceFakultät für Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, GermanyUniversidade Federal do Rio De Janeiro COPPE/EE/IF, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilLaboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire, Clermont Université and Université Blaise Pascal and CNRS/IN2P3, Clermont-Ferrand, FranceLaboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire, Clermont Université and Université Blaise Pascal and CNRS/IN2P3, Clermont-Ferrand, FranceSection de Physique, Université de Genève, Geneva, SwitzerlandDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyDepartment of Physics, University of Oslo, Oslo, NorwayPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesInstitut de Física d'Altes Energies and Departament de Física de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, SpainCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, London, United KingdomDepartments of Physics & Astronomy and Chemistry, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, United StatesINFN Sezione di Napoli, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Napoli, Napoli, ItalyTRIUMF, Vancouver, BC, CanadaSchool of Physics and Astronomy, Queen Mary University of London, London, United KingdomDepartamento de Fisica Teorica C-15, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid, SpainLaboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas – LIP, Lisboa, PortugalPhysics Department, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, United StatesCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandNational Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, RomaniaNational Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, RomaniaINFN Gruppo Collegato di Cosenza, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università della Calabria, Rende, ItalyInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanyINFN Sezione di Roma Tor Vergata, ItalyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandINFN Sezione di Napoli, ItalyINFN Sezione di Milano, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Milano, Milano, ItalyInstitute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics, Radboud University Nijmegen/Nikhef, Nijmegen, NetherlandsDepartamento de Física, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, ChileSchool of Physics, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South AfricaCavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United KingdomLaboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas – LIP, Lisboa, Portugal; Department of Physics, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, PortugalDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, London, United KingdomInstitut de Física d'Altes Energies and Departament de Física de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, SpainInstitut de Física d'Altes Energies and Departament de Física de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, SpainDepartment of Physics, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South AfricaNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsInstituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) and Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear and Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica and Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), University of Valencia and CSIC, Valencia, SpainLaboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas – LIP, Lisboa, PortugalLaboratory for Particle Physics and Cosmology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United StatesCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics, University of Oslo, Oslo, NorwayCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandINFN Sezione di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Roma, ItalyInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanyDepartment of Physics, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, United StatesINFN Sezione di Milano, ItalyInstitut de Física d'Altes Energies and Departament de Física de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, SpainINFN Sezione di Pisa, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica E. Fermi, Università di Pisa, Pisa, ItalyINFN Sezione di Roma Tre, Italy; Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Università Roma Tre, Roma, ItalyDepartment of Physics, Duke University, Durham, NC, United StatesFaculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicElectrical Circuits Department, Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF), Juiz de Fora, BrazilDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sussex, Brighton, United KingdomSchool of Physics and Astronomy, Queen Mary University of London, London, United KingdomPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandAlbert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics and Laboratory for High Energy Physics, University of Bern, Bern, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics, Dogus University, Istanbul, TurkeyFaculté des Sciences Ain Chock, Réseau Universitaire de Physique des Hautes Energies – Université Hassan II, Casablanca, MoroccoDepartment of Physics, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, United StatesFaculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicDepartment of Physics, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, United StatesDepartment of Physics, McGill University, Montreal, QC, CanadaCavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United KingdomLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FranceSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, CanadaDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sussex, Brighton, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, Technion: Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, IsraelDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, United StatesHigh Energy Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, United StatesTRIUMF, Vancouver, BC, CanadaJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaDepartment of Physics, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United StatesDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, United StatesPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesDepartments of Physics & Astronomy and Chemistry, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, United StatesSchool of Physics, Shandong University, Shandong, ChinaDepartment of Physics, Nanjing University, Jiangsu, ChinaPhysics Department, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, ChinaGraduate School of Science, Kobe University, Kobe, JapanDepartment of Physics, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United StatesEnrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United StatesJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaState Research Center Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, RussiaFaculté des sciences, Université Mohammed V – Agdal, Rabat, MoroccoPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesDepartment of Physics, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United StatesDSM/IRFU (Institut de Recherches sur les Lois Fondamentales de l'Univers), CEA Saclay (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives), Gif-sur-Yvette, FranceINFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Frascati, ItalyHigh Energy Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, United StatesPhysics Department, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United KingdomINFN Sezione di Lecce, ItalySchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United KingdomDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, London, United KingdomNational Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, RomaniaJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaPhysics Department, University of Athens, Athens, GreeceFakultät für Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, GermanyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandInstitute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, TaiwanInstitute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Praha, Czech RepublicInstitute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, PolandPalacký University, RCPTM, Olomouc, Czech RepublicINFN Sezione di Roma, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Università di Roma, Roma, ItalyDepartment of Physics, Ankara University, Ankara, TurkeySUPA - School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, Jožef Stefan Institute and University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, SloveniaPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesDepartment of Particle Physics, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, IsraelNational Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, RomaniaSection de Physique, Université de Genève, Geneva, SwitzerlandSUPA – School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United KingdomPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Stockholm University, Sweden; The Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm, SwedenCPPM, Aix-Marseille Université and CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, FranceINFN Gruppo Collegato di Udine, Sezione di Trieste, Udine, Italy; Dipartimento di Chimica, Fisica e Ambiente, Università di Udine, Udine, ItalyDepartment of Physics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United StatesDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, United StatesSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford, CA, United StatesNevis Laboratory, Columbia University, Irvington, NY, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, United StatesNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsLaboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie, Université Grenoble-Alpes, CNRS/IN2P3, Grenoble, FranceZITI Institut für technische Informatik, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Mannheim, GermanyMax-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, GermanyLaboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas – LIP, Lisboa, Portugal; Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, PortugalFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyDepartment of Physics, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South AfricaDepartment of Physics, Royal Holloway University of London, Surrey, United KingdomINFN Sezione di Milano, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Milano, Milano, ItalyFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyNational Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, RomaniaINFN Sezione di Pavia, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Pavia, Pavia, ItalyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandINFN Sezione di Napoli, ItalyPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, London, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, United KingdomPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesFachbereich C Physik, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, GermanyINFN Sezione di Bologna, ItalyDepartment of Physics, McGill University, Montreal, QC, CanadaDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA, United StatesInstitut de Física d'Altes Energies and Departament de Física de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, SpainMax-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, GermanyInstituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) and Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear and Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica and Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), University of Valencia and CSIC, Valencia, SpainDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, United StatesCavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, Royal Holloway University of London, Surrey, United KingdomSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, New York University, New York, NY, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, CanadaLaboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie, Université Grenoble-Alpes, CNRS/IN2P3, Grenoble, FranceLaboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Energies, UPMC and Université Paris-Diderot and CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, FranceDepartment of Physics, Stockholm University, Sweden; The Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm, SwedenDepartment of Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, United KingdomPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyInstitute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics, Radboud University Nijmegen/Nikhef, Nijmegen, NetherlandsINFN Gruppo Collegato di Cosenza, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università della Calabria, Rende, ItalyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, Yale University, New Haven, CT, United StatesINFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Frascati, ItalySchool of Physics, University of Sydney, Sydney, AustraliaFachbereich Physik, Universität Siegen, Siegen, GermanyDepartment of Physics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, CanadaSUPA - School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United KingdomOliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United KingdomLaboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas – LIP, Lisboa, Portugal; Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, PortugalSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester, United KingdomAGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, Krakow, PolandDepartment of Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United StatesDepartment for Physics and Technology, University of Bergen, Bergen, NorwayGroup of Particle Physics, University of Montreal, Montreal, QC, CanadaDepartment of Physics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, United StatesNiels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Kobenhavn, DenmarkEnrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United StatesSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, CanadaDSM/IRFU (Institut de Recherches sur les Lois Fondamentales de l'Univers), CEA Saclay (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives), Gif-sur-Yvette, FranceFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyINFN Sezione di Genova, ItalyDepartment of Physics, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, United StatesDepartment of Physics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, CanadaDepartment of Physics, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, United StatesPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, CanadaFaculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicDepartment of Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, United KingdomRaymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, IsraelLaboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Energies, UPMC and Université Paris-Diderot and CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, FranceDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, London, United KingdomKirchhoff-Institut für Physik, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, GermanyDepartment of Physics, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, CanadaDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, United StatesDepartment of Physics, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, United StatesINFN Sezione di Napoli, ItalyINFN Sezione di Bologna, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Bologna, Bologna, ItalyLaboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Energies, UPMC and Université Paris-Diderot and CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, FranceInstitute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics, Radboud University Nijmegen/Nikhef, Nijmegen, NetherlandsNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsDepartamento de Fisica Teorica C-15, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid, SpainDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, United StatesNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsINFN Sezione di Roma, ItalyINFN Sezione di Roma, ItalyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sussex, Brighton, United KingdomDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sussex, Brighton, United KingdomLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FrancePhysics Department, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United KingdomPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesSanta Cruz Institute for Particle Physics, University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, United StatesJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsDepartamento de Fisica Teorica C-15, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid, SpainINFN Sezione di Pisa, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica E. Fermi, Università di Pisa, Pisa, ItalyLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FranceDSM/IRFU (Institut de Recherches sur les Lois Fondamentales de l'Univers), CEA Saclay (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives), Gif-sur-Yvette, FranceSection de Physique, Université de Genève, Geneva, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics, Jožef Stefan Institute and University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, SloveniaCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics, Boston University, Boston, MA, United StatesINFN Sezione di Pisa, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica E. Fermi, Università di Pisa, Pisa, ItalyINFN Sezione di Napoli, ItalySection de Physique, Université de Genève, Geneva, SwitzerlandLAPP, CNRS/IN2P3 and Université de Savoie, Annecy-le-Vieux, FranceLaboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie, Université Grenoble-Alpes, CNRS/IN2P3, Grenoble, FranceNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsDepartment of Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, CanadaDepartment of Physics, Yale University, New Haven, CT, United StatesJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaLaboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Energies, UPMC and Université Paris-Diderot and CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, FranceState Research Center Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, RussiaInstitute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, PolandFaculté des Sciences, Université Mohamed Premier and LPTPM, Oujda, MoroccoLaboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Energies, UPMC and Université Paris-Diderot and CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, FranceOliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United KingdomPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandParticle Physics Department, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, United KingdomNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsINFN Sezione di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Roma, ItalyLAPP, CNRS/IN2P3 and Université de Savoie, Annecy-le-Vieux, FranceINFN Sezione di Roma, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Università di Roma, Roma, ItalyINFN Sezione di Napoli, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Napoli, Napoli, ItalyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics, Technion: Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, IsraelINFN Sezione di Roma Tre, Italy; Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Università Roma Tre, Roma, ItalyINFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Frascati, ItalyFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyINFN Sezione di Bologna, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Bologna, Bologna, ItalyDepartment of Physics, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, CanadaCPPM, Aix-Marseille Université and CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, FranceDepartment of Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, CanadaSUPA – School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United KingdomDepartamento de Física, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, ChileDepartment of Physics, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Humboldt University, Berlin, GermanyKirchhoff-Institut für Physik, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, GermanyCPPM, Aix-Marseille Université and CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, FranceInstitute of Physics, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, SerbiaPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandCPPM, Aix-Marseille Université and CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, FranceHigh Energy Physics Institute, Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, GeorgiaKirchhoff-Institut für Physik, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, GermanyFederal University of Sao Joao del Rei (UFSJ), Sao Joao del Rei, BrazilCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandNational Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, RomaniaSection de Physique, Université de Genève, Geneva, SwitzerlandSUPA - School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United KingdomInternational Center for Elementary Particle Physics and Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JapanFaculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicFaculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicNational Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, RussiaInstituto de Fisica, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, BrazilINFN Sezione di Pisa, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica E. Fermi, Università di Pisa, Pisa, ItalyINFN Sezione di Pavia, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Pavia, Pavia, ItalyLaboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire, Clermont Université and Université Blaise Pascal and CNRS/IN2P3, Clermont-Ferrand, FranceParticle Physics Department, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, United KingdomINFN Sezione di Napoli, ItalyInstituto de Física La Plata, Universidad Nacional de La Plata and CONICET, La Plata, ArgentinaSUPA - School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United KingdomPhysics Department, National Technical University of Athens, Zografou, GreeceLaboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire, Clermont Université and Université Blaise Pascal and CNRS/IN2P3, Clermont-Ferrand, FranceDepartment of Particle Physics, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, IsraelFakultät für Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, GermanyNational Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, RomaniaFachbereich C Physik, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, GermanyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FranceDepartment of Physics, Royal Holloway University of London, Surrey, United KingdomCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandKirchhoff-Institut für Physik, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, GermanyDepartment of Physics, Ankara University, Ankara, TurkeyII Physikalisches Institut, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, Giessen, GermanyHigh Energy Physics Institute, Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, GeorgiaInstitut für Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, GermanyAGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, Krakow, PolandAGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, Krakow, PolandMax-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, GermanyPhysics Department, SUNY Albany, Albany, NY, United StatesSUPA – School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United KingdomPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandDepartment for Physics and Technology, University of Bergen, Bergen, NorwayPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Uppsala, Uppsala, SwedenFaculté des Sciences Semlalia, Université Cadi Ayyad, LPHEA – Marrakech, MoroccoDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Uppsala, Uppsala, SwedenLAPP, CNRS/IN2P3 and Université de Savoie, Annecy-le-Vieux, FranceInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, CanadaCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandFakultät für Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, GermanyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandParticle Physics Department, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, United KingdomInternational Center for Elementary Particle Physics and Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JapanInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanyGraduate School of Science, Osaka University, Osaka, JapanDepartments of Physics & Astronomy and Chemistry, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, United StatesInstitut für Experimentelle Physik IV, Technische Universität Dortmund, Dortmund, GermanyAlbert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics and Laboratory for High Energy Physics, University of Bern, Bern, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics, Stockholm University, SwedenFachbereich C Physik, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, GermanyPhysics Department, SUNY Albany, Albany, NY, United StatesPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesDepartment of Physics, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, United StatesInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanyLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FranceInstitut für Experimentelle Physik IV, Technische Universität Dortmund, Dortmund, GermanyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesINFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Frascati, ItalyDSM/IRFU (Institut de Recherches sur les Lois Fondamentales de l'Univers), CEA Saclay (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives), Gif-sur-Yvette, FranceRaymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, IsraelDepartment of Physics, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, United StatesPetersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, RussiaINFN Sezione di Bologna, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Bologna, Bologna, ItalyEnrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United StatesState Research Center Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, RussiaINFN Sezione di Roma, ItalyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, London, United KingdomFaculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicInstitute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, ChinaINFN Sezione di Milano, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Milano, Milano, ItalyDepartment of Physics, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, United StatesINFN Sezione di Roma Tre, ItalyInstitut de Física d'Altes Energies and Departament de Física de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, SpainPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesDepartment of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, United KingdomCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandFaculté des sciences, Université Mohammed V – Agdal, Rabat, MoroccoCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandPhysics Department, University of Athens, Athens, GreeceINFN Sezione di Genova, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Genova, Genova, ItalyLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FranceFaculty of Mathematics, Physics & Informatics, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovak RepublicPetersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, RussiaDepartment of Physics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, CanadaCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandCPPM, Aix-Marseille Université and CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, FranceSchool of Physics, Shandong University, Shandong, ChinaHigh Energy Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, United StatesDepartment of Physics, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United StatesState Research Center Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, RussiaInstituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) and Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear and Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica and Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), University of Valencia and CSIC, Valencia, SpainCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandSUPA - School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United KingdomSUPA - School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United KingdomDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Uppsala, Uppsala, SwedenNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsINFN Sezione di Pavia, ItalySUPA - School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United KingdomInstituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) and Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear and Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica and Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), University of Valencia and CSIC, Valencia, SpainSection de Physique, Université de Genève, Geneva, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United StatesINFN Sezione di Genova, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Genova, Genova, ItalyEnrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United StatesInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanyDepartment of Physics, Jožef Stefan Institute and University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, SloveniaDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyInstitute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics, Radboud University Nijmegen/Nikhef, Nijmegen, NetherlandsDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, CanadaSchool of Physics, University of Sydney, Sydney, AustraliaLaboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas – LIP, Lisboa, Portugal; Department of Physics, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, PortugalInstituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) and Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear and Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica and Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), University of Valencia and CSIC, Valencia, SpainPhysics Department, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, United StatesPhysics Department, SUNY Albany, Albany, NY, United StatesInstitut de Física d'Altes Energies and Departament de Física de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, SpainFachbereich C Physik, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, GermanyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, United StatesFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyFachbereich Physik, Universität Siegen, Siegen, GermanyDepartment of Physics, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United StatesFachbereich C Physik, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, GermanyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United KingdomSchool of Physics and Astronomy, Queen Mary University of London, London, United KingdomFachbereich C Physik, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, GermanyFysiska institutionen, Lunds universitet, Lund, SwedenDepartment of Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong KongMax-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, GermanyDSM/IRFU (Institut de Recherches sur les Lois Fondamentales de l'Univers), CEA Saclay (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives), Gif-sur-Yvette, FranceSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester, United KingdomLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FrancePhysics Department, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United KingdomInstitut de Física d'Altes Energies and Departament de Física de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, SpainLaboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Energies, UPMC and Université Paris-Diderot and CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, FranceINFN Sezione di Bologna, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Bologna, Bologna, ItalyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics, University of Oslo, Oslo, NorwayLaboratory for Particle Physics and Cosmology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United StatesINFN Sezione di Pavia, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Pavia, Pavia, ItalyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, London, United KingdomCavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United KingdomInstitut für Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, GermanyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, United KingdomGraduate School of Science and Technology, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, JapanInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanySLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford, CA, United StatesInstituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) and Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear and Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica and Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), University of Valencia and CSIC, Valencia, SpainLaboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie, Université Grenoble-Alpes, CNRS/IN2P3, Grenoble, FranceFachbereich C Physik, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, GermanyINFN Sezione di Bologna, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Bologna, Bologna, ItalyINFN Sezione di Roma, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Università di Roma, Roma, ItalyNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsSection de Physique, Université de Genève, Geneva, SwitzerlandINFN Sezione di Genova, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Genova, Genova, ItalyDepartment of Physics, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, United StatesInstitute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics, Radboud University Nijmegen/Nikhef, Nijmegen, NetherlandsLaboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas – LIP, Lisboa, Portugal; Department of Physics, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, PortugalDepartment of Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, United KingdomParticle Physics Department, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, United KingdomCzech Technical University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicNiels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Kobenhavn, DenmarkOhio State University, Columbus, OH, United StatesDepartment of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Anhui, China; CPPM, Aix-Marseille Université and CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, FranceSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford, CA, United StatesSUPA – School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, Yale University, New Haven, CT, United StatesInstituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) and Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear and Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica and Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), University of Valencia and CSIC, Valencia, SpainInstituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) and Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear and Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica and Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), University of Valencia and CSIC, Valencia, SpainPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesEnrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United StatesSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford, CA, United StatesCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandINFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Frascati, ItalyINFN Sezione di Pavia, ItalyFachbereich Physik, Universität Siegen, Siegen, GermanyGroup of Particle Physics, University of Montreal, Montreal, QC, CanadaINFN Sezione di Roma, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Università di Roma, Roma, ItalyP.N. Lebedev Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences, Moscow, RussiaDepartment of Physics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, CanadaPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyPhysics Department, National Technical University of Athens, Zografou, GreeceSchool of Physics, Shandong University, Shandong, ChinaDepartment of Physics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, CanadaParticle Physics Department, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, United KingdomNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyINFN Sezione di Genova, ItalyLaboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie, Université Grenoble-Alpes, CNRS/IN2P3, Grenoble, FranceINFN Sezione di Roma, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Università di Roma, Roma, ItalyII Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, GermanyDepartment of Physics, Royal Holloway University of London, Surrey, United KingdomDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA, United StatesRaymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, IsraelCentre National de l'Energie des Sciences Techniques Nucleaires, Rabat, MoroccoLaboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire, Clermont Université and Université Blaise Pascal and CNRS/IN2P3, Clermont-Ferrand, FranceINFN Sezione di Bologna, ItalyINFN Sezione di Roma, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Università di Roma, Roma, ItalyInstitut de Física d'Altes Energies and Departament de Física de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, SpainINFN Sezione di Pisa, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica E. Fermi, Università di Pisa, Pisa, ItalyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Royal Holloway University of London, Surrey, United KingdomPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesCavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United KingdomCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandLaboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire, Clermont Université and Université Blaise Pascal and CNRS/IN2P3, Clermont-Ferrand, FranceDepartment of Physics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, CanadaPhysics Department, University of Athens, Athens, GreeceINFN Gruppo Collegato di Udine, Sezione di Trieste, Udine, Italy; Dipartimento di Chimica, Fisica e Ambiente, Università di Udine, Udine, ItalyINFN Sezione di Bologna, ItalyDepartment of Physics, Humboldt University, Berlin, GermanyDSM/IRFU (Institut de Recherches sur les Lois Fondamentales de l'Univers), CEA Saclay (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives), Gif-sur-Yvette, FranceINFN Sezione di Milano, ItalyFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyPhysikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, GermanyDepartment of Physics, University of Oslo, Oslo, NorwayDepartment of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, GreeceDepartment of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, GreeceLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FranceD.V. Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, RussiaDepartamento de Fisica Teorica C-15, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid, SpainCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandSUPA – School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United KingdomDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyMax-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, GermanySchool of Physics and Astronomy, Queen Mary University of London, London, United KingdomInstitute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, PolandDepartment of Physics, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United StatesSection de Physique, Université de Genève, Geneva, SwitzerlandState Research Center Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, RussiaLaboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas – LIP, Lisboa, Portugal; Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal; Centro de Física Nuclear da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, PortugalLaboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas – LIP, Lisboa, PortugalDSM/IRFU (Institut de Recherches sur les Lois Fondamentales de l'Univers), CEA Saclay (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives), Gif-sur-Yvette, FrancePhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyInstituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) and Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear and Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica and Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), University of Valencia and CSIC, Valencia, SpainInstitut de Física d'Altes Energies and Departament de Física de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, SpainSection de Physique, Université de Genève, Geneva, SwitzerlandCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandInstitute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP), Moscow, RussiaPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, United StatesCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandINFN Sezione di Lecce, Italy; Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Università del Salento, Lecce, ItalyDepartment of Physics, Jožef Stefan Institute and University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, SloveniaInstitute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, PolandDepartment of Physics, Duke University, Durham, NC, United StatesInstitut für Experimentelle Physik IV, Technische Universität Dortmund, Dortmund, GermanyJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaFaculté des Sciences Ain Chock, Réseau Universitaire de Physique des Hautes Energies – Université Hassan II, Casablanca, MoroccoFaculté des Sciences Semlalia, Université Cadi Ayyad, LPHEA – Marrakech, MoroccoDepartment of Physics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United StatesSanta Cruz Institute for Particle Physics, University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, United StatesII Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, GermanyAGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, Krakow, PolandINFN Sezione di Bologna, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Bologna, Bologna, ItalyDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanySection de Physique, Université de Genève, Geneva, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics, University of Oslo, Oslo, NorwayDepartment of Physics, Humboldt University, Berlin, GermanyDepartments of Physics & Astronomy and Chemistry, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, United StatesPetersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, RussiaCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandINFN Sezione di Roma Tre, ItalyLouisiana Tech University, Ruston, LA, United StatesDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, London, United KingdomDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanySLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford, CA, United StatesDepartment of Physics, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, United StatesSanta Cruz Institute for Particle Physics, University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, United StatesPhysics Department, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United KingdomInstitut de Física d'Altes Energies and Departament de Física de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, SpainLaboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire, Clermont Université and Université Blaise Pascal and CNRS/IN2P3, Clermont-Ferrand, FranceD.V. Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, RussiaLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FranceInstitut für Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, GermanyDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyDepartment of Particle Physics, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, IsraelII Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, GermanyINFN Sezione di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Roma, ItalyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sussex, Brighton, United KingdomDepartment of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Anhui, ChinaCzech Technical University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicSection de Physique, Université de Genève, Geneva, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics, Yale University, New Haven, CT, United StatesRaymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, IsraelINFN Sezione di Genova, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Genova, Genova, ItalyLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FrancePhysics Department, SUNY Albany, Albany, NY, United StatesSUPA - School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United KingdomInstitut für Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, GermanyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Shanghai Key Laboratory for Particle Physics and Cosmology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, ChinaDepartment of Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, United KingdomHomer L. Dodge Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, United StatesSUPA - School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United KingdomInstitut für Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, GermanyRaymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, IsraelDSM/IRFU (Institut de Recherches sur les Lois Fondamentales de l'Univers), CEA Saclay (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives), Gif-sur-Yvette, FranceDepartment of Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, United KingdomOliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, New York University, New York, NY, United StatesPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesDepartment of Physics, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, United StatesFaculté des sciences, Université Mohammed V – Agdal, Rabat, MoroccoPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyInstitute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, PolandYerevan Physics Institute, Yerevan, ArmeniaDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyDepartment of Physics, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, United KingdomDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, United StatesCPPM, Aix-Marseille Université and CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, FranceFachbereich C Physik, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, GermanyPalacký University, RCPTM, Olomouc, Czech RepublicDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, CanadaII Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, GermanyDepartment of Physics, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South AfricaDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Tufts University, Medford, MA, United StatesSchool of Physics, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South AfricaDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyDepartment of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Anhui, ChinaGraduate School of Science, Osaka University, Osaka, JapanInternational Center for Elementary Particle Physics and Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JapanPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesKirchhoff-Institut für Physik, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, GermanyDSM/IRFU (Institut de Recherches sur les Lois Fondamentales de l'Univers), CEA Saclay (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives), Gif-sur-Yvette, FranceNiels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Kobenhavn, DenmarkNiels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Kobenhavn, DenmarkNiels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Kobenhavn, DenmarkFaculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, JapanDepartment of Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United StatesFachbereich C Physik, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, GermanyLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FranceB.I. Stepanov Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, BelarusSUPA – School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, United KingdomNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsGraduate School of Science, Kobe University, Kobe, JapanGraduate School of Science and Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute, Nagoya University, Nagoya, JapanDepartment of Physics, Shinshu University, Nagano, JapanHomer L. Dodge Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, United StatesDSM/IRFU (Institut de Recherches sur les Lois Fondamentales de l'Univers), CEA Saclay (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives), Gif-sur-Yvette, FranceAlbert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics and Laboratory for High Energy Physics, University of Bern, Bern, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, United StatesInstitut für Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, GermanyInstitute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Praha, Czech RepublicSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United KingdomCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandFysiska institutionen, Lunds universitet, Lund, SwedenFaculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, JapanDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, United KingdomSchool of Physics and Astronomy, Queen Mary University of London, London, United KingdomOliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United KingdomParticle Physics Department, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, United KingdomSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United KingdomInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanyFysiska institutionen, Lunds universitet, Lund, SwedenDepartment of Physics, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, United StatesDepartment of Physics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United StatesFachbereich C Physik, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, GermanyPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesDepartment of Physics, New York University, New York, NY, United StatesInstitute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Praha, Czech RepublicDepartment of Physics, Boston University, Boston, MA, United StatesCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics, Stockholm University, Sweden; The Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm, SwedenPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, United KingdomPhysics Department, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United StatesDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyDepartment of Physics, Yale University, New Haven, CT, United StatesCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FranceDepartment of Physics, Humboldt University, Berlin, GermanyInstituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) and Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear and Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica and Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), University of Valencia and CSIC, Valencia, SpainDepartment of Physics, Humboldt University, Berlin, GermanyFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyFakultät für Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, GermanyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, London, United KingdomNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsSchool of Physics and Astronomy, Queen Mary University of London, London, United KingdomInstituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) and Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear and Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica and Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), University of Valencia and CSIC, Valencia, SpainDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, CanadaCavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United KingdomDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanySchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United KingdomPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesDepartment of Physics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United StatesPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, JapanFachbereich C Physik, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, GermanyDepartments of Physics & Astronomy and Chemistry, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, United StatesNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United KingdomDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United KingdomCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, United StatesFakultät für Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, GermanyInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanyPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesDepartment of Physics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United StatesDepartment of Physics, New York University, New York, NY, United StatesCenter for High Energy Physics, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, United StatesGraduate School of Science and Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute, Nagoya University, Nagoya, JapanDepartment of Physics, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, CanadaLaboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie, Université Grenoble-Alpes, CNRS/IN2P3, Grenoble, FranceInstitute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, TaiwanFaculté des Sciences Ain Chock, Réseau Universitaire de Physique des Hautes Energies – Université Hassan II, Casablanca, MoroccoDepartment of Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, United KingdomDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyPalacký University, RCPTM, Olomouc, Czech RepublicDepartment of Physics, Humboldt University, Berlin, GermanyLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FranceLAPP, CNRS/IN2P3 and Université de Savoie, Annecy-le-Vieux, FranceNational Scientific and Educational Centre for Particle and High Energy Physics, Minsk, BelarusSchool of Physics, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South AfricaInstitute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, TaiwanDepartment of Physics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United StatesNevis Laboratory, Columbia University, Irvington, NY, United StatesDepartment of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Anhui, ChinaDepartment of Physics, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United StatesDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandCPPM, Aix-Marseille Université and CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, FrancePhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyDepartment of Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, United KingdomNevis Laboratory, Columbia University, Irvington, NY, United StatesPhysics Department, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United KingdomCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanyJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, United StatesLaboratory for Particle Physics and Cosmology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United StatesSection de Physique, Université de Genève, Geneva, SwitzerlandPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesFachbereich Physik, Universität Siegen, Siegen, GermanyLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FranceDepartment of Physics, Yale University, New Haven, CT, United StatesFaculté des sciences, Université Mohammed V – Agdal, Rabat, MoroccoINFN Sezione di Napoli, ItalyNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsWaseda University, Tokyo, JapanKEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, JapanFachbereich Physik, Universität Siegen, Siegen, GermanyKEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, JapanEnrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, GreeceDepartment of Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, CanadaGraduate School of Science, Kobe University, Kobe, JapanMax-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, GermanyPhysics Department, University of Athens, Athens, GreeceINFN Sezione di Roma Tre, ItalyPhysics Department, University of Athens, Athens, GreeceLaboratory for Particle Physics and Cosmology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United StatesInstituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) and Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear and Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica and Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), University of Valencia and CSIC, Valencia, SpainDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Uppsala, Uppsala, SwedenFaculty of Science, Kyoto University, Kyoto, JapanDepartment of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, JapanOhio State University, Columbus, OH, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, Bogazici University, Istanbul, TurkeySchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester, United KingdomINFN Sezione di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Roma, ItalyFysiska institutionen, Lunds universitet, Lund, SwedenInstitute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, PolandKEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, JapanPhysics Department, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX, United StatesINFN Sezione di Napoli, ItalyDepartment of Physics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, CanadaDepartment of Physics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United StatesOliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, AustraliaCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandPhysics Department, SUNY Albany, Albany, NY, United StatesFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandInstitute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Praha, Czech RepublicCzech Technical University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicInstitute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, TaiwanLouisiana Tech University, Ruston, LA, United StatesDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, London, United KingdomInstitut für Astro- und Teilchenphysik, Leopold-Franzens-Universität, Innsbruck, AustriaPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyDepartment of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, United KingdomFysiska institutionen, Lunds universitet, Lund, SwedenJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesE. Andronikashvili Institute of Physics, Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, GeorgiaSchool of Physics, University of Sydney, Sydney, AustraliaSchool of Physics, University of Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyInstitut für Experimentelle Physik IV, Technische Universität Dortmund, Dortmund, GermanyDepartment of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, United KingdomLAPP, CNRS/IN2P3 and Université de Savoie, Annecy-le-Vieux, FranceDepartment of Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United StatesDepartments of Physics & Astronomy and Chemistry, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, United StatesDepartment of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Anhui, ChinaInstituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) and Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear and Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica and Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), University of Valencia and CSIC, Valencia, SpainInstitute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, ChinaNational Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, RomaniaDepartment of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, JapanNiels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Kobenhavn, DenmarkDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Stockholm University, Sweden; The Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm, SwedenDepartment of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, United KingdomPhysics Department, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United KingdomOliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United KingdomKirchhoff-Institut für Physik, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, GermanyLaboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas – LIP, Lisboa, Portugal; Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, PortugalSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester, United KingdomPhysics Department, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, SwedenDepartment of Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United StatesInstitut für Experimentelle Physik IV, Technische Universität Dortmund, Dortmund, GermanyInstitut für Astro- und Teilchenphysik, Leopold-Franzens-Universität, Innsbruck, AustriaInstitut de Física d'Altes Energies and Departament de Física de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, SpainInstituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) and Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear and Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica and Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), University of Valencia and CSIC, Valencia, SpainInstitute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, PolandLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FranceOhio State University, Columbus, OH, United StatesSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford, CA, United StatesCPPM, Aix-Marseille Université and CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, FranceDepartment of Physics, Duke University, Durham, NC, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, United KingdomPhysics Department, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, United StatesState Research Center Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, RussiaInternational Center for Elementary Particle Physics and Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JapanCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandCavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United KingdomNational Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, RussiaKEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, JapanDepartment of Physics, New York University, New York, NY, United StatesEnrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United StatesSUPA - School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United KingdomPhysics Department, National Technical University of Athens, Zografou, GreeceDepartment of Physics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, CanadaPhysics Department, National Technical University of Athens, Zografou, Greece; Nikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsII Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, GermanyInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanyJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaDepartment of Physics, New York University, New York, NY, United StatesPhysics Department, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United KingdomState Research Center Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, RussiaDepartment of Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United StatesOhio State University, Columbus, OH, United StatesDepartment for Physics and Technology, University of Bergen, Bergen, NorwayInternational Center for Elementary Particle Physics and Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JapanSection de Physique, Université de Genève, Geneva, SwitzerlandDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyDepartment of Physics, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, JapanInternational Center for Elementary Particle Physics and Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JapanII Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, GermanyInternational Center for Elementary Particle Physics and Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JapanBudker Institute of Nuclear Physics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RussiaJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, CanadaPhysics Department, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, United StatesII Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, GermanyDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyDepartment of Physics, Royal Holloway University of London, Surrey, United KingdomSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester, United KingdomInstitute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Praha, Czech RepublicDepartment of Physics, Jožef Stefan Institute and University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, SloveniaFachbereich C Physik, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, GermanyDepartment of Physics, McGill University, Montreal, QC, CanadaInstitute of Physics, Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, Baku, AzerbaijanDepartment of Physics, Stockholm University, Sweden; The Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm, SwedenDepartment of Physics, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, United StatesBudker Institute of Nuclear Physics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RussiaNational Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, RussiaKirchhoff-Institut für Physik, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, GermanyCavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United KingdomPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyInstitute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP), Moscow, RussiaJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaHigh Energy Physics Institute, Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, GeorgiaDepartment of Physics, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Stockholm University, Sweden; The Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm, SwedenFaculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, JapanDepartment of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, GreeceDepartment of Physics, Humboldt University, Berlin, GermanyOliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United KingdomInstituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) and Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear and Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica and Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), University of Valencia and CSIC, Valencia, SpainDepartment of Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, CanadaParticle Physics Department, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, United KingdomMax-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, GermanyGraduate School of Science, Kobe University, Kobe, JapanAGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, Krakow, PolandFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyFaculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, JapanDepartment of Subnuclear Physics, Institute of Experimental Physics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Kosice, Slovak RepublicNevis Laboratory, Columbia University, Irvington, NY, United StatesOliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United KingdomOliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United KingdomInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanyDepartment of Physics, Stockholm University, Sweden; The Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm, SwedenPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesInstitut für Experimentelle Physik IV, Technische Universität Dortmund, Dortmund, GermanySchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester, United KingdomCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandInstitute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics, Radboud University Nijmegen/Nikhef, Nijmegen, NetherlandsKirchhoff-Institut für Physik, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, GermanyNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsMax-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, GermanyInstitut für Astro- und Teilchenphysik, Leopold-Franzens-Universität, Innsbruck, AustriaCPPM, Aix-Marseille Université and CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, FranceSUPA - School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, JapanInternational Center for Elementary Particle Physics and Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JapanInstitut für Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, GermanySLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford, CA, United StatesFaculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicDepartment of Physics, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, CanadaNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsDepartment of Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, United KingdomFachbereich C Physik, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, GermanyCzech Technical University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicKEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, JapanSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford, CA, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Humboldt University, Berlin, GermanyLAPP, CNRS/IN2P3 and Université de Savoie, Annecy-le-Vieux, FranceP.N. Lebedev Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences, Moscow, RussiaInternational Center for Elementary Particle Physics and Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JapanKEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, JapanDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyInstitute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics, Radboud University Nijmegen/Nikhef, Nijmegen, NetherlandsInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanyKEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, JapanDepartment of Physics, New York University, New York, NY, United StatesDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, London, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, Technion: Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, IsraelAGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, Krakow, PolandInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanyFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyInstitute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, PolandDepartment of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, GreeceDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, London, United KingdomBudker Institute of Nuclear Physics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RussiaInstitut de Física d'Altes Energies and Departament de Física de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, SpainDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United KingdomMax-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, GermanyMax-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, GermanyFaculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaDepartment of Physics, Duke University, Durham, NC, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, GreecePhysics Department, University of Athens, Athens, GreecePhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesTRIUMF, Vancouver, BC, CanadaDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, CanadaAGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, Krakow, PolandDSM/IRFU (Institut de Recherches sur les Lois Fondamentales de l'Univers), CEA Saclay (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives), Gif-sur-Yvette, FranceState Research Center Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, RussiaD.V. Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, RussiaDepartment of Physics, Jožef Stefan Institute and University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, SloveniaNational Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, RussiaLaboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Energies, UPMC and Université Paris-Diderot and CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, FranceCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesDepartment of Physics, New York University, New York, NY, United StatesZITI Institut für technische Informatik, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Mannheim, GermanyOliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United KingdomII Physikalisches Institut, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, Giessen, GermanyDepartment of Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, CanadaEnrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United StatesInstitut für Experimentelle Physik IV, Technische Universität Dortmund, Dortmund, GermanyMax-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, GermanyDepartment of Physics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United StatesPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyInstitute of Physics, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, SerbiaJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, United StatesJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaDepartment of Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Duke University, Durham, NC, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Boston University, Boston, MA, United StatesSchool of Physics, University of Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, London, United KingdomIstanbul Aydin University, Istanbul, TurkeyFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyZITI Institut für technische Informatik, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Mannheim, GermanyFakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Julius-Maximilians-Universität, Würzburg, GermanySanta Cruz Institute for Particle Physics, University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, United StatesDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaB.I. Stepanov Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, BelarusDepartamento de Física, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, ChileINFN Sezione di Roma, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Università di Roma, Roma, ItalyFaculty of Science, Kyoto University, Kyoto, JapanInstitute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Praha, Czech RepublicGraduate School of Science, Kobe University, Kobe, JapanB.I. Stepanov Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, BelarusGraduate School of Science, Kobe University, Kobe, JapanInstitute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Praha, Czech RepublicPhysics Department, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, SwedenDepartment of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, JapanPalacký University, RCPTM, Olomouc, Czech RepublicDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, CanadaDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United KingdomSection de Physique, Université de Genève, Geneva, SwitzerlandInstituto de Fisica, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, BrazilINFN Gruppo Collegato di Cosenza, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università della Calabria, Rende, ItalyInstituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) and Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear and Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica and Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), University of Valencia and CSIC, Valencia, SpainINFN Sezione di Roma, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Università di Roma, Roma, ItalyDepartment of Physics, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, CanadaDepartment of Physics, Humboldt University, Berlin, GermanyLaboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Energies, UPMC and Université Paris-Diderot and CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, FranceInstituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) and Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear and Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica and Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), University of Valencia and CSIC, Valencia, SpainJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaLAPP, CNRS/IN2P3 and Université de Savoie, Annecy-le-Vieux, FranceLaboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Energies, UPMC and Université Paris-Diderot and CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, FranceDepartment of Physics, Yale University, New Haven, CT, United StatesFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, London, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, United StatesDepartment of Physics, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United StatesDepartment of Physics, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United StatesDSM/IRFU (Institut de Recherches sur les Lois Fondamentales de l'Univers), CEA Saclay (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives), Gif-sur-Yvette, FranceFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanySchool of Physics and Astronomy, Queen Mary University of London, London, United KingdomKirchhoff-Institut für Physik, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, GermanyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA, United StatesPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandLaboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Energies, UPMC and Université Paris-Diderot and CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, FranceCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandDSM/IRFU (Institut de Recherches sur les Lois Fondamentales de l'Univers), CEA Saclay (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives), Gif-sur-Yvette, FranceINFN Sezione di Milano, ItalyINFN Sezione di Bologna, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Bologna, Bologna, ItalyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandINFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Frascati, ItalyPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesSanta Cruz Institute for Particle Physics, University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, United StatesOliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United KingdomLaboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Energies, UPMC and Université Paris-Diderot and CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, FranceCPPM, Aix-Marseille Université and CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, FranceInstitut de Física d'Altes Energies and Departament de Física de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, SpainHigh Energy Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, United StatesLaboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie, Université Grenoble-Alpes, CNRS/IN2P3, Grenoble, FranceDepartment of Physics, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South AfricaInstitute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, TaiwanDepartment of Physics, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, AustraliaLaboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Energies, UPMC and Université Paris-Diderot and CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, FranceDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, CanadaFakultät für Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, GermanyPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesOliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United KingdomCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, CanadaDepartment of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, GreeceDepartment of Physics, Yale University, New Haven, CT, United StatesInstituto de Fisica, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, BrazilFaculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicDepartment of Particle Physics, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, IsraelII Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, GermanyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, London, United KingdomPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyFachbereich C Physik, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, GermanyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United StatesINFN Sezione di Pisa, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica E. Fermi, Università di Pisa, Pisa, ItalySUPA – School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United KingdomPhysics Department, National Technical University of Athens, Zografou, GreeceGroup of Particle Physics, University of Montreal, Montreal, QC, CanadaCavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United KingdomPetersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, RussiaLAPP, CNRS/IN2P3 and Université de Savoie, Annecy-le-Vieux, FranceDepartment of Physics, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United StatesDepartment of Particle Physics, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, IsraelSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, United KingdomPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyPhysics Department, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX, United StatesDepartment of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Anhui, ChinaCPPM, Aix-Marseille Université and CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, FranceDepartments of Physics & Astronomy and Chemistry, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, United StatesEnrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Duke University, Durham, NC, United StatesDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Shanghai Key Laboratory for Particle Physics and Cosmology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, ChinaDepartment of Physics, Duke University, Durham, NC, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Nanjing University, Jiangsu, ChinaSanta Cruz Institute for Particle Physics, University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, United StatesLaboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire, Clermont Université and Université Blaise Pascal and CNRS/IN2P3, Clermont-Ferrand, FranceINFN Sezione di Roma Tor Vergata, ItalyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, United StatesPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyDepartment for Physics and Technology, University of Bergen, Bergen, NorwayPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanySchool of Physics, University of Sydney, Sydney, AustraliaInstitute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, TaiwanInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanyNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsDepartments of Physics & Astronomy and Chemistry, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, United StatesDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, United StatesDepartment of Physics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United StatesDepartment for Physics and Technology, University of Bergen, Bergen, NorwayDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyDepartment of Physics, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, United StatesPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesDepartment of Physics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, CanadaSanta Cruz Institute for Particle Physics, University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, United StatesInstitute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, TaiwanInstitute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, TaiwanCPPM, Aix-Marseille Université and CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, FranceDepartment of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Anhui, ChinaDepartment of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Anhui, ChinaDepartment of Physics, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Duke University, Durham, NC, United StatesDepartment of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Anhui, ChinaDepartment of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Anhui, ChinaINFN Sezione di Pavia, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Pavia, Pavia, ItalyLaboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie, Université Grenoble-Alpes, CNRS/IN2P3, Grenoble, FranceDepartamento de Fisica Teorica C-15, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid, SpainSchool of Physics and Astronomy, Queen Mary University of London, London, United KingdomInstitute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, TaiwanDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyDepartment of Physics, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United StatesSanta Cruz Institute for Particle Physics, University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, United StatesSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester, United KingdomNiels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Kobenhavn, DenmarkDepartment of Physics, Yale University, New Haven, CT, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Humboldt University, Berlin, GermanyDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyInstitute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Praha, Czech RepublicDepartment of Physics, Boston University, Boston, MA, United StatesDepartment of Physics, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United StatesPhysics Department, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United KingdomOhio State University, Columbus, OH, United StatesLaboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas – LIP, Lisboa, PortugalLaboratory for Particle Physics and Cosmology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United StatesDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United KingdomInstitut de Física d'Altes Energies and Departament de Física de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, SpainFakultät für Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, GermanyDepartment of Physics, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, United StatesCentro de Investigaciones, Universidad Antonio Narino, Bogota, ColombiaPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesFakultät für Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, GermanyInstitute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, ChinaLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FranceHigh Energy Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, United StatesPhysics Department, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United StatesDepartment of Physics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United StatesINFN Sezione di Roma, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Università di Roma, Roma, ItalyLaboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie, Université Grenoble-Alpes, CNRS/IN2P3, Grenoble, FranceDepartment of Physics, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, United StatesInstitut für Astro- und Teilchenphysik, Leopold-Franzens-Universität, Innsbruck, AustriaINFN Sezione di Roma, ItalyDepartment of Physics, Stockholm University, Sweden; The Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm, SwedenPhysics Department, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, SwedenInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanyPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesInstitute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Praha, Czech RepublicFysiska institutionen, Lunds universitet, Lund, SwedenPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesSchool of Physics, Shandong University, Shandong, ChinaINFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Frascati, ItalyMax-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, GermanyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United KingdomLaboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas – LIP, Lisboa, Portugal; Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, PortugalCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandCPPM, Aix-Marseille Université and CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, FranceLaboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire, Clermont Université and Université Blaise Pascal and CNRS/IN2P3, Clermont-Ferrand, FrancePhysics Department, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United KingdomInstitut für Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, GermanyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Uppsala, Uppsala, SwedenPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesD.V. Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, RussiaII Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, GermanyFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsOliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United KingdomDSM/IRFU (Institut de Recherches sur les Lois Fondamentales de l'Univers), CEA Saclay (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives), Gif-sur-Yvette, FranceUniversidade Federal do Rio De Janeiro COPPE/EE/IF, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilMax-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, GermanyFakultät für Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, GermanyLaboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas – LIP, Lisboa, Portugal; Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal; Centro de Física Nuclear da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, PortugalCenter for High Energy Physics, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, United StatesKEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, JapanLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FranceLaboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Energies, UPMC and Université Paris-Diderot and CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, FranceInstitute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, PolandPetersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, RussiaLaboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie, Université Grenoble-Alpes, CNRS/IN2P3, Grenoble, FranceUniversity of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, United StatesHigh Energy Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, United StatesSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford, CA, United StatesPhysics Department, National Technical University of Athens, Zografou, GreeceBudker Institute of Nuclear Physics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RussiaCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandINFN Sezione di Milano, ItalyDepartment of Physics, Jožef Stefan Institute and University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, SloveniaUniversity of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, United StatesLaboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas – LIP, Lisboa, Portugal; Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, PortugalMax-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, GermanyElectrical Circuits Department, Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF), Juiz de Fora, BrazilDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, York University, Toronto, ON, CanadaFakultät für Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, GermanySanta Cruz Institute for Particle Physics, University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, United StatesPhysics Department, University of Athens, Athens, GreeceDSM/IRFU (Institut de Recherches sur les Lois Fondamentales de l'Univers), CEA Saclay (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives), Gif-sur-Yvette, FranceDepartment of Physics, McGill University, Montreal, QC, CanadaII Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, GermanyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandSchool of Physics, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South AfricaLaboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Energies, UPMC and Université Paris-Diderot and CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, FranceInstitute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Praha, Czech RepublicDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, CanadaInstitute of Physics, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, SerbiaUniversidade Federal do Rio De Janeiro COPPE/EE/IF, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester, United KingdomPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesAlbert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics and Laboratory for High Energy Physics, University of Bern, Bern, SwitzerlandInstituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) and Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear and Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica and Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), University of Valencia and CSIC, Valencia, SpainDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, United StatesDepartment of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, United KingdomSUPA – School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United KingdomDepartment for Physics and Technology, University of Bergen, Bergen, NorwayDSM/IRFU (Institut de Recherches sur les Lois Fondamentales de l'Univers), CEA Saclay (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives), Gif-sur-Yvette, FranceInstitut de Física d'Altes Energies and Departament de Física de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, SpainParticle Physics Department, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, United KingdomNational Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, RomaniaDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, London, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United StatesINFN Sezione di Roma, ItalyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanyInternational Center for Elementary Particle Physics and Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JapanP.N. Lebedev Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences, Moscow, RussiaSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester, United KingdomBudker Institute of Nuclear Physics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RussiaINFN Sezione di Bologna, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Bologna, Bologna, ItalyINFN Sezione di Bologna, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Bologna, Bologna, ItalyLAPP, CNRS/IN2P3 and Université de Savoie, Annecy-le-Vieux, FranceDepartments of Physics & Astronomy and Chemistry, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, United StatesINFN Gruppo Collegato di Cosenza, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università della Calabria, Rende, ItalyInternational Center for Elementary Particle Physics and Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JapanFachbereich C Physik, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, GermanyInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanyNational Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, RomaniaOliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United KingdomBudker Institute of Nuclear Physics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RussiaInstitute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, TaiwanINFN Sezione di Milano, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Milano, Milano, ItalyINFN Sezione di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Roma, ItalyDepartment of Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, CanadaDepartment of Physics, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United StatesDepartment of Physics, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United StatesDepartments of Physics & Astronomy and Chemistry, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, CanadaParticle Physics Department, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, Hampton University, Hampton, VA, United StatesDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, London, United KingdomII Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, GermanyParticle Physics Department, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, United KingdomDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, CanadaNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyDepartment of Physics, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South AfricaFakultät für Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, GermanyOliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United KingdomKirchhoff-Institut für Physik, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, GermanyFakultät für Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, GermanyPhysics Department, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX, United StatesEnrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United StatesSchool of Physics, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South AfricaAlbert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics and Laboratory for High Energy Physics, University of Bern, Bern, SwitzerlandINFN Sezione di Bologna, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Bologna, Bologna, ItalyMax-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, GermanyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Tufts University, Medford, MA, United StatesLaboratory for Particle Physics and Cosmology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United StatesPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyDSM/IRFU (Institut de Recherches sur les Lois Fondamentales de l'Univers), CEA Saclay (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives), Gif-sur-Yvette, FranceSection de Physique, Université de Genève, Geneva, SwitzerlandINFN Sezione di Napoli, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Napoli, Napoli, ItalyINFN Sezione di Milano, ItalyEnrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United StatesOhio State University, Columbus, OH, United StatesCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA, United StatesInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanyDepartment of Physics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United StatesDSM/IRFU (Institut de Recherches sur les Lois Fondamentales de l'Univers), CEA Saclay (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives), Gif-sur-Yvette, FranceNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsParticle Physics Department, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, United KingdomOliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United KingdomINFN Gruppo Collegato di Udine, Sezione di Trieste, Udine, Italy; Dipartimento di Chimica, Fisica e Ambiente, Università di Udine, Udine, ItalyPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyDepartment of Particle Physics, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, IsraelInstitute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Praha, Czech RepublicDepartment of Physics, Jožef Stefan Institute and University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, SloveniaCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandEnrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United StatesSUPA – School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United KingdomDepartment of Particle Physics, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, IsraelDepartment of Physics, Stockholm University, Sweden; The Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm, SwedenState Research