Artzibarko aldaera deitu izanaren inguruan (4 - Ipar-Artzibarko laginak: Arrieta)

Oraingo aldi honetan 1981 eta 1992 urteen arteko denboran Artzibarko Arrietako lagun bati bildu genizkion datu batzuk dakartzagu hona, aldizkari honen 103, 104 eta 112 zk.etan hasiriko lanari jarraipena emanez, beti ere, L. L. Bonaparteren euskalki-sailkapena gogoan. Berriemaile honen euskarareki...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Koldo Artola
Format: Article
Published: Gobierno de Navarra 2018-10-01
Series:Fontes Linguae Vasconum
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Summary:Oraingo aldi honetan 1981 eta 1992 urteen arteko denboran Artzibarko Arrietako lagun bati bildu genizkion datu batzuk dakartzagu hona, aldizkari honen 103, 104 eta 112 zk.etan hasiriko lanari jarraipena emanez, beti ere, L. L. Bonaparteren euskalki-sailkapena gogoan. Berriemaile honen euskararekiko gaitasuna hainbatekoa iruditzen zaigu, harentzat ergatiboaren erabilera traketsa eta aditz laguntzaileen pluraleko erak sarri singularrekoek ordezkatzea ohiko gauza baldin bazen ere. Kanpotiko kutsadurarik, oro har, ez diogu askorik nabaritu, honen aurreko saioan ageri zen Hiriberriko Ambrosio Usozi antzeman uste izan genion moduan. Datuok, bestalde, aipatu saioan genioen bezala, iragan XX. mendearen hasierarako jada bazter-euskara bilakatua zen mintzamolde honen higadura zeinen handia izan zen kontuan harturik, ez ditugu ez ahaztekorik ez gutxiestekorik. Lehenago ere esanik gaude berriemaile hauek adieraziriko zalantza, etenaldi eta gabeziak euskaraz luzaro mintzatu gabe egon izatearen ondorio zuzena dela. Bihotz zabaleko lagun hauei, beraz, eskerrik beroenak ematea dagokigu, bai guri erakutsiriko abegikotasunagatik, baita geroko belaunaldiei utzitako lekukotasunezko altxor preziatuagatik ere. On this occasion, we are bringing to these pages data collected from an informant from Arrieta between 1981 and 1992 as a means of lending continuity to the work initiated in issues 103, 104 and 112 of this publication and taking the dialectal classification of Prince L. L. Bonaparte as a basis. The speech of this informant seemed fairly acceptable to us, although the use of the ergative, often incorrectly, and replacing plural flections of auxiliary verbs for those of the singular, among other things, were practically a constant. We barely noticed any possible outside influence in his Basque as we did, although to a small extent, with our collaborator from Hiriberri, Ambrosio Usoz. Although the data display indubitable scarcities as a result of the fast acceleration of the constant regression suffered by this speech since the beginning of the XX century, we did not, of course, collect them in order to forget them or make light of them, far from it. We have previously commented that the doubts, hesitation and shortcomings revealed in the conservations are a direct consequence of having spent a long time without conversing in Basque. We cannot, therefore, but warmly thank all our good, patient, obliging friends for receiving us so well and for leaving testimony of such treasures to posterity.