Summary: | Introduction: Patients receiving home dental treatment typically have worse activities of daily living (ADL) scores than those of dental clinic outpatients. They cannot live independently, without somebody’s help, because of disabilities and motor dysfunction. In home-care, treatment for dysphagia is important for maintaining or improving ADL. New indicators that can be measured more simply and more quantitatively are required. The Hypothesis: We hypothesized that measurements obtained using a body composition analyzer may be applicable as a whole-body condition evaluation method for home-care patients. The advantage is its simple operation, lack of invasiveness, and short measurement time. Evaluation of the Hypothesis: If certain easy-to-use devices that can be used for home-based measurements can be developed in future, it may become possible to perform more effective check-ups in home-care cases. On the basis of the measurements obtained in this manner, patients can be provided rehabilitation plans and daily meal guidance.