Summary: | From the Japanese Archipelago, 12 Habroloma and 20 Trachys species (Buprestidae: Tracheini) have been recorded. Two new Habroloma species were found, which are associated with Elaeocarpaceae and Loranthaceae, also new host plant families/orders for Tracheini. The two new species are described as Habroloma elaeocarpusi sp. nov. and Habroloma taxillusi sp. nov., and the latter is the first Tracheini species shown to be associated with epiphytes. Leaf mines of 31 Tracheini species are also reported in this work, including new records of leaf mines for 16 Tracheini species. The larvae of all these recorded species are full-depth linear-blotch mesophyll miners of mature leaves and pupate within their mines. The mining habits of Habroloma species associated with Symplocos (Symplocaceae) are unique: the young larvae bore into midribs and petioles and cause leaf fall, and the larvae then mine the fallen leaves.