Center Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, RussiaInternational Center for Elementary Particle Physics and Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JapanJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaDepartment of Physics, New York University, New York, NY, United StatesAGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, Krakow, PolandJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaDepartment of Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United StatesInstitut de Física d'Altes Energies and Departament de Física de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, SpainINFN Sezione di Roma, ItalyWaseda University, Tokyo, JapanFakultät für Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, GermanyInstituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) and Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear and Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica and Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), University of Valencia and CSIC, Valencia, SpainSection de Physique, Université de Genève, Geneva, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United KingdomFysiska institutionen, Lunds universitet, Lund, SwedenDepartment of Physics, Stockholm University, Sweden; The Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm, SwedenCPPM, Aix-Marseille Université and CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, FranceNevis Laboratory, Columbia University, Irvington, NY, United StatesFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyDepartment of Physics, Stockholm University, Sweden; The Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm, SwedenInstituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) and Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear and Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica and Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), University of Valencia and CSIC, Valencia, SpainDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyLaboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie, Université Grenoble-Alpes, CNRS/IN2P3, Grenoble, FranceNiels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Kobenhavn, DenmarkCPPM, Aix-Marseille Université and CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, FranceInstitut de Física d'Altes Energies and Departament de Física de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, SpainInstituto de Física La Plata, Universidad Nacional de La Plata and CONICET, La Plata, ArgentinaINFN Sezione di Roma, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Università di Roma, Roma, ItalyDepartment of Physics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, CanadaLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FranceCentro de Investigaciones, Universidad Antonio Narino, Bogota, ColombiaII Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, GermanyINFN Sezione di Genova, ItalyInstitut für Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, GermanyLaboratory for Particle Physics and Cosmology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United StatesDepartment of Physics, University of Oslo, Oslo, NorwayInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanyPhysics Department, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, SwedenCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandSchool of Physics and Astronomy, Queen Mary University of London, London, United KingdomSUPA - School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United KingdomGraduate School of Science and Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute, Nagoya University, Nagoya, JapanMax-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, GermanyHigh Energy Physics Institute, Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, GeorgiaOhio State University, Columbus, OH, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, JapanSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford, CA, United StatesPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesP.N. Lebedev Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences, Moscow, RussiaDepartment of Physics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, United StatesCPPM, Aix-Marseille Université and CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, FranceSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United KingdomMax-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, GermanyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyFakultät für Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, GermanyCavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United KingdomSection de Physique, Université de Genève, Geneva, SwitzerlandSUPA - School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United KingdomRaymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, IsraelSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom; Particle Physics Department, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, United KingdomII Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, GermanyDepartment of Physics, Technion: Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, IsraelState Research Center Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, RussiaCzech Technical University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicII Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, GermanyII Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, GermanyDepartment of Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, JapanCPPM, Aix-Marseille Université and CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, FranceKEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, JapanOhio State University, Columbus, OH, United StatesFaculty of Applied Information Science, Hiroshima Institute of Technology, Hiroshima, JapanFaculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, JapanMax-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, GermanyCPPM, Aix-Marseille Université and CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, FranceCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandKEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, JapanInternational Center for Elementary Particle Physics and Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JapanFaculty of Science, Okayama University, Okayama, JapanPhysics Department, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX, United StatesPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyPhysikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, GermanyPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyCentro de Investigaciones, Universidad Antonio Narino, Bogota, ColombiaDepartment of Physics, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United StatesDepartment of Physics, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United StatesP.N. Lebedev Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences, Moscow, RussiaSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester, United KingdomSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford, CA, United StatesINFN Sezione di Pavia, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Pavia, Pavia, ItalyINFN Sezione di Bologna, ItalyInstitute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics, Radboud University Nijmegen/Nikhef, Nijmegen, NetherlandsLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FranceDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA, United StatesInstitute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Praha, Czech RepublicDepartment of Physics, New York University, New York, NY, United StatesUniversidade Federal do Rio De Janeiro COPPE/EE/IF, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, United StatesFachbereich C Physik, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, GermanyDepartment of Physics, New York University, New York, NY, United StatesPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United KingdomHigh Energy Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, United KingdomDSM/IRFU (Institut de Recherches sur les Lois Fondamentales de l'Univers), CEA Saclay (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives), Gif-sur-Yvette, FranceCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandSanta Cruz Institute for Particle Physics, University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, United StatesNevis Laboratory, Columbia University, Irvington, NY, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Humboldt University, Berlin, GermanyState Research Center Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, RussiaLaboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Energies, UPMC and Université Paris-Diderot and CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, FranceSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United KingdomPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesInternational Center for Elementary Particle Physics and Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JapanINFN Sezione di Roma, ItalyMax-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, GermanyDepartment of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, JapanGraduate School of Science, Osaka University, Osaka, JapanDepartment of Physics, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, CanadaSchool of Physics and Astronomy, Queen Mary University of London, London, United KingdomHomer L. Dodge Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, United StatesCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandInstitut für Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, GermanyMax-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, GermanyKEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, JapanPalacký University, RCPTM, Olomouc, Czech RepublicPhysics Department, National Technical University of Athens, Zografou, GreeceSchool of Physics, University of Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaFakultät für Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, GermanyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, London, United KingdomSchool of Physics, University of Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaSUPA – School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, CanadaSUPA - School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, CanadaMax-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, GermanyPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyLaboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Energies, UPMC and Université Paris-Diderot and CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, FranceGraduate School of Science, Kobe University, Kobe, JapanDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, London, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, JapanKEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, JapanDepartment of Physics, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, United StatesSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, Duke University, Durham, NC, United StatesPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Uppsala, Uppsala, SwedenCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandGraduate School of Science, Osaka University, Osaka, JapanFaculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, JapanEnrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United StatesInternational Center for Elementary Particle Physics and Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JapanNational Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, RomaniaJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaSUPA – School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United KingdomPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesInstituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) and Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear and Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica and Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), University of Valencia and CSIC, Valencia, SpainInstitute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, PolandInstitute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, PolandLaboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas – LIP, Lisboa, Portugal; Departamento de Fisica, Universidade do Minho, Braga, PortugalEnrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United StatesTRIUMF, Vancouver, BC, CanadaEnrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United StatesRaymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, IsraelINFN Sezione di Roma Tre, Italy; Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Università Roma Tre, Roma, ItalyDepartment of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, GreeceSUPA - School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, CanadaINFN Sezione di Genova, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Genova, Genova, ItalySchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester, United KingdomDepartamento de Física, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, ArgentinaDepartment of Physics, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, JapanFaculté des Sciences, Université Mohamed Premier and LPTPM, Oujda, MoroccoDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, CanadaDepartment of Physics, University of Oslo, Oslo, NorwayDSM/IRFU (Institut de Recherches sur les Lois Fondamentales de l'Univers), CEA Saclay (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives), Gif-sur-Yvette, FranceNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsInstitute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, ChinaPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesSUPA - School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United KingdomSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, Bogazici University, Istanbul, TurkeyDepartment of Physics, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, United KingdomInstitut de Física d'Altes Energies and Departament de Física de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, SpainInstitut de Física d'Altes Energies and Departament de Física de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, SpainFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United KingdomMax-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, GermanyPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesDepartment of Physics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, United StatesDepartment of Physics, University of Oslo, Oslo, NorwayDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, York University, Toronto, ON, CanadaCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandMarian Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, PolandLaboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire, Clermont Université and Université Blaise Pascal and CNRS/IN2P3, Clermont-Ferrand, FranceLaboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas – LIP, Lisboa, Portugal; Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, PortugalDepartment of Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United StatesPhysics Department, National Technical University of Athens, Zografou, GreeceLaboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Energies, UPMC and Université Paris-Diderot and CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, FranceDepartment of Physics, Royal Holloway University of London, Surrey, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, Stockholm University, Sweden; The Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm, SwedenDepartment of Physics, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United StatesPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesINFN Sezione di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Roma, ItalyPhysics Department, National Technical University of Athens, Zografou, GreeceDepartment of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, GreeceHigh Energy Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, GreeceCavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United KingdomDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United KingdomINFN Sezione di Genova, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Genova, Genova, ItalyNevis Laboratory, Columbia University, Irvington, NY, United StatesFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyINFN Sezione di Roma, ItalyINFN Sezione di Genova, ItalyINFN Sezione di Roma Tre, Italy; Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Università Roma Tre, Roma, ItalyDepartment of Physics, Royal Holloway University of London, Surrey, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, CanadaFachbereich C Physik, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, GermanySchool of Physics, University of Sydney, Sydney, AustraliaSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester, United KingdomCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, CanadaNiels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Kobenhavn, DenmarkDepartment of Physics, University of Oslo, Oslo, NorwayInstituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) and Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear and Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica and Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), University of Valencia and CSIC, Valencia, SpainLaboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas – LIP, Lisboa, Portugal; Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, PortugalBudker Institute of Nuclear Physics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RussiaDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Uppsala, Uppsala, SwedenDepartment of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Anhui, ChinaEnrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, United StatesPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesTRIUMF, Vancouver, BC, CanadaInstituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) and Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear and Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica and Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), University of Valencia and CSIC, Valencia, SpainINFN Sezione di Milano, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Milano, Milano, ItalyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandINFN Sezione di Napoli, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Napoli, Napoli, ItalyDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester, United KingdomCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandNiels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Kobenhavn, DenmarkDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyDepartment of Physics, Stockholm University, Sweden; The Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm, SwedenDepartment of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, GreeceINFN Sezione di Roma, ItalyINFN Sezione di Roma Tre, Italy; Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Università Roma Tre, Roma, ItalyDepartment of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, JapanDepartamento de Física, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, ChileParticle Physics Department, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, United KingdomSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford, CA, United StatesDepartment of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, United KingdomSection de Physique, Université de Genève, Geneva, SwitzerlandSchool of Physics and Astronomy, Queen Mary University of London, London, United KingdomINFN Sezione di Bologna, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Bologna, Bologna, ItalyDepartment of Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, United KingdomDepartamento de Física, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, ArgentinaOhio State University, Columbus, OH, United StatesEnrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United StatesDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, London, United KingdomLaboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas – LIP, Lisboa, Portugal; Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal; Centro de Física Nuclear da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, PortugalINFN Gruppo Collegato di Udine, Sezione di Trieste, Udine, Italy; Dipartimento di Chimica, Fisica e Ambiente, Università di Udine, Udine, ItalyDepartment of Physics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, CanadaNiels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Kobenhavn, DenmarkLaboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas – LIP, Lisboa, PortugalLaboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Energies, UPMC and Université Paris-Diderot and CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, FranceDepartment of Particle Physics, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, IsraelINFN Sezione di Milano, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Milano, Milano, ItalyFaculty of Mathematics, Physics & Informatics, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovak RepublicPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesFaculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaDepartment of Physics, Stockholm University, Sweden; The Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm, SwedenDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, United StatesInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanyLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FrancePhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyINFN Sezione di Pavia, ItalyINFN Gruppo Collegato di Cosenza, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università della Calabria, Rende, ItalyDepartment of Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, CanadaINFN Sezione di Bologna, ItalySUPA - School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United KingdomPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandINFN Sezione di Roma, ItalyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, United StatesNational Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, Physics Department, Cluj Napoca, RomaniaInstitute of Physics, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, SerbiaCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandCzech Technical University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sussex, Brighton, United KingdomCenter for High Energy Physics, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, United StatesCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaCPPM, Aix-Marseille Université and CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, FrancePhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, United StatesSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester, United KingdomOliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United KingdomHigh Energy Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, United StatesINFN Sezione di Lecce, ItalyDepartment of Physics, McGill University, Montreal, QC, CanadaSUPA – School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong, ChinaDepartamento de Física, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, ChileDSM/IRFU (Institut de Recherches sur les Lois Fondamentales de l'Univers), CEA Saclay (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives), Gif-sur-Yvette, FrancePhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesHigh Energy Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, United StatesAGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, Krakow, PolandCenter for High Energy Physics, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, United StatesINFN Sezione di Roma Tre, Italy; Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Università Roma Tre, Roma, ItalyDepartment of Physics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, United StatesDepartments of Physics & Astronomy and Chemistry, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, United StatesPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FranceDepartment of Physics, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United StatesSUPA - School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United KingdomSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester, United KingdomII Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, GermanyPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesINFN Gruppo Collegato di Udine, Sezione di Trieste, Udine, Italy; ICTP, Trieste, ItalySchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester, United KingdomSUPA - School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United KingdomDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, York University, Toronto, ON, CanadaPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyDepartments of Physics & Astronomy and Chemistry, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, United StatesCenter for High Energy Physics, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, United StatesSchool of Physics, University of Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaINFN Sezione di Milano, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Milano, Milano, ItalyCentre de Calcul de l'Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules (IN2P3), Villeurbanne, FrancePhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Uppsala, Uppsala, SwedenFakultät für Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, GermanyInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanyFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanySUPA - School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United KingdomCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics, University of Oslo, Oslo, NorwayOliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United KingdomINFN Sezione di Pavia, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Pavia, Pavia, ItalyFakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Julius-Maximilians-Universität, Würzburg, GermanyPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesSanta Cruz Institute for Particle Physics, University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, United StatesPhysics Department, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Humboldt University, Berlin, GermanyDepartamento de Física, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, ArgentinaDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA, United StatesCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandInstitute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, ChinaLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FranceINFN Sezione di Roma, ItalyINFN Sezione di Milano, ItalyBudker Institute of Nuclear Physics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RussiaFaculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicGroup of Particle Physics, University of Montreal, Montreal, QC, CanadaMax-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, GermanyMarian Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, PolandLaboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Energies, UPMC and Université Paris-Diderot and CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, FranceDepartment of Physics, Humboldt University, Berlin, GermanyFachbereich C Physik, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, GermanyII Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, GermanyDepartments of Physics & Astronomy and Chemistry, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, United StatesINFN Sezione di Pavia, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Pavia, Pavia, ItalyINFN Sezione di Bologna, ItalyInstitut für Astro- und Teilchenphysik, Leopold-Franzens-Universität, Innsbruck, AustriaInstitut de Física d'Altes Energies and Departament de Física de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, SpainDepartment of Physics, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, United StatesSchool of Physics and Astronomy, Queen Mary University of London, London, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, McGill University, Montreal, QC, CanadaDepartment of Physics, McGill University, Montreal, QC, CanadaCavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United KingdomSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester, United KingdomSUPA - School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United KingdomINFN Sezione di Pisa, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica E. Fermi, Università di Pisa, Pisa, ItalyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics, University of Oslo, Oslo, NorwayDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Tufts University, Medford, MA, United StatesNational Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, RussiaINFN Sezione di Bologna, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Bologna, Bologna, ItalyLaboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire, Clermont Université and Université Blaise Pascal and CNRS/IN2P3, Clermont-Ferrand, FranceInstituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) and Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear and Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica and Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), University of Valencia and CSIC, Valencia, SpainDepartment of Physics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United StatesFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyLaboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Energies, UPMC and Université Paris-Diderot and CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, FranceInstituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) and Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear and Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica and Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), University of Valencia and CSIC, Valencia, SpainINFN Sezione di Roma, ItalyFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanySanta Cruz Institute for Particle Physics, University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, United StatesDepartment for Physics and Technology, University of Bergen, Bergen, NorwayFachbereich Physik, Universität Siegen, Siegen, GermanyDepartment of Physics, Stockholm University, Sweden; The Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm, SwedenINFN Sezione di Napoli, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Napoli, Napoli, ItalyINFN Sezione di Genova, ItalyDepartment of Physics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United StatesNational Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, RomaniaDepartment of Particle Physics, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, IsraelDepartment of Physics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United StatesLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FranceDSM/IRFU (Institut de Recherches sur les Lois Fondamentales de l'Univers), CEA Saclay (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives), Gif-sur-Yvette, FranceCPPM, Aix-Marseille Université and CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, FranceDepartment of Physics, Technion: Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, IsraelSchool of Physics, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South AfricaSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford, CA, United StatesDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyD.V. Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, RussiaInstitut für Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, GermanyDepartment of Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, CanadaFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaFakultät für Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, GermanyDepartment of Physics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United StatesDepartment of Physics, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United StatesFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyPetersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, RussiaFaculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FranceDepartment of Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, United KingdomSchool of Physics, University of Sydney, Sydney, AustraliaNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsDepartamento de Física, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, ArgentinaDepartment of Physics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, CanadaSanta Cruz Institute for Particle Physics, University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, United StatesJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaINFN Sezione di Roma, ItalyDSM/IRFU (Institut de Recherches sur les Lois Fondamentales de l'Univers), CEA Saclay (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives), Gif-sur-Yvette, FranceInternational Center for Elementary Particle Physics and Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JapanWaseda University, Tokyo, JapanINFN Sezione di Roma Tre, Italy; Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Università Roma Tre, Roma, ItalyINFN Sezione di Roma Tor Vergata, ItalyHomer L. Dodge Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, United StatesNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsDepartment of Physics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United StatesMax-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, GermanySLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford, CA, United StatesInstituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) and Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear and Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica and Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), University of Valencia and CSIC, Valencia, SpainINFN Gruppo Collegato di Cosenza, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università della Calabria, Rende, ItalyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sussex, Brighton, United KingdomInstitute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics, Radboud University Nijmegen/Nikhef, Nijmegen, NetherlandsCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, GreeceINFN Sezione di Napoli, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Napoli, Napoli, ItalyInstituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) and Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear and Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica and Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), University of Valencia and CSIC, Valencia, SpainInstituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) and Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear and Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica and Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), University of Valencia and CSIC, Valencia, SpainDepartment for Physics and Technology, University of Bergen, Bergen, NorwaySchool of Physics and Astronomy, Queen Mary University of London, London, United KingdomInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanyFakultät für Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, GermanyFachbereich C Physik, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, GermanyCentro de Investigaciones, Universidad Antonio Narino, Bogota, ColombiaMax-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, GermanyParticle Physics Department, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, United KingdomINFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Frascati, ItalyLaboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire, Clermont Université and Université Blaise Pascal and CNRS/IN2P3, Clermont-Ferrand, FranceINFN Sezione di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Roma, ItalyLaboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas – LIP, Lisboa, PortugalDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sussex, Brighton, United KingdomDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaLaboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas – LIP, Lisboa, Portugal; Centro de Física Nuclear da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, PortugalPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyKEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, JapanInternational Center for Elementary Particle Physics and Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JapanFaculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, JapanLAPP, CNRS/IN2P3 and Université de Savoie, Annecy-le-Vieux, FranceLAPP, CNRS/IN2P3 and Université de Savoie, Annecy-le-Vieux, FranceDepartment of Physics, Royal Holloway University of London, Surrey, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, CanadaDepartment of Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, United KingdomLouisiana Tech University, Ruston, LA, United StatesSUPA - School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United KingdomEnrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United StatesINFN Sezione di Bologna, ItalyINFN Sezione di Bologna, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Bologna, Bologna, ItalyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, London, United KingdomDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA, United StatesSchool of Physics, University of Sydney, Sydney, AustraliaINFN Gruppo Collegato di Cosenza, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università della Calabria, Rende, ItalyDepartment of Particle Physics, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, IsraelMax-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, GermanyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanyPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyPhysikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, GermanyInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanyLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FranceFakultät für Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, GermanyDepartments of Physics & Astronomy and Chemistry, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, United StatesKirchhoff-Institut für Physik, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, GermanyPetersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, RussiaFaculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA, United StatesINFN Sezione di Genova, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Genova, Genova, ItalyFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyINFN Gruppo Collegato di Cosenza, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università della Calabria, Rende, ItalyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanyPhysikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, GermanyTRIUMF, Vancouver, BC, CanadaOliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United KingdomInstitut für Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, GermanyDSM/IRFU (Institut de Recherches sur les Lois Fondamentales de l'Univers), CEA Saclay (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives), Gif-sur-Yvette, FrancePhysikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, GermanyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, United StatesII Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, GermanyInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanyTRIUMF, Vancouver, BC, CanadaDepartment of Physics, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, United StatesDepartment of Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, CanadaFakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Julius-Maximilians-Universität, Würzburg, GermanyInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanyInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanyPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyKirchhoff-Institut für Physik, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, GermanyDepartment of Physics, Humboldt University, Berlin, GermanyFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanySanta Cruz Institute for Particle Physics, University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, United StatesDSM/IRFU (Institut de Recherches sur les Lois Fondamentales de l'Univers), CEA Saclay (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives), Gif-sur-Yvette, FranceSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester, United KingdomSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford, CA, United StatesDepartment of Physics, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United StatesMax-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, GermanyDSM/IRFU (Institut de Recherches sur les Lois Fondamentales de l'Univers), CEA Saclay (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives), Gif-sur-Yvette, FranceDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, United StatesDSM/IRFU (Institut de Recherches sur les Lois Fondamentales de l'Univers), CEA Saclay (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives), Gif-sur-Yvette, FrancePhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyLAPP, CNRS/IN2P3 and Université de Savoie, Annecy-le-Vieux, FranceAlbert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics and Laboratory for High Energy Physics, University of Bern, Bern, SwitzerlandLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FranceDepartment of Physics, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, United StatesINFN Sezione di Pisa, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica E. Fermi, Università di Pisa, Pisa, ItalyPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyDepartment of Physics, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United StatesDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyPetersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, RussiaPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, United StatesSanta Cruz Institute for Particle Physics, University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, United StatesCzech Technical University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicUniversidade Federal do Rio De Janeiro COPPE/EE/IF, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilINFN Sezione di Napoli, ItalyPhysics Department, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, United StatesSUPA – School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United KingdomPetersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, RussiaINFN Sezione di Bologna, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Bologna, Bologna, ItalyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FranceII Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, GermanyCPPM, Aix-Marseille Université and CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, FranceTRIUMF, Vancouver, BC, CanadaHomer L. Dodge Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Jožef Stefan Institute and University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, SloveniaMax-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, GermanyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandII Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, GermanyCenter for High Energy Physics, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, United StatesInstitute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, ChinaDepartment of Physics, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Boston University, Boston, MA, United StatesPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesInstitute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP), Moscow, RussiaINFN Gruppo Collegato di Udine, Sezione di Trieste, Udine, Italy; ICTP, Trieste, ItalyDepartment of Physics, Stockholm University, Sweden; The Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm, SwedenDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sussex, Brighton, United KingdomDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, London, United KingdomInstitute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, TaiwanGraduate School of Science, Kobe University, Kobe, JapanDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA, United StatesNagasaki Institute of Applied Science, Nagasaki, JapanJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaP.N. Lebedev Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences, Moscow, RussiaGroup of Particle Physics, University of Montreal, Montreal, QC, CanadaEnrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United StatesINFN Sezione di Milano, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Milano, Milano, ItalyOhio State University, Columbus, OH, United StatesNational Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, RussiaDepartment of Physics, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United StatesDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyInstitute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Praha, Czech RepublicFakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Julius-Maximilians-Universität, Würzburg, GermanyDepartment of Physics, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, United StatesINFN Sezione di Bologna, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Bologna, Bologna, ItalyInstitut für Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, GermanyInstitute of Physics, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, SerbiaLaboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas – LIP, Lisboa, Portugal; Centro de Física Nuclear da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, PortugalRaymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, IsraelSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford, CA, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Stockholm University, SwedenCzech Technical University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicLAPP, CNRS/IN2P3 and Université de Savoie, Annecy-le-Vieux, FranceInstitute of Physics, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, SerbiaLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FranceInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, London, United KingdomLaboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire, Clermont Université and Université Blaise Pascal and CNRS/IN2P3, Clermont-Ferrand, FranceINFN Sezione di Milano, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Milano, Milano, ItalyDepartment of Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, CanadaCenter for High Energy Physics, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, United StatesFakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Julius-Maximilians-Universität, Würzburg, GermanyLouisiana Tech University, Ruston, LA, United StatesJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaD.V. Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, RussiaDepartment of Physics, Stockholm University, Sweden; The Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm, SwedenDepartment for Physics and Technology, University of Bergen, Bergen, NorwayPhysics Department, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United KingdomLaboratory for Particle Physics and Cosmology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United StatesHomer L. Dodge Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, United StatesSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United KingdomCzech Technical University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Tufts University, Medford, MA, United StatesDepartment of Particle Physics, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, IsraelSUPA – School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United KingdomDepartment for Physics and Technology, University of Bergen, Bergen, NorwayNational Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, RussiaNational Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, RussiaD.V. Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, RussiaFysiska institutionen, Lunds universitet, Lund, SwedenSUPA - School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United KingdomNevis Laboratory, Columbia University, Irvington, NY, United StatesPhysics Department, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United KingdomCzech Technical University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicP.N. Lebedev Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences, Moscow, RussiaSchool of Physics and Astronomy, Queen Mary University of London, London, United KingdomPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, CanadaInstitut für Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, GermanyRaymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, IsraelInstitute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, TaiwanCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandCzech Technical University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicCzech Technical University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicNational Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, RussiaInstituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) and Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear and Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica and Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), University of Valencia and CSIC, Valencia, SpainState Research Center Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, RussiaJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaState Research Center Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, RussiaPetersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, RussiaFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyDepartment of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Anhui, ChinaDepartment of Physics, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, AustraliaPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesCzech Technical University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicCzech Technical University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicCzech Technical University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicInstitut de Física d'Altes Energies and Departament de Física de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, SpainPhysikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, GermanyDepartment of Physics, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, GreeceINFN Gruppo Collegato di Udine, Sezione di Trieste, Udine, Italy; Dipartimento di Chimica, Fisica e Ambiente, Università di Udine, Udine, ItalyGroup of Particle Physics, University of Montreal, Montreal, QC, CanadaBudker Institute of Nuclear Physics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RussiaDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyINFN Sezione di Lecce, Italy; Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Università del Salento, Lecce, ItalyDepartment of Physics, Royal Holloway University of London, Surrey, United KingdomLaboratory for Particle Physics and Cosmology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United StatesMax-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, GermanyINFN Sezione di Bologna, ItalyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandSchool of Physics, University of Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaFaculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicDepartment of Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, CanadaSUPA - School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United KingdomInstitut für Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, GermanyDepartment of Physics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United StatesKirchhoff-Institut für Physik, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, GermanyDepartment of Physics, Humboldt University, Berlin, GermanyInstitute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, PolandINFN Sezione di Roma Tre, ItalyDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyDepartment of Physics, University of Oslo, Oslo, NorwayState Research Center Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, RussiaLaboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie, Université Grenoble-Alpes, CNRS/IN2P3, Grenoble, FranceInstitute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Praha, Czech RepublicDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyInstitute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, PolandFaculty of Mathematics, Physics & Informatics, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovak RepublicPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, CanadaCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandTRIUMF, Vancouver, BC, CanadaII Physikalisches Institut, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, Giessen, GermanyMax-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, GermanySUPA - School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United KingdomPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyDepartment of Physics, McGill University, Montreal, QC, CanadaDepartment of Physics, McGill University, Montreal, QC, CanadaNational Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, RomaniaII Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, GermanyMax-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, GermanyDepartment of Physics, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, United StatesInstitut für Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, GermanyAlbert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics and Laboratory for High Energy Physics, University of Bern, Bern, SwitzerlandPhysics Department, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, SwedenDepartment of Physics, Stockholm University, Sweden; The Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm, SwedenDepartment of Physics, University of Oslo, Oslo, NorwaySLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford, CA, United StatesHomer L. Dodge Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, United StatesDepartment of Subnuclear Physics, Institute of Experimental Physics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Kosice, Slovak RepublicFakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Julius-Maximilians-Universität, Würzburg, GermanyCenter for High Energy Physics, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, United StatesPhysics Department, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, United StatesInstitute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics, Radboud University Nijmegen/Nikhef, Nijmegen, NetherlandsAlbert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics and Laboratory for High Energy Physics, University of Bern, Bern, SwitzerlandDepartment for Physics and Technology, University of Bergen, Bergen, NorwayDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanySLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford, CA, United StatesDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesLouisiana Tech University, Ruston, LA, United StatesInstitut de Física d'Altes Energies and Departament de Física de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, SpainGraduate School of Science, Osaka University, Osaka, JapanDepartment of Physics, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, United StatesCzech Technical University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicP.N. Lebedev Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences, Moscow, RussiaDivision of Physics, TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Ankara, TurkeyFaculty of Science, Kyoto University, Kyoto, JapanLaboratory for Particle Physics and Cosmology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United StatesInstitute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, ChinaFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sussex, Brighton, United KingdomINFN Gruppo Collegato di Cosenza, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università della Calabria, Rende, ItalyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sussex, Brighton, United KingdomKEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, JapanInstitute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Praha, Czech RepublicDepartment of Physics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, CanadaSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford, CA, United StatesFaculty of Mathematics, Physics & Informatics, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovak RepublicFaculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, United StatesINFN Sezione di Roma Tre, Italy; Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Università Roma Tre, Roma, ItalyDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyDepartment of Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, CanadaDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA, United StatesTRIUMF, Vancouver, BC, CanadaRaymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, IsraelPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesKyoto University of Education, Kyoto, JapanGraduate School of Science, Kobe University, Kobe, JapanDepartment of Physics, Shinshu University, Nagano, JapanKEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, JapanCPPM, Aix-Marseille Université and CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, FranceBudker Institute of Nuclear Physics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RussiaFakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Julius-Maximilians-Universität, Würzburg, GermanySchool of Physics, University of Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaInternational Center for Elementary Particle Physics and Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JapanLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FranceRitsumeikan University, Kusatsu, Shiga, JapanKEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, JapanDepartment of Physics, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, CanadaOhio State University, Columbus, OH, United StatesPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanyDepartment of Physics, Technion: Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, IsraelDepartment of Physics, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, CanadaINFN Sezione di Milano, ItalyFaculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicInstitute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Praha, Czech RepublicFaculty of Science, Kyoto University, Kyoto, JapanINFN Gruppo Collegato di Cosenza, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università della Calabria, Rende, ItalyLaboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas – LIP, Lisboa, Portugal; Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, PortugalFaculté des Sciences, Université Mohamed Premier and LPTPM, Oujda, MoroccoDepartment of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United StatesSchool of Physics, University of Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, York University, Toronto, ON, CanadaCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandSchool of Physics and Astronomy, Queen Mary University of London, London, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, Royal Holloway University of London, Surrey, United KingdomFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandInstitute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, TaiwanGraduate School of Science, Osaka University, Osaka, JapanFachbereich C Physik, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, GermanyKEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, JapanInternational Center for Elementary Particle Physics and Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JapanDepartamento de Fisica Teorica C-15, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid, SpainMax-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, GermanyINFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Frascati, ItalyDepartment of Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, CanadaPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyLaboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire, Clermont Université and Université Blaise Pascal and CNRS/IN2P3, Clermont-Ferrand, FranceSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, Royal Holloway University of London, Surrey, United KingdomNevis Laboratory, Columbia University, Irvington, NY, United StatesSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United KingdomSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester, United KingdomSUPA - School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United KingdomNiels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Kobenhavn, DenmarkDepartment of Physics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United StatesCavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United KingdomSchool of Physics, University of Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaDepartment of Physics, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United StatesNevis Laboratory, Columbia University, Irvington, NY, United StatesPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesCPPM, Aix-Marseille Université and CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, FranceP.N. Lebedev Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences, Moscow, RussiaBudker Institute of Nuclear Physics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RussiaNational Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, RussiaCPPM, Aix-Marseille Université and CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, FranceDepartment of Physics, Yale University, New Haven, CT, United StatesCPPM, Aix-Marseille Université and CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, FranceLAPP, CNRS/IN2P3 and Université de Savoie, Annecy-le-Vieux, FranceFaculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicDepartment of Physics, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, JapanFaculty of Mathematics, Physics & Informatics, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovak RepublicKEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, JapanDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, United StatesLaboratory for Particle Physics and Cosmology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United StatesSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester, United KingdomGraduate School of Science and Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute, Nagoya University, Nagoya, JapanSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford, CA, United StatesDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, United StatesJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaCenter for High Energy Physics, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, CanadaInstituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) and Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear and Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica and Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), University of Valencia and CSIC, Valencia, SpainCPPM, Aix-Marseille Université and CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, FranceCPPM, Aix-Marseille Université and CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, FranceDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United KingdomLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FranceFakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Julius-Maximilians-Universität, Würzburg, GermanyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandTRIUMF, Vancouver, BC, CanadaLaboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Energies, UPMC and Université Paris-Diderot and CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, FranceInstitut de Física d'Altes Energies and Departament de Física de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, SpainDepartment of Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, CanadaLaboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie, Université Grenoble-Alpes, CNRS/IN2P3, Grenoble, FranceINFN Sezione di Milano, ItalyPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesINFN Sezione di Roma Tre, Italy; Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Università Roma Tre, Roma, ItalyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, United StatesInstitute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, PolandInstitute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, PolandCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, United KingdomB.I. Stepanov Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, BelarusDepartment of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, GreecePhysics Department, National Technical University of Athens, Zografou, GreecePhysics Department, University of Athens, Athens, GreeceInstitut de Física d'Altes Energies and Departament de Física de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, SpainFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyE. Andronikashvili Institute of Physics, Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, GeorgiaInstitute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP), Moscow, RussiaPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesKEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, JapanDepartments of Physics & Astronomy and Chemistry, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, United StatesNational Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, RomaniaNational Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, RomaniaDepartment of Physics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United StatesINFN Sezione di Bologna, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Bologna, Bologna, ItalyD.V. Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, RussiaCzech Technical University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicINFN Sezione di Milano, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Milano, Milano, ItalyPhysics Department, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, United StatesNevis Laboratory, Columbia University, Irvington, NY, United StatesSection de Physique, Université de Genève, Geneva, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics, Stockholm University, Sweden; The Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm, SwedenParticle Physics Department, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, United KingdomInternational Center for Elementary Particle Physics and Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JapanDepartment of Physics, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, CanadaCPPM, Aix-Marseille Université and CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, FranceDepartment for Physics and Technology, University of Bergen, Bergen, NorwayPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyFaculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, JapanCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA, United StatesFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyKEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, JapanFakultät für Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, GermanyDepartment of Subnuclear Physics, Institute of Experimental Physics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Kosice, Slovak RepublicSchool of Physics, University of Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanyDepartment of Physics, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, United StatesInstitut für Astro- und Teilchenphysik, Leopold-Franzens-Universität, Innsbruck, AustriaCPPM, Aix-Marseille Université and CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, FranceCzech Technical University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicDepartment of Physics, McGill University, Montreal, QC, CanadaNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsINFN Sezione di Bologna, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Bologna, Bologna, ItalyInstituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) and Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear and Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica and Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), University of Valencia and CSIC, Valencia, SpainInstitut de Física d'Altes Energies and Departament de Física de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, SpainFaculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicInstituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) and Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear and Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica and Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), University of Valencia and CSIC, Valencia, SpainSection de Physique, Université de Genève, Geneva, SwitzerlandInstituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) and Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear and Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica and Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), University of Valencia and CSIC, Valencia, SpainNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandHigh Energy Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, CanadaNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandINFN Sezione di Roma, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Università di Roma, Roma, ItalyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United StatesHigh Energy Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, United StatesLaboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Energies, UPMC and Université Paris-Diderot and CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, FranceYerevan Physics Institute, Yerevan, ArmeniaINFN Sezione di Roma, ItalyDepartment of Physics, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United StatesPhysics Department, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, United StatesLaboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Energies, UPMC and Université Paris-Diderot and CNRS/IN2P3, Paris, FranceDepartment of Physics, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, United StatesSchool of Physics, University of Sydney, Sydney, AustraliaLaboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire, Clermont Université and Université Blaise Pascal and CNRS/IN2P3, Clermont-Ferrand, FranceII Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, GermanyDepartment of Physics, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United StatesLaboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas – LIP, Lisboa, Portugal; Department of Physics, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, PortugalPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyINFN Sezione di Roma, ItalyINFN Sezione di Lecce, Italy; Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Università del Salento, Lecce, ItalyDepartment of Physics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, United StatesDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, CanadaDepartment of Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, CanadaDepartment of Physics, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, United StatesINFN Sezione di Pavia, ItalyINFN Sezione di Roma, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Università di Roma, Roma, ItalyNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsInstitut für Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, GermanyDepartment of Physics, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, CanadaFysiska institutionen, Lunds universitet, Lund, SwedenDepartment of Physics, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, United StatesSchool of Physics, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South AfricaSchool of Physics, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South AfricaDepartment of Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, United KingdomPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandINFN Sezione di Bologna, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Bologna, Bologna, ItalyINFN Sezione di Milano, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Milano, Milano, ItalyINFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Frascati, ItalyDepartment of Physics, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, CanadaJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sussex, Brighton, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, CanadaPhysics Department, National Technical University of Athens, Zografou, GreeceFakultät für Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, GermanyCzech Technical University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicDepartamento de Física, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, ChileCzech Technical University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicINFN Sezione di Pisa, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica E. Fermi, Università di Pisa, Pisa, ItalySchool of Physics, University of Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaMax-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, GermanyFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyFaculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicNational Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, RussiaInstituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) and Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear and Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica and Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM), University of Valencia and CSIC, Valencia, SpainCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandOliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United KingdomInstitute of Physics, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, SerbiaInstitute of Physics, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, SerbiaInstitute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Praha, Czech RepublicNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandEnrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United StatesCzech Technical University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyFachbereich C Physik, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, GermanyInstituto de Física La Plata, Universidad Nacional de La Plata and CONICET, La Plata, ArgentinaInstitut für Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, GermanyGraduate School of Science and Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute, Nagoya University, Nagoya, JapanPhysics Department, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United KingdomFakultät für Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, GermanyFachbereich Physik, Universität Siegen, Siegen, GermanyDepartment of Physics, Nanjing University, Jiangsu, ChinaDepartment of Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United StatesPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesPhysics Department, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, United StatesDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyInstitute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, ChinaDepartment of Physics, McGill University, Montreal, QC, CanadaDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, United StatesInstitute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, TaiwanPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyDepartment of Physics, Yale University, New Haven, CT, United StatesCenter for High Energy Physics, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, United StatesDepartment of Physics, McGill University, Montreal, QC, CanadaCavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United KingdomDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, London, United KingdomFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanySUPA – School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United KingdomDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanySchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United KingdomSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United KingdomSchool of Physics, University of Sydney, Sydney, AustraliaSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United StatesSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester, United KingdomDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, London, United KingdomSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester, United KingdomAlbert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics and Laboratory for High Energy Physics, University of Bern, Bern, SwitzerlandFakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Julius-Maximilians-Universität, Würzburg, GermanyEnrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, United StatesII Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, GermanyFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Humboldt University, Berlin, GermanyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandKirchhoff-Institut für Physik, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, GermanyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Tufts University, Medford, MA, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, CanadaPhysics Department, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, United StatesDepartment of Physics, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, AustraliaDepartamento de Física, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, ChileINFN Sezione di Pisa, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica E. Fermi, Università di Pisa, Pisa, ItalyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA, United StatesFachbereich C Physik, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, GermanyParticle Physics Department, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United StatesParticle Physics Department, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, United KingdomPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyNiels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Kobenhavn, DenmarkPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyMax-Planck-Institut für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, GermanyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United StatesNikhef National Institute for Subatomic Physics and University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NetherlandsDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, United StatesDepartment of Physics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, United StatesDepartment of Physics, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United StatesSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United KingdomLAPP, CNRS/IN2P3 and Université de Savoie, Annecy-le-Vieux, FranceCenter for High Energy Physics, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, United StatesPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanySLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford, CA, United StatesFakultät für Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, GermanyInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanyInstitute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, PolandLaboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas – LIP, Lisboa, Portugal; Department of Physics, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, PortugalInstitute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, PolandCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester, United KingdomInstitute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, PolandLaboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie, Université Grenoble-Alpes, CNRS/IN2P3, Grenoble, FranceDepartment of Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United StatesSection de Physique, Université de Genève, Geneva, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United StatesSchool of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester, United KingdomSUPA – School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United KingdomNiels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Kobenhavn, DenmarkInstitute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, ChinaDepartment of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Anhui, ChinaSchool of Physics, University of Sydney, Sydney, AustraliaDepartment of Physics, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South AfricaGraduate School of Science, Kobe University, Kobe, JapanKEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, JapanGraduate School of Science, Osaka University, Osaka, JapanKEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, JapanInternational Center for Elementary Particle Physics and Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JapanInternational Center for Elementary Particle Physics and Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JapanGraduate School of Science and Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute, Nagoya University, Nagoya, JapanGraduate School of Science, Kobe University, Kobe, JapanDepartment of Physics, Boston University, Boston, MA, United StatesDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, Shanghai Key Laboratory for Particle Physics and Cosmology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, ChinaDepartment of Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United StatesInstitute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, TaiwanNational Scientific and Educational Centre for Particle and High Energy Physics, Minsk, BelarusInstitute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, ChinaPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesKEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, JapanDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyPhysics Department, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, United StatesPhysics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United StatesJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaLaboratory for Particle Physics and Cosmology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United StatesDESY, Hamburg and Zeuthen, GermanyWaseda University, Tokyo, JapanHigh Energy Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, United StatesDepartment of Physics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United StatesSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford, CA, United StatesCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandDepartment of Physics, Boston University, Boston, MA, United StatesPhysics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, CA, United StatesDepartment of Physics, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, United StatesDepartment of Physics, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, United StatesGraduate School of Science, Kobe University, Kobe, JapanDepartment of Physics, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, United StatesCavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United KingdomInstitute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, PolandUniversity of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, United StatesState Research Center Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, RussiaDepartments of Physics & Astronomy and Chemistry, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, United StatesINFN Sezione di Roma, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Università di Roma, Roma, ItalySchool of Physics, University of Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaFachbereich C Physik, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, GermanyCzech Technical University in Prague, Praha, Czech RepublicAGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, Krakow, PolandDepartment of Physics, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, United StatesState Research Center Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, RussiaFaculty of Mathematics, Physics & Informatics, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovak RepublicLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FranceDepartment of Physics, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United StatesDepartment of Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United StatesHigh Energy Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, United StatesInstitute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, TaiwanDepartment of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Anhui, ChinaSchool of Physics, Shandong University, Shandong, ChinaLAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FrancePhysics Department, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, United StatesSchool of Physics, Shandong University, Shandong, China; LAL, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay, FranceDepartment of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Anhui, ChinaJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaDepartment of Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, United KingdomDepartment of Physics, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United StatesDepartment of Physics, Duke University, Durham, NC, United StatesNevis Laboratory, Columbia University, Irvington, NY, United StatesPhysics Department, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, United StatesDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA, United StatesSchool of Physics, Shandong University, Shandong, ChinaInstitute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, ChinaDepartment of Physics, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United StatesDepartment of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Anhui, ChinaInstitute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, ChinaP.N. Lebedev Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences, Moscow, RussiaFakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Julius-Maximilians-Universität, Würzburg, GermanyDepartment of Physics, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, United StatesJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Dubna, RussiaInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanyPhysikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Bonn, GermanyFakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, GermanyII Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, GermanyInstitut für Physik, Universität Mainz, Mainz, GermanyFachbereich Physik, Universität Siegen, Siegen, GermanyInstitute of Physics, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, SerbiaDepartment of Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United StatesINFN Sezione di Bologna, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Bologna, Bologna, ItalyDepartment of Physics, Humboldt University, Berlin, GermanyINFN Sezione di Napoli, Italy; Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Napoli, Napoli, ItalyCERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandA search for a heavy, CP-odd Higgs boson, A, decaying into a Z boson and a 125 GeV Higgs boson, h, with the ATLAS detector at the LHC is presented. The search uses proton–proton collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb−1. Decays of CP-even h bosons to ττ or bb pairs with the Z boson decaying to electron or muon pairs are considered, as well as h→bb decays with the Z boson decaying to neutrinos. No evidence for the production of an A boson in these channels is found and the 95% confidence level upper limits derived for σ(gg→A)×BR(A→Zh)×BR(h→ff¯) are 0.098–0.013 pb for f=τ and 0.57–0.014 pb for f=b in a range of mA=220–1000 GeV. The results are combined and interpreted in the context of two-Higgs-doublet models. Keywords: BSM Higgs boson, ATLAS
spellingShingle G. Aad
B. Abbott
J. Abdallah
S. Abdel Khalek
O. Abdinov
R. Aben
B. Abi
M. Abolins
O.S. AbouZeid
H. Abramowicz
H. Abreu
R. Abreu
Y. Abulaiti
B.S. Acharya
L. Adamczyk
D.L. Adams
J. Adelman
S. Adomeit
T. Adye
T. Agatonovic-Jovin
J.A. Aguilar-Saavedra
M. Agustoni
S.P. Ahlen
F. Ahmadov
G. Aielli
H. Akerstedt
T.P.A. Åkesson
G. Akimoto
A.V. Akimov
G.L. Alberghi
J. Albert
S. Albrand
M.J. Alconada Verzini
M. Aleksa
I.N. Aleksandrov
C. Alexa
G. Alexander
G. Alexandre
T. Alexopoulos
M. Alhroob
G. Alimonti
L. Alio
J. Alison
B.M.M. Allbrooke
L.J. Allison
P.P. Allport
A. Aloisio
A. Alonso
F. Alonso
C. Alpigiani
A. Altheimer
B. Alvarez Gonzalez
M.G. Alviggi
K. Amako
Y. Amaral Coutinho
C. Amelung
D. Amidei
S.P. Amor Dos Santos
A. Amorim
S. Amoroso
N. Amram
G. Amundsen
C. Anastopoulos
L.S. Ancu
N. Andari
T. Andeen
C.F. Anders
G. Anders
K.J. Anderson
A. Andreazza
V. Andrei
X.S. Anduaga
S. Angelidakis
I. Angelozzi
P. Anger
A. Angerami
F. Anghinolfi
A.V. Anisenkov
N. Anjos
A. Annovi
M. Antonelli
A. Antonov
J. Antos
F. Anulli
M. Aoki
L. Aperio Bella
G. Arabidze
Y. Arai
J.P. Araque
A.T.H. Arce
F.A. Arduh
J-F. Arguin
S. Argyropoulos
M. Arik
A.J. Armbruster
O. Arnaez
V. Arnal
H. Arnold
M. Arratia
O. Arslan
A. Artamonov
G. Artoni
S. Asai
N. Asbah
A. Ashkenazi
B. Åsman
L. Asquith
K. Assamagan
R. Astalos
M. Atkinson
N.B. Atlay
B. Auerbach
K. Augsten
M. Aurousseau
G. Avolio
B. Axen
M.K. Ayoub
G. Azuelos
M.A. Baak
A.E. Baas
C. Bacci
H. Bachacou
K. Bachas
M. Backes
M. Backhaus
P. Bagiacchi
P. Bagnaia
Y. Bai
T. Bain
J.T. Baines
O.K. Baker
P. Balek
T. Balestri
F. Balli
E. Banas
Sw. Banerjee
A.A.E. Bannoura
H.S. Bansil
L. Barak
S.P. Baranov
E.L. Barberio
D. Barberis
M. Barbero
T. Barillari
M. Barisonzi
T. Barklow
N. Barlow
S.L. Barnes
B.M. Barnett
R.M. Barnett
Z. Barnovska
A. Baroncelli
G. Barone
A.J. Barr
F. Barreiro
J. Barreiro Guimarães da Costa
R. Bartoldus
A.E. Barton
P. Bartos
A. Bassalat
A. Basye
R.L. Bates
S.J. Batista
J.R. Batley
M. Battaglia
M. Bauce
F. Bauer
H.S. Bawa
J.B. Beacham
M.D. Beattie
T. Beau
P.H. Beauchemin
R. Beccherle
P. Bechtle
H.P. Beck
K. Becker
S. Becker
M. Beckingham
C. Becot
A.J. Beddall
A. Beddall
V.A. Bednyakov
C.P. Bee
L.J. Beemster
T.A. Beermann
M. Begel
K. Behr
C. Belanger-Champagne
P.J. Bell
W.H. Bell
G. Bella
L. Bellagamba
A. Bellerive
M. Bellomo
K. Belotskiy
O. Beltramello
O. Benary
D. Benchekroun
M. Bender
K. Bendtz
N. Benekos
Y. Benhammou
E. Benhar Noccioli
J.A. Benitez Garcia
D.P. Benjamin
J.R. Bensinger
S. Bentvelsen
L. Beresford
M. Beretta
D. Berge
E. Bergeaas Kuutmann
N. Berger
F. Berghaus
J. Beringer
C. Bernard
N.R. Bernard
C. Bernius
F.U. Bernlochner
T. Berry
P. Berta
C. Bertella
G. Bertoli
F. Bertolucci
C. Bertsche
D. Bertsche
M.I. Besana
G.J. Besjes
O. Bessidskaia Bylund
M. Bessner
N. Besson
C. Betancourt
S. Bethke
A.J. Bevan
W. Bhimji
R.M. Bianchi
L. Bianchini
M. Bianco
O. Biebel
S.P. Bieniek
M. Biglietti
J. Bilbao De Mendizabal
H. Bilokon
M. Bindi
S. Binet
A. Bingul
C. Bini
C.W. Black
J.E. Black
K.M. Black
D. Blackburn
R.E. Blair
J.-B. Blanchard
J.E. Blanco
T. Blazek
I. Bloch
C. Blocker
W. Blum
U. Blumenschein
G.J. Bobbink
V.S. Bobrovnikov
S.S. Bocchetta
A. Bocci
C. Bock
C.R. Boddy
M. Boehler
J.A. Bogaerts
A.G. Bogdanchikov
C. Bohm
V. Boisvert
T. Bold
V. Boldea
A.S. Boldyrev
M. Bomben
M. Bona
M. Boonekamp
A. Borisov
G. Borissov
S. Borroni
J. Bortfeldt
V. Bortolotto
K. Bos
D. Boscherini
M. Bosman
J. Boudreau
J. Bouffard
E.V. Bouhova-Thacker
D. Boumediene
C. Bourdarios
N. Bousson
S. Boutouil
A. Boveia
J. Boyd
I.R. Boyko
I. Bozic
J. Bracinik
A. Brandt
G. Brandt
O. Brandt
U. Bratzler
B. Brau
J.E. Brau
H.M. Braun
S.F. Brazzale
K. Brendlinger
A.J. Brennan
L. Brenner
R. Brenner
S. Bressler
K. Bristow
T.M. Bristow
D. Britton
F.M. Brochu
I. Brock
R. Brock
J. Bronner
G. Brooijmans
T. Brooks
W.K. Brooks
J. Brosamer
E. Brost
J. Brown
P.A. Bruckman de Renstrom
D. Bruncko
R. Bruneliere
A. Bruni
G. Bruni
M. Bruschi
L. Bryngemark
T. Buanes
Q. Buat
F. Bucci
P. Buchholz
A.G. Buckley
S.I. Buda
I.A. Budagov
F. Buehrer
L. Bugge
M.K. Bugge
O. Bulekov
H. Burckhart
S. Burdin
B. Burghgrave
S. Burke
I. Burmeister
E. Busato
D. Büscher
V. Büscher
P. Bussey
C.P. Buszello
J.M. Butler
A.I. Butt
C.M. Buttar
J.M. Butterworth
P. Butti
W. Buttinger
A. Buzatu
S. Cabrera Urbán
D. Caforio
O. Cakir
P. Calafiura
A. Calandri
G. Calderini
P. Calfayan
L.P. Caloba
D. Calvet
S. Calvet
R. Camacho Toro
S. Camarda
D. Cameron
L.M. Caminada
R. Caminal Armadans
S. Campana
M. Campanelli
A. Campoverde
V. Canale
A. Canepa
M. Cano Bret
J. Cantero
R. Cantrill
T. Cao
M.D.M. Capeans Garrido
I. Caprini
M. Caprini
M. Capua
R. Caputo
R. Cardarelli
T. Carli
G. Carlino
L. Carminati
S. Caron
E. Carquin
G.D. Carrillo-Montoya
J.R. Carter
J. Carvalho
D. Casadei
M.P. Casado
M. Casolino
E. Castaneda-Miranda
A. Castelli
V. Castillo Gimenez
N.F. Castro
P. Catastini
A. Catinaccio
J.R. Catmore
A. Cattai
G. Cattani
J. Caudron
V. Cavaliere
D. Cavalli
M. Cavalli-Sforza
V. Cavasinni
F. Ceradini
B.C. Cerio
K. Cerny
A.S. Cerqueira
A. Cerri
L. Cerrito
F. Cerutti
M. Cerv
A. Cervelli
S.A. Cetin
A. Chafaq
D. Chakraborty
I. Chalupkova
P. Chang
B. Chapleau
J.D. Chapman
D. Charfeddine
D.G. Charlton
C.C. Chau
C.A. Chavez Barajas
S. Cheatham
A. Chegwidden
S. Chekanov
S.V. Chekulaev
G.A. Chelkov
M.A. Chelstowska
C. Chen
H. Chen
K. Chen
L. Chen
S. Chen
X. Chen
Y. Chen
H.C. Cheng
Y. Cheng
A. Cheplakov
E. Cheremushkina
R. Cherkaoui El Moursli
V. Chernyatin
E. Cheu
L. Chevalier
V. Chiarella
J.T. Childers
A. Chilingarov
G. Chiodini
A.S. Chisholm
R.T. Chislett
A. Chitan
M.V. Chizhov
S. Chouridou
B.K.B. Chow
D. Chromek-Burckhart
M.L. Chu
J. Chudoba
J.J. Chwastowski
L. Chytka
G. Ciapetti
A.K. Ciftci
D. Cinca
V. Cindro
A. Ciocio
Z.H. Citron
M. Ciubancan
A. Clark
P.J. Clark
R.N. Clarke
W. Cleland
C. Clement
Y. Coadou
M. Cobal
A. Coccaro
J. Cochran
L. Coffey
J.G. Cogan
B. Cole
S. Cole
A.P. Colijn
J. Collot
T. Colombo
G. Compostella
P. Conde Muiño
E. Coniavitis
S.H. Connell
I.A. Connelly
S.M. Consonni
V. Consorti
S. Constantinescu
C. Conta
G. Conti
F. Conventi
M. Cooke
B.D. Cooper
A.M. Cooper-Sarkar
K. Copic
T. Cornelissen
M. Corradi
F. Corriveau
A. Corso-Radu
A. Cortes-Gonzalez
G. Cortiana
M.J. Costa
D. Costanzo
D. Côté
G. Cottin
G. Cowan
B.E. Cox
K. Cranmer
G. Cree
S. Crépé-Renaudin
F. Crescioli
W.A. Cribbs
M. Crispin Ortuzar
M. Cristinziani
V. Croft
G. Crosetti
T. Cuhadar Donszelmann
J. Cummings
M. Curatolo
C. Cuthbert
H. Czirr
P. Czodrowski
S. D'Auria
M. D'Onofrio
M.J. Da Cunha Sargedas De Sousa
C. Da Via
W. Dabrowski
A. Dafinca
T. Dai
O. Dale
F. Dallaire
C. Dallapiccola
M. Dam
J.R. Dandoy
A.C. Daniells
M. Danninger
M. Dano Hoffmann
V. Dao
G. Darbo
S. Darmora
J. Dassoulas
A. Dattagupta
W. Davey
C. David
T. Davidek
E. Davies
M. Davies
O. Davignon
P. Davison
Y. Davygora
E. Dawe
I. Dawson
R.K. Daya-Ishmukhametova
K. De
R. de Asmundis
S. De Castro
S. De Cecco
N. De Groot
P. de Jong
H. De la Torre
F. De Lorenzi
L. De Nooij
D. De Pedis
A. De Salvo
U. De Sanctis
A. De Santo
J.B. De Vivie De Regie
W.J. Dearnaley
R. Debbe
C. Debenedetti
D.V. Dedovich
I. Deigaard
J. Del Peso
T. Del Prete
D. Delgove
F. Deliot
C.M. Delitzsch
M. Deliyergiyev
A. Dell'Acqua
L. Dell'Asta
M. Dell'Orso
M. Della Pietra
D. della Volpe
M. Delmastro
P.A. Delsart
C. Deluca
D.A. DeMarco
S. Demers
M. Demichev
A. Demilly
S.P. Denisov
D. Derendarz
J.E. Derkaoui
F. Derue
P. Dervan
K. Desch
C. Deterre
P.O. Deviveiros
A. Dewhurst
S. Dhaliwal
A. Di Ciaccio
L. Di Ciaccio
A. Di Domenico
C. Di Donato
A. Di Girolamo
B. Di Girolamo
A. Di Mattia
B. Di Micco
R. Di Nardo
A. Di Simone
R. Di Sipio
D. Di Valentino
C. Diaconu
M. Diamond
F.A. Dias
M.A. Diaz
E.B. Diehl
J. Dietrich
T.A. Dietzsch
S. Diglio
A. Dimitrievska
J. Dingfelder
F. Dittus
F. Djama
T. Djobava
J.I. Djuvsland
M.A.B. do Vale
D. Dobos
M. Dobre
C. Doglioni
T. Doherty
T. Dohmae
J. Dolejsi
Z. Dolezal
B.A. Dolgoshein
M. Donadelli
S. Donati
P. Dondero
J. Donini
J. Dopke
A. Doria
M.T. Dova
A.T. Doyle
M. Dris
E. Dubreuil
E. Duchovni
G. Duckeck
O.A. Ducu
D. Duda
A. Dudarev
L. Duflot
L. Duguid
M. Dührssen
M. Dunford
H. Duran Yildiz
M. Düren
A. Durglishvili
D. Duschinger
M. Dwuznik
M. Dyndal
K.M. Ecker
W. Edson
N.C. Edwards
W. Ehrenfeld
T. Eifert
G. Eigen
K. Einsweiler
T. Ekelof
M. El Kacimi
M. Ellert
S. Elles
F. Ellinghaus
A.A. Elliot
N. Ellis
J. Elmsheuser
M. Elsing
D. Emeliyanov
Y. Enari
O.C. Endner
M. Endo
R. Engelmann
J. Erdmann
A. Ereditato
D. Eriksson
G. Ernis
J. Ernst
M. Ernst
S. Errede
E. Ertel
M. Escalier
H. Esch
C. Escobar
B. Esposito
A.I. Etienvre
E. Etzion
H. Evans
A. Ezhilov
L. Fabbri
G. Facini
R.M. Fakhrutdinov
S. Falciano
R.J. Falla
J. Faltova
Y. Fang
M. Fanti
A. Farbin
A. Farilla
T. Farooque
S. Farrell
S.M. Farrington
P. Farthouat
F. Fassi
P. Fassnacht
D. Fassouliotis
A. Favareto
L. Fayard
P. Federic
O.L. Fedin
W. Fedorko
S. Feigl
L. Feligioni
C. Feng
E.J. Feng
H. Feng
A.B. Fenyuk
P. Fernandez Martinez
S. Fernandez Perez
S. Ferrag
J. Ferrando
A. Ferrari
P. Ferrari
R. Ferrari
D.E. Ferreira de Lima
A. Ferrer
D. Ferrere
C. Ferretti
A. Ferretto Parodi
M. Fiascaris
F. Fiedler
A. Filipčič
M. Filipuzzi
F. Filthaut
M. Fincke-Keeler
K.D. Finelli
M.C.N. Fiolhais
L. Fiorini
A. Firan
A. Fischer
C. Fischer
J. Fischer
W.C. Fisher
E.A. Fitzgerald
M. Flechl
I. Fleck
P. Fleischmann
S. Fleischmann
G.T. Fletcher
G. Fletcher
T. Flick
A. Floderus
L.R. Flores Castillo
M.J. Flowerdew
A. Formica
A. Forti
D. Fournier
H. Fox
S. Fracchia
P. Francavilla
M. Franchini
D. Francis
L. Franconi
M. Franklin
M. Fraternali
D. Freeborn
S.T. French
F. Friedrich
D. Froidevaux
J.A. Frost
C. Fukunaga
E. Fullana Torregrosa
B.G. Fulsom
J. Fuster
C. Gabaldon
O. Gabizon
A. Gabrielli
A. Gabrielli
S. Gadatsch
S. Gadomski
G. Gagliardi
P. Gagnon
C. Galea
B. Galhardo
E.J. Gallas
B.J. Gallop
P. Gallus
G. Galster
K.K. Gan
J. Gao
Y.S. Gao
F.M. Garay Walls
F. Garberson
C. García
J.E. García Navarro
M. Garcia-Sciveres
R.W. Gardner
N. Garelli
V. Garonne
C. Gatti
G. Gaudio
B. Gaur
L. Gauthier
P. Gauzzi
I.L. Gavrilenko
C. Gay
G. Gaycken
E.N. Gazis
P. Ge
Z. Gecse
C.N.P. Gee
D.A.A. Geerts
Ch. Geich-Gimbel
C. Gemme
M.H. Genest
S. Gentile
M. George
S. George
D. Gerbaudo
A. Gershon
H. Ghazlane
N. Ghodbane
B. Giacobbe
S. Giagu
V. Giangiobbe
P. Giannetti
F. Gianotti
B. Gibbard
S.M. Gibson
M. Gilchriese
T.P.S. Gillam
D. Gillberg
G. Gilles
D.M. Gingrich
N. Giokaris
M.P. Giordani
F.M. Giorgi
F.M. Giorgi
P.F. Giraud
D. Giugni
C. Giuliani
M. Giulini
B.K. Gjelsten
S. Gkaitatzis
I. Gkialas
E.L. Gkougkousis
L.K. Gladilin
C. Glasman
J. Glatzer
P.C.F. Glaysher
A. Glazov
M. Goblirsch-Kolb
J.R. Goddard
J. Godlewski
S. Goldfarb
T. Golling
D. Golubkov
A. Gomes
R. Gonçalo
J. Goncalves Pinto Firmino Da Costa
L. Gonella
S. González de la Hoz
G. Gonzalez Parra
S. Gonzalez-Sevilla
L. Goossens
P.A. Gorbounov
H.A. Gordon
I. Gorelov
B. Gorini
E. Gorini
A. Gorišek
E. Gornicki
A.T. Goshaw
C. Gössling
M.I. Gostkin
M. Gouighri
D. Goujdami
A.G. Goussiou
H.M.X. Grabas
L. Graber
I. Grabowska-Bold
P. Grafström
K-J. Grahn
J. Gramling
E. Gramstad
S. Grancagnolo
V. Grassi
V. Gratchev
H.M. Gray
E. Graziani
Z.D. Greenwood
K. Gregersen
I.M. Gregor
P. Grenier
J. Griffiths
A.A. Grillo
K. Grimm
S. Grinstein
Ph. Gris
Y.V. Grishkevich
J.-F. Grivaz
J.P. Grohs
A. Grohsjean
E. Gross
J. Grosse-Knetter
G.C. Grossi
Z.J. Grout
L. Guan
J. Guenther
F. Guescini
D. Guest
O. Gueta
E. Guido
T. Guillemin
S. Guindon
U. Gul
C. Gumpert
J. Guo
S. Gupta
P. Gutierrez
N.G. Gutierrez Ortiz
C. Gutschow
N. Guttman
C. Guyot
C. Gwenlan
C.B. Gwilliam
A. Haas
C. Haber
H.K. Hadavand
N. Haddad
P. Haefner
S. Hageböck
Z. Hajduk
H. Hakobyan
M. Haleem
J. Haley
D. Hall
G. Halladjian
G.D. Hallewell
K. Hamacher
P. Hamal
K. Hamano
M. Hamer
A. Hamilton
S. Hamilton
G.N. Hamity
P.G. Hamnett
L. Han
K. Hanagaki
K. Hanawa
M. Hance
P. Hanke
R. Hanna
J.B. Hansen
J.D. Hansen
P.H. Hansen
K. Hara
A.S. Hard
T. Harenberg
F. Hariri
S. Harkusha
R.D. Harrington
P.F. Harrison
F. Hartjes
M. Hasegawa
S. Hasegawa
Y. Hasegawa
A. Hasib
S. Hassani
S. Haug
R. Hauser
L. Hauswald
M. Havranek
C.M. Hawkes
R.J. Hawkings
A.D. Hawkins
T. Hayashi
D. Hayden
C.P. Hays
J.M. Hays
H.S. Hayward
S.J. Haywood
S.J. Head
T. Heck
V. Hedberg
L. Heelan
S. Heim
T. Heim
B. Heinemann
L. Heinrich
J. Hejbal
L. Helary
M. Heller
S. Hellman
D. Hellmich
C. Helsens
J. Henderson
R.C.W. Henderson
Y. Heng
C. Hengler
A. Henrichs
A.M. Henriques Correia
S. Henrot-Versille
G.H. Herbert
Y. Hernández Jiménez
R. Herrberg-Schubert
G. Herten
R. Hertenberger
L. Hervas
G.G. Hesketh
N.P. Hessey
R. Hickling
E. Higón-Rodriguez
E. Hill
J.C. Hill
K.H. Hiller
S.J. Hillier
I. Hinchliffe
E. Hines
R.R. Hinman
M. Hirose
D. Hirschbuehl
J. Hobbs
N. Hod
M.C. Hodgkinson
P. Hodgson
A. Hoecker
M.R. Hoeferkamp
F. Hoenig
M. Hohlfeld
T.R. Holmes
T.M. Hong
L. Hooft van Huysduynen
W.H. Hopkins
Y. Horii
A.J. Horton
J-Y. Hostachy
S. Hou
A. Hoummada
J. Howard
J. Howarth
M. Hrabovsky
I. Hristova
J. Hrivnac
T. Hryn'ova
A. Hrynevich
C. Hsu
P.J. Hsu
S.-C. Hsu
D. Hu
Q. Hu
X. Hu
Y. Huang
