Summary: | In the presented material of the Samara State Agrarian University and Don State Technical University, the results of research on improving technologies for cultivating grain corn on the drylands using nitrogen, mineral, liquid fertilisers based on a carbamide-ammonia mixture — CAM are considered: CAM-32, CAM+S produced by PJSC “Kuibyshev-Azot” (Togliatti, Samara region), introducing them with an innovative, agrochemical, modular, multifunctional complex “Tuman...” (LLC “Pegas-Agro” — Samara). With a significant demand of corn for moisture and nitrogen fertilisers, it is very difficult to get a high yield without irrigation on the drylands, and therefore various technologies for using more effective liquid fertilisers instead of solid ones are being investigated in a region with insufficient moisture supply: in the Samara region of the Volga region of the Russian Federation. CAM has specific properties to cause “burns” of corn leaves; corn is a promising, highly productive crop with a great need for a macronutrient-nitrogen in the composition of a carbamide-ammonia mixture, and therefore to minimise this disadvantage, special extension hoses should be applied to hose sprayers, but they also have a technological disadvantage: corn foliar feeding requires additional moisture in the form of intense summer precipitation for the delivery of fertilisers through the soil layer to the root system zone. Thanks to the appearance of the foreign “Duport” aggregate, this problem is solved by special injection working bodies when applying CAM in the soil internally. The successful import substitution of the Duport unit was carried out by LLC “Pegas-Agro” (Samara, Russia) as well as by many other enterprises, creating a special module: the multi-injector “Tuman” for injecting more effective CAM.