Summary: | The Kutaraja Ocean Fishery Port (PPS) is the largest port serving as the center of fisheries in Aceh Province, with a potential and diverse fishery, including the mackerel scad (Decapterus sp.). The fluctuation of the mackerel scad population on an annual basis, which raises concerns about the sustainability of the stock. Therefore, a structured management effort is required, employing an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) to address this problem. The study aimed to assess the management status of mackerel scad resources based on PPS Kutaraja. The research was carried out from February to April 2023. Data collection was carried out through direct observation and interviews with 73 respondents. Data analysis for each indicator was performed using a multi-criteria approach with composite index assessment and flag model visualization. The research results indicate a 20% annual decline in the CPUE trend, a relatively consistent fish size trend, a 4% proportion of juvenile fish caught, a catch composition dominated by target species at 77%. Based on these EAFM indicators, the management status of mackerel scad resources in PPS Kutaraja falls under the 'good' category.