Z. Hubacek
F. Hubaut
F. Huegging
T.B. Huffman
E.W. Hughes
G. Hughes
M. Huhtinen
T.A. Hülsing
N. Huseynov
J. Huston
J. Huth
G. Iacobucci
G. Iakovidis
I. Ibragimov
L. Iconomidou-Fayard
E. Ideal
Z. Idrissi
P. Iengo
O. Igonkina
T. Iizawa
Y. Ikegami
K. Ikematsu
M. Ikeno
Y. Ilchenko
D. Iliadis
N. Ilic
Y. Inamaru
T. Ince
P. Ioannou
M. Iodice
K. Iordanidou
V. Ippolito
A. Irles Quiles
C. Isaksson
M. Ishino
M. Ishitsuka
R. Ishmukhametov
C. Issever
S. Istin
J.M. Iturbe Ponce
R. Iuppa
J. Ivarsson
W. Iwanski
H. Iwasaki
J.M. Izen
V. Izzo
S. Jabbar
B. Jackson
M. Jackson
P. Jackson
M.R. Jaekel
V. Jain
K. Jakobs
S. Jakobsen
T. Jakoubek
J. Jakubek
D.O. Jamin
D.K. Jana
E. Jansen
R.W. Jansky
J. Janssen
M. Janus
G. Jarlskog
N. Javadov
T. Javůrek
L. Jeanty
J. Jejelava
G.-Y. Jeng
D. Jennens
P. Jenni
J. Jentzsch
C. Jeske
S. Jézéquel
H. Ji
J. Jia
Y. Jiang
J. Jimenez Pena
S. Jin
A. Jinaru
O. Jinnouchi
M.D. Joergensen
P. Johansson
K.A. Johns
K. Jon-And
G. Jones
R.W.L. Jones
T.J. Jones
J. Jongmanns
P.M. Jorge
K.D. Joshi
J. Jovicevic
X. Ju
C.A. Jung
P. Jussel
A. Juste Rozas
M. Kaci
A. Kaczmarska
M. Kado
H. Kagan
M. Kagan
S.J. Kahn
E. Kajomovitz
C.W. Kalderon
S. Kama
A. Kamenshchikov
N. Kanaya
M. Kaneda
S. Kaneti
V.A. Kantserov
J. Kanzaki
B. Kaplan
A. Kapliy
D. Kar
K. Karakostas
A. Karamaoun
N. Karastathis
M.J. Kareem
M. Karnevskiy
S.N. Karpov
Z.M. Karpova
K. Karthik
V. Kartvelishvili
A.N. Karyukhin
L. Kashif
R.D. Kass
A. Kastanas
Y. Kataoka
A. Katre
J. Katzy
K. Kawagoe
T. Kawamoto
G. Kawamura
S. Kazama
V.F. Kazanin
M.Y. Kazarinov
R. Keeler
R. Kehoe
M. Keil
J.S. Keller
J.J. Kempster
H. Keoshkerian
O. Kepka
B.P. Kerševan
S. Kersten
R.A. Keyes
F. Khalil-zada
H. Khandanyan
A. Khanov
A. Kharlamov
A. Khodinov
A. Khomich
T.J. Khoo
G. Khoriauli
V. Khovanskiy
E. Khramov
J. Khubua
H.Y. Kim
H. Kim
S.H. Kim
N. Kimura
O.M. Kind
B.T. King
M. King
R.S.B. King
S.B. King
J. Kirk
A.E. Kiryunin
T. Kishimoto
D. Kisielewska
F. Kiss
K. Kiuchi
E. Kladiva
M.H. Klein
M. Klein
U. Klein
K. Kleinknecht
P. Klimek
A. Klimentov
R. Klingenberg
J.A. Klinger
T. Klioutchnikova
P.F. Klok
E.-E. Kluge
P. Kluit
S. Kluth
E. Kneringer
E.B.F.G. Knoops
A. Knue
D. Kobayashi
T. Kobayashi
M. Kobel
M. Kocian
P. Kodys
T. Koffas
E. Koffeman
L.A. Kogan
S. Kohlmann
Z. Kohout
T. Kohriki
T. Koi
H. Kolanoski
I. Koletsou
A.A. Komar
Y. Komori
T. Kondo
N. Kondrashova
K. Köneke
A.C. König
S. König
T. Kono
R. Konoplich
N. Konstantinidis
R. Kopeliansky
S. Koperny
L. Köpke
A.K. Kopp
K. Korcyl
K. Kordas
A. Korn
A.A. Korol
I. Korolkov
E.V. Korolkova
O. Kortner
S. Kortner
T. Kosek
V.V. Kostyukhin
V.M. Kotov
A. Kotwal
A. Kourkoumeli-Charalampidi
C. Kourkoumelis
V. Kouskoura
A. Koutsman
R. Kowalewski
T.Z. Kowalski
W. Kozanecki
A.S. Kozhin
V.A. Kramarenko
G. Kramberger
D. Krasnopevtsev
M.W. Krasny
A. Krasznahorkay
J.K. Kraus
A. Kravchenko
S. Kreiss
M. Kretz
J. Kretzschmar
K. Kreutzfeldt
P. Krieger
K. Krizka
K. Kroeninger
H. Kroha
J. Kroll
J. Kroseberg
J. Krstic
U. Kruchonak
H. Krüger
N. Krumnack
Z.V. Krumshteyn
A. Kruse
M.C. Kruse
M. Kruskal
T. Kubota
H. Kucuk
S. Kuday
S. Kuehn
A. Kugel
F. Kuger
A. Kuhl
T. Kuhl
V. Kukhtin
Y. Kulchitsky
S. Kuleshov
M. Kuna
T. Kunigo
A. Kupco
H. Kurashige
Y.A. Kurochkin
R. Kurumida
V. Kus
E.S. Kuwertz
M. Kuze
J. Kvita
T. Kwan
D. Kyriazopoulos
A. La Rosa
J.L. La Rosa Navarro
L. La Rotonda
C. Lacasta
F. Lacava
J. Lacey
H. Lacker
D. Lacour
V.R. Lacuesta
E. Ladygin
R. Lafaye
B. Laforge
T. Lagouri
S. Lai
L. Lambourne
S. Lammers
C.L. Lampen
W. Lampl
E. Lançon
U. Landgraf
M.P.J. Landon
V.S. Lang
A.J. Lankford
F. Lanni
K. Lantzsch
S. Laplace
C. Lapoire
J.F. Laporte
T. Lari
F. Lasagni Manghi
M. Lassnig
P. Laurelli
W. Lavrijsen
A.T. Law
P. Laycock
O. Le Dortz
E. Le Guirriec
E. Le Menedeu
T. LeCompte
F. Ledroit-Guillon
C.A. Lee
S.C. Lee
L. Lee
G. Lefebvre
M. Lefebvre
F. Legger
C. Leggett
A. Lehan
G. Lehmann Miotto
X. Lei
W.A. Leight
A. Leisos
A.G. Leister
M.A.L. Leite
R. Leitner
D. Lellouch
B. Lemmer
K.J.C. Leney
T. Lenz
G. Lenzen
B. Lenzi
R. Leone
S. Leone
C. Leonidopoulos
S. Leontsinis
C. Leroy
C.G. Lester
M. Levchenko
J. Levêque
D. Levin
L.J. Levinson
M. Levy
A. Lewis
A.M. Leyko
M. Leyton
B. Li
B. Li
H. Li
H.L. Li
L. Li
L. Li
S. Li
Y. Li
Z. Liang
H. Liao
B. Liberti
P. Lichard
K. Lie
J. Liebal
W. Liebig
C. Limbach
A. Limosani
S.C. Lin
T.H. Lin
F. Linde
B.E. Lindquist
J.T. Linnemann
E. Lipeles
A. Lipniacka
M. Lisovyi
T.M. Liss
D. Lissauer
A. Lister
A.M. Litke
B. Liu
D. Liu
J. Liu
J.B. Liu
K. Liu
L. Liu
M. Liu
M. Liu
Y. Liu
M. Livan
A. Lleres
J. Llorente Merino
S.L. Lloyd
F. Lo Sterzo
E. Lobodzinska
P. Loch
W.S. Lockman
F.K. Loebinger
A.E. Loevschall-Jensen
A. Loginov
T. Lohse
K. Lohwasser
M. Lokajicek
B.A. Long
J.D. Long
R.E. Long
K.A. Looper
L. Lopes
D. Lopez Mateos
B. Lopez Paredes
I. Lopez Paz
J. Lorenz
N. Lorenzo Martinez
M. Losada
P. Loscutoff
P.J. Lösel
X. Lou
A. Lounis
J. Love
P.A. Love
N. Lu
H.J. Lubatti
C. Luci
A. Lucotte
F. Luehring
W. Lukas
L. Luminari
O. Lundberg
B. Lund-Jensen
M. Lungwitz
D. Lynn
R. Lysak
E. Lytken
H. Ma
L.L. Ma
G. Maccarrone
A. Macchiolo
C.M. Macdonald
J. Machado Miguens
D. Macina
D. Madaffari
R. Madar
H.J. Maddocks
W.F. Mader
A. Madsen
T. Maeno
A. Maevskiy
E. Magradze
K. Mahboubi
J. Mahlstedt
S. Mahmoud
C. Maiani
C. Maidantchik
A.A. Maier
T. Maier
A. Maio
S. Majewski
Y. Makida
N. Makovec
B. Malaescu
Pa. Malecki
V.P. Maleev
F. Malek
U. Mallik
D. Malon
C. Malone
S. Maltezos
V.M. Malyshev
S. Malyukov
J. Mamuzic
B. Mandelli
L. Mandelli
I. Mandić
R. Mandrysch
J. Maneira
A. Manfredini
L. Manhaes de Andrade Filho
J. Manjarres Ramos
A. Mann
P.M. Manning
A. Manousakis-Katsikakis
B. Mansoulie
R. Mantifel
M. Mantoani
L. Mapelli
L. March
G. Marchiori
M. Marcisovsky
C.P. Marino
M. Marjanovic
F. Marroquim
S.P. Marsden
Z. Marshall
L.F. Marti
S. Marti-Garcia
B. Martin
T.A. Martin
V.J. Martin
B. Martin dit Latour
H. Martinez
M. Martinez
S. Martin-Haugh
V.S. Martoiu
A.C. Martyniuk
M. Marx
F. Marzano
A. Marzin
L. Masetti
T. Mashimo
R. Mashinistov
J. Masik
A.L. Maslennikov
I. Massa
L. Massa
N. Massol
P. Mastrandrea
A. Mastroberardino
T. Masubuchi
P. Mättig
J. Mattmann
J. Maurer
S.J. Maxfield
D.A. Maximov
R. Mazini
S.M. Mazza
L. Mazzaferro
G. Mc Goldrick
S.P. Mc Kee
A. McCarn
R.L. McCarthy
T.G. McCarthy
N.A. McCubbin
K.W. McFarlane
J.A. Mcfayden
G. Mchedlidze
S.J. McMahon
R.A. McPherson
J. Mechnich
M. Medinnis
S. Meehan
S. Mehlhase
A. Mehta
K. Meier
C. Meineck
B. Meirose
C. Melachrinos
B.R. Mellado Garcia
F. Meloni
A. Mengarelli
S. Menke
E. Meoni
K.M. Mercurio
S. Mergelmeyer
N. Meric
P. Mermod
L. Merola
C. Meroni
F.S. Merritt
H. Merritt
A. Messina
J. Metcalfe
A.S. Mete
C. Meyer
C. Meyer
J-P. Meyer
J. Meyer
R.P. Middleton
S. Migas
S. Miglioranzi
L. Mijović
G. Mikenberg
M. Mikestikova
M. Mikuž
A. Milic
D.W. Miller
C. Mills
A. Milov
D.A. Milstead
A.A. Minaenko
Y. Minami
I.A. Minashvili
A.I. Mincer
B. Mindur
M. Mineev
Y. Ming
L.M. Mir
G. Mirabelli
T. Mitani
J. Mitrevski
V.A. Mitsou
A. Miucci
P.S. Miyagawa
J.U. Mjörnmark
T. Moa
K. Mochizuki
S. Mohapatra
W. Mohr
S. Molander
R. Moles-Valls
K. Mönig
C. Monini
J. Monk
E. Monnier
J. Montejo Berlingen
F. Monticelli
S. Monzani
R.W. Moore
N. Morange
D. Moreno
M. Moreno Llácer
P. Morettini
M. Morgenstern
M. Morii
V. Morisbak
S. Moritz
A.K. Morley
G. Mornacchi
J.D. Morris
A. Morton
L. Morvaj
H.G. Moser
M. Mosidze
J. Moss
K. Motohashi
R. Mount
E. Mountricha
S.V. Mouraviev
E.J.W. Moyse
S. Muanza
R.D. Mudd
F. Mueller
J. Mueller
K. Mueller
R.S.P. Mueller
T. Mueller
D. Muenstermann
P. Mullen
Y. Munwes
J.A. Murillo Quijada
W.J. Murray
H. Musheghyan
E. Musto
A.G. Myagkov
M. Myska
O. Nackenhorst
J. Nadal
K. Nagai
R. Nagai
Y. Nagai
K. Nagano
A. Nagarkar
Y. Nagasaka
K. Nagata
M. Nagel
E. Nagy
A.M. Nairz
Y. Nakahama
K. Nakamura
T. Nakamura
I. Nakano
H. Namasivayam
G. Nanava
R.F. Naranjo Garcia
R. Narayan
T. Nattermann
T. Naumann
G. Navarro
R. Nayyar
H.A. Neal
P.Yu. Nechaeva
T.J. Neep
P.D. Nef
A. Negri
M. Negrini
S. Nektarijevic
C. Nellist
A. Nelson
S. Nemecek
P. Nemethy
A.A. Nepomuceno
M. Nessi
M.S. Neubauer
M. Neumann
R.M. Neves
P. Nevski
P.R. Newman
D.H. Nguyen
R.B. Nickerson
R. Nicolaidou
B. Nicquevert
J. Nielsen
N. Nikiforou
A. Nikiforov
V. Nikolaenko
I. Nikolic-Audit
K. Nikolopoulos
P. Nilsson
Y. Ninomiya
A. Nisati
R. Nisius
T. Nobe
M. Nomachi
I. Nomidis
T. Nooney
S. Norberg
M. Nordberg
O. Novgorodova
S. Nowak
M. Nozaki
L. Nozka
K. Ntekas
G. Nunes Hanninger
T. Nunnemann
E. Nurse
F. Nuti
B.J. O'Brien
F. O'grady
D.C. O'Neil
V. O'Shea
F.G. Oakham
H. Oberlack
T. Obermann
J. Ocariz
A. Ochi
I. Ochoa
S. Oda
S. Odaka
H. Ogren
A. Oh
S.H. Oh
C.C. Ohm
H. Ohman
H. Oide
W. Okamura
H. Okawa
Y. Okumura
T. Okuyama
A. Olariu
A.G. Olchevski
S.A. Olivares Pino
D. Oliveira Damazio
E. Oliver Garcia
A. Olszewski
J. Olszowska
A. Onofre
P.U.E. Onyisi
C.J. Oram
M.J. Oreglia
Y. Oren
D. Orestano
N. Orlando
C. Oropeza Barrera
R.S. Orr
B. Osculati
R. Ospanov
G. Otero y Garzon
H. Otono
M. Ouchrif
E.A. Ouellette
F. Ould-Saada
A. Ouraou
K.P. Oussoren
Q. Ouyang
A. Ovcharova
M. Owen
R.E. Owen
V.E. Ozcan
N. Ozturk
K. Pachal
A. Pacheco Pages
C. Padilla Aranda
M. Pagáčová
S. Pagan Griso
E. Paganis
C. Pahl
F. Paige
P. Pais
K. Pajchel
G. Palacino
S. Palestini
M. Palka
D. Pallin
A. Palma
Y.B. Pan
E. Panagiotopoulou
C.E. Pandini
J.G. Panduro Vazquez
P. Pani
N. Panikashvili
S. Panitkin
L. Paolozzi
Th.D. Papadopoulou
K. Papageorgiou
A. Paramonov
D. Paredes Hernandez
M.A. Parker
K.A. Parker
F. Parodi
J.A. Parsons
U. Parzefall
E. Pasqualucci
S. Passaggio
F. Pastore
Fr. Pastore
G. Pásztor
S. Pataraia
N.D. Patel
J.R. Pater
T. Pauly
J. Pearce
L.E. Pedersen
M. Pedersen
S. Pedraza Lopez
R. Pedro
S.V. Peleganchuk
D. Pelikan
H. Peng
B. Penning
J. Penwell
D.V. Perepelitsa
E. Perez Codina
M.T. Pérez García-Estañ
L. Perini
H. Pernegger
S. Perrella
R. Peschke
V.D. Peshekhonov
K. Peters
R.F.Y. Peters
B.A. Petersen
T.C. Petersen
E. Petit
A. Petridis
C. Petridou
E. Petrolo
F. Petrucci
N.E. Pettersson
R. Pezoa
P.W. Phillips
G. Piacquadio
E. Pianori
A. Picazio
E. Piccaro
M. Piccinini
M.A. Pickering
R. Piegaia
D.T. Pignotti
J.E. Pilcher
A.D. Pilkington
J. Pina
M. Pinamonti
J.L. Pinfold
A. Pingel
B. Pinto
S. Pires
M. Pitt
C. Pizio
L. Plazak
M.-A. Pleier
V. Pleskot
E. Plotnikova
P. Plucinski
D. Pluth
R. Poettgen
L. Poggioli
D. Pohl
G. Polesello
A. Policicchio
R. Polifka
A. Polini
C.S. Pollard
V. Polychronakos
K. Pommès
L. Pontecorvo
B.G. Pope
G.A. Popeneciu
D.S. Popovic
A. Poppleton
S. Pospisil
K. Potamianos
I.N. Potrap
C.J. Potter
C.T. Potter
G. Poulard
J. Poveda
V. Pozdnyakov
P. Pralavorio
A. Pranko
S. Prasad
S. Prell
D. Price
J. Price
L.E. Price
M. Primavera
S. Prince
M. Proissl
K. Prokofiev
F. Prokoshin
E. Protopapadaki
S. Protopopescu
J. Proudfoot
M. Przybycien
E. Ptacek
D. Puddu
E. Pueschel
D. Puldon
M. Purohit
P. Puzo
J. Qian
G. Qin
Y. Qin
A. Quadt
D.R. Quarrie
W.B. Quayle
M. Queitsch-Maitland
D. Quilty
A. Qureshi
V. Radeka
V. Radescu
S.K. Radhakrishnan
P. Radloff
P. Rados
F. Ragusa
G. Rahal
S. Rajagopalan
M. Rammensee
C. Rangel-Smith
F. Rauscher
S. Rave
T.C. Rave
T. Ravenscroft
M. Raymond
A.L. Read
N.P. Readioff
D.M. Rebuzzi
A. Redelbach
G. Redlinger
R. Reece
K. Reeves
L. Rehnisch
H. Reisin
M. Relich
C. Rembser
H. Ren
A. Renaud
M. Rescigno
S. Resconi
O.L. Rezanova
P. Reznicek
R. Rezvani
R. Richter
E. Richter-Was
M. Ridel
P. Rieck
C.J. Riegel
J. Rieger
M. Rijssenbeek
A. Rimoldi
L. Rinaldi
E. Ritsch
I. Riu
F. Rizatdinova
E. Rizvi
S.H. Robertson
A. Robichaud-Veronneau
D. Robinson
J.E.M. Robinson
A. Robson
C. Roda
L. Rodrigues
S. Roe
O. Røhne
S. Rolli
A. Romaniouk
M. Romano
S.M. Romano Saez
E. Romero Adam
N. Rompotis
M. Ronzani
L. Roos
E. Ros
S. Rosati
K. Rosbach
P. Rose
P.L. Rosendahl
O. Rosenthal
V. Rossetti
E. Rossi
L.P. Rossi
R. Rosten
M. Rotaru
I. Roth
J. Rothberg
D. Rousseau
C.R. Royon
A. Rozanov
Y. Rozen
X. Ruan
F. Rubbo
I. Rubinskiy
V.I. Rud
C. Rudolph
M.S. Rudolph
F. Rühr
A. Ruiz-Martinez
Z. Rurikova
N.A. Rusakovich
A. Ruschke
H.L. Russell
J.P. Rutherfoord
N. Ruthmann
Y.F. Ryabov
M. Rybar
G. Rybkin
N.C. Ryder
A.F. Saavedra
G. Sabato
S. Sacerdoti
A. Saddique
H.F-W. Sadrozinski
R. Sadykov
F. Safai Tehrani
M. Saimpert
H. Sakamoto
Y. Sakurai
G. Salamanna
A. Salamon
M. Saleem
D. Salek
P.H. Sales De Bruin
D. Salihagic
A. Salnikov
J. Salt
D. Salvatore
F. Salvatore
A. Salvucci
A. Salzburger
D. Sampsonidis
A. Sanchez
J. Sánchez
V. Sanchez Martinez
H. Sandaker
R.L. Sandbach
H.G. Sander
M.P. Sanders
M. Sandhoff
C. Sandoval
R. Sandstroem
D.P.C. Sankey
A. Sansoni
C. Santoni
R. Santonico
H. Santos
I. Santoyo Castillo
K. Sapp
A. Sapronov
J.G. Saraiva
B. Sarrazin
O. Sasaki
Y. Sasaki
K. Sato
G. Sauvage
E. Sauvan
G. Savage
P. Savard
C. Sawyer
L. Sawyer
D.H. Saxon
J. Saxon
C. Sbarra
A. Sbrizzi
T. Scanlon
D.A. Scannicchio
M. Scarcella
V. Scarfone
J. Schaarschmidt
P. Schacht
D. Schaefer
R. Schaefer
J. Schaeffer
S. Schaepe
S. Schaetzel
U. Schäfer
A.C. Schaffer
D. Schaile
R.D. Schamberger
V. Scharf
V.A. Schegelsky
D. Scheirich
M. Schernau
C. Schiavi
C. Schillo
M. Schioppa
S. Schlenker
E. Schmidt
K. Schmieden
C. Schmitt
S. Schmitt
B. Schneider
Y.J. Schnellbach
U. Schnoor
L. Schoeffel
A. Schoening
B.D. Schoenrock
A.L.S. Schorlemmer
M. Schott
D. Schouten
J. Schovancova
S. Schramm
M. Schreyer
C. Schroeder
N. Schuh
M.J. Schultens
H.-C. Schultz-Coulon
H. Schulz
M. Schumacher
B.A. Schumm
Ph. Schune
C. Schwanenberger
A. Schwartzman
T.A. Schwarz
Ph. Schwegler
Ph. Schwemling
R. Schwienhorst
J. Schwindling
T. Schwindt
M. Schwoerer
F.G. Sciacca
E. Scifo
G. Sciolla
F. Scuri
F. Scutti
J. Searcy
G. Sedov
E. Sedykh
P. Seema
S.C. Seidel
A. Seiden
F. Seifert
J.M. Seixas
G. Sekhniaidze
S.J. Sekula
K.E. Selbach
D.M. Seliverstov
N. Semprini-Cesari
C. Serfon
L. Serin
L. Serkin
T. Serre
R. Seuster
H. Severini
T. Sfiligoj
F. Sforza
A. Sfyrla
E. Shabalina
M. Shamim
L.Y. Shan
R. Shang
J.T. Shank
M. Shapiro
P.B. Shatalov
K. Shaw
A. Shcherbakova
C.Y. Shehu
P. Sherwood
L. Shi
S. Shimizu
C.O. Shimmin
M. Shimojima
M. Shiyakova
A. Shmeleva
D. Shoaleh Saadi
M.J. Shochet
S. Shojaii
S. Shrestha
E. Shulga
M.A. Shupe
S. Shushkevich
P. Sicho
O. Sidiropoulou
D. Sidorov
A. Sidoti
F. Siegert
Dj. Sijacki
J. Silva
Y. Silver
D. Silverstein
S.B. Silverstein
V. Simak
O. Simard
Lj. Simic
S. Simion
E. Simioni
B. Simmons
D. Simon
R. Simoniello
P. Sinervo
N.B. Sinev
G. Siragusa
A. Sircar
A.N. Sisakyan
S.Yu. Sivoklokov
J. Sjölin
T.B. Sjursen
M.B. Skinner
H.P. Skottowe
P. Skubic
M. Slater
T. Slavicek
M. Slawinska
K. Sliwa
V. Smakhtin
B.H. Smart
L. Smestad
S.Yu. Smirnov
Y. Smirnov
L.N. Smirnova
O. Smirnova
K.M. Smith
M.N.K. Smith
M. Smizanska
K. Smolek
A.A. Snesarev
G. Snidero
S. Snyder
R. Sobie
F. Socher
A. Soffer
D.A. Soh
C.A. Solans
M. Solar
J. Solc
E.Yu. Soldatov
U. Soldevila
A.A. Solodkov
A. Soloshenko
O.V. Solovyanov
V. Solovyev
P. Sommer
H.Y. Song
N. Soni
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Search for a CP-odd Higgs boson decaying to Zh in pp collisions at s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Physics Letters B
title Search for a CP-odd Higgs boson decaying to Zh in pp collisions at s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector
title_full Search for a CP-odd Higgs boson decaying to Zh in pp collisions at s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector
title_fullStr Search for a CP-odd Higgs boson decaying to Zh in pp collisions at s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector
title_full_unstemmed Search for a CP-odd Higgs boson decaying to Zh in pp collisions at s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector
title_short Search for a CP-odd Higgs boson decaying to Zh in pp collisions at s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector
title_sort search for a cp odd higgs boson decaying to zh in pp collisions at s 8 tev with the atlas detector
work_keys_str_mv AT gaad searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT babbott searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jabdallah searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sabdelkhalek searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT oabdinov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT raben searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT babi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mabolins searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT osabouzeid searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT habramowicz searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT habreu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rabreu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT yabulaiti searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bsacharya searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ladamczyk searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dladams searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jadelman searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sadomeit searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tadye searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tagatonovicjovin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jaaguilarsaavedra searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT magustoni searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT spahlen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fahmadov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gaielli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hakerstedt searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tpaakesson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gakimoto searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT avakimov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT glalberghi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jalbert searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT salbrand searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mjalconadaverzini searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT maleksa searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT inaleksandrov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT calexa searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT galexander searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT galexandre searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT talexopoulos searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT malhroob searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT galimonti searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lalio searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jalison searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bmmallbrooke searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ljallison searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ppallport searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aaloisio searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aalonso searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT falonso searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT calpigiani searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aaltheimer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT balvarezgonzalez searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mgalviggi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kamako searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT yamaralcoutinho searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT camelung searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT damidei searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT spamordossantos searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aamorim searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT samoroso searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT namram searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gamundsen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT canastopoulos searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lsancu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nandari searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tandeen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cfanders searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ganders searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kjanderson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aandreazza searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vandrei searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT xsanduaga searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sangelidakis searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT iangelozzi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT panger searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aangerami searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fanghinolfi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT avanisenkov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nanjos searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aannovi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mantonelli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aantonov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jantos searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fanulli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT maoki searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT laperiobella searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT garabidze searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT yarai searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jparaque searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT atharce searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT faarduh searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jfarguin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sargyropoulos searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT marik searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ajarmbruster searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT oarnaez searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT varnal searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT harnold searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT marratia searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT oarslan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aartamonov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gartoni searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sasai searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nasbah searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aashkenazi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT basman searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lasquith searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kassamagan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rastalos searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT matkinson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nbatlay searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bauerbach searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kaugsten searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT maurousseau searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gavolio searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT baxen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mkayoub searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gazuelos searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mabaak searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aebaas searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cbacci searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hbachacou searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kbachas searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mbackes searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mbackhaus searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pbagiacchi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pbagnaia searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ybai searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tbain searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jtbaines searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT okbaker searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pbalek searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tbalestri searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fballi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ebanas searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT swbanerjee searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aaebannoura searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hsbansil searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lbarak searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT spbaranov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT elbarberio searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dbarberis searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mbarbero searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tbarillari searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mbarisonzi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tbarklow searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nbarlow searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT slbarnes searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bmbarnett searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rmbarnett searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT zbarnovska searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT abaroncelli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gbarone searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ajbarr searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fbarreiro searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jbarreiroguimaraesdacosta searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rbartoldus searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aebarton searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pbartos searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT abassalat searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT abasye searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rlbates searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sjbatista searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jrbatley searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mbattaglia searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mbauce searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fbauer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hsbawa searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jbbeacham searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mdbeattie searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tbeau searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT phbeauchemin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rbeccherle searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pbechtle searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hpbeck searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kbecker searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sbecker searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mbeckingham searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cbecot searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ajbeddall searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT abeddall searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vabednyakov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cpbee searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ljbeemster searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tabeermann searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mbegel searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kbehr searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cbelangerchampagne searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pjbell searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT whbell searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gbella searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lbellagamba searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT abellerive searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mbellomo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kbelotskiy searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT obeltramello searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT obenary searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dbenchekroun searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mbender searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kbendtz searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nbenekos searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ybenhammou searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ebenharnoccioli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jabenitezgarcia searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dpbenjamin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jrbensinger searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sbentvelsen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lberesford searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mberetta searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dberge searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ebergeaaskuutmann searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nberger searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fberghaus searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jberinger searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cbernard searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nrbernard searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cbernius searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fubernlochner searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tberry searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pberta searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cbertella searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gbertoli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fbertolucci searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cbertsche searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dbertsche searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mibesana searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gjbesjes searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT obessidskaiabylund searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mbessner searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nbesson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cbetancourt searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sbethke searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ajbevan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT wbhimji searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rmbianchi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lbianchini searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mbianco searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT obiebel searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT spbieniek searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mbiglietti searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jbilbaodemendizabal searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hbilokon searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mbindi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sbinet searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT abingul searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cbini searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cwblack searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jeblack searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kmblack searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dblackburn searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT reblair searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jbblanchard searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jeblanco searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tblazek searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ibloch searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cblocker searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT wblum searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ublumenschein searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gjbobbink searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vsbobrovnikov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ssbocchetta searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT abocci searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cbock searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT crboddy searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mboehler searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jabogaerts searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT agbogdanchikov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cbohm searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vboisvert searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tbold searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vboldea searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT asboldyrev searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mbomben searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mbona searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mboonekamp searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aborisov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gborissov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sborroni searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jbortfeldt searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vbortolotto searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kbos searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dboscherini searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mbosman searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jboudreau searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jbouffard searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT evbouhovathacker searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dboumediene searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cbourdarios searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nbousson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sboutouil searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aboveia searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jboyd searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT irboyko searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ibozic searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jbracinik searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT abrandt searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gbrandt searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT obrandt searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ubratzler searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bbrau searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jebrau searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hmbraun searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sfbrazzale searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kbrendlinger searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ajbrennan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lbrenner searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rbrenner searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sbressler searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kbristow searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tmbristow searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dbritton searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fmbrochu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ibrock searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rbrock searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jbronner searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gbrooijmans searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tbrooks searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT wkbrooks searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jbrosamer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ebrost searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jbrown searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pabruckmanderenstrom searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dbruncko searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rbruneliere searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT abruni searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gbruni searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mbruschi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lbryngemark searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tbuanes searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT qbuat searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fbucci searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pbuchholz searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT agbuckley searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sibuda searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT iabudagov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fbuehrer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lbugge searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mkbugge searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT obulekov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hburckhart searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sburdin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bburghgrave searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sburke searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT iburmeister searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ebusato searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dbuscher searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vbuscher searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pbussey searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cpbuszello searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jmbutler searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aibutt searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cmbuttar searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jmbutterworth searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pbutti searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT wbuttinger searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT abuzatu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT scabreraurban searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dcaforio searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ocakir searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pcalafiura searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT acalandri searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gcalderini searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pcalfayan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lpcaloba searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dcalvet searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT scalvet searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rcamachotoro searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT scamarda searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dcameron searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lmcaminada searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rcaminalarmadans searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT scampana searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mcampanelli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT acampoverde searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vcanale searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT acanepa searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mcanobret searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jcantero searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rcantrill searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tcao searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mdmcapeansgarrido searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT icaprini searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mcaprini searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mcapua searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rcaputo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rcardarelli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tcarli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gcarlino searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lcarminati searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT scaron searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ecarquin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gdcarrillomontoya searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jrcarter searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jcarvalho searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dcasadei searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mpcasado searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mcasolino searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ecastanedamiranda searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT acastelli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vcastillogimenez searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nfcastro searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pcatastini searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT acatinaccio searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jrcatmore searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT acattai searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gcattani searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jcaudron searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vcavaliere searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dcavalli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mcavallisforza searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vcavasinni searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fceradini searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bccerio searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kcerny searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ascerqueira searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT acerri searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lcerrito searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fcerutti searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mcerv searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT acervelli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sacetin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT achafaq searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dchakraborty searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ichalupkova searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pchang searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bchapleau searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jdchapman searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dcharfeddine searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dgcharlton searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ccchau searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cachavezbarajas searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT scheatham searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT achegwidden searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT schekanov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT svchekulaev searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gachelkov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT machelstowska searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cchen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hchen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kchen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lchen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT schen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT xchen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ychen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hccheng searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ycheng searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT acheplakov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT echeremushkina searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rcherkaouielmoursli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vchernyatin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT echeu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lchevalier searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vchiarella searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jtchilders searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT achilingarov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gchiodini searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aschisholm searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rtchislett searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT achitan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mvchizhov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT schouridou searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bkbchow searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dchromekburckhart searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mlchu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jchudoba searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jjchwastowski searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lchytka searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gciapetti searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT akciftci searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dcinca searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vcindro searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aciocio searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT zhcitron searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mciubancan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aclark searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pjclark searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rnclarke searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT wcleland searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cclement searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ycoadou searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mcobal searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT acoccaro searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jcochran searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lcoffey searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jgcogan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bcole searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT scole searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT apcolijn searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jcollot searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tcolombo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gcompostella searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pcondemuino searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT econiavitis searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT shconnell searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT iaconnelly searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT smconsonni searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vconsorti searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sconstantinescu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cconta searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gconti searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fconventi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mcooke searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bdcooper searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT amcoopersarkar searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kcopic searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tcornelissen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mcorradi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fcorriveau searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT acorsoradu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT acortesgonzalez searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gcortiana searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mjcosta searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dcostanzo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dcote searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gcottin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gcowan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT becox searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kcranmer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gcree searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT screperenaudin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fcrescioli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT wacribbs searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mcrispinortuzar searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mcristinziani searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vcroft searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gcrosetti searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tcuhadardonszelmann searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jcummings searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mcuratolo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ccuthbert searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hczirr searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pczodrowski searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sdauria searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mdonofrio searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mjdacunhasargedasdesousa searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cdavia searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT wdabrowski searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT adafinca searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tdai searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT odale searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fdallaire searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cdallapiccola searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mdam searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jrdandoy searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT acdaniells searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mdanninger searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mdanohoffmann searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vdao searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gdarbo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sdarmora searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jdassoulas searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT adattagupta searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT wdavey searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cdavid searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tdavidek searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT edavies searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mdavies searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT odavignon searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pdavison searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ydavygora searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT edawe searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT idawson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rkdayaishmukhametova searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kde searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rdeasmundis searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sdecastro searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sdececco searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ndegroot searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pdejong searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hdelatorre searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fdelorenzi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ldenooij searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ddepedis searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT adesalvo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT udesanctis searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT adesanto searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jbdeviviederegie searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT wjdearnaley searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rdebbe searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cdebenedetti searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dvdedovich searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ideigaard searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jdelpeso searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tdelprete searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ddelgove searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fdeliot searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cmdelitzsch searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mdeliyergiyev searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT adellacqua searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ldellasta searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mdellorso searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mdellapietra searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ddellavolpe searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mdelmastro searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT padelsart searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cdeluca searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dademarco searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sdemers searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mdemichev searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ademilly searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT spdenisov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dderendarz searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jederkaoui searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fderue searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pdervan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kdesch searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cdeterre searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT podeviveiros searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT adewhurst searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sdhaliwal searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT adiciaccio searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ldiciaccio searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT adidomenico searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cdidonato searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT adigirolamo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bdigirolamo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT adimattia searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bdimicco searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rdinardo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT adisimone searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rdisipio searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ddivalentino searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cdiaconu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mdiamond searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fadias searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT madiaz searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ebdiehl searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jdietrich searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tadietzsch searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sdiglio searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT adimitrievska searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jdingfelder searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fdittus searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fdjama searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tdjobava searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jidjuvsland searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mabdovale searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ddobos searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mdobre searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cdoglioni searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tdoherty searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tdohmae searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jdolejsi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT zdolezal searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT badolgoshein searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mdonadelli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sdonati searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pdondero searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jdonini searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jdopke searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT adoria searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mtdova searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT atdoyle searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mdris searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT edubreuil searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT educhovni searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gduckeck searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT oaducu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dduda searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT adudarev searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lduflot searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lduguid searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mduhrssen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mdunford searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hduranyildiz searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mduren searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT adurglishvili searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dduschinger searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mdwuznik searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mdyndal searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kmecker searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT wedson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ncedwards searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT wehrenfeld searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT teifert searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT geigen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT keinsweiler searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tekelof searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT melkacimi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mellert searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT selles searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fellinghaus searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aaelliot searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nellis searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jelmsheuser searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT melsing searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT demeliyanov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT yenari searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ocendner searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mendo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rengelmann searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jerdmann searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aereditato searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT deriksson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gernis searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jernst searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mernst searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT serrede searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT eertel searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mescalier searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hesch searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cescobar searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT besposito searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aietienvre searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT eetzion searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hevans searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aezhilov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lfabbri searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gfacini searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rmfakhrutdinov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sfalciano searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rjfalla searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jfaltova searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT yfang searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mfanti searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT afarbin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT afarilla searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tfarooque searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sfarrell searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT smfarrington searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pfarthouat searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ffassi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pfassnacht searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dfassouliotis searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT afavareto searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lfayard searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pfederic searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT olfedin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT wfedorko searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sfeigl searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lfeligioni searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cfeng searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ejfeng searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hfeng searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT abfenyuk searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pfernandezmartinez searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sfernandezperez searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sferrag searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jferrando searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aferrari searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pferrari searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rferrari searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT deferreiradelima searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aferrer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dferrere searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cferretti searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aferrettoparodi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mfiascaris searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ffiedler searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT afilipcic searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mfilipuzzi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ffilthaut searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mfinckekeeler searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kdfinelli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mcnfiolhais searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lfiorini searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT afiran searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT afischer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cfischer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jfischer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT wcfisher searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT eafitzgerald searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mflechl searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ifleck searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pfleischmann searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sfleischmann searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gtfletcher searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gfletcher searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tflick searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT afloderus searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lrflorescastillo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mjflowerdew searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aformica searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aforti searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dfournier searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hfox searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sfracchia searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pfrancavilla searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mfranchini searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dfrancis searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lfranconi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mfranklin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mfraternali searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dfreeborn searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT stfrench searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ffriedrich searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dfroidevaux searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jafrost searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cfukunaga searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT efullanatorregrosa searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bgfulsom searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jfuster searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cgabaldon searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ogabizon searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT agabrielli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT agabrielli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sgadatsch searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sgadomski searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ggagliardi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pgagnon searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cgalea searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bgalhardo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ejgallas searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bjgallop searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pgallus searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ggalster searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kkgan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jgao searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ysgao searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fmgaraywalls searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fgarberson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cgarcia searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jegarcianavarro searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mgarciasciveres searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rwgardner searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ngarelli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vgaronne searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cgatti searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ggaudio searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bgaur searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lgauthier searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pgauzzi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ilgavrilenko searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cgay searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ggaycken searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT engazis searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pge searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT zgecse searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cnpgee searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT daageerts searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT chgeichgimbel searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cgemme searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mhgenest searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sgentile searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mgeorge searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sgeorge searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dgerbaudo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT agershon searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hghazlane searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nghodbane searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bgiacobbe searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sgiagu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vgiangiobbe searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pgiannetti searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fgianotti searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bgibbard searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT smgibson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mgilchriese searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tpsgillam searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dgillberg searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ggilles searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dmgingrich searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ngiokaris searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mpgiordani searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fmgiorgi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fmgiorgi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pfgiraud searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dgiugni searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cgiuliani searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mgiulini searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bkgjelsten searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sgkaitatzis searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT igkialas searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT elgkougkousis searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lkgladilin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cglasman searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jglatzer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pcfglaysher searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aglazov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mgoblirschkolb searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jrgoddard searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jgodlewski searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sgoldfarb searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tgolling searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dgolubkov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT agomes searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rgoncalo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jgoncalvespintofirminodacosta searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lgonella searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sgonzalezdelahoz searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ggonzalezparra searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sgonzalezsevilla searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lgoossens searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pagorbounov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hagordon searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT igorelov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bgorini searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT egorini searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT agorisek searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT egornicki searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT atgoshaw searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cgossling searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT migostkin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mgouighri searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dgoujdami searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aggoussiou searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hmxgrabas searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lgraber searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT igrabowskabold searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pgrafstrom searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kjgrahn searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jgramling searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT egramstad searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sgrancagnolo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vgrassi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vgratchev searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hmgray searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT egraziani searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT zdgreenwood searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kgregersen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT imgregor searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pgrenier searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jgriffiths searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aagrillo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kgrimm searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sgrinstein searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT phgris searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT yvgrishkevich searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jfgrivaz searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jpgrohs searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT agrohsjean searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT egross searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jgrosseknetter searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gcgrossi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT zjgrout searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lguan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jguenther searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fguescini searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dguest searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ogueta searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT eguido searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tguillemin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sguindon searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ugul searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cgumpert searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jguo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sgupta searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pgutierrez searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nggutierrezortiz searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cgutschow searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nguttman searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cguyot searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cgwenlan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cbgwilliam searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ahaas searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT chaber searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hkhadavand searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nhaddad searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT phaefner searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT shagebock searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT zhajduk searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hhakobyan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mhaleem searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jhaley searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dhall searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ghalladjian searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gdhallewell searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT khamacher searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT phamal searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT khamano searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mhamer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ahamilton searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT shamilton searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gnhamity searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pghamnett searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lhan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT khanagaki searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT khanawa searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mhance searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT phanke searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rhanna searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jbhansen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jdhansen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT phhansen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT khara searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ashard searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tharenberg searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fhariri searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sharkusha searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rdharrington searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pfharrison searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fhartjes searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mhasegawa searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT shasegawa searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT yhasegawa searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ahasib searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT shassani searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT shaug searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rhauser searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lhauswald searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mhavranek searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cmhawkes searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rjhawkings searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT adhawkins searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT thayashi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dhayden searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cphays searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jmhays searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hshayward searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sjhaywood searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sjhead searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT theck searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vhedberg searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lheelan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sheim searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT theim searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bheinemann searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lheinrich searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jhejbal searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lhelary searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mheller searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT shellman searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dhellmich searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT chelsens searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jhenderson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rcwhenderson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT yheng searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT chengler searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ahenrichs searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT amhenriquescorreia searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT shenrotversille searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ghherbert searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT yhernandezjimenez searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rherrbergschubert searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gherten searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rhertenberger searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lhervas searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gghesketh searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nphessey searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rhickling searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ehigonrodriguez searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ehill searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jchill searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT khhiller searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sjhillier searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ihinchliffe searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ehines searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rrhinman searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mhirose searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dhirschbuehl searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jhobbs searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nhod searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mchodgkinson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT phodgson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ahoecker searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mrhoeferkamp searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fhoenig searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mhohlfeld searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT trholmes searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tmhong searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lhooftvanhuysduynen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT whhopkins searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT yhorii searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ajhorton searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jyhostachy searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT shou searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ahoummada searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jhoward searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jhowarth searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mhrabovsky searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ihristova searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jhrivnac searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT thrynova searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ahrynevich searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT chsu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pjhsu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT schsu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dhu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT qhu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT xhu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT yhuang searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT zhubacek searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fhubaut searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fhuegging searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tbhuffman searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ewhughes searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ghughes searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mhuhtinen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tahulsing searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nhuseynov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jhuston searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jhuth searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT giacobucci searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT giakovidis searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT iibragimov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT liconomidoufayard searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT eideal searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT zidrissi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT piengo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT oigonkina searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tiizawa searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT yikegami searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kikematsu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mikeno searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT yilchenko searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT diliadis searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nilic searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT yinamaru searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tince searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pioannou searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT miodice searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kiordanidou searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vippolito searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT airlesquiles searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cisaksson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mishino searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mishitsuka searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rishmukhametov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cissever searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sistin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jmiturbeponce searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT riuppa searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jivarsson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT wiwanski searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hiwasaki searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jmizen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vizzo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sjabbar searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bjackson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mjackson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pjackson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mrjaekel searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vjain searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kjakobs searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sjakobsen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tjakoubek searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jjakubek searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dojamin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dkjana searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ejansen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rwjansky searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jjanssen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mjanus searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gjarlskog searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT njavadov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tjavurek searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ljeanty searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jjejelava searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gyjeng searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT djennens searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pjenni searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jjentzsch searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cjeske searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sjezequel searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hji searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jjia searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT yjiang searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jjimenezpena searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sjin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ajinaru searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ojinnouchi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mdjoergensen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pjohansson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kajohns searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kjonand searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gjones searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rwljones searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tjjones searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jjongmanns searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pmjorge searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kdjoshi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jjovicevic searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT xju searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cajung searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pjussel searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ajusterozas searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mkaci searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT akaczmarska searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mkado searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hkagan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mkagan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sjkahn searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ekajomovitz searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cwkalderon searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT skama searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT akamenshchikov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nkanaya searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mkaneda searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT skaneti searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vakantserov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jkanzaki searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bkaplan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT akapliy searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dkar searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kkarakostas searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT akaramaoun searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nkarastathis searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mjkareem searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mkarnevskiy searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT snkarpov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT zmkarpova searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kkarthik searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vkartvelishvili searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ankaryukhin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lkashif searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rdkass searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT akastanas searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ykataoka searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT akatre searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jkatzy searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kkawagoe searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tkawamoto searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gkawamura searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT skazama searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vfkazanin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mykazarinov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rkeeler searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rkehoe searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mkeil searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jskeller searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jjkempster searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hkeoshkerian searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT okepka searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bpkersevan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT skersten searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rakeyes searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fkhalilzada searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hkhandanyan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT akhanov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT akharlamov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT akhodinov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT akhomich searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tjkhoo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gkhoriauli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vkhovanskiy searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ekhramov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jkhubua searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hykim searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hkim searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT shkim searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nkimura searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT omkind searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT btking searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mking searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rsbking searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sbking searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jkirk searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aekiryunin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tkishimoto searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dkisielewska searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fkiss searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kkiuchi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ekladiva searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mhklein searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mklein searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT uklein searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kkleinknecht searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pklimek searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aklimentov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rklingenberg searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jaklinger searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tklioutchnikova searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pfklok searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT eekluge searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pkluit searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT skluth searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ekneringer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ebfgknoops searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aknue searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dkobayashi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tkobayashi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mkobel searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mkocian searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pkodys searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tkoffas searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ekoffeman searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lakogan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT skohlmann searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT zkohout searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tkohriki searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tkoi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hkolanoski searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ikoletsou searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aakomar searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ykomori searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tkondo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nkondrashova searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kkoneke searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ackonig searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT skonig searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tkono searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rkonoplich searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nkonstantinidis searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rkopeliansky searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT skoperny searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lkopke searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT akkopp searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kkorcyl searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kkordas searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT akorn searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aakorol searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ikorolkov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT evkorolkova searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT okortner searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT