Summary: | The dataset presented in this article is linked to the research article titled “Evolution in size and structural order for incipient soot formed at flame temperatures greater than 2100 K” [1]. The research article discusses the systematic evolution of flame formed carbon in premixed stagnation flames with flame temperatures hotter than conventional combustion applications. The effect of the growth environment on particle size, structure, composition and properties are studied. The flame temperature (1950 K < Tf,max < 2250 K) and equivalence ratio (Φ = 2.4, 2.5, and 2.6) are methodically varied to analyze impact on insipient soot while maintaining a comparable particle residence time (tp ~ 15 ms). This article presents the data acquired for this systematic study. The data presented herein provides fundamental observations suitable for development of soot formation theory and modeling. Characterization of material properties and morphology are also relevant to potential applications of functional carbon nanomaterials. Raman spectra are measured for carbon films deposited from the flames, soot particle size distributions are obtained by aerosol sampling from the flames and soot radiative emissions are measured in-situ by color-ratio pyrometry. Deconvolution of Raman peaks is carried out to extract information on carbon bonding and structural order. Flame temperature is extracted from the measured color-ratio field making assumptions for the soot optical dispersion exponent.