Summary: | Summary: Computed tomography is a powerful medical imaging modality for longitudinal studies in cancer to follow neoplasia progression and evaluate anticancer therapies. Here, we report the generation of a photon-counting micro-computed tomography (PC-CT) method based on hybrid pixel detectors with enhanced sensitivity and precision of tumor imaging. We then applied PC-CT for longitudinal imaging in a clinically relevant liver cancer model, the Alb-R26Met mice, and found a remarkable heterogeneity in the dynamics for tumors at the initiation phases. Instead, the growth curve of evolving tumors exhibited a comparable exponential growth, with a constant doubling time. Furthermore, longitudinal PC-CT imaging in mice treated with a combination of MEK and BCL-XL inhibitors revealed a drastic tumor regression accompanied by a striking remodeling of macrophages in the tumor microenvironment. Thus, PC-CT is a powerful system to detect cancer initiation and progression, and to monitor its evolution during treatment. : Optics; Optical Imaging; Cancer Subject Areas: Optics, Optical Imaging, Cancer