Summary: | The article considers the issues of social infrastructure planning. The purpose of the study is to draw up the list of social infrastructure facilities that provide favorable and secure conditions of living, differentiation of placement of these facilities in the territory and interpretation of priorities in planning sustainable development of the city. The authors have analyzed the researches of global cities development problems, the characteristics of life quality of population and the characteristics of the most demanded facilities of social infrastructure. On the base of a general methodological approach, random decomposition and induction methods, taxonomic analysis and expert evaluation, the authors constructed models for planning the placement of social infrastructure facilities. Comparative analysis of the models allowed describing three levels of social facilities placement that provide favorable living conditions and life quality for population. The authors have systemized the indicators of social infrastructure that is significant for the sustainable urban development, largely ensuring the good quality of the urban environment, secure and favorable living conditions. The results of the research can be used as a methodological basis for studying problems of sustainable development of global cities, good quality of urban environment. The authorities can use the results of the research to develop standards for urban planning.