skortner searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tkosek searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vvkostyukhin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vmkotov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT akotwal searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT akourkoumelicharalampidi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ckourkoumelis searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vkouskoura searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT akoutsman searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rkowalewski searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tzkowalski searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT wkozanecki searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT askozhin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vakramarenko searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gkramberger searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dkrasnopevtsev searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mwkrasny searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT akrasznahorkay searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jkkraus searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT akravchenko searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT skreiss searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mkretz searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jkretzschmar searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kkreutzfeldt searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pkrieger searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kkrizka searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kkroeninger searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hkroha searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jkroll searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jkroseberg searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jkrstic searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ukruchonak searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hkruger searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nkrumnack searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT zvkrumshteyn searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT akruse searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mckruse searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mkruskal searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tkubota searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hkucuk searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT skuday searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT skuehn searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT akugel searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fkuger searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT akuhl searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tkuhl searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vkukhtin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ykulchitsky searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT skuleshov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mkuna searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tkunigo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT akupco searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hkurashige searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT yakurochkin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rkurumida searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vkus searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT eskuwertz searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mkuze searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jkvita searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tkwan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dkyriazopoulos searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT alarosa searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jllarosanavarro searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT llarotonda searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT clacasta searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT flacava searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jlacey searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hlacker searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dlacour searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vrlacuesta searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT eladygin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rlafaye searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT blaforge searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tlagouri searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT slai searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT llambourne searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT slammers searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cllampen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT wlampl searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT elancon searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ulandgraf searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mpjlandon searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vslang searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ajlankford searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT flanni searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT klantzsch searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT slaplace searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT clapoire searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jflaporte searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tlari searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT flasagnimanghi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mlassnig searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT plaurelli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT wlavrijsen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT atlaw searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT playcock searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT oledortz searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT eleguirriec searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT elemenedeu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tlecompte searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fledroitguillon searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT calee searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sclee searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT llee searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT glefebvre searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mlefebvre searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT flegger searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cleggett searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT alehan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT glehmannmiotto searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT xlei searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT waleight searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aleisos searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT agleister searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT malleite searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rleitner searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dlellouch searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT blemmer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kjcleney searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tlenz searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT glenzen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT blenzi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rleone searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sleone searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cleonidopoulos searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sleontsinis searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cleroy searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cglester searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mlevchenko searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jleveque searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dlevin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ljlevinson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mlevy searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT alewis searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT amleyko searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mleyton searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hlli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT yli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT zliang searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hliao searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bliberti searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT plichard searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT klie searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jliebal searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT wliebig searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT climbach searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT alimosani searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sclin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT thlin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT flinde searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT belindquist searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jtlinnemann searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT elipeles searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT alipniacka searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mlisovyi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tmliss searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dlissauer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT alister searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT amlitke searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bliu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dliu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jliu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jbliu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kliu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lliu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mliu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mliu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT yliu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mlivan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT alleres searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jllorentemerino searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sllloyd searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT flosterzo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT elobodzinska searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ploch searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT wslockman searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fkloebinger searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aeloevschalljensen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aloginov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tlohse searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT klohwasser searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mlokajicek searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT balong searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jdlong searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT relong searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kalooper searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT llopes searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dlopezmateos searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT blopezparedes searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ilopezpaz searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jlorenz searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nlorenzomartinez searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mlosada searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ploscutoff searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pjlosel searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT xlou searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT alounis searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jlove searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT palove searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nlu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hjlubatti searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cluci searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT alucotte searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fluehring searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT wlukas searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lluminari searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT olundberg searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT blundjensen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mlungwitz searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dlynn searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rlysak searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT elytken searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hma searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT llma searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gmaccarrone searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT amacchiolo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cmmacdonald searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jmachadomiguens searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dmacina searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dmadaffari searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rmadar searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hjmaddocks searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT wfmader searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT amadsen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tmaeno searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT amaevskiy searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT emagradze searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kmahboubi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jmahlstedt searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT smahmoud searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cmaiani searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cmaidantchik searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aamaier searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tmaier searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT amaio searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT smajewski searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ymakida searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nmakovec searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bmalaescu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pamalecki searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vpmaleev searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fmalek searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT umallik searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dmalon searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cmalone searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT smaltezos searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vmmalyshev searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT smalyukov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jmamuzic searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bmandelli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lmandelli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT imandic searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rmandrysch searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jmaneira searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT amanfredini searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lmanhaesdeandradefilho searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jmanjarresramos searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT amann searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pmmanning searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT amanousakiskatsikakis searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bmansoulie searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rmantifel searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mmantoani searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lmapelli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lmarch searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gmarchiori searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mmarcisovsky searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cpmarino searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mmarjanovic searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fmarroquim searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT spmarsden searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT zmarshall searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lfmarti searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT smartigarcia searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bmartin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tamartin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vjmartin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bmartinditlatour searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hmartinez searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mmartinez searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT smartinhaugh searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vsmartoiu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT acmartyniuk searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mmarx searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fmarzano searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT amarzin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lmasetti searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tmashimo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rmashinistov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jmasik searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT almaslennikov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT imassa searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lmassa searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nmassol searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pmastrandrea searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT amastroberardino searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tmasubuchi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pmattig searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jmattmann searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jmaurer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sjmaxfield searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT damaximov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rmazini searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT smmazza searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lmazzaferro searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gmcgoldrick searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT spmckee searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT amccarn searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rlmccarthy searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tgmccarthy searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT namccubbin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kwmcfarlane searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jamcfayden searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gmchedlidze searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sjmcmahon searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ramcpherson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jmechnich searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mmedinnis searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT smeehan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT smehlhase searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT amehta searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kmeier searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cmeineck searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bmeirose searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cmelachrinos searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT brmelladogarcia searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fmeloni searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT amengarelli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT smenke searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT emeoni searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kmmercurio searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT smergelmeyer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nmeric searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pmermod searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lmerola searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cmeroni searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fsmerritt searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hmerritt searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT amessina searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jmetcalfe searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT asmete searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cmeyer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cmeyer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jpmeyer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jmeyer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rpmiddleton searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT smigas searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT smiglioranzi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lmijovic searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gmikenberg searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mmikestikova searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mmikuz searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT amilic searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dwmiller searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cmills searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT amilov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT damilstead searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aaminaenko searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT yminami searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT iaminashvili searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aimincer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bmindur searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mmineev searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT yming searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lmmir searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gmirabelli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tmitani searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jmitrevski searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vamitsou searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT amiucci searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT psmiyagawa searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jumjornmark searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tmoa searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kmochizuki searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT smohapatra searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT wmohr searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT smolander searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rmolesvalls searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kmonig searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cmonini searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jmonk searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT emonnier searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jmontejoberlingen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fmonticelli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT smonzani searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rwmoore searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nmorange searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dmoreno searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mmorenollacer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pmorettini searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mmorgenstern searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mmorii searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vmorisbak searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT smoritz searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT akmorley searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gmornacchi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jdmorris searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT amorton searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lmorvaj searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hgmoser searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mmosidze searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jmoss searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kmotohashi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rmount searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT emountricha searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT svmouraviev searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ejwmoyse searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT smuanza searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rdmudd searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fmueller searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jmueller searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kmueller searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rspmueller searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tmueller searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dmuenstermann searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pmullen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ymunwes searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jamurilloquijada searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT wjmurray searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hmusheghyan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT emusto searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT agmyagkov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mmyska searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT onackenhorst searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jnadal searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT knagai searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rnagai searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ynagai searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT knagano searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT anagarkar searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ynagasaka searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT knagata searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mnagel searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT enagy searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT amnairz searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ynakahama searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT knakamura searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tnakamura searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT inakano searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hnamasivayam searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gnanava searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rfnaranjogarcia searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rnarayan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tnattermann searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tnaumann searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gnavarro searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rnayyar searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT haneal searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pyunechaeva searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tjneep searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pdnef searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT anegri searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mnegrini searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT snektarijevic searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cnellist searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT anelson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT snemecek searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pnemethy searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aanepomuceno searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mnessi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT msneubauer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mneumann searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rmneves searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pnevski searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT prnewman searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dhnguyen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rbnickerson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rnicolaidou searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bnicquevert searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jnielsen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nnikiforou searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT anikiforov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vnikolaenko searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT inikolicaudit searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT knikolopoulos searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pnilsson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT yninomiya searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT anisati searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rnisius searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tnobe searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mnomachi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT inomidis searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tnooney searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT snorberg searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mnordberg searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT onovgorodova searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT snowak searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mnozaki searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lnozka searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kntekas searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gnuneshanninger searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tnunnemann searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT enurse searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fnuti searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bjobrien searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fogrady searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dconeil searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT voshea searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fgoakham searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hoberlack searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tobermann searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jocariz searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aochi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT iochoa searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT soda searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sodaka searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hogren searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aoh searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT shoh searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ccohm searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hohman searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hoide searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT wokamura searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hokawa searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT yokumura searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tokuyama searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aolariu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT agolchevski searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT saolivarespino searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT doliveiradamazio searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT eolivergarcia searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aolszewski searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jolszowska searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aonofre searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pueonyisi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cjoram searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mjoreglia searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT yoren searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dorestano searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT norlando searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT coropezabarrera searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rsorr searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bosculati searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rospanov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT goteroygarzon searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hotono searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mouchrif searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT eaouellette searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fouldsaada searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aouraou searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kpoussoren searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT qouyang searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aovcharova searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mowen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT reowen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT veozcan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nozturk searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kpachal searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT apachecopages searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cpadillaaranda searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mpagacova searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT spagangriso searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT epaganis searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cpahl searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fpaige searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ppais searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kpajchel searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gpalacino searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT spalestini searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mpalka searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dpallin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT apalma searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ybpan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT epanagiotopoulou searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cepandini searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jgpandurovazquez searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ppani searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT npanikashvili searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT spanitkin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lpaolozzi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT thdpapadopoulou searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kpapageorgiou searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aparamonov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dparedeshernandez searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT maparker searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kaparker searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fparodi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT japarsons searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT uparzefall searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT epasqualucci searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT spassaggio searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fpastore searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT frpastore searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gpasztor searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT spataraia searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ndpatel searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jrpater searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tpauly searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jpearce searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lepedersen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mpedersen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT spedrazalopez searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rpedro searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT svpeleganchuk searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dpelikan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hpeng searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bpenning searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jpenwell searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dvperepelitsa searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT eperezcodina searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mtperezgarciaestan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lperini searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hpernegger searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sperrella searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rpeschke searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vdpeshekhonov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kpeters searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rfypeters searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bapetersen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tcpetersen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT epetit searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT apetridis searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cpetridou searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT epetrolo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fpetrucci searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nepettersson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rpezoa searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pwphillips searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gpiacquadio searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT epianori searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT apicazio searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT epiccaro searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mpiccinini searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mapickering searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rpiegaia searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dtpignotti searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jepilcher searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT adpilkington searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jpina searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mpinamonti searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jlpinfold searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT apingel searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bpinto searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT spires searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mpitt searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cpizio searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lplazak searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mapleier searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vpleskot searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT eplotnikova searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pplucinski searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dpluth searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rpoettgen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lpoggioli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dpohl searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gpolesello searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT apolicicchio searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rpolifka searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT apolini searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cspollard searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vpolychronakos searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kpommes searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lpontecorvo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bgpope searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gapopeneciu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dspopovic searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT apoppleton searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT spospisil searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kpotamianos searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT inpotrap searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cjpotter searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ctpotter searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gpoulard searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jpoveda searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vpozdnyakov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ppralavorio searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT apranko searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sprasad searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sprell searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dprice searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jprice searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT leprice searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mprimavera searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sprince searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mproissl searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kprokofiev searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fprokoshin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT eprotopapadaki searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sprotopopescu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jproudfoot searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mprzybycien searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT eptacek searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dpuddu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT epueschel searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dpuldon searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mpurohit searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ppuzo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jqian searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gqin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT yqin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aquadt searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT drquarrie searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT wbquayle searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mqueitschmaitland searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dquilty searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aqureshi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vradeka searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vradescu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT skradhakrishnan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pradloff searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT prados searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fragusa searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT grahal searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT srajagopalan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mrammensee searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT crangelsmith searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT frauscher searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT srave searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tcrave searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT travenscroft searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mraymond searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT alread searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT npreadioff searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dmrebuzzi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aredelbach searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gredlinger searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rreece searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kreeves searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lrehnisch searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hreisin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mrelich searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT crembser searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hren searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT arenaud searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mrescigno searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sresconi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT olrezanova searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT preznicek searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rrezvani searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rrichter searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT erichterwas searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mridel searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT prieck searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cjriegel searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jrieger searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mrijssenbeek searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT arimoldi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lrinaldi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT eritsch searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT iriu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT frizatdinova searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT erizvi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT shrobertson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT arobichaudveronneau searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT drobinson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jemrobinson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT arobson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT croda searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lrodrigues searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sroe searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT orøhne searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT srolli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aromaniouk searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mromano searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT smromanosaez searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT eromeroadam searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nrompotis searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mronzani searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lroos searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT eros searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT srosati searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT krosbach searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT prose searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT