Summary: | ABSTRACT
This study is entitled Improving Thematic Learning Outcomes Through Type
STAD ( Student Teams Achievement Divisions ) in Class V Students of SDN Cempaka
Baru 0 3 Pagi, Central Jakarta. Research conducted in the SDN Cempaka Baru 03 Pagi.
This study uses a class action research type with the Kemmis and Mc Taggart models
applied in two cycles. In the Pre-Cycle the researchers only used the type of lecture, the
learning outcomes of students got an average grade for Indonesian Language content
56.16, and for Science content 61.81. In Cycle I, the researcher teaches students to use
the STAD type and powerpoint media . In this Cycle I, student learning outcomes have
increased with an average grade for Indonesian Language content 65.68, and for
Science content 67.16. In the Cycle II the students can improve their abilities, more
significantly by obtaining an average score of Indonesian Language content 80.23, and
for Science content 81.48. With the success of learners who passed beyond KKM to
charge Indonesian Language 80.65%, and 87.10% for the Science. By thus can be
concluded that the learning of cooperative types STAD on the theme of Environment Our
Best Friends can improve the outcomes of learning of students in class V SDN Cempaka
Baru 03 Pagi.
Keywords: Thematic Learning Outcomes , STAD Type .