Summary: | The desiccator method for products like mineral wool has a low accuracy, which is due to the small mass of the samples and the uneven content of the binder between the samples. The standard method does not involve testing materials at different temperatures. However, the value of sorption moisture depends not only on the nature and structure of the material, but also on the temperature conditions. At the moment, the regularities of changes in the sorption moisture content of materials depending on the air temperature have been studied only in separate scientific works and do not cover the entire spectrum of modern building materials. The paper presents the results of a study of the sorption moisture content of modern mineral wool products at various temperatures above 0 ºС. The results show an increase in sorption humidity with decreasing temperature from 22 ºС to 0 ºС. The greatest increase in humidity occurs at values of relative air humidity in the range of 90–97 %. It is shown that the standard desiccator method for studying sorption moisture requires scientific development and increased control of test conditions with decreasing temperature.