plrosendahl searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT orosenthal searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vrossetti searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT erossi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lprossi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rrosten searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mrotaru searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT iroth searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jrothberg searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT drousseau searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT crroyon searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT arozanov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT yrozen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT xruan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT frubbo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT irubinskiy searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT virud searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT crudolph searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT msrudolph searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fruhr searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aruizmartinez searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT zrurikova searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT narusakovich searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aruschke searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hlrussell searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jprutherfoord searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nruthmann searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT yfryabov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mrybar searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT grybkin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ncryder searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT afsaavedra searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gsabato searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ssacerdoti searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT asaddique searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hfwsadrozinski searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rsadykov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fsafaitehrani searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT msaimpert searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hsakamoto searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ysakurai searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gsalamanna searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT asalamon searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT msaleem searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dsalek searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT phsalesdebruin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dsalihagic searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT asalnikov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jsalt searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dsalvatore searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fsalvatore searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT asalvucci searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT asalzburger searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dsampsonidis searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT asanchez searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jsanchez searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vsanchezmartinez searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hsandaker searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rlsandbach searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hgsander searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mpsanders searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT msandhoff searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT csandoval searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rsandstroem searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dpcsankey searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT asansoni searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT csantoni searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rsantonico searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hsantos searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT isantoyocastillo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ksapp searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT asapronov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jgsaraiva searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bsarrazin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT osasaki searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ysasaki searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ksato searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gsauvage searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT esauvan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gsavage searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT psavard searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT csawyer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lsawyer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dhsaxon searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jsaxon searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT csbarra searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT asbrizzi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tscanlon searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dascannicchio searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mscarcella searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vscarfone searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jschaarschmidt searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pschacht searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dschaefer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rschaefer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jschaeffer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sschaepe searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sschaetzel searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT uschafer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT acschaffer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dschaile searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rdschamberger searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vscharf searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vaschegelsky searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dscheirich searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mschernau searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cschiavi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cschillo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mschioppa searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sschlenker searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT eschmidt searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kschmieden searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cschmitt searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sschmitt searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bschneider searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT yjschnellbach searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT uschnoor searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lschoeffel searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aschoening searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bdschoenrock searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT alsschorlemmer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mschott searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dschouten searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jschovancova searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sschramm searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mschreyer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cschroeder searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nschuh searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mjschultens searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hcschultzcoulon searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hschulz searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mschumacher searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT baschumm searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT phschune searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cschwanenberger searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aschwartzman searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT taschwarz searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT phschwegler searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT phschwemling searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rschwienhorst searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jschwindling searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tschwindt searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mschwoerer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fgsciacca searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT escifo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gsciolla searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fscuri searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fscutti searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jsearcy searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gsedov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT esedykh searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pseema searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT scseidel searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aseiden searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fseifert searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jmseixas searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gsekhniaidze searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sjsekula searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT keselbach searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dmseliverstov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nsemprinicesari searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cserfon searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lserin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lserkin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tserre searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rseuster searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hseverini searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tsfiligoj searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fsforza searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT asfyrla searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT eshabalina searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mshamim searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lyshan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rshang searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jtshank searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mshapiro searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pbshatalov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kshaw searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ashcherbakova searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cyshehu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT psherwood searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lshi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sshimizu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT coshimmin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mshimojima searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mshiyakova searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ashmeleva searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dshoalehsaadi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mjshochet searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sshojaii searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sshrestha searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT eshulga searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mashupe searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sshushkevich searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT psicho searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT osidiropoulou searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dsidorov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT asidoti searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fsiegert searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT djsijacki searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jsilva searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ysilver searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dsilverstein searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sbsilverstein searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vsimak searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT osimard searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ljsimic searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ssimion searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT esimioni searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bsimmons searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dsimon searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rsimoniello searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT psinervo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nbsinev searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gsiragusa searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT asircar searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ansisakyan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT syusivoklokov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jsjolin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tbsjursen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mbskinner searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hpskottowe searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pskubic searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mslater searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tslavicek searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mslawinska searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ksliwa searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vsmakhtin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bhsmart searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lsmestad searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT syusmirnov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ysmirnov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lnsmirnova searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT osmirnova searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kmsmith searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mnksmith searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT msmizanska searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ksmolek searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aasnesarev searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gsnidero searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ssnyder searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rsobie searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fsocher searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT asoffer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dasoh searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT casolans searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT msolar searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jsolc searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT eyusoldatov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT usoldevila searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aasolodkov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT asoloshenko searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ovsolovyanov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vsolovyev searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT psommer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hysong searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nsoni searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT asood searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT asopczak searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bsopko searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vsopko searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vsorin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dsosa searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT msosebee searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT clsotiropoulou searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rsoualah searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT psoueid searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT amsoukharev searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dsouth searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sspagnolo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fspano searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT wrspearman searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fspettel searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rspighi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gspigo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT laspiller searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mspousta searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tspreitzer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rdstdenis searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sstaerz searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jstahlman searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rstamen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sstamm searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT estanecka searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cstanescu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mstanescubellu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mmstanitzki searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sstapnes searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT eastarchenko searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jstark searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pstaroba searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pstarovoitov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rstaszewski searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pstavina searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT psteinberg searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bstelzer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hjstelzer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ostelzerchilton searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hstenzel searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sstern searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gastewart searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jastillings searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mcstockton searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mstoebe searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gstoicea searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pstolte searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sstonjek searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT arstradling searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT astraessner searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mestramaglia searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jstrandberg searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sstrandberg searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT astrandlie searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT estrauss searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mstrauss searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pstrizenec searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rstrohmer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dmstrom searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rstroynowski searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT astrubig searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sastucci searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bstugu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nastyles searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dsu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jsu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rsubramaniam searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT asuccurro searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ysugaya searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT csuhr searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT msuk searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vvsulin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ssultansoy searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tsumida searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ssun searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT xsun searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jesundermann searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ksuruliz searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gsusinno searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mrsutton searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ysuzuki searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT msvatos searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sswedish searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mswiatlowski searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT isykora searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tsykora searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dta searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ctaccini searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ktackmann searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jtaenzer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ataffard searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rtafirout searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ntaiblum searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT htakai searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rtakashima searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT htakeda searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ttakeshita searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ytakubo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mtalby searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aatalyshev searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jyctam searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kgtan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jtanaka searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rtanaka searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT stanaka searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT stanaka searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ajtanasijczuk searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bbtannenwald searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ntannoury searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT stapprogge searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT starem searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ftarrade searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gftartarelli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ptas searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mtasevsky searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ttashiro searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT etassi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT atavaresdelgado searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ytayalati searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fetaylor searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gntaylor searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT wtaylor searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fateischinger searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mteixeiradiascastanheira searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pteixeiradias searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kktemming searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT htenkate searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pkteng searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jjteoh searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ftepel searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sterada searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kterashi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jterron searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sterzo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mtesta searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rjteuscher searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jtherhaag searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ttheveneauxpelzer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jpthomas searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jthomaswilsker searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT enthompson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pdthompson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rjthompson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT asthompson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lathomsen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ethomson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mthomson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT wmthong searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rpthun searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ftian searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mjtibbetts searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT reticsetorres searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT votikhomirov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT yuatikhonov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT stimoshenko searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT etiouchichine searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ptipton searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT stisserant searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ttodorov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT stodorovanova searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jtojo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT stokar searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ktokushuku searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ktollefson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT etolley searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ltomlinson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mtomoto searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ltompkins searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ktoms searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ndtopilin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT etorrence searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT htorres searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT etorropastor searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jtoth searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ftouchard searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT drtovey searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hltran searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ttrefzger searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ltremblet searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT atricoli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT imtrigger searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT strincazduvoid searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mftripiana searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT wtrischuk searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT btrocme searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ctroncon searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mtrottiermcdonald searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mtrovatelli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ptrue searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mtrzebinski searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT atrzupek searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ctsarouchas searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jcltseng searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pvtsiareshka searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dtsionou searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gtsipolitis searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ntsirintanis searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT stsiskaridze searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vtsiskaridze searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT egtskhadadze searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT iitsukerman searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vtsulaia searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT stsuno searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dtsybychev searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT atudorache searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vtudorache searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT antuna searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT satupputi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sturchikhin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dturecek searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rturra searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ajturvey searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pmtuts searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT atykhonov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mtylmad searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mtyndel searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT iueda searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rueno searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mughetto searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mugland searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT muhlenbrock searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fukegawa searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gunal searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aundrus searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gunel searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fcungaro searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT yunno searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cunverdorben searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jurban searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT purquijo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT purrejola searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gusai searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ausanova searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lvacavant searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vvacek searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bvachon searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nvalencic searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT svalentinetti searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT avalero searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lvalery searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT svalkar searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT evalladolidgallego searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT svallecorsa searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT javallsferrer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT wvandenwollenberg searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pcvanderdeijl searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rvandergeer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hvandergraaf searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rvanderleeuw searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nvaneldik searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pvangemmeren searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jvannieuwkoop searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ivanvulpen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mcvanwoerden searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mvanadia searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT wvandelli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rvanguri searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT avaniachine searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fvannucci searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gvardanyan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rvari searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ewvarnes searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tvarol searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dvarouchas searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT avartapetian searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kevarvell searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fvazeille searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tvazquezschroeder searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jveatch searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fveloso searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tvelz searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sveneziano searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aventura searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dventura searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mventuri searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nventuri searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT aventurini searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vvercesi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mverducci searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT wverkerke searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jcvermeulen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT avest searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mcvetterli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT oviazlo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ivichou searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tvickey searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT oevickeyboeriu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ghaviehhauser searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sviel searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rvigne searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mvilla searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mvillaplanaperez searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT evilucchi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mgvincter searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vbvinogradov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jvirzi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ivivarelli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fvivesvaque searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT svlachos searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dvladoiu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mvlasak searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mvogel searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pvokac searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gvolpi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mvolpi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hvonderschmitt searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hvonradziewski searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT evontoerne searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vvorobel searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kvorobev searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mvos searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rvoss searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jhvossebeld searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nvranjes searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mvranjesmilosavljevic searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT vvrba searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mvreeswijk searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rvuillermet searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ivukotic searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT zvykydal searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pwagner searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT wwagner searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hwahlberg searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT swahrmund searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jwakabayashi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jwalder searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rwalker searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT wwalkowiak searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cwang searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fwang searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hwang searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hwang searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jwang searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jwang searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kwang searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rwang searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT smwang searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT twang searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT xwang searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cwanotayaroj searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT awarburton searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cpward searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT drwardrope searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mwarsinsky searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT awashbrook searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cwasicki searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pmwatkins searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT atwatson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ijwatson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mfwatson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gwatts searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT swatts searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bmwaugh searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT swebb searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT msweber searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT swweber searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jswebster searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT arweidberg searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bweinert searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jweingarten searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cweiser searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hweits searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pswells searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT twenaus searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dwendland searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT twengler searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT swenig searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nwermes searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mwerner searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pwerner searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mwessels searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jwetter searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kwhalen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT amwharton searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT awhite searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mjwhite searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rwhite searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT swhite searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dwhiteson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dwicke searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fjwickens searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT wwiedenmann searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mwielers searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT pwienemann searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cwiglesworth searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lamwiikfuchs searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT awildauer searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hgwilkens searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hhwilliams searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT swilliams searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cwillis searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT swillocq searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT awilson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jawilson searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT iwingerterseez searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fwinklmeier searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT btwinter searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mwittgen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jwittkowski searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sjwollstadt searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mwwolter searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hwolters searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bkwosiek searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jwotschack searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mjwoudstra searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kwwozniak searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mwu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT slwu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT xwu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ywu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT trwyatt searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bmwynne searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sxella searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dxu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lxu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT byabsley searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT syacoob searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ryakabe searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT myamada searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT yyamaguchi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ayamamoto searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT syamamoto searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tyamanaka searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kyamauchi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT yyamazaki searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT zyan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hyang searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hyang searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT yyang searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT syanush searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lyao searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT wmyao searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT yyasu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT eyatsenko searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT khyauwong searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jye searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT sye searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT iyeletskikh searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT alyen searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT eyildirim searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kyorita searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ryoshida searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kyoshihara searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cyoung searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cjsyoung searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT syoussef searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dryu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jyu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jmyu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jyu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lyuan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ayurkewicz searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT iyusuff searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bzabinski searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rzaidan searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT amzaitsev searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT azaman searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT szambito searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lzanello searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dzanzi searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT czeitnitz searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mzeman searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT azemla searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kzengel searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT ozenin searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT tzenis searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dzerwas searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dzhang searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT fzhang searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jzhang searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lzhang searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rzhang searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT xzhang searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT zzhang searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT xzhao searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT yzhao searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT zzhao searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT azhemchugov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jzhong searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT bzhou searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT czhou searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lzhou searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lzhou searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nzhou searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT cgzhu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT hzhu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT jzhu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT yzhu searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT xzhuang searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT kzhukov searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT azibell searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT dzieminska searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT nizimine searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT czimmermann searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT rzimmermann searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT szimmermann searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT zzinonos searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mzinser searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mziolkowski searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lzivkovic searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gzobernig searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT azoccoli searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT mzurnedden searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT gzurzolo searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector
AT lzwalinski searchforacpoddhiggsbosondecayingtozhinppcollisionsats8tevwiththeatlasdetector