Summary: | Alessandro Castagna1, Vania Fontani1, Salvatore Rinaldi1,2, Piero Mannu1 1Rinaldi Fontani Institute, 2Medical School of Occupational Medicine, University of Florence, Florence, Italy Purpose: To report preliminary results with the tissue optimization (TO) treatment with a radio electric asymmetric conveyer (REAC) in promoting the repair of surgical wounds. Patients and methods: Two subjects, a 54-year-old male with a tear bruise on the upper third of the leg and a 19-year-old female with a stab wound to the hand, were treated with 12 REAC-TO treatment sessions. Results: In both patients, the wounds showed shorter healing time compared with the time usually required for similar wounds, and good repair quality. Conclusion: REAC device with its specific treatment protocols may be an alternative therapy for wound healing. Keywords: healing time, quality of repair, tissue regeneration, tissue repair