Summary: | With the help of reading the second volume of the memoirs titled Kade-tade po Halinde. Neveselé spomienky na veselé roky. /All around Halinda. Cheerless Memories of Cheerful Years./ written by Milo Urban and published as late as in 1992, the paper reveals the publishing enviroment which the author entered at the very beginning of his literary and journalistic career. It is set within the period between his first articles in magazines and the year when his novel Živý bič (The Living Whip, 1927) was published. The article is therefore dominated by the references to several interwar periodicals – dailies Slovák and Slovenský národ, as well as the students´ magazine Vatra. This is also why the scope and variety of Urban´s bibliography within the period in question are so surprisingly wide. Special attention in the paper is also paid to the author´s attitude to politics and ideologies, which he dissociates from in his memoirs.