Summary: | Plant tissue culture technology is a technique for aseptic culture of plant tissues under artificial culture conditions. It can be used as a means to directly mass-produce of bioactive compounds from different culture systems such as adventitious roots (ARs), hairy root, callus, somatic embryogenesis of medicinal plants. ARs cultures show high root proliferation, biomass production and have the potential to synthesize specific bioactive compounds. ARs can be induced in vitro from various explants, such as leaves, roots, stem, petiole callus, etc. Various parameters such as auxins, nitrous oxide, and light have shown to affect the morphogenesis of ARs. Air-lift bioreactors appear to be ideal for plant cell and organ cultures. They are suitable for the ARs culture of various medicinal plants. To scale-up ARs cultures, the Balloon type bubble bioreactor (BTBB) is reported to be a suitable system for the accumulation of both biomass and bioactive compounds production in numerous various medicinal plants. BTBB provides optimum conditions for growth and bioactive compound accumulation by efficiently controlling the culture environment, foam generation, reducing shear stress, and supplying optimal oxygen. This review summarized a strategy and approach for ARs culture for the production of biomass and secondary metabolites from laboratory to industrial scales by using air-lift bioreactor culture systems.