Summary: | The presentațion aims to describe the approach to smoking cessation from the perspective of cognitive behavioral therapy, applied in the field of private practice.
In the presentation, the basics of cognitive behavioral therapy are described, the main methods on which a therapeutic intervention is based, a brief description of them.
Cognitive behavioral therapy is part of the short-term therapy class, centered on current issues, in our case, quitting smoking. The method focuses on developing or modifying the patterns of thinking and behavior that lead to behaviors that are considered dysfunctional and undesirable.
The main argument in the use of cognitive therapy is the existence of concrete and solidly substantiated scientific evidence demonstrating a close link between a person's beliefs and decisions.
The cognitive-behavioral therapeutic intervention focuses on two major components: a package of cognitive techniques to identify people's beliefs about smoking and altering these beliefs, and a package of behavioral techniques that, through their implementation, can change the target behavior of the plan proposed in therapeutic intervention.
As a conclusion, the importance of the therapeutic relationship and the motivational aspects involved in smoking cessation can be revealed.