Krigsførelsens Kredsløbs hvem, hvad, hvor

The Danish capability model, the Capability Cycle, points to a connection between the military organization, its technologies, and its doctrines. At the Royal Danish Defence College the model has been used since its emergence in the middle of the 1960s to analyze military capabilities. Thus, generat...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Søren Sjøgren, Søren Nørby
Format: Article
Published: Scandinavian Military Studies 2020-11-01
Series:Scandinavian Journal of Military Studies
Online Access:
Summary:The Danish capability model, the Capability Cycle, points to a connection between the military organization, its technologies, and its doctrines. At the Royal Danish Defence College the model has been used since its emergence in the middle of the 1960s to analyze military capabilities. Thus, generations of Danish officers have used the model and its implicit claims on cause and effect to understand military capability. In stark contrast to the model’s popularity within the Danish Defence, it has been completely ignored in academia. This article is an analysis of the origin and use of the three dominant versions of the Capability Cycle. The three versions each reflect the overall security situation at the time of their publication. Common to all three is, however, a lack of critical discussion on the model’s explanatory mechanisms. This creates problems when students try to use the model as an independent theory that, in and of itself, can explain cause and effect or deepen our understanding or interpretation of military capabilities. Upon inspection, the good news is that the Capability Cycle can be a useful tool in the classroom as well as in research and development. On the other hand, its use until now has run into two challenges: (1) the problem of striking the right balance between simplicity and complexity, and (2) a lack of acceptance of the fact that the model in and of itself does not explain anything. The purpose of this special issue is to offer solutions to overcome these challenges.   Resumé Krigsførelsens Kredsløb er en model, der peger på en sammenhæng mellem den militære organisation, dens teknologi og de doktriner (metoder), som den anvender. Modellen har været anvendt på Forsvarets uddannelser siden midten af 1960’erne og ligger som en latent selvforståelse i officerskorpset af sammenhænge og grænsedragninger i den militære praksis. Modellen findes i tre varianter, der hver afspejler den sikkerhedspolitiske situation, de er skrevet ind i. Fælles for de tre udlægninger er en manglende diskussion af deres påståede årsagssammenhænge. Det skaber især problemer, når studerende forstår kredsløbet som en teori, der kan forklare årsagssammenhænge. Modellens popularitet i Forsvaret står i kontrast til dens status uden for hegnet, hvor den er blevet fuldstændig ignoreret i den akademiske litteratur. Der er behov for et 50-års eftersyn: Hvad kan Krigsførelsens Kredsløb 'anno' 2020? Den gode nyhed er, at Krigsførelsens Kredsløb udgør et nyttigt instrument i både undervisnings-, forsknings- og policyanalysesammenhæng. Den mindre gode er, at dens anvendelse til dato har været præget af to svagheder: (1) at finde den rette balance mellem enkelthed og kompleksitet, og (2) en manglende forståelse for, at modellen ikke forklarer noget i sig selv, men skal suppleres med teori. Formålet med dette temanummer er at give bud på, hvordan disse udfordringer kan løses. Det vil demonstrere, hvordan modellen kan suppleres med teori, og hvordan den kan tilpasses for at kunne løse forskellige problemer. Det er vores håb, at disse artikler vil bidrage til at øge kvaliteten af de analyser, som modellen vil blive brugt til fremover.   Keywords: Krigsførelsens Kredsløb; metode; teori; doktrin; teknologi; organisation