Summary: | In the article the role of entrepreneurial activity in development of modern society is analyzed. Attention is focused on the essence of the definition of entrepreneurship, its socio-integrated character, backbone motives, economic and non-economic functions. Particular attention is focused on the contribution of J. Schumpeter to the sociological theory of entrepreneurship. The effectiveness of private business initiative in overcoming the inertia of mass consciousness, destructive traditionalism, social anomie, poverty, manipulative influence, and ideological vacuum is emphasized. Research interest is focused on proving the validity of the values of entrepreneurship to localize a wide range of social pathologies. We are talking about the problems of corruption, negligence, nepotism, favoritism, telephone law, personal loyalty to the leader instead of professionalism, the absolutism of importance of a political career, the presence of an idle class, the absence of achievement motivation, which are mainly destructive atavism of the past. The presence of certain lexical constructions as a «litmus test» is indicated, which are able to detail the specifics and basic vectors of transformation of modern society. Successful examples of constructing relevant formats of a representative culture are highlighted, especially in developed countries using traditional media, with the goal of popularizing emancipation values in a public space. In particular, the values of professionalism, self-realization, market competition, systematicity, freedom, social trust and responsibility, tolerance. At the same time, against the background of industrial revolutions and industrialization processes, the most prominent figures are highlighted, as well as resonant entrepreneurial inventions that have significantly changed the socio-economic face of global society. The focus is on famous personalities in the processes of socially ethical business in Ukraine at the intersection of the ХІХ-ХХ centuries. It is concluded that an ideological project – a country of socially responsible business and efficient production labor, is of particular relevance at the present stage, when each person would have a real right to compete with others on equal terms in the results of their own work and feel the available possibility of self-realization in the context of the current paradigm of the civilized world – social entrepreneurship or in other words social marketing. In our opinion, the indicated type business man, for whom the problems of not only the economic, but also the non-economic progress of society are relevant, is acquiring important modernization significance at present stage.